T-Gel on my stomach to drastically boost Estradiol when deficient was recreational/euphoric for me


Jan 29, 2021
So Im on TRT for half a year. changed protocols and application methods a lot.
My last protocol of daily injections left me without insufficient aromatase -> low e2/estradiol.

It was very bad for my mental health. Now I changed protocols to get it up back again. Paranoia/psychosis from low e2 is already gone due to a booster shot, but im not yet where i want to be.

I still have a little bit of my T-Gel left and did an experiment. I applied the gel while on injections to quickly raise T/e2/dht in a matter of hours and to relief symptoms, since injections take up to 4-6 weeks to work, So my last trials of this, applied to the shoulders didnt do much more.

Now I applied it directly to hair free parts of my tummy to get extra aromatization to significantly boost my Estradiol.
4 Hours later I was hit with a warm flush of dopamine and especially serotonin. The warm flush of serotonin reminded me of MDMA.

Actually for me, who lost all of MDMAs effects (i think it was due to low estradiol which is crucial for serotonin synthesis/function) this experience was 100 times better than any recreational drug I tried in the past with low t/e2. MDMA, amps, opiates, nothing compared to this.

It was recreational. anxiolytic, serotonergic, dopaminergic, gave me confidence, optimism, everything.

Is this what normal humans feel like? I know its not sustainable, I bet my receptors were really upregulated due to insufficient neurotransmitters, and then throwing E2 in the mix flooded the already dense receptor sites.

I guess the mdma gave me exactly ZERO euphoria effects in the past was because my whole serotonergic system was like dead.

I listened to music while gaming and had the time of my life lol. 11/10 experience.


Have you tried applying your gel to the scrotum?
How do you know it was due to e2 and not DHT?

Why did you switch to injections although you were on gel before?
It didn't feel as good on its own?


Jan 29, 2021
Yes I tried scrotum application in the past but I dont want to do this anymore since i lost hair density on Gel.
Maybe dht played a small part too but as far as my research goes its mostly the estradiol for the very strong dopamine and serotonin effects coupled with its ability to inhibit MAO-A and MAO-B.

I was heavily deficient in estradiol on my injection protocol which crashed my e2. had all textbook symptoms. And then I raised it high in a matter of hours which hit me like a blast.

another reason I believe this was due to e2 is that just a few days ago I tried the normal shoulder application with the gel and it didnt change my state of being at all.
Shoulder application leads more towards DHT than E2, while the hair free (less 5ar-receptors) fatty areas on the stomach lead more towards e2 conversion.

I dont seem to aromatize that well.

In the past i was on that gel with 2 pumps which pushed me at even 2200ng/dl for peak and then declining and my DHT was sky high, yet i didnt feel great. not bad, but not great. I switched to injections cause the gel is a PITA to let dry for 40 minutes each day, leads towards more hair loss and you cant control e2/dht on it since its either 1 or 2 or 3 pumps, instead of pinpoint dialing in via liquid injections


Jan 29, 2021
just did some quick research on DHTs effect on serotonin and it seems like it would actually counteract its effects by working against the serotonergic estradiol.
but what I felt was definitely serotonin. I feel serotonin like a warm "wet"flush of chemicals lol, very characteristic


Yes I tried scrotum application in the past but I dont want to do this anymore since i lost hair density on Gel.
Maybe dht played a small part too but as far as my research goes its mostly the estradiol for the very strong dopamine and serotonin effects coupled with its ability to inhibit MAO-A and MAO-B.

I was heavily deficient in estradiol on my injection protocol which crashed my e2. had all textbook symptoms. And then I raised it high in a matter of hours which hit me like a blast.

another reason I believe this was due to e2 is that just a few days ago I tried the normal shoulder application with the gel and it didnt change my state of being at all.
Shoulder application leads more towards DHT than E2, while the hair free (less 5ar-receptors) fatty areas on the stomach lead more towards e2 conversion.

I dont seem to aromatize that well.

In the past i was on that gel with 2 pumps which pushed me at even 2200ng/dl for peak and then declining and my DHT was sky high, yet i didnt feel great. not bad, but not great. I switched to injections cause the gel is a PITA to let dry for 40 minutes each day, leads towards more hair loss and you cant control e2/dht on it since its either 1 or 2 or 3 pumps, instead of pinpoint dialing in via liquid injections

Thanks for the feedback man.

I will try applying my cream only on the belly to see if I feel different from scrotum.

When you hit 2200 with the gel, was it with belly application?

That is sky high and usually only achieved with scrotum application.


Jan 29, 2021
No I applied to shoulders.
First I started trt with testogel (which is the same as androgel in the USA. 50mg packets) then switched to testavan which absorbed very good. way better at same test dosage.

Worth noting is that this was measured 2hrs after application. After 4 hours the level would have dropped off to maybe (just guessed) 1500, then at 6 hours: 900, 8 hours 500 and so on.

If applied to belly make sure its the most fatty hairless area. But unless you are Estradiol deficient i dont know if you will really feel a difference. i guess it was like this for me cause i blasted from deficient to high in 2 hours


No I applied to shoulders.
First I started trt with testogel (which is the same as androgel in the USA. 50mg packets) then switched to testavan which absorbed very good. way better at same test dosage.

Worth noting is that this was measured 2hrs after application. After 4 hours the level would have dropped off to maybe (just guessed) 1500, then at 6 hours: 900, 8 hours 500 and so on.

If applied to belly make sure its the most fatty hairless area. But unless you are Estradiol deficient i dont know if you will really feel a difference. i guess it was like this for me cause i blasted from deficient to high in 2 hours

I am deficient in e2 when I don't take anything.

The decrease in serum concentration can't be that fast.
When I used Test in DMSO I tested at 2400 12h after application, and I doubt my peak was triple that.


Jan 29, 2021
there seems to be conflicting information on half life of topicals.
I used testogel before, and after 36 it was completely out of my body with no trace (testosterone)
All diagrams by studies for testavan gel which i used show that after 8 hours testosterone is back to baseline (e2 may be elevated longer since it has a longer half life i think? i dont know really), I read that some guy confirmed it to himself via bloodwork.

but yeah, applying to hair free stomach fat should definitely boost e2 more than DHT.
Actually when you apply to scrotum the massive increase in DHT will antagonize e2


there seems to be conflicting information on half life of topicals.
I used testogel before, and after 36 it was completely out of my body with no trace (testosterone)
All diagrams by studies for testavan gel which i used show that after 8 hours testosterone is back to baseline (e2 may be elevated longer since it has a longer half life i think? i dont know really), I read that some guy confirmed it to himself via bloodwork.

but yeah, applying to hair free stomach fat should definitely boost e2 more than DHT.
Actually when you apply to scrotum the massive increase in DHT will antagonize e2

That's my reasoning too for not feeling optimal on scrotal application, is the antagonizing effect of DHT.
Will let everyone know how it goes when I apply to the belly.


May 30, 2018
Have you been able to repeat this effect again with t gel on your stomach?
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