Shedding from covid injected to non-injected thread per request


Jan 25, 2014
Where did i ever represent that i would provide what you are saying is lacking?
Mainly, from this quote-

Aside from actual data, i can tell you first hand (I have shared on the forum my own experience with effects from shedding from the freshly injected) and based upon thousands of reports over the last years, the shedding is real. The consistency and volume of the reports is too strong to chalk off to any "coincidences". We have received over the years reports of healthy unvaccinated people surrounded by freshly injected people in work environments suddenly dropping dead from what appear to be heart attacks or strokes. A colleague of mine was working with victims on post mortem analysis. i will reach out to him to see if i am at liberty to publish any of these but cannot promise you.

It sounds like, in your mind, there is zero doubt about this phenomenon. You didn't say it was a possibility, but that it was "real," and that evidence you have seen can't be chalked off to "coincidences." I take that to mean that you think those reports are100% attributable to "shedding," and not some other cause in any particular person's life, including the other general experimentation that I mentioned, nor other potential causes of heart attack and stroke. Heart disease, it should be mentioned, was the number 1 killer for decades before covid or the vaccines even existed, so ascribing some cases you have heard about solely to a new and novel cause (as of 2021) should carry with it very strong proof, much stronger than just some circumstantial or "proof of concept" evidence.
i said i would provide supporting data and evidence - have you every heard of circumstantial evidence? still considered evidence and used in cases. And many qualified experts disagree with your interpretation that these do not provide evidence supporting the shedding concept. OF course i know what i post and i still represent that it is all relevant information for people to have from which they can decide what weight to give it. I am building my thread here and there is more to come; but i am giving everything i feel is relevant to the topic. I never said "shedding of the spike protein" in any of my posts. I said "shedding" and that shedding could be of other components.
Here is the problem with that...... Tenpenney and her ilk started pumping the "shedding" fear pron in March/April of 2021 based solely on uninvestigated anecdotal reports. The mechanism was said to be shedding of this mythical "Spike Protein." Since then, everyone, it seems, has been trying to "prove the rumor," in the same ways that people were trying to prove that the mythical "Novel Corona Virus" was deadly AFTER the WHO declaration it was a pandemic (the WHO being the prime rumor spreader in that case).

I have seen no evidence that any "Spike Protein" can be shed from the vaxxed. Even if the vaxxed do emit mRNA..... so what? Remember, the drug companies had to ship the vaccines at extremely low temps, like -80 degrees or so. Nowhere I have ever lived in my life has ever gotten that cold, even briefly, so it should degrade immediately in any enviornment (even assuming it could be produced in a warm blooded human). Plus, all the trials with mRNA showed it did absolutely nothing when injected, unless it was covered by some sort of lipid.

So, there would seem to be no significant long term risk from being around the vaxxed. And, not much risk having casual contact, even with the freshly vaxxed, especially for males. That pretty much leaves intimate contact shortly after vaccination, when the vaccine materials could make their way into bodily fluids. I think this could be a potential issue, but really, it's a potential issue for all drugs, and even radiation treatments. So, nothing unique to the demonvax, in that sense. It does seem like women could be at a greater risk than men. But if that's the only mechanism, it shouldn't last more than a couple weeks, and 2-3 days after really seems to be the most risky part.


Dec 11, 2020
Mainly, from this quote-

It sounds like, in your mind, there is zero doubt about this phenomenon. You didn't say it was a possibility, but that it was "real," and that evidence you have seen can't be chalked off to "coincidences." I take that to mean that you think those reports are100% attributable to "shedding," and not some other cause in any particular person's life, including the other general experimentation that I mentioned, nor other potential causes of heart attack and stroke. Heart disease, it should be mentioned, was the number 1 killer for decades before covid or the vaccines even existed, so ascribing some cases you have heard about solely to a new and novel cause (as of 2021) should carry with it very strong proof, much stronger than just some circumstantial or "proof of concept" evidence.

Here is the problem with that...... Tenpenney and her ilk started pumping the "shedding" fear pron in March/April of 2021 based solely on uninvestigated anecdotal reports. The mechanism was said to be shedding of this mythical "Spike Protein." Since then, everyone, it seems, has been trying to "prove the rumor," in the same ways that people were trying to prove that the mythical "Novel Corona Virus" was deadly AFTER the WHO declaration it was a pandemic (the WHO being the prime rumor spreader in that case).

I have seen no evidence that any "Spike Protein" can be shed from the vaxxed. Even if the vaxxed do emit mRNA..... so what? Remember, the drug companies had to ship the vaccines at extremely low temps, like -80 degrees or so. Nowhere I have ever lived in my life has ever gotten that cold, even briefly, so it should degrade immediately in any enviornment (even assuming it could be produced in a warm blooded human). Plus, all the trials with mRNA showed it did absolutely nothing when injected, unless it was covered by some sort of lipid.

So, there would seem to be no significant long term risk from being around the vaxxed. And, not much risk having casual contact, even with the freshly vaxxed, especially for males. That pretty much leaves intimate contact shortly after vaccination, when the vaccine materials could make their way into bodily fluids. I think this could be a potential issue, but really, it's a potential issue for all drugs, and even radiation treatments. So, nothing unique to the demonvax, in that sense. It does seem like women could be at a greater risk than men. But if that's the only mechanism, it shouldn't last more than a couple weeks, and 2-3 days after really seems to be the most risky part.
i dont think the quote you chose of mine contradicts what i am saying in that i do believe shedding is real. I did receive reports of people dying after exposure and am diving more into that; but i certainly did not and cannot say determinatively that shedding causes death. however, i do believe it is possible and there will be more inquiry and findings to share as time goes on. If that quote of mine suggests something different to those reading it, my meaning behind it is as i just stated and should clarify what i meant "in my mind" as you say. perhaps i was passionate and my words come across strongly; but reading the actual words i feel they express pretty clearly what i just said now which is my truth.

And regarding the item you mention about the mRna needing the lipid, Dr. Peat has said repeatedly and cited studies that no lipid was necessary, the mrna incorporates into the cells without it, in studies - i believe he said it in that podcast you posted as well. i have that in email as well and have heard him say it in many interviews.

Otherwise, you are drawing your determination based upon your intelligent and critical review of what you have seen thus far; and i respect that. I would just render a different verdict than you based upon my interpretation of the information thus far on the question of "is there shedding and has it adversely effected the non -injected?". My jury card would say "YES".


Jan 25, 2014
And regarding the item you mention about the mRna needing the lipid, Dr. Peat has said repeatedly and cited studies that no lipid was necessary, the mrna incorporates into the cells without it, in studies - i believe he said it in that podcast you posted as well. i have that in email as well and have heard him say it in many interviews.
Maybe in in vitro studies, sure. But not when injected into a living being. That's one of the prime reasons mRNA is a complete and total bust as a therapeutic technology. When injected into a human or animal without the lipid coating, it has no observable effects, neither positive nor negative. When it has the lipid coating, it does have an effect, but it's universally negative. Moderna couldn't get a single mRNA product to market without an obviously fake pandemic to lower 90% of the requirements to get something thrust onto the public, despite 90 attempts prior to 2020 to do so. And all that is with a concentrated dose of mRNA, not whatever random (much smaller and less concentrated) dose you may get by being near someone who took one of the shots.

Besides, if you are a human or animal living on this planet, your DNA has likely been altered every single day you have existed on this mortal coil. Kissing someone, having intimate contact, receiving a blood or organ donation, or even the simple act of eating can alter your DNA. And "CRISPR" technology comes from bacteria that have that power. So, unless you live in a plastic, sterile bubble (like David Vetter did) and don't eat ANYTHING, you really can't escape having your DNA altered. Which is a big reason why I'm not concerned with it too much. Of course, I'm still avoiding dangerous and ineffective, poorly tested drugs, but who knows what the mechanism of danger is with those.


Jun 18, 2016
i dont think the quote you chose of mine contradicts what i am saying in that i do believe shedding is real. I did receive reports of people dying after exposure and am diving more into that; but i certainly did not and cannot say determinatively that shedding causes death. however, i do believe it is possible and there will be more inquiry and findings to share as time goes on. If that quote of mine suggests something different to those reading it, my meaning behind it is as i just stated and should clarify what i meant "in my mind" as you say. perhaps i was passionate and my words come across strongly; but reading the actual words i feel they express pretty clearly what i just said now which is my truth.

And regarding the item you mention about the mRna needing the lipid, Dr. Peat has said repeatedly and cited studies that no lipid was necessary, the mrna incorporates into the cells without it, in studies - i believe he said it in that podcast you posted as well. i have that in email as well and have heard him say it in many interviews.

Otherwise, you are drawing your determination based upon your intelligent and critical review of what you have seen thus far; and i respect that. I would just render a different verdict than you based upon my interpretation of the information thus far on the question of "is there shedding and has it adversely effected the non -injected?". My jury card would say "YES".
Watch the video I posted (only like 10 minutes). I do think this is a sterilization agent meant to hit the testes and ovaries.
In the video, he also goes through how the vaccine was produced by the "Spay Vax," a company that developed the lipo nanoparticle to get it to go to the sexual organs of horses. It has to be stored at the same temperature as the "covid vaccines" and has to be given with one shot, followed by a 2nd shot in the same time table as the Covid shots. Boosters assure long term sterilization. Children will most likely be sterile for life (due to not being fully developed at the time of the vaccine). I think they also threw various metals in the shots (to interact with 5G), but sterilizing people was the goal.


Dec 11, 2020
Maybe in in vitro studies, sure. But not when injected into a living being. That's one of the prime reasons mRNA is a complete and total bust as a therapeutic technology. When injected into a human or animal without the lipid coating, it has no observable effects, neither positive nor negative. When it has the lipid coating, it does have an effect, but it's universally negative. Moderna couldn't get a single mRNA product to market without an obviously fake pandemic to lower 90% of the requirements to get something thrust onto the public, despite 90 attempts prior to 2020 to do so. And all that is with a concentrated dose of mRNA, not whatever random (much smaller and less concentrated) dose you may get by being near someone who took one of the shots.

Besides, if you are a human or animal living on this planet, your DNA has likely been altered every single day you have existed on this mortal coil. Kissing someone, having intimate contact, receiving a blood or organ donation, or even the simple act of eating can alter your DNA. And "CRISPR" technology comes from bacteria that have that power. So, unless you live in a plastic, sterile bubble (like David Vetter did) and don't eat ANYTHING, you really can't escape having your DNA altered. Which is a big reason why I'm not concerned with it too much. Of course, I'm still avoiding dangerous and ineffective, poorly tested drugs, but who knows what the mechanism of danger is with those.
i do not think Dr. Peat would have kept making the point about the mrna easily getting into the cells with no lipid necessary if he did not think it could potentially occur in real time ;so i think there is, at the very least, a question here regarding that point.

And yes, I have kissed (and admittedly done more ) with many frogs in my life and cringe to think i may now carry their dna-arghh- certainly unsettling but c'est la vie.

However, none of my indiscretions with frogs ever preceded me bleeding from my womb every 2 weeks for 5 months with some cycles so debilitating i could not stand up. So, you can only imagine (and perhaps not even be able to imagine) since you are a male; but this is incredibly traumatizing for a woman.

Hence, i believe there is something more going on here in the case at bar above and beyond the standard DNA alteration of everyday life and, as i have said in other threads, I will not date nor will i be intimate with anyone who has received any of these shots. And i am avoiding, to the greatest degree possible, skin to skin or close breath contact with people whose injection status i do not know.

That is my personal decision and every person is entitled to their own.


Jun 18, 2016
i do not think Dr. Peat would have kept making the point about the mrna easily getting into the cells with no lipid necessary if he did not think it could potentially occur in real time ;so i think there is, at the very least, a question here regarding that point.

And yes, I have kissed (and admittedly done more ) with many frogs in my life and cringe to think i may now carry their dna-arghh- certainly unsettling but c'est la vie.

However, none of my indiscretions with frogs ever preceded me bleeding from my womb every 2 weeks for 5 months with some cycles so debilitating i could not stand up. So, you can only imagine (and perhaps not even be able to imagine) since you are a male; but this is incredibly traumatizing for a woman.

Hence, i believe there is something more going on here in the case at bar above and beyond the standard DNA alteration of everyday life and, as i have said in other threads, I will not date nor will i be intimate with anyone who has received any of these shots. And i am avoiding, to the greatest degree possible, skin to skin or close breath contact with people whose injection status i do not know.

That is my personal decision and every person is entitled to their own.

As sad as this time is, I believe your choice is wise. Limiting contact and definitely no physical contact with the vaccinated/no dating/ no marriage.

I was excited to work in the snack bar at my children's little league this year, but I do not want to be in a small space with the heavily boosted.
Last year I had an hour convo with a man at little league and at the end of the convo he told me he was boosted.
I definitely felt really weird (not in my mind) and something was transferred. Loaded up on IVM.
I also feel weird shaking hands and hugging people who are heavily invested in the booster program.
We just have too many signs that this thing was designed to hurt everyone and something is transmitted (horse head may have a different metabolism than we do and some may be more sensitive to it-a doctor is doing some research re: undermethylators seeming to be more prone to being hurt by the spike protein [whatever it is]).

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Pertaining to whacked out menses, something to consider is that the spikey protein is a TLR4 agonist. TLR4 is expressed in the endometrium.

Toll-like receptors or Tlrs are involved in the innate immune system, meaning nonspecific defenses such as found in the endometrium. They are also involved in menstruation. Tlrs are very sensitive alarms. According to Dr. Peter Hoetez, a noted expert on vaccines, Tlr-7 is particularly sensitive to single-stranded RNA and COVID-19 is a single stranded RNA virus. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are single stranded RNA vaccines and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is double stranded DNA, so if there were any difference between the RNA and DNA vaccines it might support a Tlr-7 theory. Tlr-4 is also involved in menstruation. The RNA vaccines or the inflammatory response from the vaccines might directly trigger bleeding via activation of toll-like receptor signaling.

TLR signaling induced by either external or endogenous signaling molecules can shift the phenotype of macrophages in uterus from an immunosuppressive phenotype towards an inflammatory phenotype, similar to classical activation.



Jun 20, 2015
What can be done about this?

My gf is now experiencing the non-existence of her cycles which have been clockwork for years and years.

An ultrasound showed everything as "normal". Hormonal panel was for the most part in range except Progesterone practically being undetectable.

Last month she started taking Progest-E, which helped slightly, but this month doesn't seem to be doing much.

I have mentioned trying IVM, which we have on hand, but have not tried this yet.

What have other women done to correct these newfound issues?
Can you rule out stress, undereating, over-exercising as the cause of the amenorrhea?

Maybe this article can help to answer your questions.


Dec 11, 2020

As sad as this time is, I believe your choice is wise. Limiting contact and definitely no physical contact with the vaccinated/no dating/ no marriage.

I was excited to work in the snack bar at my children's little league this year, but I do not want to be in a small space with the heavily boosted.
Last year I had an hour convo with a man at little league and at the end of the convo he told me he was boosted.
I definitely felt really weird (not in my mind) and something was transferred. Loaded up on IVM.
I also feel weird shaking hands and hugging people who are heavily invested in the booster program.
We just have too many signs that this thing was designed to hurt everyone and something is transmitted (horse head may have a different metabolism than we do and some may be more sensitive to it-a doctor is doing some research re: undermethylators seeming to be more prone to being hurt by the spike protein [whatever it is]).
Thank you, sugarisgreat, for your offering to the thread, chilling as it is, unfortunately quite plausible under the circumstances.

and thank you for sharing and for your support of my decision. On a positive note, through this whole event, I continually meet members of my tribe everyday!


Oct 23, 2018
Can you rule out stress, undereating, over-exercising as the cause of the amenorrhea?

Maybe this article can help to answer your questions.
Yes, and no stress, nothing has really changed much. We both are very happy in our new home and careers are going great.

One major thing that may be related is that my gf used birth control for many years. However, for close to a year now, she no longer takes it.

Although strange occurances with cycles did begin to occur about the time of mass vaccinations, like many other women also claimed. However whether or not these things are all in relation or not is difficult to surmise.

Thank you for providing that article. We will continue to research.


Dec 11, 2020
Yes, and no stress, nothing has really changed much. We both are very happy in our new home and careers are going great.

One major thing that may be related is that my gf used birth control for many years. However, for close to a year now, she no longer takes it.

Although strange occurances with cycles did begin to occur about the time of mass vaccinations, like many other women also claimed. However whether or not these things are all in relation or not is difficult to surmise.

Thank you for providing that article. We will continue to research.
try adding the vitamin K and methylene blue too


Dec 11, 2020

Copy of email chain with Dr, Peat on this topic per below. its in reverse order so start at bottom and work your way to top if you want to read it in chronological order:


Ray Peat​

May 8, 2021, 5:56 PM
to me

The Pfizer representative consciously verbally obscures the difference between the vaccine in the bottle and the components of the vaccine in the breath and skin, but Swaminathan shamelessly talks about the risk of spilled vaccine being inhaled—both corrupt and stupid.

On May 8, 2021, at 4:19 PM, melissa

Just seeing this today.

Ironically, it seems to actually authenticate the document while defending it rather unconvincingly.
On Sat, May 1, 2021 at 12:00 PM Ray Peat wrote:
Yesterday when someone sent me a link to that, on The Global Health Network Website, I couldn’t find it elsewhere, and couldn’t find any discussion of it. If it’s a forgery, it’s well done, and shows awareness of the well documented presence of DNA, RNA, and exosomes in exhaled breath and sweat. If Pfizer wasn’t aware of the likelihood of spreading vaccine material by breath and touch, they should have been, so if they claim that it’s a forgery they will be asserting that they were culpably ignorant.

SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome
Liguo Zhang, Alexsia Richards, Andrew Khalil, Emile Wogram, Haiting Ma, Richard A Young, Rudolf Jaenisch
Prolonged SARS-CoV-2 RNA shedding and recurrence of PCR-positive tests have been widely reported in patients after recovery, yet these patients most commonly are non-infectious. Here we investigated the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 RNAs can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome and that transcription of the integrated sequences might account for PCR-positive tests. In support of this hypothesis, we found chimeric transcripts consisting of viral fused to cellular sequences in published data sets of SARS-CoV-2 infected cultured cells and primary cells of patients, consistent with the transcription of viral sequences integrated into the genome. To experimentally corroborate the possibility of viral retro-integration, we describe evidence that SARS-CoV-2 RNAs can be reverse transcribed in human cells by reverse transcriptase (RT) from LINE-1 elements or by HIV-1 RT, and that these DNA sequences can be integrated into the cell genome and subsequently be transcribed. Human endogenous LINE-1 expression was induced upon SARS-CoV-2 infection or by cytokine exposure in cultured cells, suggesting a molecular mechanism for SARS-CoV-2 retro-integration in patients. This novel feature of SARS-CoV-2 infection may explain why patients can continue to produce viral RNA after recovery and suggests a new aspect of RNA virus replication.

from Wikipedia:
In cellular life
Self-replicating stretches of eukaryotic genomes known as retrotransposons utilize reverse transcriptase to move from one position in the genome to another via an RNA intermediate. They are found abundantly in the genomes of plants and animals. Telomerase is another reverse transcriptase found in many eukaryotes, including humans, which carries its own RNA template; this RNA is used as a template for DNA replication.[15]
Initial reports of reverse transcriptase in prokaryotes came as far back as 1971 in France (Beljanski et al., 1971a, 1972) and a few years later in the USSR (Romashchenko 1977[16]). These have since been broadly described as part of bacterial Retrons, distinct sequences that code for reverse transcriptase, and are used in the synthesis of msDNA. In order to initiate synthesis of DNA, a primer is needed. In bacteria, the primer is synthesized during replication.[17]
Valerian Dolja of Oregon State argues that viruses, due to their diversity, have played an evolutionary role in the development of cellular life, with reverse transcriptase playing a central role.[18]

SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed to be part of chimeric viral-human genome

On Apr 30, 2021, at 10:25 PM, melissa wrote:
Hi Dr. Peat. I am in touch with many activist groups and lawyers who are the front line in attacking the horrors underway and I have begun collaboration. I am receiving copious information. I just received the below tonight and am trying to confirm its authenticity; but it is quite riveting and I wanted to share this with you if you have not been privy to this already. Do you know of this?

Stay Away From The Vaxxed, It Is Official, From Pfizer’s Own Documents | EU | Before It's News
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Dec 11, 2020
again read from bottom to top for chronology re prophylactic measures to be taken to minimize risk of exposure to covid injected people:



May 1, 2021, 8:17 PM
to Ray

Thank you so much Dr. Peat. My gut reaction to her recommendations as I listened was exactly as you recommend here which is much of what I have already been doing for most of my adult life thanks to all I have learned and integrated from your shared knowledge and guidance. I am so grateful for my knowledge and for you Dr. Peat. I will do everything in my power as an attorney and human being to advocate for humanity amidst this insanity.

On Sat, May 1, 2021 at 6:59 PM Ray Peat wrote:
It’s safer to get zinc and vitamin C from foods, and to use safer, more effective drugs—angiotensin blockers such as losartan, antihistamines, fisetin and other flavonoids (especially orange juice and grass fed milk), progesterone, and thyroid. In a study comparing hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin separately and combined, azithromycin by itself was more effective than with hydroxychloroquine. Those antiinflammatory things protect against hypothyroidism, but a supplement of Cytomel is probably helpful once there are symptoms. (“Non-thyroidal illness syndrome” involves a specific deficiency of T3.)

Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2021 Apr 4.
Role of non-thyroidal illness syndrome in predicting adverse outcomes in COVID-19 patients predominantly of mild-to-moderate severity
David Tak Wai Lui 1 , Chi Ho Lee 1 , Wing Sun Chow 1 , Alan Chun Hong Lee 1 , Anthony Raymond Tam 1 , Carol Ho Yi Fong 1 , Chun Yiu Law 2 , Eunice Ka Hong Leung 1 , Kelvin Kai Wang To 3 , Kathryn Choon Beng Tan 1 , Yu Cho Woo 1 , Ching Wan Lam 4 , Ivan Fan Ngai Hung 1 , Karen Siu Ling Lam 1
Objective: Existing studies reported the potential prognostic role of non-thyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS), characterized by low triiodothyronine (T3) with normal/low thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), mainly in severe COVID-19. None considered the significant impact of SARS-CoV-2 viral load on adverse outcomes. We aimed to clarify the prognostic role of NTIS among predominantly mild-to-moderate COVID-19 patients.
Design: A prospective study of COVID-19 patients.
Patients and measurements: Consecutive adults admitted to Queen Mary Hospital for confirmed COVID-19 from July to December 2020 were prospectively recruited. SARS-CoV-2 viral load was represented by cycle threshold (Ct) values from real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction of the respiratory specimen on admission. Serum TSH, free thyroxine and free T3 were measured on admission. The outcome was deterioration in clinical severity, defined as worsening in ≥1 category of clinical severity according to the Chinese National Health Commission guideline.
Results: We recruited 367 patients. At baseline, 75.2% had mild disease, and 27 patients (7.4%) had NTIS. Fifty-three patients (14.4%) had clinical deterioration. Patients with NTIS were older, had more comorbidities, worse symptomatology, higher SARS-CoV-2 viral loads and worse profiles of inflammatory and tissue injury markers. They were more likely to have clinical deterioration (p < .001). In multivariable stepwise logistic regression analysis, NTIS independently predicted clinical deterioration (adjusted odds ratio 3.19, p = .017), in addition to Ct value <25 (p < .001), elevated C-reactive protein (p = .004), age >50 years (p = .011) and elevated creatine kinase (p = .017).
Conclusions: Non-thyroidal illness syndrome was not uncommon even in mild-to-moderate COVID-19 patients. NTIS on admission could predict clinical deterioration in COVID-19, independent of SARS-CoV-2 viral load, age and markers of inflammation and tissue injury.

On May 1, 2021, at 5:24 PM, melissa wrote:
Thank you Dr. Peat. I am meeting with the lead of an activist group and another lawyer here tomorrow to discuss legal strategies with respect to vaccine issues. I was just listening to a recent interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny from just a couple of days ago addressing the problem of transmission from vaccinated to unvaccinated and she is encouraging people to fortify their health to the greatest degree possible with vitamin D, zinc and vitamin C as well as a prophylactic regimen of small intermittent doses of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Do you have any opinion regarding prophylactic use of one or more of these drugs?
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Dec 11, 2020

Ray Peat <[email protected]>​

Sun, Apr 18, 2021, 8:57 PM

to me

These “vaccines” are intended to cause the body to produce the spike protein of the virus. The virus causes its inflammatory symptoms because the spike protein binds to our ACE2 enzyme, which is the enzyme that destroys angiotensin, causing angiotensin to increase and persist in the body. Angiotensin causes the ovaries, and probably other tissues, to produce more estrogen, and also more proinflammatory prostaglandins, which affect menstruation, and promote estrogen synthesis.

On Apr 18, 2021, at 4:02 PM, melissa jacobs wrote:
Dr. Peat. have you heard about this? Incredibly alarming. I copied below the first few paragraphs from a post on facebook and the link to the person's page is below--its her third post on her page with over 32 accounts of women's texts and postings of their experiences.

A conversation is taking place in big ways on multiple platforms and I think it’s an important one. Critically important.

In my stories over the past 48 hours I have shared testimonies of women who have had various reactions and symptoms, in varying experiences, BOTH post V AND those who have NOT been V’d but have been around those who have.
These women (and many men sharing experiences of wives, girlfriends or women they know), include bleeding, hemorrhaging, passing clots, delayed cycle, prolonged cycle, bleeding POST menopause, miscarriages, decidual casts, severe period cramping and abnormal pain, etc. The list is VAST and the influx of testimonies have been eye opening...
Especially considering the majority of testimony is from women who have chosen not to be V’d, but have been around those who have....which speaks to shedding.



Dec 11, 2020

Ray Peat​

Apr 19, 2021, 9:15 PM
to me

No one knows what the present effects are, and much less how long they might last—Michael Yeadon is concerned that they might increase with time. The J&J product contains DNA for the spike protein, probably worse than the RNA.

On Apr 19, 2021, at 10:47 AM, melissa wrote:
Thanks Dr. Peat. Heartbreaking and revolting. At least progest-e is available and could help counteract these toxic effects.

I am going to research the magnitude of these reports and look into legal aspects.

I am wondering if these effects would be specific to the mRNA injection and not to the Johnson and Johnson injection for instance which is on pause for other problems?

And,in your opinion, would the risk of any effects (transmission or hormonal disruption) for uninjected people being around injected people dissipate with time from injection, such as after six weeks as I have seen referenced in package inserts for other vaccines with respect to keeping away from pregnant women for that amount of time once injected?
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Dec 11, 2020


Dec 11, 2020
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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