Molecular Iodine: Could This Be A Game Changer For Dentistry?


Aug 10, 2018
If you don't want to make your own KI solution, you can buy some here (very pricey for its production cost...):
Art Pharma® KI SOLUTION® Potassium Iodide Solutions -

I have one and the dropper is still in a good state (not like the one provided with standard lugol's solution which cracked) at least one year and half after I bought it.

But maybe not the right time to buy supplements at this price if you don't know if you'll receive it...

That would do in a pinch, but it is far cheaper to buy KI crystals and distilled water and make SSKI at home.


May 30, 2018
Isn't the question also how to maximize iodine uptake by cells?

Evidence that the administration of Vitamin C improves a defective cellular transport mechanism for iodine: A Case Report, Guy E. Abraham, M.D. and David Brownstein, M.D.

and SREBP-1c activation?

Sterol regulatory element-binding proteins are regulators of the sodium/iodide symporter in mammary epithelial cells - ScienceDirect
Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Proteins Are Regulators of the NIS Gene in Thyroid Cells
Lugol Increases Lipolysis through Upregulation of PPAR-Gamma and Downregulation of C/EBP-Alpha in Mature 3T3-L1 Adipocytes
"It has been previously reported that iodine uptake requires NIS and PEN transporters [28]. In this regard, previous studies have reported that adipose tissue expresses the iodine transporter NIS [23], which is in agreement with our results where we show that only mature adipocytes express the two mRNA of NIS and PEN transporters. This study shows that expression of NIS and PEN is regulated by transcription factors involved in adipocyte differentiation, such as the SREBP transcription factor [29, 30]. Transcriptional upregulation of the NIS gene by SREBP could be mediated by a functional binding site located in the NIS 5′-flanking region, which is not necessary for TSH-dependent NIS gene regulation. This indicates that regulation of the NIS gene by SREBP is important in extra thyroidal tissues that accumulate iodine and are not regulated by TSH [6]."​


Aug 10, 2018
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of supplementing ascorbic acid, for reasons I won't get into here. Eating an orange or two per day should provide enough vit c. I'm also not a fan of supplementing selenium, unless your diet is deficient, although there is probably no harm in taking 200mcg of selenomethionine a day.


Aug 10, 2018
I would also ensure you are getting enough dietary copper (ie., by eating weekly liver) when supplementing iodine.
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Oct 11, 2016
Not the same as nascent? Been using that in my home made mouth wash for a while.


Aug 10, 2018
Not the same as nascent? Been using that in my home made mouth wash for a while.

In my opinion, nascent iodine is a hoax.

The diatomic form of elemental iodine I2, has no electrical charge. Monoatomic iodine also has no electrical charge, but is unstable and highly reactive (free radical, labeled as an I with a dot, I* ). It can be produced by exposing I2 to ultraviolet light. Electric and magnetic fields won't do it, as is sometimes incorrectly suggested.

I should mention a few points about Edgar Cayce's atomidine. This famous visionary wrote several articles about the best form of iodine supplement (18). Some claim that this was iodine trichloride, but that cannot be true as this compound is toxic by ingestion and damaging to mucous membranes. It decomposes to ICl and poisonous gas Cl2 at 77 degrees C and also in water at room temperature (19). Most likely Cayce's atomidine was simply a 1% iodine solution (I2) in 95% ethanol. I am surprised that there are educated people, even medical doctors who claim that "elemental monoatomic iodine" preparations (Atomidine, Nascent Iodine etc.) are the best forms of iodine supplements. May be it has something to do with efficient marketing? Elemental Iodine (I2) is soluble in glycerin. Replacement of ethanol with glycerol indeed makes these supplements more consumption-friendly, so they are sold by some vendors as superior products to Cayce's ethanol-formulated one. Personally, I think glycerol-based I2 supplements are inferior to iodides; however, they are excellent antiseptics.


Jan 6, 2019
From theory or from your experience?
A little bit of both. In my own case I've noted that the coating is correlated with constipation. One movement a day results in some coating, whereas two movements results in very minimal coating. So it doesn't necessarily mean that your gut is broken, only that for one reason or another your intestines are sluggish, which would allow your feces to be absorbed into blood and thus lower efficiency of the immune system. This would not lead to other symptoms such as bloating, pain and diarrhea, which can understandably lead you to conclude that your gut is working optimally.

Maybe the white substance in the tongue is the remnant of antibacterial action of saliva then? Not such a bad thing then if that's the case.
The white substance is bacteria, mold, fungi, that kind of thing. Scrape some of it onto a spoon and smell it, you'll see how "antibacterial" it is :D


Mar 29, 2016
@Jam @LLight

I can buy the KI from Prescribe for Life: 4 oz of it would last me 6 month when made into SSKI and the SSKI used at 3 drops x 2 daily.

Potassium Iodide - Pure USP Powder - Averages 24% K / 76% I

I was planning already to stop my intake of chlorine dioxide but have to hang on to a lower dosage until the KI arrives, just to keep any bacteria in check. The chlorine dioxide intake has helped me though, but not in lowering my bp but in increasing my heart rate. I used to be stuck at 54 bpm waking up, now waking up at 64 bpm. I'm guessing the lower bacterial load is allowing for a higher metabolism.

So, to kill bacteria - replace chlorine dioxide with SSKI, and continue with iodine mouthwash.
To help build back the bone structure, will take mk7.
To lyse plaque (blood vessel, not dental) and to disrupt biofilms - proteolytic enzymes (though @Sergey's Biocidin LSF recommendation is interesting)

I've also started taking Astragalus to deal with immune complex deposited in my kidneys (glomerulus and nephrons), the immune complex coming from immune reaction to the periodontal bacteria.

Hope this protocol will work. I can start this in about 3 weeks, when the SSKI and mk7 I've ordered arrives.


Mar 29, 2016
A little bit of both. In my own case I've noted that the coating is correlated with constipation. One movement a day results in some coating, whereas two movements results in very minimal coating. So it doesn't necessarily mean that your gut is broken, only that for one reason or another your intestines are sluggish, which would allow your feces to be absorbed into blood and thus lower efficiency of the immune system. This would not lead to other symptoms such as bloating, pain and diarrhea, which can understandably lead you to conclude that your gut is working optimally.
Feces don't get absorbed into blood. In a healthy gut, bacteria and LPS can still manage to translocate to blood, but not feces as it contains much larger particles that don't pass the gut barrier. Unless it is an extreme case of very unhealthy gut linings. The feces usually stay put when they're not discharged thru the anus when one defecates. They're solid when there isn't a lot of planktonic bacteria or toxins in the colon, but become liquid because the liquid is not allowed to be absorbed by the gut lining because it the gut takes in only clean liquid from the gut. That's when one has diarrhea.

While I can't guarantee I have perfect gut health, I've certainly seen great improvements in my gut from where I began 3 years back. Back then, I still had regular bowel movements, and haven't ever suffered from stomach (and gut) ache. Since then, I've taken a year of magnesium therapeutic supplementation to improve peristalsis, had 12 weeks of antibiotics together with biofilm busters to ensure anaerobic bacteria protected by biofilms are not left out from the treatment, and minimized intake of soluble fibers. My feces don't smell anymore, I regularly have ghost wipes, I still don't fart nor have any gut issues. These, I believe, are signs that I have a manageable and balanced gut microbiome, of which minimal LPS is produced. I take enough insoluble fibers with intakes of cooked green leaves, and these absorb LPS and LPS get excreted thru defecation. This is why I consider my gut health to be near perfect, though certainly I cannot convince you of that.

My focus now is not on improving my gut health, but on improving my oral health. If and when my oral health does improve to a level near perfection, I will know then if my white tongue is caused by poor oral health. Until then, I won't know for sure.

p.s. Oral health is hard to gauge. Periodontal issues affect 50-75% of the population, if I recall correctly what I've read about it. Many times, people don't realize they have periodontal issues until it shows up as loose teeth, preceded by bleeding gums that's often overlooked. Other than periodontal issues, there's also poor oral health above the gum line. So it could very well be the case that overly focusing on gut health at the expense of oral health could very well make solving white tongue elusive.

It's also possible that fixing white tongue requires both good gut health as well as good oral health.
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Mar 29, 2016
The white substance is bacteria, mold, fungi, that kind of thing. Scrape some of it onto a spoon and smell it, you'll see how "antibacterial" it is :D

It's hard to scrape. I don't know if you're speculating or not about this, but I'm also speculating that white tongue could be dead matter, carcass of dead pathogens killed by the immune system.


Jan 6, 2019
It's hard to scrape. I don't know if you're speculating or not about this, but I'm also speculating that white tongue could be dead matter, carcass of dead pathogens killed by the immune system.
Most of my posts are at least partly speculation, ha. I wouldn't deem your hypothesis to be out of question either.

and haven't ever suffered from stomach (and gut) ache. Since then, I've taken a year of magnesium therapeutic supplementation to improve peristalsis, had 12 weeks of antibiotics together with biofilm busters to ensure anaerobic bacteria protected by biofilms are not left out from the treatment, and minimized intake of soluble fibers. My feces don't smell anymore, I regularly have ghost wipes, I still don't fart nor have any gut issues. These, I believe, are signs that I have a manageable and balanced gut microbiome, of which minimal LPS is produced. I take enough insoluble fibers with intakes of cooked green leaves, and these absorb LPS and LPS get excreted thru defecation. This is why I consider my gut health to be near perfect, though certainly I cannot convince you of that.
I agree, those are quite good signs.


Sep 8, 2019
p.s. I have very good gut health - in fact, I believe it is perfect. Yet, I have white tongue. I've been perplexed about this.

I'd like to have the pink tongue my cats have. They have good teeth. As does my sister, who also brags about her pink tongue. Grrr

I don't have plaque anymore, or at least it is at its bare minimum. I know, I used to be a plaque factory.

Yet, I have white tongue. So I don't think it is as much as plaque-related as much as periodontal bacteria-related.

So, I'll have to see if my white tongue goes away after using the molecular iodine of ioRinse.
Are u eating any starch at all, primarily potatoes?

In my case stopping starch has been quite rewarding.


Mar 29, 2016
Are u eating any starch at all, primarily potatoes?

In my case stopping starch has been quite rewarding.
I eat white rice. And use white sugar. Some breakfasts with sweet potato, with butter and sugar. Wheat products seldom.

I now only eat cooked green leaves as my vegetable-for calcium and magnesium, and the cellulose fiber is insoluble. Helps absorb LPS. Fruits based on seasonal availability- tropical and local. Papaya and bananas available year-round. Would juice the fruits when plenty available to keep soluble fiber intake from getting out of hand.

I should try eating grated coconut flesh. The coconut oil gets released from the flesh at the colon, where it will act as an antibiotic to keep bacteria in check. Ray Peat says to caution against allergy to its protein, but I think this would be a non-issue if one's used to eating it, especially when coconut is very common where one grows up in.


Mar 29, 2016
@Jam Just come across this article about chlorine dioxide having a slight risk of lowering thyroid because it removes iodine from the mucous membranes. It's a reminder that I can't be on it for too long or with high dosages. But it is helpful to know that after the chlorine dioxide, I will be using iodine. Not only will iodine help with the bacterial issues, but also replace the iodine I have lost through use of chlorine dioxide.

Bercz et al. (1986) summarized the conclusions from some of their studies of endocrine effects in Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats and African Green monkeys, especially of chlorine dioxide on thyroid function. In both species ingestion of chlorine dioxide affects the mucosal surfaces of the alimentary tract and the chemical composition of nutrients and hormones within it, apparently by oxidation and covalent binding of bioavailable iodide, which is ubiquitous in the digestive tract. Absorption of the iodinated molecules may be the mechanism for inhibition of activity by the thyroid and for an accelerated decrease in the concentration of thyroxin in the blood.


Mar 29, 2016
Since Dec 9, I've been using iodine mouthwash that @Jam recommended. Using it for 2 weeks, the gingival abscess is still around but getting smaller. However, the white tongue has become a lot pinker. My sister, who likes to check on this, told me my tongue has improved in coloration.

So very good!


Oct 11, 2016
Since Dec 9, I've been using iodine mouthwash that @Jam recommended. Using it for 2 weeks, the gingival abscess is still around but getting smaller. However, the white tongue has become a lot pinker. My sister, who likes to check on this, told me my tongue has improved in coloration.

So very good!

Which one? Home made mouth wash using Lugol's? Maybe we can write out the recipes at the end here for quick reference :)


Mar 29, 2016
Which one? Home made mouth wash using Lugol's? Maybe we can write out the recipes at the end here for quick reference :)
I'm using 10 drops of Lugol's 2% diluted into 100ml of distilled water to get an equivalent of a 100 ppm molecular iodine solution, which I gargle with about 4x a day.


Oct 11, 2016
I'm using 10 drops of Lugol's 2% diluted into 100ml of distilled water to get an equivalent of a 100 ppm molecular iodine solution, which I gargle with about 4x a day.

Home made potassium iodide or chloride dioxide as well? Or using a specific product for that?


Mar 29, 2016
Home made potassium iodide or chloride dioxide as well? Or using a specific product for that?
Not with the potassium iodide.

But I used a 100 ppm chlorine dioxide solution as a mouthwash, Since chlorine dioxide misuse can be unsafe, it's best to buy Kalcker's book Forbidden Health. It used to be sold on Amazon, but has been banned from it. So buying it direct online is the best way to go about it.
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