Milk And Sugar Helps My Anxiety But Also Causes Digestive Problems


Jun 23, 2016
Hello to you all.I really need some help please.What I have discovered is that if I drink about 1.5 pints of semi-skimmed milk with lots of white table sugar then my anxiety starts to go down(although I do also need 2 -3 g of evening primrose oil)I don't tend to worry that much and feel happier in myself .I do take trazadone at night for insomnia.Initally lots of acne on body but has started to get better.With the milk I found my nose bunged up and belly slightly distended.Also take 25o mg niacinamide (warms my hands nicely ) and about 100mg pregnenolene a week.I have eliminated the milk and just for the time being on the perfect health diet (lots of potatoes (and oily fish 2 times a week(I KNOW =MAJOR SIN!) also vegetabes.Have found that my bowel movements are better and skin clearing up(less dry) but my anxiety and worry really bad(almost to point of suicidal thoughts)Paul jaminet says sugar ages the skin etc so worriend to take(also says milk bad =Igf)I DONT WANT TO GET DIABETES OR AGE QUICKLY but will this new diet make things more damaging to my body.could some one please advise any supplements or shoud I just go back to RAY DIET and live with negative effects (BUT LOW STRESS)I like the cosmetic effect my skin has (with no milk and sugar) but the new diet has given me a very stressful face.Any and all help really appreciated.Thanks to all for a great forum.andy


Jan 6, 2015
sugar doesnt cause diabetes.of curse it better to get sugar from fresh fruit juice than table sugar.

have you ever tried lactase milk(aka lactose free)?
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Apr 9, 2015
Hello to you all.I really need some help please.What I have discovered is that if I drink about 1.5 pints of semi-skimmed milk with lots of white table sugar then my anxiety starts to go down(although I do also need 2 -3 g of evening primrose oil)I don't tend to worry that much and feel happier in myself .I do take trazadone at night for insomnia.Initally lots of acne on body but has started to get better.With the milk I found my nose bunged up and belly slightly distended.Also take 25o mg niacinamide (warms my hands nicely ) and about 100mg pregnenolene a week.I have eliminated the milk and just for the time being on the perfect health diet (lots of potatoes (and oily fish 2 times a week(I KNOW =MAJOR SIN!) also vegetabes.Have found that my bowel movements are better and skin clearing up(less dry) but my anxiety and worry really bad(almost to point of suicidal thoughts)Paul jaminet says sugar ages the skin etc so worriend to take(also says milk bad =Igf)I DONT WANT TO GET DIABETES OR AGE QUICKLY but will this new diet make things more damaging to my body.could some one please advise any supplements or shoud I just go back to RAY DIET and live with negative effects (BUT LOW STRESS)I like the cosmetic effect my skin has (with no milk and sugar) but the new diet has given me a very stressful face.Any and all help really appreciated.Thanks to all for a great forum.andy
So you say that the milk and sugar made your skin more dry?


Jun 23, 2016
Yes semi skimmed milk makes my skin dry.This may be why things like Evening primrose oil help moisture the skin.Also the milk seems to make me sneeze sometimes and bung my nose up as well as making my eye bags more pronounced.l have not taken any milk(apart from small amount in tea/coffee ) and my skin on face now seems to be getting more moist.I have stopped the eveining primrose oil also and so far skin not drying out.also for the first time my stomach has become flatter and I am looking more lean.I think maybe the milk has blocked my intestines that led to bloating.shoud I now take a calcium supplement to deal with low calcium intake.Unfortunately my sleep is now getting worse(woke up at 3 am )MY carbs are basically potatoes and starchy veg and chocolate .lots of apple juice and some white sugar.But my anxiety is still there(I think may be genetic)From a very early age I found sleep very difficult but trazadone does help to knock me out.I did have neck cancer(I believe from worry and anxiety and not much sleep) but so far in the clear ( had neck surgery and radiotherapy)Lactose free milk I will try.I did see a doctor who put me on fodmap diet but hard to keep up.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Hello Andy
A lot of people have this nose problem with milk and also yogurt.
I also do.
I am lucky that I moved to a place where I can have fresh goat cheese, which means this is like drinking the milk, but with what the baby goat has in the stomach and that I do not have! Natural rennet.
Find any goat or sheep cheese.
Usually the symptom you have comes from cow milk. I do not think it is about lactose.
Peat is not only OJ and milk.
You have to take car of your endotoxins.

If you use starch or any other carb, great, but how many times a day do you eat?
the problema is just if you have too much at a time, which will result in blood sugar making yoyo up and down.

Try to eat less but the total amount in more meals, every 3 hours.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
But my anxiety is still there (I think may be genetic)
If it can reassure you, it is not.
Anxiety at the level of the nervous system is when you have some old fear stuck inside, and your body reliese some vapor like a pressure cooker with a too strong fire!
Anxiety is fear for "nothing", nothing around and outside you. so it seems stupid but it is not, it is about the past showing up. our body keeps a lot of things shut up inside, so that we can live our daily lifes. But somethimes it is too much.... Thus techniques like meditation and body consciousness. It helps.


Jun 23, 2016
Anxiety is horrible .Makes me feel tense all the time to the point of feeling may breakdown any time.I have been eating a breakfast based around 2 egg yolks ,I banana,1 tsp normal coffee .3 tbsp. sugar, I scoop of whey protein power and 1 glass of apple juice.lunch is potatoes with I tsp coconut oil and chicken or fish.Afternoon snack(4pm) is I scoop of whey protein, cup of tea and chocolate bar and banana.Dinner is same as lunch with steamed veg.9pm is rooisbos tea and some biscuits.I will try to stop eating oily fish(2 times a week ) but I feel skin is going to dry out without these oils .I will try to get some goat cheese .Also calcium supplement to see if it helps.Funny thing is now that I have cut milk out of diet my bowel movements have got a lot better(which has helped bloating a lot)but I have this continuous craving for the effect milk with sugar had on my mind.It definitely made me feelhappier and when I drunk at 9pm sleep was really great.Thanks for all the help guys .MUCH APPRECIATED!


Aug 9, 2013
you could try heating the milk first (anecdotally i hear this is good, only tried a few times), adding some of the ayurvedic approach with herbs/spices, or try UHT milk.


Jan 6, 2017
Switch to whole milk(less processing) and replace the evening primrose oil with refined coconut oil. 2 Tbsp for 1.5 pints is plenty.

Also build or buy a 1000 hz Clark zapper and attach it to a north pole faced magnetic speaker. This is called a zappicator. This will kill any remaining bacteria that survived the heating process and perhaps lower or eliminate bloating.


Jan 6, 2017
Replace the oily fish with cod, pollock, or haddock. They taste better too! I eat all these fish raw and the latter two taste like the imitation lobster or crab meat.


May 3, 2015
Hi @andy,

I found that milk, Greek yoghurt, ricotta cheese and feta cheese caused digestive problems.

Aged cheddar & parmasan cheeses were ok.

I sometimes have these with some mango chutney or dried figs & dates.
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