Mercury Chelation To Reverse/prevent Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy?


Mar 15, 2017
Hi all,
I wanted to get some feedback and opinions here, as I am seriously considering starting rounds of oral DMSA and ALA to remove mercury as I have a strong family history of IDCM and heart failure.

A little background on me...I have a family history of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM).
My grandmother died suddenly at 41,
my mom and aunt had an internal defibrillator implanted in their late 20's,
both were diagnosed with IDCM in their early 30's,
both developed heart failure in their 40's, and both had a heart transplant before they were 52.
I'm 27, and I had an internal defibrillator implanted when I was 21, due to an episode of Ventricular Tachycardia. My mom has amalgam fillings and had them well before her pregnancy with me.
I have no amalgam fillings.
I spoke to the biochemist that wrote the paper in the link below, he suggested I look into Andrew Cutler's Mercury Amalgam Illness and Treatment. He suggested supplementing with thyroid and getting a mercury toxicity test after doing a couple rounds of chelation therapy with oral DMSA and later, Alpha-Lipoic Acid depending on symptoms and how I tolerate the DMSA.
What are your thoughts? Thanks for reading

CERI: Mercury, Antimony and Dilated Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy sidebar from Smart Life News
"Of thirteen living ICDM patients, the average mercury level in their heart muscle biopsies was 178,400 ng/g! That’s many hundreds of times higher than 500 ng/g, and many thousands of times higher than the levels found in non-IDCM hearts. The lowest mercury level was 9,300 ng/g, which is still far in excess of any normal expectation. The highest was 865,000 ng/g, which is actually approaching 1 mg/g (i.e., one tenth of one percent)! It seems a miracle that these people were actually alive with so much mercury in their hearts."

Also, another cardiologist mentions young people dying suddenly due to high concentrations of mercury in their hearts.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I have had years of dental amalgam, and had them removed. Did many home detox methods, modified citrus pectin, zeolite, bentonite, diatomaceous earth, Chris Shade's IMD, cilantro, chlorella, etc. Never got tested to see levels because I have read that many of those tests do not reflect the mercury that still would remain in deep tissue and does not show in said tests. When I search DMSA, there are a lot of horror stories to go along with the success stories, even Chris Shade had one as well, most likely why he came up with his IMD formula. I am currently paranoid to try DMSA from what I read, but doesn't mean it hasn't worked for people, just sounds strong and unpredictable to me.


Mar 15, 2017
I have had years of dental amalgam, and had them removed. Did many home detox methods, modified citrus pectin, zeolite, bentonite, diatomaceous earth, Chris Shade's IMD, cilantro, chlorella, etc. Never got tested to see levels because I have read that many of those tests do not reflect the mercury that still would remain in deep tissue and does not show in said tests. When I search DMSA, there are a lot of horror stories to go along with the success stories, even Chris Shade had one as well, most likely why he came up with his IMD formula. I am currently paranoid to try DMSA from what I read, but doesn't mean it hasn't worked for people, just sounds strong and unpredictable to me.
Yeah, that's why I never started it because I read so many horror stories and it seems like if you don't know what you're doing you could be in worse condition than you started via dislodging mercury and redistributing itself else where in the body. :( I'll check out Chris Shade though, thanks!


Jan 23, 2016
This unnerves me greatly. Do you think you were poisoned from mercury due to your mother having amalgam fillings before you were born? How many does she have? What precipitated your ventricular tachycardia?


Mar 15, 2017
This unnerves me greatly. Do you think you were poisoned from mercury due to your mother having amalgam fillings before you were born? How many does she have? What precipitated your ventricular tachycardia?
I suspect exposure to mercury in various ways (amalgam, food, etc) has lead to their issues and possibly their bodys' inability to dispose of it properly. My mom has 2 amalgam fillings. The doctors don't know what caused my V Tach, but freaked about my family history so jumped at getting an ICD in me too. I believe it may have had to do with my lifestyle at the time, As i was in college and prescribed adderall and drinking alcohol later in the day...


Feb 4, 2016
Hi all,
I wanted to get some feedback and opinions here, as I am seriously considering starting rounds of oral DMSA and ALA to remove mercury as I have a strong family history of IDCM and heart failure.

A little background on me...I have a family history of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM).
My grandmother died suddenly at 41,
my mom and aunt had an internal defibrillator implanted in their late 20's,
both were diagnosed with IDCM in their early 30's,
both developed heart failure in their 40's, and both had a heart transplant before they were 52.
I'm 27, and I had an internal defibrillator implanted when I was 21, due to an episode of Ventricular Tachycardia. My mom has amalgam fillings and had them well before her pregnancy with me.
I have no amalgam fillings.
I spoke to the biochemist that wrote the paper in the link below, he suggested I look into Andrew Cutler's Mercury Amalgam Illness and Treatment. He suggested supplementing with thyroid and getting a mercury toxicity test after doing a couple rounds of chelation therapy with oral DMSA and later, Alpha-Lipoic Acid depending on symptoms and how I tolerate the DMSA.
What are your thoughts? Thanks for reading

CERI: Mercury, Antimony and Dilated Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy sidebar from Smart Life News
"Of thirteen living ICDM patients, the average mercury level in their heart muscle biopsies was 178,400 ng/g! That’s many hundreds of times higher than 500 ng/g, and many thousands of times higher than the levels found in non-IDCM hearts. The lowest mercury level was 9,300 ng/g, which is still far in excess of any normal expectation. The highest was 865,000 ng/g, which is actually approaching 1 mg/g (i.e., one tenth of one percent)! It seems a miracle that these people were actually alive with so much mercury in their hearts."

Also, another cardiologist mentions young people dying suddenly due to high concentrations of mercury in their hearts.

Selenium opposes mercury in the body. I've also heard people using cilantro herb as a safer chelation.


Oct 11, 2016
Chelation is such a vague topic... So many strong opinions floating around with spotty evidence and lots of anecdotes. Did you ever get clarity on this? For those who have had lots of mysterious health problems - like "autoimmune" - doesn't it make sense to find an alternative test to see if one needs chelation? If the tissue test is not accurate - if the metals are deep in old tissues - then maybe a better protocol would be like:
1) ingestion the chelating agent
2) immediately getting a blood/stool test

Then one could measure a change in available heavy metals in the blood above baseline with just single doses of various chelators as a diagnostic - so no harm is done doing mid/long term chelation therapies.
@tyw or @haidut - any thoughts on what protocol(s) would be deterministic?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Isn't it pretty typical for a functional medicine doctor to give you DMSA and then measure your metal levels? Assuming that is done to see if the DMSA actually liberates any metals, if not, then you apparently don't have a heavy metal problem. I believe they measure urine levels, not sure. I don't know much about it, but have heard my bio-dentist talk a bit about it regarding testing for mercury levels.


Mar 29, 2016
You need a provoked challenge test for mercury. Too bad I can't remember the exact name of the test. What this test does is you're given EDTA so it draws out the heavy metal from the tissues. Then a blood or urine test (not sure which as I didn't get a copy from the doctor) will be tested for mercury, as well as other heavy metals. This test is better than just a blood or urine test.

It's best to go to a naturopathic doctor for this kind of thing. I would ask for oral chelation. Oral chelation is more convenient and more gentle, as well as costs less. Along with the oral chelation there would be some supplements given that would be used by the liver to detox, to enable the toxin to be eliminated thru the stools and urine. Just taking a chelating agent alone won't cut it, as the heavy metal should not remain in circulation but be eliminated thru the stool and urine. With oral chelation, DMSA and DMPS is not necessary, as they would if undergoing IV chelation therapy.

I just don't know if heavy metals is the cause of your tachycardia, but even if it's not, heavy metals are just not good anyway so it's still good to detoxify yourself of heavy metals. You will be surprised how much better you feel.


Sep 27, 2016
There is a lot that can be said about chelation and testing for heavy metals, but one reliable test is the Hair elements test, it is not straightforward and has to be interpreted to say if you have problems. IV chelation, EDTA and provocations with DMPS and DMSA can be harmful if you are sick/toxic.


Mar 29, 2016
There is a lot that can be said about chelation and testing for heavy metals, but one reliable test is the Hair elements test, it is not straightforward and has to be interpreted to say if you have problems. IV chelation, EDTA and provocations with DMPS and DMSA can be harmful if you are sick/toxic.
Will it be harmful even if taken just for the purpose of drawing out some heavy metals for the purpose of a one-time blood or urine test? I'm not so sure about the reliability of the hair elements test. It didn't detect the presence of lead toxicity the way the provoked challenge test did.


Sep 27, 2016


Oct 11, 2016
If there's a reliable method to chelate out enough for a positive one-time test, then I think it is worth it to get a bit sick in a controlled environment.


Jan 1, 2013
I would do a DMPS provocation test to see how much mercury you have in you; if it reads high, and since you and your mother had none/two amalgams, i would conclude your detox system doesn't work for mercury.

DMPS is the safest way to detox; stay away from Cutler, he's a shill working against the concept of heavy metal intoxication, which can only be scientifically assessed by a DMPS mercury challenge test.

Should this test be scientifically validated, the dentistry profession would be sued out of it's existence by amalgam poisoned people. That's what Cutler works to prevent.

Have you looked at magnesium deficiency and ventricular arrythmias?
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Mar 29, 2016
I would do a DMPS provocation test to see how much mercury you have in you; if it reads high, and since you and your mother had none/two amalgams, i would conclude your detox system doesn't work for mercury.

DMPS is the safest way to detox; stay away from Cutler, he's a shill working against the concept of heavy metal intoxication, which can only be scientifically assessed by a DMPS mercury challenge test.

Should this test be scientifically validated, the dentistry profession would be sued out of it's existence by amalgam poisoned people. That's what Cutler works to prevent.

Have you looked at magnesium deficiency and ventricular tachycardia?
Thanks for the correction, Burtlancaster. It must have been a DMPS provocation test instead of an EDTA provocation test I took.


Forum Supporter
Oct 6, 2012
I would not do chelation therapy in your state. I have done comparison in testing intracellular levels, hair, urine etc. Apparently no-one that I know has bothered to check how quickly you can change levels intracellularly. I have and have been surprised that levels can change overnight intracellularly. To see changes in the hair takes minimum of three months and I have seen no changes in some nasty heavy metals over a 5 years period in individuals that have undergone chelation therapy. These individuals have come to me after disastrous decline in their health after chelation.

I have only tested myself from one meal to the next in trying to shift levels. The guy who demonstrated the intracellular equipment to me has been testing for 30 years said that I must be a super responder. I absorb minerals efficiently. I don't think that I am any different to other people. How can he say this as no-one has tested to see how quickly levels can be manipulated in a number of individuals. I tested it because I was curious and had the technology available to me to trial for free. He told me that he has never seen it happen beause no-one is going to pay the money to test themselves from one meal to the next. Mind you I shifted the changes in the nutrient minerals and heavy metals like mercury with food and not supplements. He kept trying to convince me that I needed to take supplements to get my levels optimised. I showed him how easy it was to do it with food. He put it down to me being an efficient absorber and having extremely permeable cells. Must be from all the potassium rich foods and juices.

Eatng lamb and liver the nigh before corrected my zinc to copper ratio by the next day mid morning. Last year I tested eating prawns and oysters to see whether my selenium bumped up to normal overnight and mercury came in at normal levels. My zinc/copper ratio came in perfect. This year I focussed on bringing up molybdenum and chromium. These two have been really difficult for me to bring into optimal range. Molydenum into normal but chromium needs more focus in shifting into the normal range.

The most shocking for me was iodine. My urinary iodine looks perfect but intracellularly looks shocking. After seeing my results, I don't trust the urinary iodine test. I have upped my shellfish consumption back to 3 times a week and milk. I had drop the amount of milk I was drinking and replaced it with tea. Tea is high fluoride which displaces iodine; so not good for me.

drinking alcohol later in the day...

Most likely cause is a thiamine deficiency and if you combine it with hypothyroidism = heart failure. Copper is important for the heart and is the reason I would not attempt chelation therapy unless you know your copper status. Your mother may have had a thiamine deficieny or it may have been passed down through generations. Are/were your relative big drinkers??

Genetic conditions are often due to mineral and vitamin deficiencies that are never corrected and passed on to the next generation.

Thiamine supplementation on its own can reverse heart failure. So I would start here. If you have been placed on duretics like frusemide, then thiamine will be depleted at a faster rate resulting in heart failure.

Beriberi (Thiamine Deficiency) Clinical Presentation: History and Physical Examination

You need to do IV thiamine if you condition is serious. There are no known side-effects from taking high dose thiamine.

I would also look at thyroid hormones and progesterone but not chelation therapy.


Mar 15, 2017
I would not do chelation therapy in your state. I have done comparison in testing intracellular levels, hair, urine etc. Apparently no-one that I know has bothered to check how quickly you can change levels intracellularly. I have and have been surprised that levels can change overnight intracellularly. To see changes in the hair takes minimum of three months and I have seen no changes in some nasty heavy metals over a 5 years period in individuals that have undergone chelation therapy. These individuals have come to me after disastrous decline in their health after chelation.

I have only tested myself from one meal to the next in trying to shift levels. The guy who demonstrated the intracellular equipment to me has been testing for 30 years said that I must be a super responder. I absorb minerals efficiently. I don't think that I am any different to other people. How can he say this as no-one has tested to see how quickly levels can be manipulated in a number of individuals. I tested it because I was curious and had the technology available to me to trial for free. He told me that he has never seen it happen beause no-one is going to pay the money to test themselves from one meal to the next. Mind you I shifted the changes in the nutrient minerals and heavy metals like mercury with food and not supplements. He kept trying to convince me that I needed to take supplements to get my levels optimised. I showed him how easy it was to do it with food. He put it down to me being an efficient absorber and having extremely permeable cells. Must be from all the potassium rich foods and juices.

Eatng lamb and liver the nigh before corrected my zinc to copper ratio by the next day mid morning. Last year I tested eating prawns and oysters to see whether my selenium bumped up to normal overnight and mercury came in at normal levels. My zinc/copper ratio came in perfect. This year I focussed on bringing up molybdenum and chromium. These two have been really difficult for me to bring into optimal range. Molydenum into normal but chromium needs more focus in shifting into the normal range.

The most shocking for me was iodine. My urinary iodine looks perfect but intracellularly looks shocking. After seeing my results, I don't trust the urinary iodine test. I have upped my shellfish consumption back to 3 times a week and milk. I had drop the amount of milk I was drinking and replaced it with tea. Tea is high fluoride which displaces iodine; so not good for me.

Most likely cause is a thiamine deficiency and if you combine it with hypothyroidism = heart failure. Copper is important for the heart and is the reason I would not attempt chelation therapy unless you know your copper status. Your mother may have had a thiamine deficieny or it may have been passed down through generations. Are/were your relative big drinkers??

Genetic conditions are often due to mineral and vitamin deficiencies that are never corrected and passed on to the next generation.

Thiamine supplementation on its own can reverse heart failure. So I would start here. If you have been placed on duretics like frusemide, then thiamine will be depleted at a faster rate resulting in heart failure.

Beriberi (Thiamine Deficiency) Clinical Presentation: History and Physical Examination

You need to do IV thiamine if you condition is serious. There are no known side-effects from taking high dose thiamine.

I would also look at thyroid hormones and progesterone but not chelation therapy.

Thank you so much for taking the time for the thoughtful response @Ella
I know my dad's side of the family are big drinkers, my dad drinks a lot of red wine on a nightly basis. He and my mother both had ablations for atrial fibrillation. I deal with anxiety and have a history of OCD so I am fearful of taking thyroid. I can't find an allopathic doctor/naturopath or alternative doctor that can guide me on the dose.
I was on coreg (beta-blocker) for 7 years and came off them 2 years ago when I discovered the evils of pharmaceuticals. Progesterone made me more anxious/emotional after a week's trial... I had some labs done two weeks ago..
TSH= 1.89 mIU
T4= 1.0 ng/dL
Estradiol=51 pg/mL
My doctor wants me to start birth control pills for my painful, long (10 days) periods.
My vitamin D was low too, so I'm taking 2000u daily now..
So you recommend thiamine, so I'll start taking that again. I've read high doses of iodine have treated/prevented dangerous arrhythmias so maybe I should start supplementing with iodine as well..? And maybe a low dose of thyroid..? I've been looking into hadiut's tyromax and not sure what to get. My blood pressure is low, without the help of medication and my waking body temp is under 98.7, generally 97.6ish....I'm sorry for being all over the place... My Psych just wants to increase my mirtazapine and put me on klonopin. I was on klonopin for 7 years and I don't want to go down that road again. I just want to be healthy enough that I can remove my ICD and not be dependent on pharma drugs. Thanks again for your input. It's greatly appreciated!


Jun 14, 2016
The Cutler Protocol is the only sound chelation protocol.

Have you indeed looked into it? Because, no offense, it doesn't seem like you have; here's a good overview, if that's the case:

Cutler protocol - OnibasuWiki

I use it, and am on round 62, if that means anything.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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