Identifying controlled opposition: Russell Brand, Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, DeSantis/Abbott, David Icke, CAF


Feb 9, 2022
I don't know all of them, but I can see for sure that you are exaggerating your opinion, or maybe this is really how you think.
With Russel Brand you may be right. That guy can talk about everything, he always chooses the perfect words to keep your attention and manipulate your thoughts.

Elon Musk I believe is neutral, or at least he was neutral. In the beggining, he was against vaccination and he was always skeptical about it. He even said that he and his family will not get vaccinated.

Right know we can see that his opinion changed completely to a "very pro vaccination" that said in an interview.
I believe he was forced, threatened or at least paid to do it.

In 2009, he was close to losing everything, true. He survived by borrowing $200,000 a month from his billionaire friends. He decided that it's better to borrow money than to sell his own stocks.
He also helped the world with big advances in technology, but "he is pro elite", so everything he did does not count.

Jordan Peterson is just a simple professor that started having lots of success on youtube thanks to its oratory skills and well selected subjects. We have to take in count that now there are more depressive and insecure people that ever before and he mostly talks about this, "How to become confident", "What a woman really wants" and ***t like that.
Elon backwards is nole. Nole means head. Head of the technocracy movement like his grandfather Joshua.
elon musk genealogy technocracy leader.jpg



He also predicted the war.
Screenshot 2021-08-25 at 18-04-58 Elon's cryptic tweet on 'sun of the old world setting' spark...png


Feb 9, 2022
When I see people thinking everyone is "controlled-op" or a "grey hat" you're basically signalling "I can't read peoples energy". Genuine controlled op is rare... because it makes no sense what so ever. Learn discernment, pay attention to how you feel about the person not just their words, actions or flip your whole world view on someone because you read some new shiny theory online that makes you feel clever. Imo none you mentioned are controlled, some prob don't have a clean history and a few look jaded from years in the fight but thats it.

"Trump was one of the biggest controlled opposition figures in the past 100 years."

Search your feelings...

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Feb 24, 2019


Feb 24, 2019
of course if you believe in the prophesies of the bible, then you think there is going to be an 'anti-christ'. But the misconception comes from the interpretation of prophecy b/c the story is narrated as such that event are still to happen. But of course that already happened in the past. therefore holding on to that concept and making speculation based on it will lead to silly ideas like anti-christ, an concept based on that wrong principle.

is it then not evident that these kinds of mindset belong to folks who are susceptible to conspiracy theory? You can bet on it that ppl in power can detect this kind of psyche and that is actually what is predictable: this typical behavior in lots of civilians and of course it is going to be exploited for if there is a large group that has potential to be manipulated, then it will be manipulated.
Jul 17, 2021

This thread will serve to identify and debate about people who may be and/or probably are controlled opposition:

Identifying Controlled Opposition: I believe 95%+ of people who appear to be on our side are controlled opposition

1) Russel Brand

Guaranteed controlled opposition

He is quiet literally the ONLY person on Youtube exposing everything and not only has he NOT gotten banned, but he is in fact being PROMOTED. It's simply not possible

His YouTube banner and logos all utilize the number 33 - as in 33rd degree freemason. He also has the number 33 tattoo on his left wrist - his reasoning is "33 is his lucky number" and "Jesus died at 33"

He also has had a relationship with a literal Rothschild in-law - Jemima Goldsmith - who's brother is married to a Rothschild.

How does a lifelong-degenerate hanging around elites his whole life just do a 180 and turn around to help the common man ?

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2) Alex Jones

Very Likely Controlled Opposition

He seems to right about just about everything - How many things has he correctly called in advance (even with timing). He seems to have exposed just about everything time and time again and claims to have "insiders"

Another thing:

He is probably the only person that trespassed on Bohemian Grove and followed the Bilderberg group around the world who NOTHING unfortunate has ever happened to.

How many people have we seen the elites "take care of" - how is it that Alex can expose so much and get so close to the elites for 20+ years without any unfortunate events happening to him or his family ?

He REFUSES to criticize Trump and vigorously defends Trump for everything on his show. Trump was one of the biggest controlled opposition figures in the past 100 years. No one steps foot in the white house unless it was planned hence why I think Alex Jones "job" is to quiet literally state a lot of the truth and keep people thinking that there is "hope" - that Trump was actually on our side and that he wasn't in fact acting on behalf of the NWO.

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Elon Musk

Guaranteed Controlled Opposition

How does Musk go so close from losing everything in 2009 to all of a sudden receiving free money from our government to keep his scam companies afloat ?

All of his companies just so happen to be in line with the NWO agenda - Tesla (electric cars), SpaceX (did you forget the elites plan on sending many of us to Mars soon?), and Neuralink

The man is in the forefront of implanting chips in humans i.e. Neuralink - to make normies think having a chip inside of you is cool!

In every NWO planned-event - he just so happens to be there. CIA puppet if I've ever seen one

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Jordan Peterson

Likely Controlled Opposition

What business does a Canadian professor have attending Trilateral commissions in Europe (in 2018 mind you) - Why is a professor who is supposedly on our side just non-chalantly hanging around and speaking to Rockefeller's ilk ?

Something is suspicious about him and his sudden rise - from a random professor from Canada to someone who is on the front page of YouTube.

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Rick DeSantis and Greg Abbott

Guaranteed Controlled Opposition

All of your politicians (right or left) are NWO puppets.

Should we bring up that bill signed by Desantis that says forced inoculations will be allowed in the state of Florida ?

Or how about the fact that Abbott is on the WEF's site and has given speeches to the WEF and that bill signed by Abbott that brought loads of data centers to Texas start marking dissenters.

Texas and Florida are 2 big planned honeypots they are using to attract dissenters for their next move.

Notice how dumb Abbott tries to play when confronted with the WEF


ALL of your politicians are NWO puppets - every single one of them.


David Icke

Not sure

On one hand it seems odd he promoted the elites are shape-shifting lizard people (which I do not necessarily disbelieve) at this point anything is possible.

But I don't really see him give any solid reasoning on the existence of lizard people and it seems like he just says it just because (I've only ever seen him mention the fact that the elites like ceremonies like reptiles and the fact that lizard people have been an active idea in Hollywood as we all know the elites like putting their agendas in Hollywood Blockbusters/movies)

I don't know - many of the things he says does make sense but the lizard people theory irks me as he is possibly someone who is made to make us seem crazy

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7) Catherine Austin Fitts

Likely Controlled Opposition

Her grandpa was a director of the Rockefeller foundation but supposedly her mother was killed by the elites as a result

She promotes "the Great Poisoning" - her ideas are that the elites want to poison and control us and she doesn't seem to believe that they are ALSO trying to kill off the vast majority of us which is very suspicious.

The Depopulation agenda is so utterly obvious that I become suspicious of anyone that would deny such a thing is taking place - they have spelled it out for us - numerous times.

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I agree with you on all of the above. Interestingly, I read Jordan Petersen said he got jabbed. Now whether he’s telling the truth is another matter. If he is part of the project Delusion, then he would know not to get jabbed, but perhaps he saying that he is, to sway opinions for those leaning towards the opposite side. The powers that be know social media influencers are very effective. People love their gurus and idols.
Jul 17, 2021

This thread will serve to identify and debate about people who may be and/or probably are controlled opposition:

Identifying Controlled Opposition: I believe 95%+ of people who appear to be on our side are controlled opposition

1) Russel Brand

Guaranteed controlled opposition

He is quiet literally the ONLY person on Youtube exposing everything and not only has he NOT gotten banned, but he is in fact being PROMOTED. It's simply not possible

His YouTube banner and logos all utilize the number 33 - as in 33rd degree freemason. He also has the number 33 tattoo on his left wrist - his reasoning is "33 is his lucky number" and "Jesus died at 33"

He also has had a relationship with a literal Rothschild in-law - Jemima Goldsmith - who's brother is married to a Rothschild.

How does a lifelong-degenerate hanging around elites his whole life just do a 180 and turn around to help the common man ?

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2) Alex Jones

Very Likely Controlled Opposition

He seems to right about just about everything - How many things has he correctly called in advance (even with timing). He seems to have exposed just about everything time and time again and claims to have "insiders"

Another thing:

He is probably the only person that trespassed on Bohemian Grove and followed the Bilderberg group around the world who NOTHING unfortunate has ever happened to.

How many people have we seen the elites "take care of" - how is it that Alex can expose so much and get so close to the elites for 20+ years without any unfortunate events happening to him or his family ?

He REFUSES to criticize Trump and vigorously defends Trump for everything on his show. Trump was one of the biggest controlled opposition figures in the past 100 years. No one steps foot in the white house unless it was planned hence why I think Alex Jones "job" is to quiet literally state a lot of the truth and keep people thinking that there is "hope" - that Trump was actually on our side and that he wasn't in fact acting on behalf of the NWO.

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Elon Musk

Guaranteed Controlled Opposition

How does Musk go so close from losing everything in 2009 to all of a sudden receiving free money from our government to keep his scam companies afloat ?

All of his companies just so happen to be in line with the NWO agenda - Tesla (electric cars), SpaceX (did you forget the elites plan on sending many of us to Mars soon?), and Neuralink

The man is in the forefront of implanting chips in humans i.e. Neuralink - to make normies think having a chip inside of you is cool!

In every NWO planned-event - he just so happens to be there. CIA puppet if I've ever seen one

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Jordan Peterson

Likely Controlled Opposition

What business does a Canadian professor have attending Trilateral commissions in Europe (in 2018 mind you) - Why is a professor who is supposedly on our side just non-chalantly hanging around and speaking to Rockefeller's ilk ?

Something is suspicious about him and his sudden rise - from a random professor from Canada to someone who is on the front page of YouTube.

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Rick DeSantis and Greg Abbott

Guaranteed Controlled Opposition

All of your politicians (right or left) are NWO puppets.

Should we bring up that bill signed by Desantis that says forced inoculations will be allowed in the state of Florida ?

Or how about the fact that Abbott is on the WEF's site and has given speeches to the WEF and that bill signed by Abbott that brought loads of data centers to Texas start marking dissenters.

Texas and Florida are 2 big planned honeypots they are using to attract dissenters for their next move.

Notice how dumb Abbott tries to play when confronted with the WEF


ALL of your politicians are NWO puppets - every single one of them.


David Icke

Not sure

On one hand it seems odd he promoted the elites are shape-shifting lizard people (which I do not necessarily disbelieve) at this point anything is possible.

But I don't really see him give any solid reasoning on the existence of lizard people and it seems like he just says it just because (I've only ever seen him mention the fact that the elites like ceremonies like reptiles and the fact that lizard people have been an active idea in Hollywood as we all know the elites like putting their agendas in Hollywood Blockbusters/movies)

I don't know - many of the things he says does make sense but the lizard people theory irks me as he is possibly someone who is made to make us seem crazy

View attachment 34880

7) Catherine Austin Fitts

Likely Controlled Opposition

Her grandpa was a director of the Rockefeller foundation but supposedly her mother was killed by the elites as a result

She promotes "the Great Poisoning" - her ideas are that the elites want to poison and control us and she doesn't seem to believe that they are ALSO trying to kill off the vast majority of us which is very suspicious.

The Depopulation agenda is so utterly obvious that I become suspicious of anyone that would deny such a thing is taking place - they have spelled it out for us - numerous times.

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You left out Joe Rogan.
Jul 17, 2021
All those listed in the OP are CO. I would add to those names Dr. Mercola and Mike Adams of Natural Health News. Some may find that hard to swallow but both push theories of the lab created viruses and repeat ad nauseam the phrase "gain of function"..

Most are controlled opposition. Because controlled opposition allows the public to let off some steam, some frustration, without ever really making a dent in the problem.
Yeah, they HAVE to control the narrative at all times. So they control both sides. Those anal retentive control freak overlords just can’t have people thinking for themselves :jawdrop:


Feb 9, 2022
what did you do search for "Peterson exposed" ? of course you are going to find what you seek.
This videos are anti-antiwhite, trying to 'expose' him, doesn't this make that pro white supremacy, in other words this is some kind of scripted propaganda channel. Now that is actually a cult.
I watched it a long time ago. Anti-antiwhite is pro white supremacy? Two negatives make a positive? It's not ok to be white?

of course if you believe in the prophesies of the bible, then you think there is going to be an 'anti-christ'. But the misconception comes from the interpretation of prophecy b/c the story is narrated as such that event are still to happen. But of course that already happened in the past. therefore holding on to that concept and making speculation based on it will lead to silly ideas like anti-christ, an concept based on that wrong principle.

is it then not evident that these kinds of mindset belong to folks who are susceptible to conspiracy theory? You can bet on it that ppl in power can detect this kind of psyche and that is actually what is predictable: this typical behavior in lots of civilians and of course it is going to be exploited for if there is a large group that has potential to be manipulated, then it will be manipulated.
It doesn't matter if the prophecies happened already or not, because there are tens of millions of people who believe that someone is coming to save them from this apocalypse. If they see confirmation that their codex is correlated with reality (obviously not really) they will stay asleep longer. Donald Trump is also being set up to "save the world" and unite it under one world government martial law to rectify "Biden's" inflation, famine, and war.

I saw that thread when it first appeared its a perfect example of everything I mentioned, a test of discernment.
There are no billionaires that are uncontrolled.


Jul 13, 2014
I spoke of Icke in another thread.
Plenty of other evidence.

My rule of thumb:
If you’re “famous” and speaking out publicly and are not banned, living in exile, being dirtied by the media or not dead- I assume you are CO.
You're insane. Absolutely no chance most of those people are controlled opposition.

However I would argue that trump now is. I'm pretty certain this second run for office is 100% a manoeuvre from the deep state


Dec 8, 2016
You're insane. Absolutely no chance most of those people are controlled opposition.

However I would argue that trump now is. I'm pretty certain this second run for office is 100% a manoeuvre from the deep state
What evidence do you have solidifying your position is more correct than mine?


I agree with your Trump presumption.

Addendum: read my previous Icke thoughts; there is evidence


Feb 9, 2022
You're insane. Absolutely no chance most of those people are controlled opposition.

However I would argue that trump now is. I'm pretty certain this second run for office is 100% a manoeuvre from the deep state
You know controlled opposition can be opposition up until the most important point, right? Why can't all opposition be controlled then? They can articulate arguments just as well as someone who actually fights and believes in the reasons for the arguments. They understand all the opposition's reasons and that's how they are able to control the opposition.


Sep 12, 2018
"Controlled Opposition" can be defined as any contrary position, that serves to provide a block against the truth coming to the fore. Basically most debates, particularly political, become limited to some sort of this or that, and thus are controlled through ensuring that contrary positions are entrenched, particularly through
various emotional identification circuits that are utilized by the controllers. Those controlled do not know that they are controlled, which is how the controllers want things.

So how many people say that we have to get away from the two party system in America....only to fall back to the entrenched positions! This is where the illusion of
choice, big in the west, provides the cage for entrapment.

Ray Peat's work is important in that paradigms are broken in such a way that the controlled opposstion of "commericail science" comes under scrutiny of living science, and not the dead and deadening dictates of what has become the end game of malthusian genocide of pharmaceutical murder and world war for the corrupt New World Order.


Sep 24, 2016
"Controlled Opposition" can be defined as any contrary position, that serves to provide a block against the truth coming to the fore. Basically most debates, particularly political, become limited to some sort of this or that, and thus are controlled through ensuring that contrary positions are entrenched, particularly through
various emotional identification circuits that are utilized by the controllers. Those controlled do not know that they are controlled, which is how the controllers want things.

So how many people say that we have to get away from the two party system in America....only to fall back to the entrenched positions! This is where the illusion of
choice, big in the west, provides the cage for entrapment.

Ray Peat's work is important in that paradigms are broken in such a way that the controlled opposstion of "commericail science" comes under scrutiny of living science, and not the dead and deadening dictates of what has become the end game of malthusian genocide of pharmaceutical murder and world war for the corrupt New World Order.
Jul 17, 2021
Controlled opposition is the black and white paradigm. It’s the Thesis/antithesis thing. Out of the theis/antithesis paradigm comes the supposed “solution” so BOTH sides are promoted. Officially it’s called the Hegalian Dialectic. The mainstream information and the alternative information. The key is to think for yourself while you still have your own thought processes not clouded by pharmaceutical drugs and foreign substances.

then you may hopefully arrive at a truthful and genuine conclusion.
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