How Adding Iodine To Salt Boosted Americans’ IQ


Feb 3, 2019

From reddit
"But on the positive side, iodine deficiency and its symptoms were vanquished almost overnight. And iodine’s mental benefits may even help explain the Flynn Effect, which observes that IQ rose about 3 points per decade in developed countries throughout the 20th century. It’s been thought that improved health and nutrition were the driving forces of the Flynn Effect. Now, it appears that iodine alone was responsible for roughly one decade of that remarkable climb. All the more reason, then, for the rest of the world to follow suit and relegate iodine deficiency to the history books."

Sounds like a better job than how Iron was handled


Feb 3, 2019
I call bull**** tbh
Why is that? Tbh I forgot that ray was anti iodine.
In the same article it also said it used 20,000 thyroid related deaths.
I'm not sure I have a need for iodine myself. I felt I had thyroid inflammation possibly, but it also felt every energizing and androgenic. I was shoveling and pickaxing a huge concrete slab out of the yard and had endless energy


Feb 3, 2019
He's not, he's wary of iodine supplementation over 1mg a day chronically.
Sounds like a guaranteed excess. I typically how what I consider low estrogen so not much room for iodine here, but I could play with it later


Feb 3, 2019
Fluoride probably brought us back to balance tho
Yeah honestly. Looking into water purification methods right now, annoying how most filter companies don't seem to mention how their filters work against flouride


Apr 30, 2015
Yeah honestly. Looking into water purification methods right now, annoying how most filter companies don't seem to mention how their filters work against flouride
cause they dont unless you strip the water of everything


Dec 3, 2015
Yeah honestly. Looking into water purification methods right now, annoying how most filter companies don't seem to mention how their filters work against flouride
Following is a note I usually send out to those who ask about water filtration.

Make sure you use properly filtered water, for both cooking and drinking and spin off (centrifuge) all the tap water from vegetable washing or rinse in distilled or RO water, also avoid fluoridated tooth pastes:

Much of what you see on filters is marketing. They often mention that their filter will remove all the bad stuff and leave behind good minerals. How can you selectively filter out only bad stuff and leave the good stuff in? This is totally absurd, either you have pure water or impure water if some things are left behind then some toxic things will also be left behind period. Most chemical fluoride filters only partially remove fluoride and aluminum they are hard to keep in optimum condition as it all depends on what all there is in the water in a given location etc. I do my own measurements and know for fact how well the filter is working. In fact if you get one of these you had better get a fluoride meter, such as the Extech FL700, to see what it does. Don't take anyone�s� word on how clean the water is. Taste is not a safe indicator of water quality for example fluoride among other things unlike chlorine does not have any taste.

Here are a couple of examples of a good small distiller similar to the one I use:

MH943TWS Water Distiller - Glass Collection,160_&refRID=NJN103SDKHA2GFNK3QW5

Make sure that there are no plastic containers. Best are the ones that use stainless steel, glass and contain charcoal filter after distillation.

While this distiller does not have a more heavy duty charcoal filter, it still does a admirable job. I test my water every so often with TDS (Total Dissolved Salts) and Fluoride meters regularly to see when the charcoal filter needs replacing. This is even more important if you use something like a Berkey to know when to replace its filters.

To remineralize and condition your water you can add a pinch each of pure pickling salt and/or UPS grade Epson salts. Specialty salts like Himalayan and many sea salts are high in iron and fluoride etc. and are not recommended unless you are sure of a clean source. The pink colour is dead giveaway that the salt is contaminated with iron at the very least.

For more on water conditioning you can read Dancing with Water

I structure my water with a N-2 Research Biomagnet and in due course will use red LEDs to further enhance the structuring.

Alkaline Water does not remove fluoride if anything it might actually concentrate it towards the alkaline side in any event it is not good to drink it long term and should only be drunk on empty stomach. See:

Alkaline Water—WHY NOT? - Dancing with Water

Reverse Osmosis (RO) removes all the fluoride buffering minerals (Calcium and Magnesium) unlike distillation, RO still leaves some fluoride which when unbuffered can still cause issues in the fluoride sensitive�s�. Ideally one should RO first and then distill the water and then rematerialize with clean minerals... Suspect this is often the case with other filters as well, while they may reduce fluoride they reduce or even eliminate other buffering minerals even more, thus the remaining fluoride may well be as harmful as the buffered fluoride was before filtering. This is likely the case with Bone Char I suspect. Usually they combine Bone Char with Activated Alumina but other impurities such as Aluminum will then become a concern as I can detect a unpleasant taste in the water after such filtration. While these filters clearly reduce fluoride but they don't eliminate it like distillation. The longer/larger the filter the better as longer contact with water is preferable to that of smaller ones.

Unfortunately, there is still the issue with bathing so it is better to work with people in the know, to have the city remove this toxin out our water. But chlorine (like fluoride) for all its supposed virtue is also very damaging to the thyroid. If you want to read more about Chlorine and associated health issues, can send you "Coronaries Cholesterol Chlorine" just ask.

While we are trying to get rid of water fluoridation, I use a whole house Bone Char carbon filter which effectively removes most Fluoride and all Chlorine but not Chloramine for which you should need specialty filter.

Heavy Duty 3-Piece Filter Housing

RC-W-BB-20-50 Empty Refillable Canister - White - 4-1/2" x 20" Residential & Commercial Well Water Pumps, Water Purification Products & More

Bone Char Activated Charcoal Carbon - Kosher - 40 Lbs

Bone Char Activated Charcoal Carbon - Kosher - 27.5 lbs

The above combination is the cheapest whole house Fluoride/heavy metal filter system and can be ordered from RiTech Water Systems in London: RiTech Water Systems for about less than $500 as of 2018.

Here is a shower filter that is supposed to take out fluoride, I have not used it or tested yet:

Remember clean water is the single most important thing that you can do for your health but it is mostly taken for granted....


Feb 3, 2019
Following is a note I usually send out to those who ask about water filtration.

Make sure you use properly filtered water, for both cooking and drinking and spin off (centrifuge) all the tap water from vegetable washing or rinse in distilled or RO water, also avoid fluoridated tooth pastes:

Much of what you see on filters is marketing. They often mention that their filter will remove all the bad stuff and leave behind good minerals. How can you selectively filter out only bad stuff and leave the good stuff in? This is totally absurd, either you have pure water or impure water if some things are left behind then some toxic things will also be left behind period. Most chemical fluoride filters only partially remove fluoride and aluminum they are hard to keep in optimum condition as it all depends on what all there is in the water in a given location etc. I do my own measurements and know for fact how well the filter is working. In fact if you get one of these you had better get a fluoride meter, such as the Extech FL700, to see what it does. Don't take anyone�s� word on how clean the water is. Taste is not a safe indicator of water quality for example fluoride among other things unlike chlorine does not have any taste.

Here are a couple of examples of a good small distiller similar to the one I use:

MH943TWS Water Distiller - Glass Collection,160_&refRID=NJN103SDKHA2GFNK3QW5

Make sure that there are no plastic containers. Best are the ones that use stainless steel, glass and contain charcoal filter after distillation.

While this distiller does not have a more heavy duty charcoal filter, it still does a admirable job. I test my water every so often with TDS (Total Dissolved Salts) and Fluoride meters regularly to see when the charcoal filter needs replacing. This is even more important if you use something like a Berkey to know when to replace its filters.

To remineralize and condition your water you can add a pinch each of pure pickling salt and/or UPS grade Epson salts. Specialty salts like Himalayan and many sea salts are high in iron and fluoride etc. and are not recommended unless you are sure of a clean source. The pink colour is dead giveaway that the salt is contaminated with iron at the very least.

For more on water conditioning you can read Dancing with Water

I structure my water with a N-2 Research Biomagnet and in due course will use red LEDs to further enhance the structuring.

Alkaline Water does not remove fluoride if anything it might actually concentrate it towards the alkaline side in any event it is not good to drink it long term and should only be drunk on empty stomach. See:

Alkaline Water—WHY NOT? - Dancing with Water

Reverse Osmosis (RO) removes all the fluoride buffering minerals (Calcium and Magnesium) unlike distillation, RO still leaves some fluoride which when unbuffered can still cause issues in the fluoride sensitive�s�. Ideally one should RO first and then distill the water and then rematerialize with clean minerals... Suspect this is often the case with other filters as well, while they may reduce fluoride they reduce or even eliminate other buffering minerals even more, thus the remaining fluoride may well be as harmful as the buffered fluoride was before filtering. This is likely the case with Bone Char I suspect. Usually they combine Bone Char with Activated Alumina but other impurities such as Aluminum will then become a concern as I can detect a unpleasant taste in the water after such filtration. While these filters clearly reduce fluoride but they don't eliminate it like distillation. The longer/larger the filter the better as longer contact with water is preferable to that of smaller ones.

Unfortunately, there is still the issue with bathing so it is better to work with people in the know, to have the city remove this toxin out our water. But chlorine (like fluoride) for all its supposed virtue is also very damaging to the thyroid. If you want to read more about Chlorine and associated health issues, can send you "Coronaries Cholesterol Chlorine" just ask.

While we are trying to get rid of water fluoridation, I use a whole house Bone Char carbon filter which effectively removes most Fluoride and all Chlorine but not Chloramine for which you should need specialty filter.

Heavy Duty 3-Piece Filter Housing

RC-W-BB-20-50 Empty Refillable Canister - White - 4-1/2" x 20" Residential & Commercial Well Water Pumps, Water Purification Products & More

Bone Char Activated Charcoal Carbon - Kosher - 40 Lbs

Bone Char Activated Charcoal Carbon - Kosher - 27.5 lbs

The above combination is the cheapest whole house Fluoride/heavy metal filter system and can be ordered from RiTech Water Systems in London: RiTech Water Systems for about less than $500 as of 2018.

Here is a shower filter that is supposed to take out fluoride, I have not used it or tested yet:

Remember clean water is the single most important thing that you can do for your health but it is mostly taken for granted....
Great write up!
Have you looked at Berkey Gravity Distillers with optional fluoride filter? How does that compare to your set up above? (They are about the same price, I am hoping though that Berkey removes such things as fluoride while keeping the natural minerals)
Big Berkey Water Filter System - 2.25 Gallons
Don't know about chloramide... also I'm gonna reread what you wrote so I can soak it in, at work
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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