Birth Control (BC) Pills Increase Suicide Risk By More Than 300%



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Totally agree and I wasn't directing my post at you. Thanks for the follow-up, though, and for posting the dangers of BC pills for everyone to see. It is scary that providers are trusted so highly, especially by the young. We are taught even in tv shows for children that "doctors are your friend and they will make you all better!" In the case of estrogen and progestin-based birth control, they are actually making us WORSE!

My boyfriend at the time (and current husband) actually almost broke up with me when I started taking BC pills shortly after we began dating. He knew I had changed overnight and told me I needed to get off of them ASAP. Fortunately I wasn't on the pill before we met, but I can imagine how many women have altered personalities due to BC, and how that would interfere with living normal lives with healthy relationships.

That link between BC and poor mate choice is well known, but very little publicized. Women who begin dating somebody while on the pill often stop liking that person when they go off the pill.
Women who stop taking the Pill can find their partners less attractive


Apr 19, 2017
That link between BC and poor mate choice is well known, but very little publicized. Women who begin dating somebody while on the pill often stop liking that person when they go off the pill.
Women who stop taking the Pill can find their partners less attractive
It's unfortunate because obviously the information is out there, yet even that article will imply that there could be some benefit to taking oral contraceptives:

Michelle Russell, a psychologist at Florida State University, said: “Marital satisfaction is strongly associated with mental and physical health and a host of physical, mental and social outcomes for children.

“The fact that wives’ hormonal contraceptive use was linked to their marital satisfaction suggests that hormonal contraceptives may have far-reaching implications, both beneficial and harmful.”

I guess they think that a woman who is inevitably going to stop taking the pill at some point in her life is going to be beneficially affected by suddenly finding her husband unattractive? I think that goes to show how much bias there is towards the pill and making it sound like estrogens are beneficial to our feminine health. It's funny the only other places on the web where I've found women who seem to be somewhat relieved of that notion (besides here) are the ones on breast cancer survivor websites.

It's scary because you don't know until you know: how is someone supposed to even know to look up the dangers of estrogens and progestins? Especially because we've been told estrogen is the "female hormone?"


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
how is someone supposed to even know to look up the dangers of estrogens and progestins

Whenever you see somebody selling you certainty in an uncertain world - you know...that they don't know anything. Truly beneficial products are almost never advertised. There is simply no need for that. It is a scary thought at first because it implies that 90%+ of what surrounds us is probably useless or even dangerous. But eventually you learn to trust your intuition and experience more than anything else. Everything I believed as a child (intuitive knowledge) slowly turned out to be true. Everything I learned as an adult from "experts" turned out to be false. At least that's how it turned out for me :):

Lee Simeon

Mar 3, 2017
Whenever you see somebody selling you certainty in an uncertain world - you know...that they don't know anything. Truly beneficial products are almost never advertised. There is simply no need for that. It is a scary thought at first because it implies that 90%+ of what surrounds us is probably useless or even dangerous. But eventually you learn to trust your intuition and experience more than anything else. Everything I believed as a child (intuitive knowledge) slowly turned out to be true. Everything I learned as an adult from "experts" turned out to be false. At least that's how it turned out for me :):
I am curious, what childhood beliefs have you in retrospect turned out to be true?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I am curious, what childhood beliefs have you in retrospect turned out to be true?

That electricity is the driving force in the Universe, that elementary particles do not really exist as independent units (namely, reality is wave-like in nature), that leaders of any kind are usually the worst/sickest members of society, that people are fundamentally good in nature and only turn into beasts under constant pressure, intelligence is the opposite of popularity, most adults live in constant paralyzing fear about something, genes do not matter for health (there is health inheritance but it is not genetic), most social structure are designed to control and exploit young and talented people, children are MUCH smarter than adults, and so on and so on. I have a list of more than 200 different childhood beliefs of mine that I keep somewhere in my email and I periodically check items off the list. So far I have not had even one that turned out to be false.
Last edited:


Apr 6, 2016
Did you have any other health problems in childhood? What was your childhood like?

I had skeletal development issues...several bone tumors, surgery to fix the plates of my skull which had calcified prematurely, a few other odds and ends. haidut I think once said that Peat said that skeletal problems indicate estrogen excess.

Methinks the menfolk of RPF are overestimating the percentage of women who take the Pill for its intended purpose of pregnancy prevention. It's just common knowledge among women that the Pill obliterates cramps, nausea, and cystic acne. I would call it the one Bad Thing that's prevalent in society whose use does NOT allow you to reach an intuitive conclusion that is correct about health. The Pill instantly fixes period problems. I'm not sure about the mechanism, but dang, the stuff works. When I'm drowning myself in Progest-e and feeling like garbage, I must admit that I miss it!


Apr 6, 2016
That electricity is the driving force in the Universe, that elementary particles do not really exist as independent units (namely, reality is wave-like in nature), that leaders of any kind are usually the worst/sickest members of society, that people are fundamentally good in nature and only turn into beasts under constant pressure, intelligence is the opposite of popularity, most adults live in constant paralyzing fear about something, genes do not matter for health (there is health inheritance but it is not genetic), most social structure are designed to control and exploit young and talented people, and so on and so on. I have a list of more than 200 different childhood beliefs of mine that I keep somewhere in my email and I periodically check items off the list. So far I have not had even one that turned out to be false.

This list is incredible. If you ever come across the rest and feel inclined to share, please do.

My list of childhood beliefs that have turned out to be true:
1. Being outside > being inside
2. Leggings ARE pants, and do not require the addition of a skirt before going out in public


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This list is incredible. If you ever come across the rest and feel inclined to share, please do.

My list of childhood beliefs that have turned out to be true:
1. Being outside > being inside
2. Leggings ARE pants, and do not require the addition of a skirt before going out in public

Lol, those are pretty solid as well. I think you probably have a lot more but don't remember all of them at the same time. If you pay attention to daily situations that remind you of your childhood you will slowly remember many more beliefs and if you write them down the list will build up over time. That's how I came up with my list. I think children are the true geniuses among us. It is not a coincidence that they can predict the future much more accurately than the "experts".
Children Adorably, Accurately Predict The Future Of Computing


Jun 1, 2016
Everyone along the chain of decision making has an incentive to ignore the risks. Doctor wants to do what patients and parents want, and what is socially acceptable, which today is to give girls the pill. Parents don't want their girls to be "that girl" that gets pregnant as a teen, but also doesn't want to talk about sex. The pill is the easiest way to ensure their daughter doesn't get pregnant with the least effort and engagement. The girl wants to do what her friends are doing, doesn't want to be weird, and wants to be able to have sex without worrying about condoms if their boyfriends want to. To them, the embarrassment of not knowing about sex or not being ready looms much larger in their fears than breast cancer when they're 37 or something like that.
Exactly! Thats an easiest way out for both parents and teens (though it's still parents responsibility as teens are still minor). Pill is one of many tips of that iceberg. The thing is that kids are brought up as parents property, as authoritarian as it gets from small things: leave your plate clean, to bigger things like do ballet cause thats what parents ambitions are and so on. Kids continuously are shown that their opinion doesn't matter, that they are half human, that they should obey and be a good girl/boy. So when teens face problems and situations as they grow, they don't know how to say no, or say they don't like it or they don't want to do it or what to do it but some other way and so on. And opt for easy choices to keep everyone happy. And i'm not advocating for abstinence thats unrealistic. What I'm saying that teens are not ready to deal with those problems, they are not ready to express there opinion on the subject, parents (and society for that matter) do not let them explore life from the beginning on, do not let kids make their own conscious choices on a smaller scale where the risks are small, and when teens start exploring their sexuality and the stakes are high they have nothing to relate to and hold on to conformity, because thats all they know.
@alywest it's hard to believe but girls are more and more given depo shots, because the doctors say they don't have the discipline to take oral contraceptives every day.
unfortunately because teen sex more often than not happens under alcohol and drugs it's unrealistic for teens to rely on fertility method. Raw sex for teens (who rarely are in that kind of relationships that involve deep intimacy and raw sex) usually starts with alcohol and ends with "let's split plan B". Even if the pill will be off the market, Plan B will get to new highs in sales. It's really scary to have kids, the world is so fckd up.


Aug 17, 2016
Whenever you see somebody selling you certainty in an uncertain world - you know...that they don't know anything. Truly beneficial products are almost never advertised. There is simply no need for that. It is a scary thought at first because it implies that 90%+ of what surrounds us is probably useless or even dangerous. But eventually you learn to trust your intuition and experience more than anything else. Everything I believed as a child (intuitive knowledge) slowly turned out to be true. Everything I learned as an adult from "experts" turned out to be false. At least that's how it turned out for me :):
Amazing. :singing:

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
I had skeletal development issues...several bone tumors, surgery to fix the plates of my skull which had calcified prematurely, a few other odds and ends. haidut I think once said that Peat said that skeletal problems indicate estrogen excess.

Methinks the menfolk of RPF are overestimating the percentage of women who take the Pill for its intended purpose of pregnancy prevention. It's just common knowledge among women that the Pill obliterates cramps, nausea, and cystic acne. I would call it the one Bad Thing that's prevalent in society whose use does NOT allow you to reach an intuitive conclusion that is correct about health. The Pill instantly fixes period problems. I'm not sure about the mechanism, but dang, the stuff works. When I'm drowning myself in Progest-e and feeling like garbage, I must admit that I miss it!

I guess it hijacks the whole LH/FSH system and forces it into a lock-step, cutting down on the ups and downs that may be causing mood, skin, smooth muscle problems for many females. I certainly don't begrudge someone wanting to take something to address those issues, but my personal experience (as a teenager and in my 20s dating) was being around a lot of girls that went on the pill to start having sex. But then again, girls I was interested in dating were probably interesting to date (attractive) because they were relatively healthy, so it's not a random sample I'm working with.


Apr 30, 2015
I remember my GF started taking BC when we first started dating. She took it for about a month and I was very uncomfortable with that, so told her to get off it. I remember that she was more aggressive, both in bed and in life. She had this underlying assertiveness that was part turn on, part turn off. The interesting thing is that she did not really see a difference. I am sure many women just do not see a difference between being on and off, which is strange I think. The more I think about it, the whole thing is strange. How could this thing, that so fundamentally changes mood and hormones, not be giving off like huge flares across the nation?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
How could this thing, that so fundamentally changes mood and hormones, not be giving off like huge flares across the nation

If most of the female portion of the nation is on it, then there are not much different females left to compare to. Most women assume this is normal reaction and behavior since most women they work and/or live with act the same. In fact, I also know of a few women who were best friends while on the pill and then the friendship degraded into vicious fights once one of them got off the pill. One of the female-pairs both ended up stopping the pill and they made peace again. Not sure if it is due to both ditching the pill but just the fact that they would like each other when both on/off the pill but hate each other when one was on the pill is too much of a coincidence to ignore.


Mar 7, 2017
Have you heard of "Semengate"? There is physiological reason females may prefer natural sex.
Lazar Greenfield's 'Semengate' Stuns Scientific Community | HuffPost

"...Dr. Greenfield noted the therapeutic effects of semen, citing research from the Archives of Sexual Behavior which found that female college students practicing unprotected sex were less likely to suffer from depression than those whose partners used condoms (as well as those who remained abstinent). Presumably it was the closing line that caused the controversy: “So there’s a deeper bond between men and women than St. Valentine would have suspected, and now we know there’s a better gift for that day than chocolates.” The attempt at Jackie Mason-humor apparently didn’t sit well in certain quarters. Dr. Greenfield resigned as editor of the Surgery News and gave up his stewardship of ACS after learning that his article had spurred threats of protests from outside women’s groups."
This list is incredible. If you ever come across the rest and feel inclined to share, please do.

My list of childhood beliefs that have turned out to be true:
1. Being outside > being inside
2. Leggings ARE pants, and do not require the addition of a skirt before going out in public

Just keep in mind that men will be looking at you as if you're naked from the waste down. Some women care about these reactions, some don't, and some choose to remain oblivious.

The only time this would really be an issue is when you have young children with you, as you are putting them in the middle of essentially an adult situation, which can be confusing to them.

I assume they're wildly-comfortable, hence the popularity.:D
Dec 25, 2014
I had hears about birth control masculinizing women but I didn't understand how the process worked. This explains a lot

Think about it, there's women paying tons of money for organic food and taking expensive supplements and all kinds of other stuff for the chance of slight health benefits, simultaneously avoiding lots of things that they think might have negative health effects. What would the negative effects of the pill have to be to get women to think about giving it up? Acne? Lol, sad state of affairs, amazing really, that women will make an immediate appointment with the doctor if they get acne or gain weight from their pill, but will hear about mental health problems and cancer risk and...keep taking the pill without further consideration.

The health fad is purely about looking good. If birth control made you uglier or fatter they would be kaput tommorow.

Funny anecdote: A woman I worked with in my first post-college job as a water quality microbiologist went off the pill and was trying to f%#^ me like you wouldn't believe. She was married and everything. She was kind of my boss too, if the genders were reversed it would be a scandal. Kissed me at work, tried to lock us in my bedroom after a group of friends came back to my place from a bar on my 25th birthday, used to whisper all kinds of stuff in my ear walking by during work. Then she went back on the pill...and she went back to feeling nothing, no libido. Actually that's not really a funny story, pretty sad really.



Apr 30, 2015
If most of the female portion of the nation is on it, then there are not much different females left to compare to. Most women assume this is normal reaction and behavior since most women they work and/or live with act the same. In fact, I also know of a few women who were best friends while on the pill and then the friendship degraded into vicious fights once one of them got off the pill. One of the female-pairs both ended up stopping the pill and they made peace again. Not sure if it is due to both ditching the pill but just the fact that they would like each other when both on/off the pill but hate each other when one was on the pill is too much of a coincidence to ignore.
You would think though that they would just feel different and be able to say "I am different on this." I mean I can feel the difference taking small amounts of B vitamins.


Jul 8, 2016
That electricity is the driving force in the Universe, that elementary particles do not really exist as independent units (namely, reality is wave-like in nature), that leaders of any kind are usually the worst/sickest members of society, that people are fundamentally good in nature and only turn into beasts under constant pressure, intelligence is the opposite of popularity, most adults live in constant paralyzing fear about something, genes do not matter for health (there is health inheritance but it is not genetic), most social structure are designed to control and exploit young and talented people, children are MUCH smarter than adults, and so on and so on. I have a list of more than 200 different childhood beliefs of mine that I keep somewhere in my email and I periodically check items off the list. So far I have not had even one that turned out to be false.

This is fascinating concept, trying to recall what truths you had as a child, thank you for bringing it up.

Were you really thinking about whether elementary particles existed, when you were a child? Also, do you include things such as Santa Claus in your list? I certainly believed that at one time.
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