Application Of Ideas In “The Body Electric”


Mar 15, 2014
I've seen the idea of "being touched" gaining more popular ground lately. I wonder if it's considered useful because it confuses the skin's proprioception.

When you touch yourself, your skin is kind of predicting the event before it happens. When someone else touches you it's spontaneous.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
I will be trying this very soon. I think it can help with pregnancy discomfort. I had trouble with pelvic fascias and the sacrum with my last pregnancy and did some physical therapy to help. However, I was thinking recently that the beneficial effects of physical therapy for those cases are probably just because the muscle gets fired and so, can actually heal itself whereas an unused muscle usually go stiff since it doesn't get any stimulation. The same thing would apply to yoga, stretching and other similar activities that stimulate the body as a whole.

I continue to use my brushes daily with good results. It's quick and easy - that is the main thing. I don't have to turn it into a "session". I just grab my brush and do it here and there for a few seconds and the effect is immediate. I like to focus on areas where the fascia is close to the skin, like the top of feet and hands, forearms, knee caps and back side of knees along those tendons and then the thighs I are an easy reach. The face, neck and top of shoulders are an easy reach. When, I knead it, my GF does my back. Never do I spend more than 30 seconds at a time doing it. As I said before, my theory is less time, more often and nothing harsh, but that is just my theory.

I do more random rubbing on my GF with my hands rather than the brushes but if she is in the vicinity I will brush some body part that seems inappropriate. I think holding hands with your GF/partner allows for lots of opportunities for mild rubbing against each other can provide more casual stimulation of the fascia for mutual electrical generation.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
But what about microcurrent therapy like Becker did. ? Nobody’s tried that?

I have ordered a microcurrent device and plan to give it a try. I think these efforts are subtle and I don't expect dramatic differences in short time frames. I think electrical generation is a constant activity of the body from birth to death and so any effort to supplement our waning electrical generation as we get older must be constant also. It's something we are, not something we do.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
One interesting thing I read about piezoelectrical materials is that their effects are reduced by water/wetness. In reading about myofascial release, it seems sometimes they talk about what they are doing is hydrating the fascia. My guess is that somebody thought that sounded like it would be good and helpful and so the notion just gained traction. But, in light of the piezo theory, that notion may be not accurate.

It seems to me that water in the body is bound up inside a lot of things and is not just puddling up here and there and maybe that is for a good reason. I have no idea. Just a moderately interesting thought.

The other thing I am doing is eating some Rochelle Salts everyday on the off chance that doing so might spread a bit of these highly piezoelectric salts into my fascia and over time increase my electrical generation. I am finding these salts are a very mild purgative. Doing maybe a teaspoon a day and like the results from a pooping perspective anyway.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
It seems the fascia is a piezoelectric device able to generate its own electricity by pressure. google piezoelectric fascia. So, external application of electricity may not be needed. Surely, nature gave us a way to electrify ourselves.

Bones are also piezoelectric and the low impact of walking generates electricity and tissue repair. In addition, bones are flexoelectric. see

Flexoelctricity may be responsible for the positive results in Twelve-Minute Daily Yoga Regimen Reverses Osteoporotic Bone Loss

Yi at LDT

Feb 17, 2019
Check out Dr Robert Denises interview on self hacked. I have no words for his device other then remarkable. Many family and friends have benefited greatly from it and fast


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
@GAF How has the brushing been going?

On my body, 30 seconds of brushing relieves more pain than 60 minutes of massage . It's really amazing. I brush after exercise and when my knees hurt or my feet hurt or my wrist or my shoulder or my neck or my whatever.

My brother, the doctor who just went on disability due to tremor, is now brushing, too.

It's easy, harmless and feels good. Keep a brush nearby at all times.


Aug 11, 2015
I have been reading the body electric and he talks a lot about renegeration using electricity in cases of non union fractures and other cases. It seems like electricity could be safer than growth hormones for regeneration and also that regeneration. Has to involve some regression or de differentiation of cells before the re differentiation /regeneration. The problem seems to be that there are few electric devices for healing that really use Becker’s principles of silver electrodes and very small continuous dc currents , a lot of the electric stimulation devices on the market are scammy and use currents that are too big. In that case I wonder what the chemical analogues of the currents he talks about for healing are, what hormones or chemicals facilitate de differentiation. I wonder if lidocaine or procaine around the ligaments could help, if the dna demethylation tbey produce has something to do w regressing the cells to a primitive non differentiated state

Oxidative metabolism fully burning sugar is what produces those electrical fields
here is where you can buy the device built based on Beckers Patent
Tissue Regeneration, Repair, Stem Cells, Robert O Becker, Electrotherapy


Jul 6, 2013
Check out Dr Robert Denises interview on self hacked. I have no words for his device other then remarkable. Many family and friends have benefited greatly from it and fast

what remarkable benefits have you all noticed?
Nov 27, 2017
Oxidative metabolism fully burning sugar is what produces those electrical fields
here is where you can buy the device built based on Beckers Patent
Tissue Regeneration, Repair, Stem Cells, Robert O Becker, Electrotherapy
I disagree to an extetn--this is peatarian oversimplication. Unfortunately there's many things that now cause oxidative stress and protective hypometabolism so simply pushing the throttle of pxidative metabolism isn't simply the solution it once was. Im referring to xenobiotic toxins in particular.


Aug 6, 2019
I disagree to an extetn--this is peatarian oversimplication. Unfortunately there's many things that now cause oxidative stress and protective hypometabolism so simply pushing the throttle of pxidative metabolism isn't simply the solution it once was. Im referring to xenobiotic toxins in particular.

You think that keeping the metabolism as high as possible is not the best way to deal with xenobiotics, and maybe a lower metabolism allows the body to carefully move these toxins out without "setting them off"?
Nov 27, 2017
You think that keeping the metabolism as high as possible is not the best way to deal with xenobiotics, and maybe a lower metabolism allows the body to carefully move these toxins out without "setting them off"?
From my own experience, plus some science (likr Robert naviauxs work and paul Cheney's) I don't think higher metabolism always = better, it can certainly be protective. People in a hypometabolic state will sequester toxins and not let them out until tjey are in a safe enviroment for healing, otherwise the burden would be too high on liver, kidneys, etc.


Aug 6, 2019
@debored13 That's an interesting explanation, because it implies that food is at best just another factor. For example, many of us here think that food is a cause of hypometabolism. Based on your comment, in this hypometabolic state, we'll sequester toxins. If we fix the hypometabolism with food, you suggest that we may not fully revert back to a state where we can handle those toxins. I think this suggests that the environment is likely to be a more potent driver of hypometabolism than food is, at least for those people who might be better off in a hypometabolic state for the time being. In this situation, food is (probably) necessary, but not sufficient for good health.
Nov 27, 2017
@debored13 That's an interesting explanation, because it implies that food is at best just another factor. For example, many of us here think that food is a cause of hypometabolism. Based on your comment, in this hypometabolic state, we'll sequester toxins. If we fix the hypometabolism with food, you suggest that we may not fully revert back to a state where we can handle those toxins. I think this suggests that the environment is likely to be a more potent driver of hypometabolism than food is, at least for those people who might be better off in a hypometabolic state for the time being. In this situation, food is (probably) necessary, but not sufficient for good health.
I do think the enviroment is more of a dtiver of health problems than food is. And astonishingly i have found it to drive gut issues more than food! Hemorrhoids go away 100% w being in a pristine place even if I don't eat great. Gut motility problems too. Peat is way behind the times on enviromental toxins as driver of health. He's right about nutrition but his only stuff om enviromental drivers pf health is specifically about altitude , sun, and things that stimulate the mind.

Biotoxins plus nanoparticle pollutants basically make a lot of the US ans even the whole world have unhealthy air. It's not just indoor molds , it's something we can't quite understand
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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