Being transwoman doesn't equal being female


Jan 9, 2019
Man and Woman means nothing really, fetuses are technically female then some are programmed to produce androgens which changes them into what we call men, which is probably an adaptation to create hunters and warriors, men are pretty much becoming obsolete as we advance technologically, there are feminine men and masculine women and anything in between, the terms mean nothing it's just semantics, many species that developed differently either have one sex or more than two.

I don't see how transgender people are a threat to society or "women" and i don't find the hatred against them reasonable, of course the science of sex change is far from perfect but i don't see why people should not have the choice to change their own body the way they want, or how this affects anyone other than them.

Every argument against transgender people is either conservative stupidity or religious bull****,

All of you came to this forum to experiment with your biology and basically biohack your body to a more satisfying, happy life and most of you ironically already take progesterone albeit in smaller doses probably, witch is one of the hormones trans people use, I find your hatred against them very hypocritical.

Also gender was not binary in all cultures, many tribes and cultures had a different perspective on gender and sexuality.

Abrahamic religions is what told people to hate anything different than their narrow tunnel vision, its always Abrahamic religions that teach fear , hatred, aggression , misery , etc. Abrahamic religion followers are the serotonin inflated knuckleheads that hate and fear everyone and everything different. I don't see how anyone in his right mind can follow such hateful cults or sympathies with their dumb ideas.

Anyway I believe that everyone should have the right to make his life better through the use of technology intelligence science etc.
And if you want to turn into what we call a woman to be happy then its your body your choice and responsibility so I don't see how anyone can make an actual logical argument against that.

How come so many people are against personal freedom lately.
A man can never become a woman and a woman can never become a man. End of story. Can they try? Sure. But in the meantime there will be tons of physical, psychological and societal casualties. Hormonal and behavioral aberrations are a product of a subpar environment, and like autism, it will continue to rise with the destruction of quality food, air, water, supportive family structure and other foundational human substrates.
Jul 17, 2021
People do not realize that this gender neutral push in the media is tied to the false narrative they want to promote that the "aliens" and not God, created us as gender neutral beings.
But in me stating that, I've already lost more than half the people reading what I said. Just wait folks, you are going to be seeing this "aliens as our creators" narrative more and more. They deliberately want to move us from the understanding that we were created by God, as distinct sexes, male and female....made in the image of God...both sexes being aspects of His divine nature. It 's to try and eliminate all knowledge of God. Hence, the transhuman, dna altering covid 19 jabs.


Jun 20, 2015
"Making you pretend to believe something you don't: that's the point, because if they can make you pretend that you believe something that is untrue, they won. They control your brain. So this isn't about trans people it's about all of us and the stakes are very high. That is why censorship is so intense. Have you noticed? Our national conversation about transgender is completely defined by censorship, by making you shut up. Not allowing you to notice the obvious is why they are doing it."


Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
People do not realize that this gender neutral push in the media is tied to the false narrative they want to promote that the "aliens" and not God, created us as gender neutral beings.
But in me stating that, I've already lost more than half the people reading what I said. Just wait folks, you are going to be seeing this "aliens as our creators" narrative more and more. They deliberately want to move us from the understanding that we were created by God, as distinct sexes, male and female....made in the image of God...both sexes being aspects of His divine nature. It 's to try and eliminate all knowledge of God. Hence, the transhuman, dna altering covid 19 jabs.
Who is pushing that and how? All the people I know of that believe it also consider masculine and feminine fundamental aspects of reality.

These people also rarely take vaccines, and are more of tree hugger types. And denying the One Creator would probably be seen as foolishness or insanity.


Jun 20, 2015
This USA swimming official said it very well, "Swimming is a sport where bodies compete against bodies, identities don’t compete against identities”, and then she explains how the bodies differ and how girls go through puberty differently. The girls kind of have to learn to swim again when their body changes.



Feb 22, 2022
I wonder if all this ideology is just to create a distraction. I don't really think the elite are this satanic that they would benefit from this.

What a silly situation
Jul 17, 2021
Who is pushing that and how? All the people I know of that believe it also consider masculine and feminine fundamental aspects of reality.

These people also rarely take vaccines, and are more of tree hugger types. And denying the One Creator would probably be seen as foolishness or insanity.
The transhumanist movement is huge. It’s linked to the jabs. And body modification modalities as well.


Mar 17, 2021
Concepts such as gender, femininity and masculinity have been used to control people and the definitions are usually pre-constructed, abstracted and manufactured by the brahmin caste to make most individuals obey and not second-guess what it is that they truly want from life. It's for our own good, allegedly.

While I agree that biological males have no bussiness competing with biological females in sports, the whole topic is merely a distraction or a side-glance compared the broader picture.

Bodily (Self-)mutilation(SRS, circumcision, breast implants, breast reduction surgeries) and bodily integrity are much more important and productive topics that should be discussed in the public spehere I think.

just imagine for a moment the sheer trauma and self-hatred that a dude or a chick must have gone trough to entertain this delusion that cutting out their own sexual organs will bring them peace or happiness one day.

I'd much rather have the next generation dress like crazy freaks and engage in homosexual acts than have them try to change their sex to be accepeted and integrated into a profoundly disturbed culture. I'm sure many on here would contend that one former leads to the latter and that they are esentially the same thing:degeneration.

Iran encourages effeminate/feminine homosexual men to castrate themselves and live as women(whatever the **** that means) rather than allow them to live as gay guys due to the fact that gay men subvert gender roles whilst trans people usually enforce them. In western societies many trans men and women essentially want to be more than what society allows them to be. As such they are unknowingly led into a cult of death: choose your idol: 6'4 gigachad or bimbo fertility goddess, no in-betweens, no complexity of thought: pure domestication--choose your team and go.

If there is a good thing about being transgender is that it forces the individual to exit the matrix of what men and women are supposed/deemed to be and seek more authentic and healthy lives for themselves and possibly their loved ones as well. At the same time it can lead to a life of resentment and extreme anti-social behaviour.

It's part of human consciousness to want to explore and understand our own nature. No-one will ultimately ever be able to put a halt on it: no institution or individual, noone.

What powerful people CAN do is direct this drive for curiosity into a positive, life-affirming direction(freedom, complexity, higher patterns of thinking) or a negative one(life-DENYING) and It's quite obvious where things are heading in many societies.

Elites cannot allow eccentric weirdos to exist and gain status because being authentic is high-status to begin with.(Elites themselves fancy themselves as special)

'Trans-woman' and 'Trans-man' are inherently conservative labels meant to halt any attempt at inquiry into the phenomenon of genderbending, transgenderism, human sexuality and the biological and psycho-social drives behind these things.

For the sake of ending this long-winded, reddit-tier post I'd just like to paraphrase what I once heard coming from a chinese man's mouth:

" Male and female homosexuslity are nature's attempt of balancing out misandry and male chauvinism. "
Jul 17, 2021
I wonder if all this ideology is just to create a distraction. I don't really think the elite are this satanic that they would benefit from this.

What a silly situation
The elite worship Lucifer who is a transgendered little god. That’s why they push this agenda so hard.
Jul 17, 2021
But the alien thing, in my experience, is New Age belief. Vaccines are generally shunned and the body is treated as sacred.
Well they ( the aliens) really are fallen angelic entities/powers from another dimension. We live in a multidimensional world. I assume you may understand that. These entities/spirits/archons will possess human beings who allow themselves to be possessed. They’re not aliens. But that is what they want us to believe. Look into Project Bluebeam. They have an “alien invasion” planned for humanity. It’s part of the New World Order agenda.


Jan 9, 2019
Well they ( the aliens) really are fallen angelic entities/powers from another dimension. We live in a multidimensional world. I assume you may understand that. These entities/spirits/archons will possess human beings who allow themselves to be possessed. They’re not aliens. But that is what they want us to believe. Look into Project Bluebeam. They have an “alien invasion” planned for humanity. It’s part of the New World Order agenda.
Angels can't fall, God controls angels, they have no free will, and since God is infallible angels can't fall.

God created the angels and the devils, there is no divine war. The war is between the devils and mankind both of whom will be punished (for evil), devils have no power in the afterlife and are not the gatekeepers of hell, angels by the command of God are.

The so called fallen angels are a completely different creation known as demons or Jinn.


Jun 20, 2015
"Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist" (short "TERF") is how misogynist trans-people call women that do insist that there is such a thing as biology and do not agree that a man is a woman because he says so. The women are discredited as being far right and fascist while radical transgender ideologists try to cancel every panel discussion and even call for violence against women. This happened in Germany a couple of days ago.

The website linked below documents the misogyny of transgender identity politics. It's so disgusting.

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When I lift my head upwards I can see the bones in my neck. I'm all woman thank you very much. Menstruated and conceived. Those of us not swimming in fat can have this. I've also got visible collar bones. I am not underweight. Stop calling women transgender - it's not a game.
Jul 17, 2021
I get what he's trying to say, but people's faces do not conform to these strict standards of "male wide square jaw", "female delicate tiny face".... lawdy you would think I am a guy in drag based on this

True. Not every woman has the exact same features. I don’t agree with all the examples he has in the video, but there are defining characteristics such as pronounced adam’s apples that real women do not have.

I didn’t think this person below was a biological male, but apparently they were transgendered by their parents at a very young age. Which they do. They obviously had adam’s apple surgery where they removed it by shaving it down. They can literally change every aspect of a person by giving them hormones, detailed surgery etc. They gave hormones to him at quite a young age


Weirdly, this male to female looks similar to me when I was younger 😬

View attachment 45188
Jul 17, 2021
When I lift my head upwards I can see the bones in my neck. I'm all woman thank you very much. Menstruated and conceived. Those of us not swimming in fat can have this. I've also got visible collar bones. I am not underweight. Stop calling women transgender - it's not a game.
What are you so triggered by? They can and do this nowadays. Shouldn’t be a shock. Haven’t you noticed what they are doing in schools? Having the kiddies attend “Trangender story time”? It’s in our faces. There’s an obvious agenda behind it that you can’t see or choose to put your head in the sand about. Chill out.
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