Being transwoman doesn't equal being female


Jun 20, 2015
I do not care if a man dresses like a woman, puts on make-up, and lives with another man. If it makes them happy, it's their business. As everyone else they deserve to be treated with respect, and they must never be harassed because they identify with a different gender than the one they were born with.

However when it comes to physiological properties it's the biology that matters. Men have stronger bones and greater lung capacity than women. They are on average taller and stronger.

This transgender agenda has long crossed the red line. When the attempt to protect transgender people infringes the rights of women, something is really out of whack.

To allow a transwoman to compete in women's sport is unfair. To consider to transfer a convicted male to a women's prison is outright scandalous, it massively puts the female inmates at risk.


A transwoman who raped a female in an horrific attack has been jailed for 15 years – but could still end up in a women’s prison
For this appalling crime, Winter was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment, which, in Winter’s case, raises the question, where? Under a disastrous 2016 policy, that may well have been a women’s prison. With astonishing naivety, the UK Ministry of Justice announced that “People who are living in a gender different to that of their assigned sex at birth should, as a general presumption, be treated by offender management services according to the gender in which they identify.”

Whatever fantasy world they imagined, the reality was epitomised in Karen White, a convicted paedophile who was on remand for grievous bodily harm, burglary, multiple rapes and other sexual offences against women. Despite being legally and anatomically male, White dressed as a woman and was duly transferred to a women’s prison. The metaphorical fox in the hen house then sexually assaulted two other inmates before being moved back to a male jail.

White’s is not an isolated case – there have been at least six other sex attacks in women’s jails by transgender convicts.

The US shouldn't make the same mistakes. I am not sure that Biden is aware of the risks:

In prison the determination should be: Your sexual identity is defined by what you say it is, not what in fact the prison says it is.
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Jul 29, 2014
I agree with what you have written, including the part about respect, and I think any sane person would.

J.K. Rowling is correct in thinking this whole agenda infringes on women's rights. It's a travesty.

The prison rape thing is awful. You have to be supremely idiotic to send a man who dresses like a woman convicted of raping a woman to a woman's prison. I just don't understand how someone can be so dumb.


Jan 25, 2014
I do not care if a man dresses like a woman, puts on make-up, and lives with another man. If it makes them happy, it's their business. As everyone else they deserve to be treated with respect, and they must never be harassed because they identify with a different gender than the one they were born with.

However when it comes to physiological properties it's the biology that matters. Men have stronger bones and greater lung capacity than women. They are on average taller and stronger.

This transgender agenda has long crossed the red line. When the attempt to protect transgender people infringes the rights of women, something is really out of whack.

To allow a transwoman to compete in women's sport is unfair. To consider to transfer a male convicted to a women's prison is outright scandalous, it s massively puts the female inmates at risk.

Exactly. I see the agenda infringing on both women, and also children.

In theory, I have no problem with any adult consenting to so called "transgender therapies," which usually includes hormone treatments, other drugs, and surgeries. But in reality, I know all of these things can have very serious side effects, and most patients (and probably even doctors) don't fully understand the risks, many of which would be long term/permanent by nature.

When I first heard about drugs labeled "puberty blockers," I was really horrified. I knew about the evils in medicine for a while, but that really seemed to be another level of demented. Why does medicine want to destroy children?

As far as sports goes, there is probably no better example than Cheryl Miller. She's the older sister to Reggie, who was a top NBA player. But growing up, he could never beat his sister in basketball..... and no one else could either, neither boys nor girls. She dominated in women's basketball through the high school and college level. She even recorded a 100 point game. I always wondered if she could have competed in the NBA..... if any woman could, it would be Cheryl Miller. Well, after college, she did play in some independent Men's Basketball leagues. But injuries forced her retirement after just couple years. Outside of a handful of more skill based sports (maybe say tennis and golf), it's just not fair to have women compete against men.
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands


Mar 21, 2014
"Trans-identified males" is the term I use. TIM.

"Transwoman" implies they are a special type of woman. They are 100% male.

The death and rape threats they send to women pushing back underscores just how male they are.


Feb 18, 2016
The transgender mania is part big pharma‘s legal crude experimentation on gender and a cover for big bank and big business bailouts, wokism is great cover while the ruling class push social change, as in stakeholder capitalism, the rich get richer etc
The irony of the woke cult is that they want science canceled, it may well be science that could create a procedure that could change the sex of humans more coherently in the future, the process is present in other creatures, we are hundreds of years away from this, big pharma as mentioned may be using kids as guinea pigs to get data to develop this hypothesis further.

The problem that transgender folks don’t get is that male to female is going to cause more health issues than female to male, males using high doses of estrogen are going to end up with a host of problems once they reach their 40’s, their natural protective hormones drop at this point and they will likely continue dosing estrogen, progesterone is probably uses in its artificial form knowing big pharma.
Most trans women to male are taking DHT I believe, this may protect them? Possible but I’m not sure.

Longevity should also decline drastically, older generation transgender people probably just made do with cosmetic surgery and didn’t dose hormones like they are doing now.

It should also be considered child abuse outside a medical emergency to dose kids with hormones, the prefrontal cortex is still developing until their 20’s, hormones will make a mess of this structure particularly when the initial gender seed is crystallizing the organisms pattern toward male or female, the mixed signals from high estrogen or lack of hormones via blockers won’t end well.

It’s likely the "hormone blockers" don’t just block specifically either, knowing big pharma there will be a host of additional side effects.

Why is it wokism is supposed to be against white males/patriarchy but the movements overall actions are benefitting men and undermining women, real women that is. Wokism is like something Jeffrey Epstein came up with.


Jun 5, 2019
Man and Woman means nothing really, fetuses are technically female then some are programmed to produce androgens which changes them into what we call men, which is probably an adaptation to create hunters and warriors, men are pretty much becoming obsolete as we advance technologically, there are feminine men and masculine women and anything in between, the terms mean nothing it's just semantics, many species that developed differently either have one sex or more than two.

I don't see how transgender people are a threat to society or "women" and i don't find the hatred against them reasonable, of course the science of sex change is far from perfect but i don't see why people should not have the choice to change their own body the way they want, or how this affects anyone other than them.

Every argument against transgender people is either conservative stupidity or religious bull****,

All of you came to this forum to experiment with your biology and basically biohack your body to a more satisfying, happy life and most of you ironically already take progesterone albeit in smaller doses probably, witch is one of the hormones trans people use, I find your hatred against them very hypocritical.

Also gender was not binary in all cultures, many tribes and cultures had a different perspective on gender and sexuality.

Abrahamic religions is what told people to hate anything different than their narrow tunnel vision, its always Abrahamic religions that teach fear , hatred, aggression , misery , etc. Abrahamic religion followers are the serotonin inflated knuckleheads that hate and fear everyone and everything different. I don't see how anyone in his right mind can follow such hateful cults or sympathies with their dumb ideas.

Anyway I believe that everyone should have the right to make his life better through the use of technology intelligence science etc.
And if you want to turn into what we call a woman to be happy then its your body your choice and responsibility so I don't see how anyone can make an actual logical argument against that.

How come so many people are against personal freedom lately.


Oct 21, 2013
Man and Woman means nothing really, fetuses are technically female then some are programmed to produce androgens which changes them into what we call men, which is probably an adaptation to create hunters and warriors, men are pretty much becoming obsolete as we advance technologically, there are feminine men and masculine women and anything in between, the terms mean nothing it's just semantics, many species that developed differently either have one sex or more than two.

I don't see how anyone in his right mind can follow such hateful cults or sympathies with their dumb ideas.
(same guy)
It's not surprising that some people would welcome the singularity, just as people welcome gene therapy as evolution.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
I don't see how transgender people are a threat to society or "women" and i don't find the hatred against them reasonable, of course the science of sex change is far from perfect but i don't see why people should not have the choice to change their own body the way they want, or how this affects anyone other than them.

i find it strange that you can't see the threat tbh, when people have literally mentioned specific men who rape women, then pretend to be women, being sent to women's prisons...only to rape more women. i mean, it seems a fairly self evident issue

here's blaire white, arguably one of the most famous trans influencers on the planet, explaining the problem to a pedophile who is abusing "her" new trans rights to sexually harass children and women in bathrooms via canada's new trans laws, a trend which is growing in every nation that embraces unisex toilets, because it allows men the opportunity which they never had before

Every argument against transgender people is either conservative stupidity or religious bull****,

All of you came to this forum to experiment with your biology and basically biohack your body to a more satisfying, happy life and most of you ironically already take progesterone albeit in smaller doses probably, witch is one of the hormones trans people use, I find your hatred against them very hypocritical.
no mate it's a question of objectivity vs subjectivity.

sex is objective, scientific fact. gender is a social opinion that has zero definition, can never be defined and has an infinite level of potential interpretations. the bbc released 100+ new genders last year for all the plebs to quack about, and even then they admit it's no where near complete lol

How come so many people are against personal freedom lately.

the laws are changing to compel people to acknowledge subjective opinion instead of fact, which means many more rapists will be allowed into female prisons because they stick on a dress, and because the people on the outside demand these poor trans prisoners have "freedom" to express themselves, all over their next victim apparently.

i find it absolutely bizarre that you think this is a question of "freedom" when trans people always fall into two categories - the rational trans people who realize they can only transition between male or female and generally just wanna get on with it...and the irrational trans people, who want to compel everyone else to use the "right language" have the "right thoughts" and if they don't, they should be locked up for violence.

that's kind of like the definition of narcissistic injury - if someone doesn't "comply" and play along with the narcissists delusions, then narc rage ensues and the person who failed to comply must be utterly devalued.

here we can see how totally incapable such people are of having ANY "common ground". they aren't interested in debate. they aren't interested in learning, all they want is for everyone else to change and do as they are told. in their mind, the 99.99999% of the population is the problem and should bend over to accommodate them

sure, i think crowder is being intentionally belligerent because the asexual potato is clearly hostile and has no interest in discussion but rather wants to "educate him", but the point stands - the potato believes that if you "misgender" it, you're committing violence and must be stopped. that is, having an opinion, or simply not being aware of someone elses' opinion, is, in the minds of these people, an act of violence

so personally, i think encouraging or defending this sort of thing is incredibly dangerous because it posits that language and meaning are totally arbitrary. once you have a society that literally cannot tell the difference between a man and a woman, you have successfully neutralized that society.

so while i completely disagree with you on a very fundamental level and personally think your opinion is the antithesis of freedom, i totally accept that the vast majority of people will, eventually agree with you for no other reason than group think
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Jun 20, 2015
Every argument against transgender people is either conservative stupidity or religious bull****,

All of you came to this forum to experiment with your biology and basically biohack your body to a more satisfying, happy life and most of you ironically already take progesterone albeit in smaller doses probably, witch is one of the hormones trans people use, I find your hatred against them very hypocritical.
Nothing in this thread was about hatred toward transgender people.

Stop taking LSD. Go out to get some sun. Don't read or post in this forum. You don't like it here anyway. You already made this clear in the thread you have started.

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Jul 29, 2014
Anyway I believe that everyone should have the right

Yes, other than children. But people for the most part are not upset about one individual adults decision to transition, it's other things. See my response below.

i find it strange that you can't see the threat tbh, when people have literally mentioned specific men who rape women, then pretend to be women, being sent to women's prisons...only to rape more women. i mean, it seems a fairly self evident issue

Yes the whole man in womens prison thing is disturbing, especially if a woman gets raped (which has happened). Also the men in womens sports thing. Not sure why women are not protesting this more?

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Yes, other than children. But people for the most part are not upset about one individual adults decision to transition, it's other things. See my response below.

Yes the whole man in womens prison thing is disturbing, especially if a woman gets raped (which has happened). Also the men in womens sports thing. Not sure why women are not protesting this more?

the only place women can "protest" is social media, where they get shut down, harassed and abused if they even suggest that there is a difference between men and women. jk rowling has been getting death threats for over a year because she spoke out about it

the irony that these same people who abuse others in support of "transitioners" while insisting there isn't a difference between the sexes, isn't lost on me.

as broken as it is, you gotta admit it's funny watching an entire team of elite female athletes trying to take on one "trans-woman"....and failing. reminds me of when boris johnson rugby tackled a 5 year old lol

then the trans woman tells them "they should work harder" and sues anyone that tries to "misgender" them or suggest that they shouldn't compete with biological women

sums up everything tbh, from the messed up people who do this ***t, to the messed up people that don't think it's a problem
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Aug 13, 2020
I do not care if a man dresses like a woman, puts on make-up, and lives with another man. If it makes them happy, it's their business. As everyone else they deserve to be treated with respect, and they must never be harassed because they identify with a different gender than the one they were born with.

However when it comes to physiological properties it's the biology that matters. Men have stronger bones and greater lung capacity than women. They are on average taller and stronger.

This transgender agenda has long crossed the red line. When the attempt to protect transgender people infringes the rights of women, something is really out of whack.

To allow a transwoman to compete in women's sport is unfair. To consider to transfer a convicted male to a women's prison is outright scandalous, it massively puts the female inmates at risk.


A transwoman who raped a female in an horrific attack has been jailed for 15 years – but could still end up in a women’s prison

The US shouldn't make the same mistakes. I am not sure that Biden is aware of the risks:

"Identifying with a different gender" has a name. It's called gender dysphoria and it's classified as a mental illness. It should not be an identity/political movement.

The fact that Western society is even having this conversation is a sign of how deep the cultural rot has gone in a relatively short period of time.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
"Identifying with a different gender" has a name. It's called gender dysphoria and it's classified as a mental illness. It should not be an identity/political movement.

The fact that Western society is even having this conversation is a sign of how deep the cultural rot has gone in a relatively short period of time.

it's a sad fact but it is true - in politics the people, or the mob, is known colloquially as "the beast" and controlling it is largely a case of starvation (austerity) and manipulation; that is, encouraging racism and phobias within society so that the plebs infight, instead of rebel. sexual debauchery for example has preceded the fall of every single empire since rome, because it's a great way to obfuscate the other hallmark of social suicide - currency debasement

no surprise that blm first became a thing during the occupy wallstreet movement. people in power will always exploit the minds of weak, scared people, because such minds offer more leverage than nuclear weapons in terms of politics.
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