The "incel" phenomenon is likely a deliberate government policy/psyop


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It is hard to believe that the government would engage in such absurd actions, but according to the article below the US military was convinced as far back as early 20th century that sexual DIS-satisfaction was key to making men angry, aggressive and homicidal and the military designed official policies towards sexually manipulating its soldiers in WWI towards such a dissatisfied state. If the government holds the firm belief that sexually satisfied soldiers are happy, anti-war, and disobedient and the govt has openly pushed the incel "phenotype" on its soldiers as far as back as WWI, then it does not seem too much of a conspiracy to assume the same would be (or has already been) attempted on a nationwide scale, and not just in regards to military service. Note that the "powerful figures" (as the article calls them) that came up with the WWI "incel" policy did not envision its applicability only in regards war/military. They believed that sexually dissatisfied men are motivated in general, in regards to any objective. Considering CIA ops such as Mockingbird or MKULTRA, a psyop on manipulating the sexuality of the populace towards facilitating obedience and lifelong hard (low-paid?) work seems like an innocent cartoon in comparison. There is an old proverb saying "The rich thrive when the poor strive", and apparently one of the best ways to ensure that the "plebs" (both men and women) "strive" (especially at work) is to deprive them of sexual satisfaction. The "incel" movement is hardly a niche problem any more. A number of large recent studies showed that a record number of Western citizens are completely celibate, and the highest rate of celibacy is in the youngest cohort. The rates of sexual deviancy are also through the roof and keep increasing.

Just a decade ago, such findings would be unthinkable, but now they are a reality and resonate strikingly well with other studies finding chronic diseases to be skyrocketing in the young instead of the old. In other words, it looks like there is a "war on the young", that war is not at all coincidental, and sexuality is a major target in that war.

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @AlaskaJono @Rinse & rePeat @FocusedOnHealth @InChristAlone @yerrag

USA sexually ‘teased’ its troops in the First World War to make them fight harder
"...Initially neutral, the US began to change its position after a German U-boat sank the Lusitania in 1915, and when it was revealed that Germany sought to urge Mexico to attack the United States. But even as their first troops landed in France in June 1917, few Americans fully understood let alone supported this faraway conflict. In a study published in the Journal of the History of Sexuality, Eric Wycoff Rogers argues that the US Government and military took drastic action to use sexuality to motivate its conscripted soldiers to embrace their roles in the war. “The war didn’t feel relevant to young American men in the way it did to European men,” Rogers says. “Particularly after President Wilson’s sudden U-turn on American belligerency, the government had to work hard to convince civilians to support the war, and this was doubly true for soldiers, many of whom were drafted against their will. “In this context, the War Department actively exploited sexuality to psychologically manipulate American soldiers to fight.” This involved enforcing sexual abstinence while simultaneously exposing soldiers to carefully controlled forms of sexual stimulation. Believing that sexually satisfied men could not be easily motivated, the aim of this teasing was to generate unmet sexual desire, which the War Department could leverage as motivation to fight, especially through appeals to chivalry and heroism."

"...Drawing on the relatively neglected records of the morale agency, and the writings of the academics and reformers who led it, Rogers shows that these powerful figures believed that sexual climax wasted the energy which fuelled a man’s motivation. They also believed, however, that stimulating and then diverting a soldier’s sex drive could boost his motivation. Based on this “parasexual logic”, as Rogers terms it, these theorists of morale designed a range of manipulative policies and activities that both regulated and stimulated soldiers."

"...Through the Young Women’s Christian Association, the CTCA trained women and girls to support their aims. The CTCA dispatched speakers to cities and towns close to training camps to advise young girls and their mothers on guarding their sexuality from the troops. At the same time, military and civilian leaders set about extracting sexually active women and girls from areas frequented by soldiers. “By making sexual opportunities hard to find, the military sought to preserve men’s fighting strength.”"

"...Thousands of women were arrested, examined under duress and detained during the country’s brief involvement in the war. Rogers says: “One of my key findings is that venereal disease was primarily an excuse to police women and reduce sexual opportunities for soldiers. Morality, too, was a pretext for these programmes. “The real purpose of these horrific measures, however, was fundamentally about maintaining the sexual frustration that kept soldiers motivated.”

"“They also engaged in censorship,” Rogers says. “In a few instances, the Morale Branch’s staff opposed the inclusion of cartoons and other content that they deemed off-message.”

"...At the same time soldiers were pressed to write letters to women back home, supported by the provision of free envelopes and paper in YMCA huts and tents. CTCA officials hoped that when soldiers penned their love letters, the presence of attractive canteen workers would act as an exciting proxy for the women they were addressing. “Sexual denial, status anxiety and perceived pressure from women – this was a powerful combination,” Rogers says. “In striving for the approval of women, the morale planners hoped soldiers would perform their duties without complaint, fight harder, and be willing to risk their lives.”

"...The sudden end of the war did not mark the end of morale or sexualized motivation. After the war, Munson and some of his fellow morale planners published their theories as part of a new focus on human resources management which sought to boost morale and motivation in commercial industries. The campaigns to police women’s sexual behaviours – labelled the ‘American Plan’ – continued for over two decades, with police detaining thousands of women accused of being infected with STDs. According to Rogers, the spillover of the wartime programmes testifies to their enduring significance in modern society, and complicates how we periodize historical eras."

"...“The military’s ‘parasexual’ blend of constraint and stimulation offers a clear sketch of a cultural logic that runs deep in American culture: the use of sexual allure to motivate and to sell non-sexual experiences and products.” “Especially if we are going to navigate the tensions of the so-called ‘gender war’, we urgently need to understand the role that powerful individuals and organisations continue to play in manipulating sexuality and fuelling sexual frustration, not least in advertising, films and on social media.”
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Aug 17, 2016
It is hard to believe that the government would engage in such absurd actions, but according to the article below the US military was convinced as far back as early 20th century that sexual DIS-satisfaction was key to making men angry, aggressive and homicidal and the military designed official policies towards sexually manipulating its soldiers in WWI towards such a dissatisfied state. If the government holds the firm belief that sexually satisfied soldiers are happy, anti-war, and disobedient and the govt has openly pushed the incel "phenotype" on its soldiers as far as back as WWI, then it does not seem too much of a conspiracy to assume the same would be (or has already been) attempted on a nationwide scale, and not just in regards to military service. Note that the "powerful figures" (as the article calls them) that came up with the WWI "incel" policy did not envision its applicability only in regards war/military. They believed that sexually dissatisfied men are motivated in general, in regards to any objective. Considering CIA ops such as Mockingbird or MKULTRA, a psyop on manipulating the sexuality of the populace towards facilitating obedience and lifelong hard (low-paid?) work seems like an innocent cartoon in comparison. There is an old proverb saying "The rich thrive when the poor strive", and apparently one of the best ways to ensure that the "plebs" (both men and women) "strive" (especially at work) is to deprive them of sexual satisfaction. The "incel" movement is hardly a niche problem any more. A number of large recent studies showed that a record number of Western citizens are completely celibate, and the highest rate of celibacy is in the youngest cohort. The rates of sexual deviancy are also through the roof and keep increasing.

Just a decade ago, such findings would be unthinkable, but now they are a reality and resonate strikingly well with other studies finding chronic diseases to be skyrocketing in the young instead of the old. In other words, it looks like there is a "war on the young", that war is not at all coincidental, and sexuality is a major target in that war.

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @AlaskaJono @Rinse & rePeat @FocusedOnHealth @InChristAlone

USA sexually ‘teased’ its troops in the First World War to make them fight harder
"...Initially neutral, the US began to change its position after a German U-boat sank the Lusitania in 1915, and when it was revealed that Germany sought to urge Mexico to attack the United States. But even as their first troops landed in France in June 1917, few Americans fully understood let alone supported this faraway conflict. In a study published in the Journal of the History of Sexuality, Eric Wycoff Rogers argues that the US Government and military took drastic action to use sexuality to motivate its conscripted soldiers to embrace their roles in the war. “The war didn’t feel relevant to young American men in the way it did to European men,” Rogers says. “Particularly after President Wilson’s sudden U-turn on American belligerency, the government had to work hard to convince civilians to support the war, and this was doubly true for soldiers, many of whom were drafted against their will. “In this context, the War Department actively exploited sexuality to psychologically manipulate American soldiers to fight.” This involved enforcing sexual abstinence while simultaneously exposing soldiers to carefully controlled forms of sexual stimulation. Believing that sexually satisfied men could not be easily motivated, the aim of this teasing was to generate unmet sexual desire, which the War Department could leverage as motivation to fight, especially through appeals to chivalry and heroism."

"...Drawing on the relatively neglected records of the morale agency, and the writings of the academics and reformers who led it, Rogers shows that these powerful figures believed that sexual climax wasted the energy which fuelled a man’s motivation. They also believed, however, that stimulating and then diverting a soldier’s sex drive could boost his motivation. Based on this “parasexual logic”, as Rogers terms it, these theorists of morale designed a range of manipulative policies and activities that both regulated and stimulated soldiers."
My first thought was "table training" method for protection dogs. It is an odious low brow method and far less productive than motivational training.
Needless to say, the latter method turns out great all-around champions.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
My first thought was "table training" method for protection dogs. It is an odious low brow method and far less productive than motivational training.
Needless to say, the latter method turns out great all-around champions.

Oh, so "table training" is the equivalent of sexual taunting for the men, right? So close, yet so far away. Close enough to get them going, but not close enough for..."discharge"?


Aug 17, 2016
Oh, so "table training" is the equivalent of sexual taunting for the men, right? So close, yet so far away. Close enough to get them going, but not close enough for..."discharge"?
makes for one mentally dull and socially inept dog that often ends up living in a dog house or at a kill shelter.
Mar 10, 2021
It is hard to believe that the government would engage in such absurd actions, but according to the article below the US military was convinced as far back as early 20th century that sexual DIS-satisfaction was key to making men angry, aggressive and homicidal and the military designed official policies towards sexually manipulating its soldiers in WWI towards such a dissatisfied state. If the government holds the firm belief that sexually satisfied soldiers are happy, anti-war, and disobedient and the govt has openly pushed the incel "phenotype" on its soldiers as far as back as WWI, then it does not seem too much of a conspiracy to assume the same would be (or has already been) attempted on a nationwide scale, and not just in regards to military service. Note that the "powerful figures" (as the article calls them) that came up with the WWI "incel" policy did not envision its applicability only in regards war/military. They believed that sexually dissatisfied men are motivated in general, in regards to any objective. Considering CIA ops such as Mockingbird or MKULTRA, a psyop on manipulating the sexuality of the populace towards facilitating obedience and lifelong hard (low-paid?) work seems like an innocent cartoon in comparison. There is an old proverb saying "The rich thrive when the poor strive", and apparently one of the best ways to ensure that the "plebs" (both men and women) "strive" (especially at work) is to deprive them of sexual satisfaction. The "incel" movement is hardly a niche problem any more. A number of large recent studies showed that a record number of Western citizens are completely celibate, and the highest rate of celibacy is in the youngest cohort. The rates of sexual deviancy are also through the roof and keep increasing.

Just a decade ago, such findings would be unthinkable, but now they are a reality and resonate strikingly well with other studies finding chronic diseases to be skyrocketing in the young instead of the old. In other words, it looks like there is a "war on the young", that war is not at all coincidental, and sexuality is a major target in that war.

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @AlaskaJono @Rinse & rePeat @FocusedOnHealth @InChristAlone @yerrag

USA sexually ‘teased’ its troops in the First World War to make them fight harder
"...Initially neutral, the US began to change its position after a German U-boat sank the Lusitania in 1915, and when it was revealed that Germany sought to urge Mexico to attack the United States. But even as their first troops landed in France in June 1917, few Americans fully understood let alone supported this faraway conflict. In a study published in the Journal of the History of Sexuality, Eric Wycoff Rogers argues that the US Government and military took drastic action to use sexuality to motivate its conscripted soldiers to embrace their roles in the war. “The war didn’t feel relevant to young American men in the way it did to European men,” Rogers says. “Particularly after President Wilson’s sudden U-turn on American belligerency, the government had to work hard to convince civilians to support the war, and this was doubly true for soldiers, many of whom were drafted against their will. “In this context, the War Department actively exploited sexuality to psychologically manipulate American soldiers to fight.” This involved enforcing sexual abstinence while simultaneously exposing soldiers to carefully controlled forms of sexual stimulation. Believing that sexually satisfied men could not be easily motivated, the aim of this teasing was to generate unmet sexual desire, which the War Department could leverage as motivation to fight, especially through appeals to chivalry and heroism."

"...Drawing on the relatively neglected records of the morale agency, and the writings of the academics and reformers who led it, Rogers shows that these powerful figures believed that sexual climax wasted the energy which fuelled a man’s motivation. They also believed, however, that stimulating and then diverting a soldier’s sex drive could boost his motivation. Based on this “parasexual logic”, as Rogers terms it, these theorists of morale designed a range of manipulative policies and activities that both regulated and stimulated soldiers."

"...Through the Young Women’s Christian Association, the CTCA trained women and girls to support their aims. The CTCA dispatched speakers to cities and towns close to training camps to advise young girls and their mothers on guarding their sexuality from the troops. At the same time, military and civilian leaders set about extracting sexually active women and girls from areas frequented by soldiers. “By making sexual opportunities hard to find, the military sought to preserve men’s fighting strength.”"

"...Thousands of women were arrested, examined under duress and detained during the country’s brief involvement in the war. Rogers says: “One of my key findings is that venereal disease was primarily an excuse to police women and reduce sexual opportunities for soldiers. Morality, too, was a pretext for these programmes. “The real purpose of these horrific measures, however, was fundamentally about maintaining the sexual frustration that kept soldiers motivated.”

"“They also engaged in censorship,” Rogers says. “In a few instances, the Morale Branch’s staff opposed the inclusion of cartoons and other content that they deemed off-message.”

"...At the same time soldiers were pressed to write letters to women back home, supported by the provision of free envelopes and paper in YMCA huts and tents. CTCA officials hoped that when soldiers penned their love letters, the presence of attractive canteen workers would act as an exciting proxy for the women they were addressing. “Sexual denial, status anxiety and perceived pressure from women – this was a powerful combination,” Rogers says. “In striving for the approval of women, the morale planners hoped soldiers would perform their duties without complaint, fight harder, and be willing to risk their lives.”

"...The sudden end of the war did not mark the end of morale or sexualized motivation. After the war, Munson and some of his fellow morale planners published their theories as part of a new focus on human resources management which sought to boost morale and motivation in commercial industries. The campaigns to police women’s sexual behaviours – labelled the ‘American Plan’ – continued for over two decades, with police detaining thousands of women accused of being infected with STDs. According to Rogers, the spillover of the wartime programmes testifies to their enduring significance in modern society, and complicates how we periodize historical eras."

"...“The military’s ‘parasexual’ blend of constraint and stimulation offers a clear sketch of a cultural logic that runs deep in American culture: the use of sexual allure to motivate and to sell non-sexual experiences and products.” “Especially if we are going to navigate the tensions of the so-called ‘gender war’, we urgently need to understand the role that powerful individuals and organisations continue to play in manipulating sexuality and fuelling sexual frustration, not least in advertising, films and on social media.”
Let me get get this straight, the young are being targeted by the vaccines and other means to make their bodies have no desire, while their heads are being teased with social media, commercials, movies and such, to make them frustrated. This combination reminds me of that sick kid stuck in bed on a sunny day watching the other kids play. Interesting that this has been a ploy used on soldiers in the past to motivate them to want to fight. With all the possibilities as to what might be brewing with all the stuff they are pumping into people with vaccines of every sort for everything and anything, which shockingly include vaccines for UTI’s, I fear to know what all this pent up anger is intended for, if it is intentional. What scenario would need young people to be angry?


Feb 10, 2013
About the increase in LGBT, the number of lesbians and gays doesn't seem to be on the rise, transgenderism is though, and there are even groups on discord and so on that groom young kids into it. Some of them are even the young "incel" boys that are meme'd into becoming the gf they can't have. They give them priase and attention for dressing up and posting pictures, a lot of positive attention for lonely kids. On reddit a lot of adult men got into transgenderism through "sissy hypno porn" some just got into progressively weirder and weirder porn. A lot of them are adult married men though, so it's hitting the young and old, incel or not. Plenty of them are autistic tho and weird parphillia's are more common for autistic men. Most of the rise in LGBT is from young people with stupid new labels though, like demisexual(only likes people they have an emotional connection to) or asexual(usually kids too young for sex), and various such other labels, since being heterosexual is uncool among the young, they've added like 50 other of these labels that essentially mean heterosexual anyway.

Miles Mathis has written about his suspected CIA projects that he calls the "men are pigs/women are pigs projects" used to divide the sexes. He argues that a lot of the serial killer cases were psyops to make women terrified of men, then there is the various actors and other famous people who may be instructed to claim to have been raped, accuse others of rape or make claims of false rape accusations, making women afraid of men and men afraid of women (but suggesting all these stories are fake and the actors are acting might be too much of a conspiracy theory for some). I also doubt movements like the red pill and mgtow are organic, reddit is full of shills, 4chan was proven to have agents on the site shaping narratives too. Guys like andrew tate have clear links to the CIA etc. You have both sides told they are victims of the other, various studies and stats are produced to support this or that side. I've even seen communities of women that have decided to become celibate after reading places like the red pill or reddit in general that confirm their poor real life experiences with men, and the popularity of those communities makes them believe all men are like that. Men with a crappy divorce join a community of other men with the same situation and they decide all women are horrible cause that's all they ever read etc.

Most young people spend their time online in curated echo chambers, algorithms that offer videos that will influence their world view, women get endless stories of male violence, serial killers and horrors of the porn industry, men get stories of women treating men poorly, cheating, onlyfans chicks encouraging women to just use men for money and so on. Both get videos of beautiful people living amaing lives that make them feel inferior. Incel dudes were sane before they formed these communities and identified themselves with the incel label tho, the communities are depressing and they just tell eachother how hopeless everything is or how they are too ugly(and a lot of the time they are average or even cute). Some of them get into it pretty young too so they might have not even been "incels" just shy guys with a late start.


Jan 25, 2014
It is hard to believe that the government would engage in such absurd actions, but according to the article below the US military was convinced as far back as early 20th century that sexual DIS-satisfaction was key to making men angry, aggressive and homicidal and the military designed official policies towards sexually manipulating its soldiers in WWI towards such a dissatisfied state. If the government holds the firm belief that sexually satisfied soldiers are happy, anti-war, and disobedient and the govt has openly pushed the incel "phenotype" on its soldiers as far as back as WWI, then it does not seem too much of a conspiracy to assume the same would be (or has already been) attempted on a nationwide scale, and not just in regards to military service. Note that the "powerful figures" (as the article calls them) that came up with the WWI "incel" policy did not envision its applicability only in regards war/military.
There may be some similarities, and if there is "incel" policy from the government, it would be different that what you describe in the first World War. Basically, those were normal men, largely deprived of sex, but still retaining their basic desire for it. Like a "channeling" of that sexual energy into other pursuits, in this case, war. The big issue with current "incels" seems to be more of a complete lack of desire, or ability. Similar to how animals will be castrated to make them more docile. I think it's pretty well documented that many drugs (like SSRIs, estrogen, and five alpha reductase inhibitors) accomplish this chemically, and trans surgeries can accomplish them surgically. Add in the doomer/blackpill programming, and you might have some techniques for doing it mentally, as well.
They believed that sexually dissatisfied men are motivated in general, in regards to any objective.
But they don't want people in general (and men especially) to be motivated towards any objective now. I think they have moved away from "sexually dissatisfied," and gone more towards eunuchs.


Aug 17, 2016
There may be some similarities, and if there is "incel" policy from the government, it would be different that what you describe in the first World War. Basically, those were normal men, largely deprived of sex, but still retaining their basic desire for it. Like a "channeling" of that sexual energy into other pursuits, in this case, war. The big issue with current "incels" seems to be more of a complete lack of desire, or ability. Similar to how animals will be castrated to make them more docile. I think it's pretty well documented that many drugs (like SSRIs, estrogen, and five alpha reductase inhibitors) accomplish this chemically, and trans surgeries can accomplish them surgically. Add in the doomer/blackpill programming, and you might have some techniques for doing it mentally, as well.

But they don't want people in general (and men especially) to be motivated towards any objective now. I think they have moved away from "sexually dissatisfied," and gone more towards eunuchs.
Mar 10, 2021
But they don't want people in general (and men especially) to be motivated towards any objective now. I think they have moved away from "sexually dissatisfied," and gone more towards eunuchs.
The eunuch part is becoming the outcome too, but isn’t to Haidut’s point. I am confused.


Apr 19, 2020
The military’s ‘parasexual’ blend of constraint and stimulation offers a clear sketch of a cultural logic that runs deep in American culture: the use of sexual allure to motivate and to sell non-sexual experiences and products.” “Especially if we are going to navigate the tensions of the so-called ‘gender war’, we urgently need to understand the role that powerful individuals and organisations continue to play in manipulating sexuality and fuelling sexual frustration, not least in advertising, films and on social media.”

The Gov't Puppet Masters may have your 'Incel' type psyops for low/mid level Testosterone men. No matter what, they be twisted, a la Tavistock. The Big T Men will be too hard to control so they will get them either to enter the Armed Forces as soldiers, become Sports stars, or get them out of the gene pool. Besides hormonal activity getting adjusted from outside, the weakening of our complete physiologies AND immunity because all vaccines are and have been toxic, (Aluminum in the bloodstream? and now NanoFats?) and in addition to toxic foods, air, water, BPH /oestrogen mimickers in plastics AND ingredients, hypo-thyroid ingredients so some serious hormonal/metabolic fuckery afoot. They don't want us to be healthy, happy, and holy, they want a weak population that is mostly infertile, with no testosterone available MEN to fight the machine. Controllable. (Seed oils - don't forget those great articles on done in the 1930s showed coconuts fed to cattle got them thin and fit, and when fed corn and soy the cattle got fat and hypothyroid).

The last few years really made it clear to me that ALL this is intentional, and has been for 100 years. War on us people. Through media/food production/FDA/NIH, fake science, perversion of religion and spiritual institution, and of course 'who owns' this show. Violent War = decrease population and get rid of high T men, then low/mid level T men and their gene pool will be left behind. They have such tools available now because of 'smart phone' and online phenomena, and must be lots of businesses somewhere doing the Alphabet Agencies sub-contracting via social media 'incel support' blogs.... . I am really amazed at the level of Trans and other levels of Wokeness regarding sexuality, in particular, in UK and US and EU, I mean so out of touch with sexuality in general, it seems totally political, truly, imo.. This must have been a long time project. (And the tranny shows at schools, really?!) Complete and utter sabotage of sexuality AND culture through the media machinery.


Dec 10, 2016
The last few years really made it clear to me that ALL this is intentional
It's very hard to come to any other conclusion. If it was just incompetence and general confusion, you would expect the ideas which get promoted to be around 50/50 beneficial/harmful.

Just looking at the main nutritional ideas from the last decades:

Saturated fat bad, Unsaturated good. --> anti-metabolic
Dietary cholesterol bad. Avoid eggs and animal products in general --> anti-metabolic
Whole wheat good. The more fiber, the better --> anti-metabolic
Vegetables are the most healthy food. Even better if raw or slightly uncooked. --> anti-metabolic
Sugar bad, avoid at all costs --> anti-metabolic
Avoid sodium --> anti-metabolic


Nov 29, 2017
About the increase in LGBT, the number of lesbians and gays doesn't seem to be on the rise, transgenderism is though, and there are even groups on discord and so on that groom young kids into it. Some of them are even the young "incel" boys that are meme'd into becoming the gf they can't have. They give them priase and attention for dressing up and posting pictures, a lot of positive attention for lonely kids. On reddit a lot of adult men got into transgenderism through "sissy hypno porn" some just got into progressively weirder and weirder porn. A lot of them are adult married men though, so it's hitting the young and old, incel or not. Plenty of them are autistic tho and weird parphillia's are more common for autistic men. Most of the rise in LGBT is from young people with stupid new labels though, like demisexual(only likes people they have an emotional connection to) or asexual(usually kids too young for sex), and various such other labels, since being heterosexual is uncool among the young, they've added like 50 other of these labels that essentially mean heterosexual anyway.

Miles Mathis has written about his suspected CIA projects that he calls the "men are pigs/women are pigs projects" used to divide the sexes. He argues that a lot of the serial killer cases were psyops to make women terrified of men, then there is the various actors and other famous people who may be instructed to claim to have been raped, accuse others of rape or make claims of false rape accusations, making women afraid of men and men afraid of women (but suggesting all these stories are fake and the actors are acting might be too much of a conspiracy theory for some). I also doubt movements like the red pill and mgtow are organic, reddit is full of shills, 4chan was proven to have agents on the site shaping narratives too. Guys like andrew tate have clear links to the CIA etc. You have both sides told they are victims of the other, various studies and stats are produced to support this or that side. I've even seen communities of women that have decided to become celibate after reading places like the red pill or reddit in general that confirm their poor real life experiences with men, and the popularity of those communities makes them believe all men are like that. Men with a crappy divorce join a community of other men with the same situation and they decide all women are horrible cause that's all they ever read etc.

Most young people spend their time online in curated echo chambers, algorithms that offer videos that will influence their world view, women get endless stories of male violence, serial killers and horrors of the porn industry, men get stories of women treating men poorly, cheating, onlyfans chicks encouraging women to just use men for money and so on. Both get videos of beautiful people living amaing lives that make them feel inferior. Incel dudes were sane before they formed these communities and identified themselves with the incel label tho, the communities are depressing and they just tell eachother how hopeless everything is or how they are too ugly(and a lot of the time they are average or even cute). Some of them get into it pretty young too so they might have not even been "incels" just shy guys with a late start.
Good post


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
What scenario would need young people to be angry?

To turn on each other when economic conditions deteriorate and the govt manages to manipulate them into believing that another, just as marginalized, group is the "the problem. Or get them ready for another war, just like WWI.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
But they don't want people in general (and men especially) to be motivated towards any objective now.

Unless the govt wants those soyboy "men" angry and ready to turn on whatever social group the govt tells them is the problem...or just be angry at the world and feel like a war (on another country, on their fellow citizens, etc) is a "solution" to their frustrations. But yeah, I do agree that the incels are not like the WWI soldiers and this is probably due tot he govt realizing that having a lot of true, strong men be very frustrated can badly backfire and lead to toppling of the system, so they changed the goal from "frustrated and fighting" to "frustrated and impotent".


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The eunuch part is becoming the outcome too, but isn’t to Haidut’s point. I am confused.

My explanation is that the govt probably quickly realized that having frustrated but able men can backfire as those men can turn on the system and topple it. So, they probably modified the strategy to still have that sexual frustration but now most of the men are rendered impotent through diet/environment/drugs and as such are useful politically as "attack dogs", but do not really threaten the status quo or at least the powers that made them that way..
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Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
There may be some similarities, and if there is "incel" policy from the government, it would be different that what you describe in the first World War. Basically, those were normal men, largely deprived of sex, but still retaining their basic desire for it. Like a "channeling" of that sexual energy into other pursuits, in this case, war. The big issue with current "incels" seems to be more of a complete lack of desire, or ability. Similar to how animals will be castrated to make them more docile. I think it's pretty well documented that many drugs (like SSRIs, estrogen, and five alpha reductase inhibitors) accomplish this chemically, and trans surgeries can accomplish them surgically. Add in the doomer/blackpill programming, and you might have some techniques for doing it mentally, as well.

But they don't want people in general (and men especially) to be motivated towards any objective now. I think they have moved away from "sexually dissatisfied," and gone more towards eunuchs.

in some ways the descriptions seem similar to what the nofap/semen retention people are doing. avoiding all sexual activity was supposedly also a tactic some athletes and fighters used and still use to perform better in their sport. supposedly it was an ancient greek tactic for their athletes as well. and supposedly race horse owners also do this with their horses?

I have tried it and it does actually give you a boost in gym performance and endurance.

It's very hard to come to any other conclusion. If it was just incompetence and general confusion, you would expect the ideas which get promoted to be around 50/50 beneficial/harmful.

Just looking at the main nutritional ideas from the last decades:

Saturated fat bad, Unsaturated good. --> anti-metabolic
Dietary cholesterol bad. Avoid eggs and animal products in general --> anti-metabolic
Whole wheat good. The more fiber, the better --> anti-metabolic
Vegetables are the most healthy food. Even better if raw or slightly uncooked. --> anti-metabolic
Sugar bad, avoid at all costs --> anti-metabolic
Avoid sodium --> anti-metabolic

agreed those all make sense. but fiber, isnt insoluble fiber actually pro metabolic since it reduces endotoxin? supposedly Ray suggested wheat bran?
it seems vaccines probably have similar effects to the things you mention - anti metabolic.
btw, you know a lot of the 5AR inhibitor products actually raise testosterone levels in men, since they inhibit conversion to DHT? its not a good thing but on some forums theres people who go around bragging about their raised testosterone levels from using some supplement or diet style.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
btw, you know a lot of the 5AR inhibitor products actually raise testosterone levels in men, since they inhibit conversion to DHT? its not a good thing but on some forums theres people who go around bragging about their raised testosterone levels from using some supplement or diet style.

Yes, but 5-AR inhibitors also raise cortisol, so the net "anabolic" or "alpha" effect may be null (or even negative) as cortisol antagonizes testosterone.

At "best", taking finasteride/dutasteride may turn men into "cheaters" (by raising both cortisol and T) in every sense of the word, which is probably quite desirable for the elite that rules us.
Jul 17, 2021
There may be some similarities, and if there is "incel" policy from the government, it would be different that what you describe in the first World War. Basically, those were normal men, largely deprived of sex, but still retaining their basic desire for it. Like a "channeling" of that sexual energy into other pursuits, in this case, war. The big issue with current "incels" seems to be more of a complete lack of desire, or ability. Similar to how animals will be castrated to make them more docile. I think it's pretty well documented that many drugs (like SSRIs, estrogen, and five alpha reductase inhibitors) accomplish this chemically, and trans surgeries can accomplish them surgically. Add in the doomer/blackpill programming, and you might have some techniques for doing it mentally, as well.

But they don't want people in general (and men especially) to be motivated towards any objective now. I think they have moved away from "sexually dissatisfied," and gone more towards eunuchs.
I agree with you, as they appear to be pushing the eunuch agenda. Let’s just call it the apathetic agenda. Less sex, less interest, less procreation. Less of us. The elite do like that.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Yes, but 5-AR inhibitors also raise cortisol, so the net "anabolic" or "alpha" effect may be null (or even negative) as cortisol antagonizes testosterone.

At "best", taking finasteride/dutasteride may turn men into "cheaters" (by raising both cortisol and T) in every sense of the word, which is probably quite desirable for the elite that rules us.

is that all 5 AR inhibitors?
I remember a few years back, on the supplements subreddit, some people were touting saw palmetto as a "test booster". I even tried it for a bit but luckily it was a small amount, as part of a multivitamin formula, where they usually put very small amounts of herbs in just to make the label look longer and more impressive.
some people were even claiming to get hornier from using saw palmetto. luckily I found something on it being a 5 AR inhibitor, having effects similar to finasteride so I stopped using the multivitamin after a week or so. then I would always google ingredients in test boosters. I was finding a lot of the herbal test boosters had things that were estrogenic, or anti 5AR. it seems dangerous, as they have the potential to raise testosterone levels on blood tests, making you think they're beneficial. some of them also promote acne and aggression (maybe from estrogen or something) which might also make people think they're "working".

there are a few supplements that are actually both anti 5AR and also anti aromatase. one was zinc, and I think the other was the EGCG or ECGC, the green tea extract. and with zinc I assume its just the supplement form, not foods that contain it.
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