The "incel" phenomenon is likely a deliberate government policy/psyop



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Tinder is solely responsible for the incel phenomenon. With online dating apps female behavior also changed. I live on a university campus. Literally every woman takes the earliest classes possible and leaves campus before 12. No attractive one lives on campus or ever lingers around. When they go to gyms it is female only, female only social events, etc. They have turned socially avoiding men into an art. I am never in proximity to a woman of my age in my daily life. The only way to meet women as a young man now is though online dating apps, on their terms, where the competition is high, and their egos are grossly inflated (an average girl can log in to Tinder and schedule sex with a male model looking guy within minutes).

Pre-Tinder people met through social circle, events, or nightclubs. this is no longer the case.

Matches my observations. And another bane of online dating apps is that the group it caters to, whether that it is men or women, can gang up and exclude people they don't find "desirable". So, even the online dating option may not be accessible to a lot of males if they do not meet the standards of the app. Tinder already admitted to "punishing" less attractive male users and they have to pay to get "promoted" to the level others get for free. Same with Bumble.


On a related, but a bit of a tangent note - it looks like the noise raised over the "social credit" system of China and whether to have something similar in the West is largely just that - noise. We already have that system, and the dating apps are using that plus facial recognition (to judge attractiveness) though it is not officially centralized but rather spread across 10-12 tech companies - e.g. Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and smaller ones such as Tinder, etc. Then there are also the credit score companies and FICO is a de-facto social credit score. If you have a bad FICO, it shuts down many social/professional door. Most dating apps actually use FICO to decide if you should be given membership and then use FICO as part of their ranking system. In fact, the company Palantir has been openly advertising that they have a private, global platform that does exactly what China has officially and Palantir calls theirs the "Grid". I doubt they are the only company with such a system either.
So, the current system gives the illusion that this de-centralization and privatization is avoiding the official social credit system of China, but in reality all these companies share/buy/sell each other's data, and we know the govt agencies have a copy of all online data. The "discrimination" we see now in the dating apps is about to go mainstream and affect all other spheres of life as well.
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Sep 21, 2014
I can't know if I'd be considered unattractive by your standards, but I stay around uni all the time and I've gone to mixed gender events and tried to approach and befriend guys numerous times. They're avoidant, aloof, takes months for them to just remember my name, and it's impossible to enter their tight knit exclusive social groups. They are super closed off, pretend you aren't there when you try to interact with them and ignore anything you say when you try to join in on conversation. It's like you have to jump through hoops just to have your existence acknowledged. In my 4 years at this uni, I never even once got approached by a male or female despite being open and receptive. Had to do all the approaching and it was all futile effort. The only group of people that's been an exception to this cold, elitist and closed off behaviour is indian people.
Is that some Ivy League type university? I graduated from university more than 8 years ago, but I was in a small city, smallish number of students, and it wasn't even a "real" university, more like a technical college or what people in the US or UK would probably call "Uni. of Applied Sciences". It was pretty easygoing there as far as interaction with other people went. But people at the university in the bigger city nearby (big, old, prestigious, somewhat elitist university) always used to look down on you if you told them you were from the small, non-prestigious place. I had the same experiences at work with people from big, somewhat elitist universities. It's a pretty closed circle. They probably see you (and the Indians) as a foreigner as a "intruder" into their circle.
Jul 17, 2021
I can't know if I'd be considered unattractive by your standards, but I stay around uni all the time and I've gone to mixed gender events and tried to approach and befriend guys numerous times. They're avoidant, aloof, takes months for them to just remember my name, and it's impossible to enter their tight knit exclusive social groups. They are super closed off, pretend you aren't there when you try to interact with them and ignore anything you say when you try to join in on conversation. It's like you have to jump through hoops just to have your existence acknowledged. In my 4 years at this uni, I never even once got approached by a male or female despite being open and receptive. Had to do all the approaching and it was all futile effort. The only group of people that's been an exception to this cold, elitist and closed off behaviour is indian people.
They might be intimidated by you. That used to happen to me when I was at university and I couldn’t understand why guys were not approaching me. Then a guy who I became friends with, said I was intimidating to them, as they were afraid to approach me. After college, I met my husband at a party of mixed genders. A party/social gathering where we had common interests. It was a cool party- not your typical alcohol fueled type of party, but we engaged in fun stuff like board games. Seems smaller social groups with common interests might be the way to go, if you want to meet others.
Mar 10, 2021
They might be intimidated by you. That used to happen to me when I was at university and I couldn’t understand why guys were not approaching me. Then a guy who I became friends with, said I was intimidating to them, as they were afraid to approach me. I met my husband at a party of mixed genders. A party/social gathering where we had common interests. It was a cool party- not your typical alcohol fueled mixer, but we engaged in fun stuff like board games. Seems smaller social groups with common iterests might be the way to go, if you want to meet others.
I am thinking health may play into the equation on who gets approached and who doesn’t, others can sense a weak animal, and it get’s left behind.


Jun 28, 2020
I can't know if I'd be considered unattractive by your standards, but I stay around uni all the time and I've gone to mixed gender events and tried to approach and befriend guys numerous times. They're avoidant, aloof, takes months for them to just remember my name, and it's impossible to enter their tight knit exclusive social groups. They are super closed off, pretend you aren't there when you try to interact with them and ignore anything you say when you try to join in on conversation. It's like you have to jump through hoops just to have your existence acknowledged. In my 4 years at this uni, I never even once got approached by a male or female despite being open and receptive. Had to do all the approaching and it was all futile effort. The only group of people that's been an exception to this cold, elitist and closed off behaviour is indian people.
I think you need to stop approaching pete davidson or chico lachowski/lil peep look alikes. These guys are in high demand and have literally thousands of options. There are plenty of non 6ft4 tall, skinny as a rail men who would love your company.


Jan 25, 2014
But what 95% of the people do not realize, the rise of Bernie sanders and almost taking down of Hillary Clinton scared them the most. So the FDR economic agenda Bernie was running on scared the elites and it was starting to catch fire and they needed to stop it.
If you are really a fan of FDR's economic agenda, including The Emergency Banking Act, the Gold Reserve Act, and Executive order 6102 which confiscated the gold of "persons," then you don't have to wait for someone like Bernie to be elected (which does seem like a longshot). You can have that economic system for yourself, right now.

Federal Income Tax is self assessed, so the government certainly won't object to you taxing yourself on 100% of your income and belongings. It's easy to do on a 1040 form. You can sell all of your belongings, or donate them to a government charity or organization, and then assess the 100% tax on whatever dollars you have. I'm sure the Federal Government will appreciate it, they are over $31 Trillion in debt, and counting.

If the treasury should mistakenly issue you a refund of some of the money (of account) that you paid, you can simply dishonor the instrument by sending it back. Or, refusing to cash or deposit it. Or, assess yourself another 100% tax.

Then, to fully service the FDR economic plan, go into any police station and confess to a Federal Crime. I would suggest something victimless, like drug trafficking, but you could really confess to anything without committing the act. After all, the 13th Amendment made slavery legal in this country so long as you are convicted of a crime first, and confession and pleading is a sure way to get that conviction. At that point, the government will own your labor and body, and will provide you with "benefits and privileges," including food and shelter. I'm sure they will appreciate all your contributions to reduce the public debt.
Jul 17, 2021
I am thinking health may play into the equation on who gets approached and who doesn’t, others can sense a weak animal, and it get’s left behind.
Well, healthy looking people tend to look better right? If someone is rather sickly looking, that’s not going to get them mates.


Sep 9, 2019
I am thinking health may play into the equation on who gets approached and who doesn’t, others can sense a weak animal, and it get’s left behind.
This is 100% true. Although I'd put it more in terms of the tone of a persons inner world, their inner narrative, their inner voice. That's ultimately a derivative of the way you put it.

A person can know quickly by cheating, drugging themselves in to higher order and making an effort not to overtly express their fake elation. I'm not advocating that kind of experiment. I just know it's true.

It doesn't necessarily matter how "good looking" you are in a moment. If you're not in a good place internally other people can feel it. Whether they acknowledge it's that they're feeling or not.

This is one of the reasons I find this "incel" meme so potentially toxic. If someone takes it to heart it's game over right there.
Jul 17, 2021
I don’t mean how they look, but ratter a lack of energy they emit.
True. When people exude depressive energy, that’s a downer. Not to say that people can’t be depressed because life kicks you in the butt a lot of times…but at social gatherings, who wants to be around a Debbie Downer or a Karen or Mr. Macho Michael who thinks he’s all that? Like, just be normal. That’s actually a rarity nowadays.



Sep 9, 2019
The level of manipulation that’s been going on for who knows how long just continues to escalate. I know for a fact that my own parents who were born in the 1940’s were impacted. Every person alive today has certainly been influenced by their twisted views in one way or another whether we realize it or not. They have distorted everything that was meant for good. The only thing we can do is perceive, think and act for ourselves, refuse to take part in their games/plans for us and help each other out the best we can.
I reckon this is the most succinct and based post in this whole thread.


Aug 17, 2016
Matches my observations. And another bane of online dating apps is that the group it caters to, whether that it is men or women, can gang up and exclude people they don't find "desirable". So, even the online dating option may not be accessible to a lot of males if they do not meet the standards of the app. Tinder already admitted to "punishing" less attractive male users and they have to pay to get "promoted" to the level others get for free. Same with Bumble.


On a related, but a bit of a tangent note - it looks like the noise raised over the "social credit" system of China and whether to have something similar in the West is largely just that - noise. We already have that system, and the dating apps are using that plus facial recognition (to judge attractiveness) though it is not officially centralized but rather spread across 10-12 tech companies - e.g. Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and smaller ones such as Tinder, etc. Then there are also the credit score companies and FICO is a de-facto social credit score. If you have a bad FICO, it shuts down many social/professional door. Most dating apps actually use FICO to decide if you should be given membership and then use FICO as part of their ranking system. In fact, the company Palantir has been openly advertising that they have a private, global platform that does exactly what China has officially and Palantir calls theirs the "Grid". I doubt they are the only company with such a system either.
So, the current system gives the illusion that this de-centralization and privatization is avoiding the official social credit system of China, but in reality all these companies share/buy/sell each other's data, and we know the govt agencies have a copy of all online data. The "discrimination" we see now in the dating apps is about to go mainstream and affect all other spheres of life as well.

And there already is which is not voluntary like social media.
Mar 10, 2021
This is 100% true. Although I'd put it more in terms of the tone of a persons inner world, their inner narrative, their inner voice. That's ultimately a derivative of the way you put it.

A person can know quickly by cheating, drugging themselves in to higher order and making an effort not to overtly express their fake elation. I'm not advocating that kind of experiment. I just know it's true.

It doesn't necessarily matter how "good looking" you are in a moment. If you're not in a good place internally other people can feel it. Whether they acknowledge it's that they're feeling or not.

This is one of the reasons I find this "incel" meme so potentially toxic. If someone takes it to heart it's game over right there.
I’m not going to say that the military didn’t take advantage of the weak men, as the OP stated, and maybe the “powers that be” still are, but it isn’t game over for the intelligent, healthy and strong.


Sep 9, 2019
I’m not going to say that the military didn’t take advantage of the weak men, as the OP stated, and maybe the “powers that be” still are, but it isn’t game over for the intelligent, healthy and strong.
The "intelligent, healthy and strong" are unlikely to take a meme like this to heart. So no, it wouldn't be.
Mar 10, 2021
True. When people exude depressive energy, that’s a downer. Not to say that people can’t be depressed because life kicks you in the butt a lot of times…but at social gatherings, who wants to be around a Debbie Downer or a Karen or Mr. Macho Michael who thinks he’s all that? Like, just be normal. That’s actually a rarity nowadays.


Oh my gosh that clip was so funny! Thanks for the laugh, I needed that!
Mar 10, 2021
The "intelligent, healthy and strong" are unlikely to take a meme like this to heart. So no, it wouldn't be.
I’m glad I am not normal, I think the normal is not something to strive to be anymore. We need to be different from the masses now and think for ourselves.
Jul 17, 2021
I’m glad I am not normal, I think the normal is not something to strive to be anymore. We need to be different from the masses now and think for ourselves.
I’m not normal either…..because normal today is cray cray. You’re sane… an insane world. That makes us kinda rare. Like fine wine 😁
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