The "incel" phenomenon is likely a deliberate government policy/psyop

Apr 25, 2018
Yeah these are all psyops. When Regan dismantled the fairness act and Clinton signed the telecommunications act that allowed the monopolization of the media and that is when they were able to control the message.

But Then came the rise of social media and they were not able to kept strict control of the message. They still had major influence over it and It work to their advantage with the Obama campaign.

But the rise of trump who took the right wing agenda that had been on Fox News and right wing radio for years to get boring politicians like Romney and McConnell in office.

But trump took their playbook and got himself into office.

But what 95% of the people do not realize, the rise of Bernie sanders and almost taking down of Hillary Clinton scared them the most. So the FDR economic agenda Bernie was running on scared the elites and it was starting to catch fire and they needed to stop it.

So this is why you see the rise of this extreme wokeness. They needed lefties distracted on economic issues. Like the gop did to the right in the 80’s

The south was solid democrats after ww2 and they were Dixiecrats that voted on race and economic issues for the middle and working class.

But when LBJ passed the civil rights act and the GOP started using racist dog whistle politics to gain power and we started seeing a dismantling of the new deal that built the middle class in the 40’s 50’s and 60’s.

So when Bernie was campaigning on a return to new deal economics the elites had to divide and distract. They threw the kitchen sink at the internet. So they had to get the left so focused on culture issues they forget about the economic agenda.

Then things like incels who health has been so damaged by the toxic corporate food and big pharma medicines they are given and is killing their health and Instead of figuring out it is the corporate food they have been eating, it’s evil women.

And you can go down the list culture issues to divide and distract.
They can’t control the entire message of the internet. But you can distract. Blame your neighbor , blame men , blame women. The internet was actually connecting people and bringing people together like it does on this forum.
So they had to add so much fire to wedge issues, make it so tribal to get people to the point where if you like the opposing party everything else you say is evil also.

But as you can see they are trying to censor the internet now. Because distracting helps keep control so they people do not understand why their lives suck now. But it’s also causing so much chaos in society and if there to much chaos in society you can’t control that either.

So all of this is psyops pushed by government and corporate agendas while they figure out a way to control the internet.
I read through your whole statement. Do we not agree that society as a whole is gynocentric? Men are treated as expendable resources.
It is funny stuff - you didn't offend anyone - all you really did was expose yourself as a HYPOCRITE and a illogical CLOWN

You LITERALLY believe in Evolution - a theory created and forced into the Education System (Which they own) for the sole purpose of justifying their Eugenics Program that they are rolling out this decade to cull PLEBS LIKE YOU

There is no proof of Evolution - not a SINGLE SHRED of Evidence (if you think there is show it to me and I'll dismantle it for your PLEB BRAIN) - Masons have OPENLY PUBLISHED works ADMITTING they made the whole thing up and BRAGGING about how dumb plebs have to be to believe in this trash

Neil Degresse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hutchins, etc all these pseudo-intellectuals get paid checks to write this made up trash that you shill on here for free

The Education System is the MAIN TOOL of Indoctrination - ALL US UNIVERSITIES Participated in the CIA's Mind Control Program - Nearly ALL US UNIVERSITIES were forced to have the vaxxx mandate - these are YOUR PUPPETMASTERS

View attachment 44951

DONT try to use the term puppet or puppetmaster to describe anyone on here When you lack basic critical thinking skills.

WHETHER YOU BELIEVE in God or not - the fact of the matter is that THE MOST HISTORICALLY ACCURATE texts you will find in this world are ALL religious documents - it is literally more LOGICAL to believe in religion than to believe in Evolution/Big Bang - all this other made up trash they put in schools to turn you into a mind-controlled slave
**** free masons


Feb 12, 2020
I am thinking health may play into the equation on who gets approached and who doesn’t, others can sense a weak animal, and it get’s left behind.

I'd be interested to know then, how come indian and middle eastern people don't leave me behind and they are friendly and approach me?? Are their weak animal spidey senses defective?
Mar 10, 2021
I'd be interested to know then, how come indian and middle eastern people don't leave me behind and they are friendly and approach me?? Are their weak animal spidey senses defective?
Ha! Ha! Ha! Maybe because you feel safer with them, who knows.


Feb 12, 2020
I think you need to stop approaching pete davidson or chico lachowski/lil peep look alikes. These guys are in high demand and have literally thousands of options. There are plenty of non 6ft4 tall, skinny as a rail men who would love your company.
I've tried to befriend all kinds of men, including ones with recessed jaws, beer belly, balding, under 5'6. Also, thanks for your assumption but I don't have a height fetish, nor am I into lookalikes of the men you listed.


Sep 9, 2019
I'd be interested to know then, how come indian and middle eastern people don't leave me behind and they are friendly and approach me?? Are their weak animal spidey senses defective?
Ms Paddington, I really don't mean to irk you but if this is an example of your inner it's going to be a big part of the reason.



Feb 12, 2020
Ms Paddington, I really don't mean to irk you but if this is an example of your inner it's going to be a big part of the reason.

It's the reality of the situation. Those who have experienced it will know it.


Sep 9, 2019
It's the reality of the situation. Those who have experienced it will know it.
I urge you to avoid such stark conclusions for now. At a young age you shouldn't be thinking this way. It's not in your interest.

Perhaps your parents decision wasn't borne of naivety.


Jul 8, 2014
I am thinking health may play into the equation on who gets approached and who doesn’t, others can sense a weak animal, and it get’s left behind.

One would think that but IME, it’s surprisingly easy to pass as healthy, happy etc. when not. There are even some who are attracted to those they feel are weaker than them, and even unhealthy people can attract other unhealthy people, for example, those suffering from addictions.
Mar 10, 2021
One would think that but IME, it’s surprisingly easy to pass as healthy, happy etc. when not. There are even some who are attracted to those they feel are weaker than them, and even unhealthy people can attract other unhealthy people, for example, those suffering from addictions.
I didn’t say it was THE reason, but “may” be a factor. Yes I agree with you also that like can attract like.


Jun 28, 2020
I've tried to befriend all kinds of men, including ones with recessed jaws, beer belly, balding, under 5'6. Also, thanks for your assumption but I don't have a height fetish, nor am I into lookalikes of the men you listed.
I believe you, people are really closed off and non accepting of outsiders these days.
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Jul 8, 2014
I didn’t say it was THE reason, but “may” be a factor. Yes I agree with you also that like can attract like.
I know you didn't say it was THE reason, and my comment wasn’t implying you said that.


Jul 8, 2014
Girl we are always good, I never think anything to the contrary. Just making sure I am communicating correctly.

No worries, Rinse. I understood you and was just expanding on the conversation of sensing weakness, and reading energy, in general, because some people who are good at reading people’s energy may not be aware that others can struggle with it. I had this exact conversation with a friend once who thought a sick person couldn’t pass as healthy energetically. People who didn’t know me were shocked when they found out I was sick because of “my smile.” When interacting with people, I apparently smile even when secretly suffering, and I know so many examples of someone discovering that the person they thought they were getting when they met them, turned out to be a different person, i.e., unhealthy.
Mar 10, 2021
No worries, Rinse. I understood you and was just expanding on the conversation of sensing weakness, and reading energy, in general, because some people who are good at reading people’s energy may not be aware that others can struggle with it. I had this exact conversation with a friend once who thought a sick person couldn’t pass as healthy energetically. People who didn’t know me were shocked when they found out I was sick because of “my smile.” When interacting with people, I apparently smile even when secretly suffering, and I know so many examples of someone discovering that the person they thought they were getting when they met them, turned out to be a different person, i.e., unhealthy.
I am sure of one thing, silent sufferers are rare. That really shows your strength and positive spirit to have done that.
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Mar 21, 2021
If you are really a fan of FDR's economic agenda, including The Emergency Banking Act, the Gold Reserve Act, and Executive order 6102 which confiscated the gold of "persons," then you don't have to wait for someone like Bernie to be elected (which does seem like a longshot). You can have that economic system for yourself, right now.

Federal Income Tax is self assessed, so the government certainly won't object to you taxing yourself on 100% of your income and belongings. It's easy to do on a 1040 form. You can sell all of your belongings, or donate them to a government charity or organization, and then assess the 100% tax on whatever dollars you have. I'm sure the Federal Government will appreciate it, they are over $31 Trillion in debt, and counting.

If the treasury should mistakenly issue you a refund of some of the money (of account) that you paid, you can simply dishonor the instrument by sending it back. Or, refusing to cash or deposit it. Or, assess yourself another 100% tax.

Then, to fully service the FDR economic plan, go into any police station and confess to a Federal Crime. I would suggest something victimless, like drug trafficking, but you could really confess to anything without committing the act. After all, the 13th Amendment made slavery legal in this country so long as you are convicted of a crime first, and confession and pleading is a sure way to get that conviction. At that point, the government will own your labor and body, and will provide you with "benefits and privileges," including food and shelter. I'm sure they will appreciate all your contributions to reduce the public debt.
Are you retarded?

Get ready for the global resest and your new leader klaus Schwab. ******* idiot !!


Jul 8, 2014
I am sure of one thing, silent sufferers are rare. That really shows your strength and positive spirit to have done that.

They’re not as rare as you think, it’s just their suffering is hidden well so it appears like they aren’t common. I’ve had so many deep conversations with people and silent suffering was and still is common because of the stigma surrounding abuse, rape, depression, and especially for those of the older generations, unhappiness in a marriage—particularly with women because they didn’t bite the hand that fed them—etc. and it’s still a common thing for someone to commit suicide and for others to say they had no idea the person was suffering like that, particularly when it comes to men, because society overall still has the archaic belief that men must be stoic/show no emotion and on average, they’re less likely to have a network of friends that they feel they can express their feelings to without having their manhood in question. We all have that inner strength—our creator must have known we would need it in this world—it’s just some of us are better at masking our pain than others or I should say, some of us aren’t as comfortable with being vulnerable.
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Sep 9, 2019
Are you retarded?

Get ready for the global resest and your new leader klaus Schwab. ******* idiot !!
No, he isn't.

And your appeal to Bernard Sanders may be the most retarded thing in this thread. It's far more likely "95%" of people realise he's a subversive crank.

That said, I'm not American.


Nov 28, 2016
Are you retarded?

Get ready for the global resest and your new leader klaus Schwab. ******* idiot !!
He was being facetious. Anyway the WEF/NWO are not going to win this time around. I think we'll have several great years ahead before the end of this age.
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