It's funny how "male issues" are always self-driven, i.e., men are always made out as losers in the world, whereas females never have to "woman up"

Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
And it's equally ironic how there are still notable members in this community -- specifically females -- who push this worldview that men must "level up" more, while they themselves do nothing or bear any real cross or burden in their lives the way us men do. Us men have to hold the world on our shoulders to be given the privilege of being seen as "real" whereas I've seen plenty of women do nothing but take from men and the world as a whole but are given the title of "woman" by birth.

People here say men and their issues are because of men themselves, or the "sick society." What about we talk about women and THEIR issues? How women contribute to bad things in the world? Women are often the prime source of men's anger, actions, frustrations and mental anguish due to sexual selection/mating/evolution. Women like dark triad psychopaths ... Guess what men will be then? Women like powerful, tall, good looking psychopaths ... Guess what men will try and be then? Women like powerful, destructive beasts who want to overtake anyone/anything in their way ... Guess what men will try and do then? Women like men that destroy everything.

Funny how some are "anti-feminist" but will overlook or ignore just how destructive women can be in this society. They'll say, "Oh, men start wars and women are not doing bad things." "Men hurt people, women are kinder." How about men needing to often work hard to be worthy of anything at all?

Yeah, except men are fighting in these wars to please women ... Men are KILLING THEMSELVES to make you women happy, safe and satisfied in every possible way.

Men go the gym to attract and please women so they will want to carry our genes to the next generation. While "landwhale" 400 lb. sloppy women can hook up with male models on dating sites free of charge. How many poor, ugly, fat guys can hook up with swimsuit model women on dating apps? How many even SUPER HOT guys can easily get super hot girls? They usually don't. The only easy sex most good looking guys get is with women uglier than themselves due to hypergamy/nature, whereas all women can DATE UP effortlessly. I've never seen a woman -- no matter how ugly -- struggle in finding a man with nothing but the clothes on her back. Can you show examples reversed?

Men make money to provide and give to you women ... Yes, YOU women on here too ... They do this because they're (stupid ... eh, ignore that) but because they have no other way to appease you (they aren't attractive). (Beta) men are the workhorses and slaves who build the way chair you're sitting on, or the computer you're reading this on... Yes, MOSTLY men have built your life as it is now. (MOST) Men are the cannon fodder/replaceable members who died young and worthless, not women.

Men did this to SERVE WOMEN primarily. Men live and die to please women ... And you have the gall of women to say men aren't good enough. Also, women cry and complain that men aren't "going out in to the world" to slave away and work to provide to a world that doesn't give two craps about them/sees them as donkeys or mules meant to suffer to balance the system. As a whole a study even found that WOMEN DO NOT PAY TAX when compared to how much tax men pay overall.

Where are the women paying half their money/alimony/divorce checks to men? Most divorces are initiated by women, and most benefits from marriage come in the form of what men provide to women. The marriage is a "union" but who is pocketing the money in the divorce? Probably not the man since he's the one working hard for the woman.

Where are the women chasing men to pay dates (ugly men, not good looking Chads/etc. they are sexually attracted to)? Women do not "custom" date men -- they want betas to chase them, but they'll jump off the nearest cliff for an alpha man they truly desire and will make any motion for, as opposed to the sexually invisible work mules they expect to jump through hoops for them. Women complain that men "do not pursue" women anymore ... Maybe because they're not as stupid? Maybe they're waking up?

Where are the women breaking their backs in dirty jobs WELL NEEDED to uphold our society, system, and living peace? Most dirty/rough/dangerous jobs are held by men.

Where are the women (supposedly) keeping the peace in the world, such as serving in the front lines of war; keeping order? Most prominent figures are male, even TODAY.

Where are the women maintaining family structure? It's mostly single mothers who produce criminals, NOT single fathers.

Where are the female innovators who are saving the world? From what I can gather the whole notion of this website/teachings/premises/science/beliefs/etc. are bestowed by a man, not a woman. This site you must be thankful exists because of a man's genius, not because a woman.

How hard do prostitutes have to work to be worthy of a man paying them for sex? Do they need to build big careers, break their backs/minds over generations for such?

Yet we have members here who are vehemently about "classical" or "more traditional" societies ... Okay then, you know what that means?

Women -- stop working. Now. Start staying at home and raising kids, or at least being feminine and respectable. Stop acting like men and going out like men in the world, and start being a real woman. Start listening to men and respecting men, since a noble, respectable woman ought to treat respectable men the right way. No need for female CEOs, leaders, etc. -- that's women pretending like they are men (rulers). If women want to say that us men aren't "stepping up" in the guise of "tradition" then I better see these same women "stepping down" AKA right back to the kitchen so they can do REAL WOMEN things, not manly tasks like working and doing things in the world, which men are traditionally and always have been better at in almost every conceivable way. Yet there's feminism ... No meninism, no misandry -- it's all "anti-female," sure.

We do nothing but celebrate women ... Why? We need to celebrate men since they are the reason for almost everything you see/do around you in the world.

If you want "tradition" then practice what you preach, ladies ... Start quitting your jobs and learn to act like a real woman, not some feminist, weirdo man-dykes with some stick up your ****. Women take birth control and act masculine and think they're men, then want men to be their ******** (literally). No, sorry -- all men aren't dumb sweety.

Also, quit with the makeup, unless you're prostitutes ... Respectable women don't need ten lbs. of makeup. Stop clubbing and slutting around ... Start practicing grace and lady-ness. Dress like a woman. Don't be doing a man's job ... You are not a man. If you want us to be "better men" then you better damn as well learn what being a "better woman" means in the same regard. If you want men to step backwards and turn a blind eye to all that harms them, then you better do the same as a woman too.

Otherwise you can come up to me and tell me to my face that I'm not manly enough ... I'll gladly then expect to see how "feminine" these same women touting this are (laughingly). Most women have NO IDEA HOW EASY THEY HAVE IT and HOW PRIVILEGED they are to be born a recognizable female, giving no room to complain about men.



Some sources:

Research finds that as a group, only men pay taxes
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Mar 10, 2021
I could only get halfway through your rant, because you are being TOO stereotypical, but you are right, men are our super heros! Thank you to our military (men AND women) and for so many good Fathers! Women bearing children is a sacrifice like menbgoing yo war, and their bodies are never the same again for it,vdo don'tvtell me men don't judge those bodies. Women have had to deal with gross inequality and treated like lesser than men throughout history and even now with some men flexing their muscles if they don't get their way. If men get a bad rap it is because of whorish user men and men in power abusing their power giving mankind a bad rap. With that being said men can be "dogs" and lie to cover their ignorant mistakes thinking with the non-brain in their pants. Women on the other hand don't do anything by mistake, they plan their affairs meticulously, which showws their intelligence and how devious they can be, so men would be wise to walk around them rather than confront them. As bad as women can be TOO, they're nurturers, inventors, excellent multi-taskers, a better voice of reason and the world would be an extremely boring place without them. I hope you can rethink your position and give nice girls a chance because you sound like you would have made a really sweet boyfriend with your points.
Apr 25, 2018
Don't fall into the men vs. women dichotomy the media and the elites want you to fall and women are meant to be complements to each other and build a nuclear family. The people in power don't want this


Aug 17, 2018
If you live in the city, I would advise you to get out. You are not going to find 'real' people there unless you are very very lucky.

Keep in mind that we are born into this world with many agendas already set in place. So, people think it's normal and they don't really recognize how brainwashed and manipulated they already are. How much is even their imagination highjacked. Just look at how the schools indoctrinate us from very young age. Anyway, It's easier to establish the relationships outside of the cities.


Jan 23, 2017
I could only get halfway through your rant, because you are being TOO stereotypical, but you are right, men are our super heros! Thank you to our military (men AND women) and for so many good Fathers! Women bearing children is a sacrifice like menbgoing yo war, and their bodies are never the same again for it,vdo don'tvtell me men don't judge those bodies. Women have had to deal with gross inequality and treated like lesser than men throughout history and even now with some men flexing their muscles if they don't get their way. If men get a bad rap it is because of whorish user men and men in power abusing their power giving mankind a bad rap. With that being said men can be "dogs" and lie to cover their ignorant mistakes thinking with the non-brain in their pants. Women on the other hand don't do anything by mistake, they plan their affairs meticulously, which showws their intelligence and how devious they can be, so men would be wise to walk around them rather than confront them. As bad as women can be TOO, they're nurturers, inventors, excellent multi-taskers, a better voice of reason and the world would be an extremely boring place without them. I hope you can rethink your position and give nice girls a chance because you sound like you would have made a really sweet boyfriend with your points.
You make many excellent points here, but inventors? I don't see the evidence for it.
Mar 10, 2021
You make many excellent points here, but inventors? I don't see the evidence for it.
I am not talking about Einstein stuff, but more of the everyday problem solving inventions that turn into big businesses. I see it all the time on Shark Tank.
Mar 10, 2021
This is more to my point of how men abused their power over women...

"Of course, women inventors existed before this time, but the property laws in many states made it illegal for women to own property on their own. This led some women to apply for patents in their husbands’ names if they decided to apply at all."

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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
You make many excellent points here, but inventors? I don't see the evidence for it.
Hedy Lemarr contributed to the discovery of gps and WiFi

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
You make many excellent points here, but inventors? I don't see the evidence for it.
Barbara McClintock discovered jumping genes. Watson and Crick took papers from Rosalind Franklin...


Aug 9, 2019
It is true that women in “first world” / western countries have more power than ever, are privileged, have high standards for men and are very entitled.
Instagram, Tinder, the feminine-centric social conditioning gives them the world’s attention of their feet.
Feminism, the rise of promiscuity & hook-up culture has ruined this generation of girls / women born after 1990.

But you have to agree that in 3rd world countries, women are more vulnerable and susceptible to abuse, violence, rape.
Mar 10, 2021
It is true that women in “first world” / western countries have more power than ever, are privileged, have high standards for men and are very entitled.
Instagram, Tinder, the feminine-centric social conditioning gives them the world’s attention of their feet.

But you have to agree that in 3rd world countries, women are more vulnerable and susceptible to abuse, violence, rape.

That is because women in America stood up and fought for their rights. Men would be happy to have them still subservient, and "they" wonder why women aren't so appreciative. Even the nicest guy willing to swim across shark infested waters to bring his woman back a lemonade would have a good laugh behind her back, joking with his friends about their chauvanistic views.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
And it's equally ironic how there are still notable members in this community -- specifically females -- who push this worldview that men must "level up" more, while they themselves do nothing or bear any real cross or burden in their lives the way us men do. Us men have to hold the world on our shoulders to be given the privilege of being seen as "real" whereas I've seen plenty of women do nothing but take from men and the world as a whole but are given the title of "woman" by birth.

People here say men and their issues are because of men themselves, or the "sick society." What about we talk about women and THEIR issues? How women contribute to bad things in the world? Women are often the prime source of men's anger, actions, frustrations and mental anguish due to sexual selection/mating/evolution. Women like dark triad psychopaths ... Guess what men will be then? Women like powerful, tall, good looking psychopaths ... Guess what men will try and be then? Women like powerful, destructive beasts who want to overtake anyone/anything in their way ... Guess what men will try and do then? Women like men that destroy everything.

Funny how some are "anti-feminist" but will overlook or ignore just how destructive women can be in this society. They'll say, "Oh, men start wars and women are not doing bad things." "Men hurt people, women are kinder." How about men needing to often work hard to be worthy of anything at all?

Yeah, except men are fighting in these wars to please women ... Men are KILLING THEMSELVES to make you women happy, safe and satisfied in every possible way.

Men go the gym to attract and please women so they will want to carry our genes to the next generation. While "landwhale" 400 lb. sloppy women can hook up with male models on dating sites free of charge. How many poor, ugly, fat guys can hook up with swimsuit model women on dating apps? How many even SUPER HOT guys can easily get super hot girls? They usually don't. The only easy sex most good looking guys get is with women uglier than themselves due to hypergamy/nature, whereas all women can DATE UP effortlessly. I've never seen a woman -- no matter how ugly -- struggle in finding a man with nothing but the clothes on her back. Can you show examples reversed?

Men make money to provide and give to you women ... Yes, YOU women on here too ... They do this because they're (stupid ... eh, ignore that) but because they have no other way to appease you (they aren't attractive). (Beta) men are the workhorses and slaves who build the way chair you're sitting on, or the computer you're reading this on... Yes, MOSTLY men have built your life as it is now. (MOST) Men are the cannon fodder/replaceable members who died young and worthless, not women.

Men did this to SERVE WOMEN primarily. Men live and die to please women ... And you have the gall of women to say men aren't good enough. Also, women cry and complain that men aren't "going out in to the world" to slave away and work to provide to a world that doesn't give two craps about them/sees them as donkeys or mules meant to suffer to balance the system. As a whole a study even found that WOMEN DO NOT PAY TAX when compared to how much tax men pay overall.

Where are the women paying half their money/alimony/divorce checks to men? Most divorces are initiated by women, and most benefits from marriage come in the form of what men provide to women. The marriage is a "union" but who is pocketing the money in the divorce? Probably not the man since he's the one working hard for the woman.

Where are the women chasing men to pay dates (ugly men, not good looking Chads/etc. they are sexually attracted to)? Women do not "custom" date men -- they want betas to chase them, but they'll jump off the nearest cliff for an alpha man they truly desire and will make any motion for, as opposed to the sexually invisible work mules they expect to jump through hoops for them. Women complain that men "do not pursue" women anymore ... Maybe because they're not as stupid? Maybe they're waking up?

Where are the women breaking their backs in dirty jobs WELL NEEDED to uphold our society, system, and living peace? Most dirty/rough/dangerous jobs are held by men.

Where are the women (supposedly) keeping the peace in the world, such as serving in the front lines of war; keeping order? Most prominent figures are male, even TODAY.

Where are the women maintaining family structure? It's mostly single mothers who produce criminals, NOT single fathers.

Where are the female innovators who are saving the world? From what I can gather the whole notion of this website/teachings/premises/science/beliefs/etc. are bestowed by a man, not a woman. This site you must be thankful exists because of a man's genius, not because a woman.

How hard do prostitutes have to work to be worthy of a man paying them for sex? Do they need to build big careers, break their backs/minds over generations for such?

Yet we have members here who are vehemently about "classical" or "more traditional" societies ... Okay then, you know what that means?

Women -- stop working. Now. Start staying at home and raising kids, or at least being feminine and respectable. Stop acting like men and going out like men in the world, and start being a real woman. Start listening to men and respecting men, since a noble, respectable woman ought to treat respectable men the right way. No need for female CEOs, leaders, etc. -- that's women pretending like they are men (rulers). If women want to say that us men aren't "stepping up" in the guise of "tradition" then I better see these same women "stepping down" AKA right back to the kitchen so they can do REAL WOMEN things, not manly tasks like working and doing things in the world, which men are traditionally and always have been better at in almost every conceivable way. Yet there's feminism ... No meninism, no misandry -- it's all "anti-female," sure.

We do nothing but celebrate women ... Why? We need to celebrate men since they are the reason for almost everything you see/do around you in the world.

If you want "tradition" then practice what you preach, ladies ... Start quitting your jobs and learn to act like a real woman, not some feminist, weirdo man-dykes with some stick up your ****. Women take birth control and act masculine and think they're men, then want men to be their ******** (literally). No, sorry -- all men aren't dumb sweety.

Also, quit with the makeup, unless you're prostitutes ... Respectable women don't need ten lbs. of makeup. Stop clubbing and slutting around ... Start practicing grace and lady-ness. Dress like a woman. Don't be doing a man's job ... You are not a man. If you want us to be "better men" then you better damn as well learn what being a "better woman" means in the same regard. If you want men to step backwards and turn a blind eye to all that harms them, then you better do the same as a woman too.

Otherwise you can come up to me and tell me to my face that I'm not manly enough ... I'll gladly then expect to see how "feminine" these same women touting this are (laughingly). Most women have NO IDEA HOW EASY THEY HAVE IT and HOW PRIVILEGED they are to be born a recognizable female, giving no room to complain about men.



Some sources:

Research finds that as a group, only men pay taxes

Here is another relevant thread posted by someone who had a similar realization, and it is based on the Reddit group called "The Red Pill" - people who just like you realized that women as a group are highly privileged (compared to males) in most societies on this planet.

This female "favoritism" (as well as the "male chauvinist" or "savage beast" male stereotypes) seems to be as old as humanity and has been described and lamented by writers/poets thousands of years ago. Here is one good example.

This female "favoritism" used to be in place not because of a conspiracy but because of a simple biological realization - i.e. when it comes to species survival (which has been the dominant concern of mankind up until very recently), women were (not any more, as per the article on artificial uterus below) the only child bearers and while a country/ethnicity/tribe can easily survive and thrive with say 100 women and 10 men, it is pretty much doomed if the opposite happens (only 10 women and 100 males). So, due to this survival importance of women, most societies on this planet have demonstrated willingness to tolerate a large number of female parasitic behaviors and a lot of other less-than-honest interactions. Speaking of the latter, there is even a dominant theory in sociology and human reproduction called the Dual-Mating Hypothesis (Strategic pluralism - Wikipedia). It basically says that, compared to men, women have much shorter "value-span" (maybe 15 years tops) when it comes to looks/attractiveness (which correlate well with fertility) and then it is largely game over. So, women will do everything in their power to maximize the "return on investment" during the limited value-span. And that means constantly scheming how to get impregnated by the studs while at the same time scheming how to get the cucks stuck with paying for and raising those bastard kids. Interestingly enough, the ancient Greek play above has some very similar things to say:): But here is the thing - there is a corresponding theory of male reproductive behavior that says males will spend most of their lives running around and trying to mate with (and impregnate) as many attractive women as possible (with a STRONG preference for younger specimen), without caring much afterwards what happens with the kids they beget. So, if males want to impregnate and run away, it probably makes sense for women to develop a counter-strategy such as the above hypothesis states. Besides, if a modern woman has to work AND also raise children (and often take care of the house, and even the male partner) it is probably not a very equitable distribution of labor needed to maintain a society/country/family.
Anyways, at the end of the day, each sex has historically enjoyed unique privileges and responsibilities, with most societies awarding women a LOT of privileges simply due to their unique role as child-bearers and their (former) role as primary home-makers resulting in extra labor burden for women. It may not be a pleasant situation to realize this gender privilege discrepancy, but subsistence-living is not a walk in the part, has been the dominant state of affairs for most of human history, and societies set up structures that helped them survive. So, the traditional discrepancy between male/female privileges arises out of scarcity of resources. Now, considering the dwindling of available resources over the last 30+ years, and the increase of parasitism and general inability to perform quality work among the general population, favoring the female gender socially/legally, etc the moral of the story for many/most males these days seems to be "don't be a cuck", followed closely by "don't get married" (since marriage has become a surrogate for being a cuck, and can ruin a male financially in the event of a divorce). Many bestsellers have been written on the topic, but whether pairing up will make or break a male depends on many factors, including cultural heritage, place of living/working, family resources in regards to helping with child care, etc. So, it is not a clear black and white situation but for a male living in a large Western city, the moral holds true more often than not. Speaking of cucks and hoes - the music genre of hip-hop talks/sings at length about these interactions of the sexes and has pretty much the same things to say. It is also perhaps the only music genre that prides itself in being a "brutal" truth-teller, so despite many of the songs/themes being exaggerated, IMO it has some pretty valid reflections in regards to males/females and their roles in society.

Now, in the last 40-50 years these largely biologically and resource-scarcity driven dynamics and social rules in regards to the sexes have been amplified, twisted, and weaponized in order to truly get men and women to hate and oppress each other. The feminism movement in Western countries was conceived by the elite and started/directed by govt agents. Gloria Steinem, who is one of the original feminist "saints" is an openly active CIA operative, whose first project at the CIA was allegedly devising psyops to exploit the inherent social tensions between the sexes I described above in order to help implement CIA's favorite strategy of "constant tension" in every society and draw every citizen into that "war of the sexes". I am sad to say this project, Steinem started and leads to this day, has largely succeeded. Decades of endocrine disruptors and crappy food/water/environment, as well as medical services openly designed to maim/kill have left most Western societies in the unenviable position of having almost no real men or women left (and the ones that are left are in pretty poor health and do not make for good resistance fighters). So, the innate tendency of normal/real men and women to be attracted to each other, which helps them a LOT to overcome their somewhat competing social interests in the name of their common interests - continuation of the human race - seems to no longer hold true. As such, men and women (if they can even be called that any more) are now mostly each others' enemies, competing for a (meager) living/survival in increasingly poor and draconian "democratic" police states, and can easily be pushed into open warfare with each other. The elite already had technology as far back as the early 1990s to produce viable embryos without the need of insemination. Now, they have the technology to literally grow babies in artificial wombs, making women also reproductively/socially obsolete.

When that news above was first released, the feminists had a meltdown on mainstream media. They immediately realized that if their primary social "value" (child bearing) is outsourced to a machine, then they are just as doomed as the men the feminists gladly oppressed in return for crumbs. So, as far as the elite is concerned, the social goal has been accomplished. With "men" and "women" no longer reproductively important (and even viable, due to relentlessly declining health) it would be easy to keep them literally at each others' throats and thus ensuring both population control and easy "divide-and-conquer". Some of the other people in the thread commented to avoid focusing on female privilege and that it is all about dividing the masses and having them fight each other, but it is not the whole story IMO. There is certainly a discrepancy of privileges between men and women, in pretty much any society, and has been present for most of human history. However, in the past, the sexes needed and actually liked each other, and realized they had a common goal (and even a common enemy) so they found ways to overcome those social tensions and push humanity forward. I hate to quote Kissinger here, but he once said "The battle of the sexes will have no winner. There is too much sleeping with the enemy":):
Sadly, he was right about the first one, but MASSIVELY wrong about the second - i.e. nobody will win the battle of the sexes but that is because the elite will make (and has largely already made) both sexes reproductively/socially obsolete (and actually almost genderless) and competitors for survival. As far as "too much sleeping with the enemy" - well, that's actually what kept the world going for millennia and allowed men and women to work together towards a common goal. That is no longer the case. With most "men" no longer male and most "women" no longer "female", the rates of sexual activity are the lowest they have ever been, and it is the youngest people who are the most sexless.

So, the point of my rant is this - yes, you are right about discrepancy of privileges between the sexes, and it is pretty obvious it is there. A lot of it is a remnant of the times when more "traditional" gender roles (and physiological capabilities) determined the fate of humanity. However, these days social/legal privileges for women are largely pushed by the psyop govt agents, and in most cases do not benefit women (but do oppress men, usually financially). With men or women being at the point where their basic/physiological role (having sex and raising kids) is essentially gone, both sexes will lose the "battle of the sexes" by design as that is what the elite wants. So, when you are faced with a real-world situation of "female privilege", if possible, try to view it from a solidarity angle. They are not your enemy, they are in the same boat as you long-term even if now they seem to be enjoying some extra crumbs. They are not your friends either, for men and women are simply not meant to be true friends:): - i.e. see the Greek play above again for more info. However, at least they are not your "natural" enemy and mentally many of them are suffering as much as you as they sense what is in store for BOTH genders, and just how meaningless the life of every human will become if technocracy and fascism win. When even Yahoo news open advocates banning parenthood and having the children become property of the state, you know "women" and "men" are on the same side even if they are currently still fighting.

I just hope the awakening I am seeing lately even in hardcore feminazis and/or other females who enjoyed parasitically living off the system while being openly mysoandrist, will not be too little too late so that hopefully together we can slay this beast that is very close to destroying life on Earth as we know it.
Mar 10, 2021
Ha! Ha! Ha! I am not seeing men are dropping too many extra crumbs for women to fight over. I think men who want to gripe over women whos bar is higher than they'd like either have no self esteem or nothing to offer. "Parasitic behavior" there's that chauvenism I'm talking about, I lost interest after that :D

"In the United States, around 4.11 million men were unemployed in January 2022. This is a significant decrease from January 2021, when the number of unemployed men came to about six million."

Mar 10, 2021
"Only a tiny fraction of workless American men nowadays are actually looking for employment. Instead we have witnessed a mass exodus of men from the workforce altogether. At this writing, nearly 7 million civilian non-institutionalized men between the ages of 25 and 54 are neither working nor looking for work — over four times as many as are formally unemployed. Between 1965 and 2015, the percentage of prime-age U.S. men not in the labor force shot up from 3.3% to 11.7%. (The overall situation has slightly improved in the last four years, but this group still accounted for 10.8% of the prime-age male population in October 2019.) Over that half century, labor-force participation rates fell for prime-age men in all education groups, but the decline was much worse for men with lower levels of educational attainment than for those with higher levels. Labor-force participation dropped by about four percentage points for college graduates and by two points for men with graduate training; it fell by 14 points for those with no more than a high-school diploma, and by 16 points for those who didn't finish high school. By 2015, nearly one in six prime-age men with just a high-school degree was neither working nor looking for work, and for those without a high-school diploma, the ratio was worse than one in five."



Sep 25, 2018
Here is another relevant thread posted by someone who had a similar realization, and it is based on the Reddit group called "The Red Pill" - people who just like you realized that women as a group are highly privileged (compared to males) in most societies on this planet.

This female "favoritism" (as well as the "male chauvinist" or "savage beast" male stereotypes) seems to be as old as humanity and has been described and lamented by writers/poets thousands of years ago. Here is one good example.

This female "favoritism" used to be in place not because of a conspiracy but because of a simple biological realization - i.e. when it comes to species survival (which has been the dominant concern of mankind up until very recently), women were (not any more, as per the article on artificial uterus below) the only child bearers and while a country/ethnicity/tribe can easily survive and thrive with say 100 women and 10 men, it is pretty much doomed if the opposite happens (only 10 women and 100 males). So, due to this survival importance of women, most societies on this planet have demonstrated willingness to tolerate a large number of female parasitic behaviors and a lot of other less-than-honest interactions. Speaking of the latter, there is even a dominant theory in sociology and human reproduction called the Dual-Mating Hypothesis (Strategic pluralism - Wikipedia). It basically says that, compared to men, women have much shorter "value-span" (maybe 15 years tops) when it comes to looks/attractiveness (which correlate well with fertility) and then it is largely game over. So, women will do everything in their power to maximize the "return on investment" during the limited value-span. And that means constantly scheming how to get impregnated by the studs while at the same time scheming how to get the cucks stuck with paying for and raising those bastard kids. Interestingly enough, the ancient Greek play above has some very similar things to say:): But here is the thing - there is a corresponding theory of male reproductive behavior that says males will spend most of their lives running around and trying to mate with (and impregnate) as many attractive women as possible (with a STRONG preference for younger specimen), without caring much afterwards what happens with the kids they beget. So, if males want to impregnate and run away, it probably makes sense for women to develop a counter-strategy such as the above hypothesis states. Besides, if a modern woman has to work AND also raise children (and often take care of the house, and even the male partner) it is probably not a very equitable distribution of labor needed to maintain a society/country/family.
Anyways, at the end of the day, each sex has historically enjoyed unique privileges and responsibilities, with most societies awarding women a LOT of privileges simply due to their unique role as child-bearers and their (former) role as primary home-makers resulting in extra labor burden for women. It may not be a pleasant situation to realize this gender privilege discrepancy, but subsistence-living is not a walk in the part, has been the dominant state of affairs for most of human history, and societies set up structures that helped them survive. So, the traditional discrepancy between male/female privileges arises out of scarcity of resources. Now, considering the dwindling of available resources over the last 30+ years, and the increase of parasitism and general inability to perform quality work among the general population, favoring the female gender socially/legally, etc the moral of the story for many/most males these days seems to be "don't be a cuck", followed closely by "don't get married" (since marriage has become a surrogate for being a cuck, and can ruin a male financially in the event of a divorce). Many bestsellers have been written on the topic, but whether pairing up will make or break a male depends on many factors, including cultural heritage, place of living/working, family resources in regards to helping with child care, etc. So, it is not a clear black and white situation but for a male living in a large Western city, the moral holds true more often than not. Speaking of cucks and hoes - the music genre of hip-hop talks/sings at length about these interactions of the sexes and has pretty much the same things to say. It is also perhaps the only music genre that prides itself in being a "brutal" truth-teller, so despite many of the songs/themes being exaggerated, IMO it has some pretty valid reflections in regards to males/females and their roles in society.

Now, in the last 40-50 years these largely biologically and resource-scarcity driven dynamics and social rules in regards to the sexes have been amplified, twisted, and weaponized in order to truly get men and women to hate and oppress each other. The feminism movement in Western countries was conceived by the elite and started/directed by govt agents. Gloria Steinem, who is one of the original feminist "saints" is an openly active CIA operative, whose first project at the CIA was allegedly devising psyops to exploit the inherent social tensions between the sexes I described above in order to help implement CIA's favorite strategy of "constant tension" in every society and draw every citizen into that "war of the sexes". I am sad to say this project, Steinem started and leads to this day, has largely succeeded. Decades of endocrine disruptors and crappy food/water/environment, as well as medical services openly designed to maim/kill have left most Western societies in the unenviable position of having almost no real men or women left (and the ones that are left are in pretty poor health and do not make for good resistance fighters). So, the innate tendency of normal/real men and women to be attracted to each other, which helps them a LOT to overcome their somewhat competing social interests in the name of their common interests - continuation of the human race - seems to no longer hold true. As such, men and women (if they can even be called that any more) are now mostly each others' enemies, competing for a (meager) living/survival in increasingly poor and draconian "democratic" police states, and can easily be pushed into open warfare with each other. The elite already had technology as far back as the early 1990s to produce viable embryos without the need of insemination. Now, they have the technology to literally grow babies in artificial wombs, making women also reproductively/socially obsolete.

When that news above was first released, the feminists had a meltdown on mainstream media. They immediately realized that if their primary social "value" (child bearing) is outsourced to a machine, then they are just as doomed as the men the feminists gladly oppressed in return for crumbs. So, as far as the elite is concerned, the social goal has been accomplished. With "men" and "women" no longer reproductively important (and even viable, due to relentlessly declining health) it would be easy to keep them literally at each others' throats and thus ensuring both population control and easy "divide-and-conquer". Some of the other people in the thread commented to avoid focusing on female privilege and that it is all about dividing the masses and having them fight each other, but it is not the whole story IMO. There is certainly a discrepancy of privileges between men and women, in pretty much any society, and has been present for most of human history. However, in the past, the sexes needed and actually liked each other, and realized they had a common goal (and even a common enemy) so they found ways to overcome those social tensions and push humanity forward. I hate to quote Kissinger here, but he once said "The battle of the sexes will have no winner. There is too much sleeping with the enemy":):
Sadly, he was right about the first one, but MASSIVELY wrong about the second - i.e. nobody will win the battle of the sexes but that is because the elite will make (and has largely already made) both sexes reproductively/socially obsolete (and actually almost genderless) and competitors for survival. As far as "too much sleeping with the enemy" - well, that's actually what kept the world going for millennia and allowed men and women to work together towards a common goal. That is no longer the case. With most "men" no longer male and most "women" no longer "female", the rates of sexual activity are the lowest they have ever been, and it is the youngest people who are the most sexless.

So, the point of my rant is this - yes, you are right about discrepancy of privileges between the sexes, and it is pretty obvious it is there. A lot of it is a remnant of the times when more "traditional" gender roles (and physiological capabilities) determined the fate of humanity. However, these days social/legal privileges for women are largely pushed by the psyop govt agents, and in most cases do not benefit women (but do oppress men, usually financially). With men or women being at the point where their basic/physiological role (having sex and raising kids) is essentially gone, both sexes will lose the "battle of the sexes" by design as that is what the elite wants. So, when you are faced with a real-world situation of "female privilege", if possible, try to view it from a solidarity angle. They are not your enemy, they are in the same boat as you long-term even if now they seem to be enjoying some extra crumbs. They are not your friends either, for men and women are simply not meant to be true friends:): - i.e. see the Greek play above again for more info. However, at least they are not your "natural" enemy and mentally many of them are suffering as much as you as they sense what is in store for BOTH genders, and just how meaningless the life of every human will become if technocracy and fascism win. When even Yahoo news open advocates banning parenthood and having the children become property of the state, you know "women" and "men" are on the same side even if they are currently still fighting.

I just hope the awakening I am seeing lately even in hardcore feminazis and/or other females who enjoyed parasitically living off the system while being openly mysoandrist, will not be too little too late so that hopefully together we can slay this beast that is very close to destroying life on Earth as we know it.
I'm pretty sure the yahoo article is satire. It ends with "But don’t pay those critics any mind. Because they just can’t see how our relentless pursuit of equity might birth a brave new world."
Mar 10, 2021
It is looking like men are just as "parasitic" as women supposedly are....

"Comparing the percentage of males versus females in the workplace as of January 2018, 66 percent of the workforce was male, while 54.6 percent was female. (Numbers do not add up to 100 percent because of reporting differences.)"

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