As a Woman, I just can’t relate to other women anymore

Jul 17, 2021
I can’t relate to other women in today’s modern society. And I am a woman. Seems collectively, women today have taken pills that make them literally insane. I really do think it’s a spiritual issue. Women have lost touch with who they are…we are women. We are supposed to be feminine. The fairer sex. loving our offspring. loving our husbands. Nurturing.

How can they not see that all their repulsive screaming and demanding and acting like idiots will get them nowhere but disrespect?

Seems other women are just miserable, like they hate themselves. Self loathing. They believe the medias lies, the tel- lie-vision’s lies. What they are taught in their indoctrination centers called higher education. They are never happy. I don’t think they even know what they are so angry about. But they are furious. Really, as a woman, I don’t belong on the same planet as them.

They are proud of being massively huge. Like it just doesn’t matter how they look. Or they act like whores on social media, showing everything they’ve got. Act like a whore, you will be treated like one. I don’t get it. I really don’t.

These lost women see nothing wrong in murdering another human being, their unborn child, who deserves to live just as much as they do.

The only women I now choose to be friends with, all think like I do. They all value things that modern women despise. I’m quite happy to have a small exclusive group of likeminded friends. I don’t mind that I’m the minority.

I don’t think I am better than these women, but I don’t understand them, I don’t support them and I don’t want to be around them.

I really can understand how bad it is for men today. That’s not giving men a free pass either. Many have porn addictions that lead to warped, unrealistic and reprobate expectations. And they are taught to be irresponcible. But how women act today, doesn’t help.

Women used to be the moral keepers for society as a whole. I’m not talking religionista uptight humorless women who are negative karen gestapo crews who are rude and get in your face over the smallest things.. But women who just have self dignity and common sense. And don’t fall for the disgusting societal lies.

And who actually like themselves.

Maybe that’s what we need. A movement of women who have the moral fortitude to stand up to these screaming, demanding mee mees, by just being decent, wholesome, healthy individuals, and rejecting their hysterical demands.
Jul 17, 2021
Gosh, no women, men want to jump in here and say they agree, disagree?


Jun 22, 2021
This is like music to my ears - Personally, I think 99% of women are chronically estrogenic which is what I would say is heavily responsible for their arrogance, lack of good humor, and learned-helplessness

but I can't figure out exactly what is causing this - At my time in Southern and Midwestern women I did meet women who were more androgenic/chill - they looked good and had a good attitude but it's rare

I believe its an epidimic because

1) most women wear make-up (which obliterates androgens)

2) most women wear bras and panties and 99% of them are estrogenic material

I notice on the rare occasion I met an androgenic women I liked, they didn't wear bras and panties so this is a real thing definitely


Sep 10, 2020
I agree but I dont think these things are no exclusive of women. In nearly all the opposite ways this is true of men. It's a major cultural shift away from spirituality (not neccasarily religion). Its fascinating, scary and sad all at the same time. I sometimes feel like I'm fighting a losing battle even discussing other ideas and perspectives that dont fit the cultural 'norm' that is peptuated by the media... 'eat takeaways and not home cooked dinners, watch netflix all the time, be okay with working 9-5, pay a mortgage off your whole life regardless of massively inflated prices, dont question any agendas set out by governments, just accept being overweight, you are boring if you are straight, dont question what's in your food, constantly be striving for more unattainable stuff, ignore nature around you, dont think about your existence, their are only 2 political parties to choose from etc etc. These are common ideas/beliefs in western culture that are affecting us all. As a man I find the same struggles but I think it's better to have a smaller circle of friends than a wider one and constantly having to pretend to be something your not. That all being said, I have lots of friends with completely different viewpoints but at the very least they accept me and my opinions and I respect theirs. All in all your not alone in this struggle by any stretch of the imagination.


You really want to do this right now when the globalists are gearing up to inject babies with experimental drugs that are guaranteed to kill them. You need to reach out to other women and find ways to put a stop to what going on in your community because your children’s lives are at risk.


Mar 20, 2013
Birth control terrifies me. My ex changed drastically when she started taking it, and it really, really concerned me as far as her health goes. It just seemed to massively tank her mood big time and her depressive episodes got worse and more prolonged, mood swings much worse too.

I do my best to adhere to "remove the log from your own eye before you judge your brother for the splinter in his." I'm very aware of intersexual dynamics in modern times and how much has drastically changed, but what about me personally?

What matters is where you yourself stand. What do you want for your life, who do you want to associate with, what do you, personally, want to do? The rest of the world could be burning to the ground but it doesn't really have an impact on those questions, because that involves only what everyone else is doing. I've had very religious friends as well as atheist friends, virgins and the most promiscuous people you can imagine.

It reminds me of a zen koan:

"How Grass and Trees Become Enlightened"

During the Kamakura period, Shinkan studied Tendai six years and then studied Zen seven years; then he went to China and contemplated Zen for thirteen years more.

When he returned to Japan many desired to interview him and asked onscure questions. But when Shinkan received visitors, which was infrequently, he seldom answered their questions.

One day a fifty-year-old student of enlightenment said to Shinkan: “I have studied the Tendai school of thought since I was a little boy, but one thing in it I cannot understand. Tendai claims that even the grass and trees will become enlightened. To me this seems very strange.”

“Of what use is it to discuss how grass and trees become enlightened?” asked Shinkan. “The question is how you yourself can become so. Did you ever consider that?”

“I never thought of it in that way,” marveled the old man.

“Then go home and think it over,” finished Shinkan.
Jul 17, 2021
I agree but I dont think these things are no exclusive of women. In nearly all the opposite ways this is true of men. It's a major cultural shift away from spirituality (not neccasarily religion). Its fascinating, scary and sad all at the same time. I sometimes feel like I'm fighting a losing battle even discussing other ideas and perspectives that dont fit the cultural 'norm' that is peptuated by the media... 'eat takeaways and not home cooked dinners, watch netflix all the time, be okay with working 9-5, pay a mortgage off your whole life regardless of massively inflated prices, dont question any agendas set out by governments, just accept being overweight, you are boring if you are straight, dont question what's in your food, constantly be striving for more unattainable stuff, ignore nature around you, dont think about your existence, their are only 2 political parties to choose from etc etc. These are common ideas/beliefs in western culture that are affecting us all. As a man I find the same struggles but I think it's better to have a smaller circle of friends than a wider one and constantly having to pretend to be something your not. That all being said, I have lots of friends with completely different viewpoints but at the very least they accept me and my opinions and I respect theirs. All in all your not alone in this struggle by any stretch of the imagination.
I know what you mean. You can’t even have a normal conversation with other women ( as a whole) because they act like I’m attacking them as people. But you are also right…men in general, are messed up too. That’s why a return to spirituality, meaning acknowleging there is something greater than themselves, ie God, is a healthy thing. Not talking about man made religion, but the understanding that the world doesn’t revolve around you…which is at the heart of the feminist, pro death movement. You have to reject the mindset of the world that promotes death and not life.


Jun 22, 2021
You really want to do this right now when the globalists are gearing up to inject babies with experimental drugs that are guaranteed to kill them. You need to reach out to other women and find ways to put a stop to what going on in your community because your children’s lives are at risk.
Even if you do stop this - you cannot stop what is coming - in 20 years your babies will be removed from birth and raised as state property - your only option is to gradually become completely self-sustainable

You can fight but you aren't up against a small group of billionaires - you're up against CIA, MI6, Homeland Security, NSA, Committee of 300, council of 13, all the major think tanks, all world governments, etc - they're all in on it - every single one

So yes Pina - we really want to do this right now


Apr 14, 2013
Same. My group of friends has dwindled due to this reason but the girl friends I do have are awesome. I feel the same is true about the men now day as well.
I'm glad I didn't grow up voicing this mentality though, sheesh... probably would have been told I was non-binary or something.
Jul 17, 2021
You really want to do this right now when the globalists are gearing up to inject babies with experimental drugs that are guaranteed to kill them. You need to reach out to other women and find ways to put a stop to what going on in your community because your children’s lives are at risk.
Trust me, I’ve tried. Most women are so brainwashed….but at least ya plant seeds. Which is what I’m doing in this thread.


Nov 21, 2012
I've been feeling like an alien especially the last couple of years. That doesn't just go for women, but society in general.
Jul 17, 2021
I've been feeling like an alien especially the last couple of years. That doesn't just go for women, but society in general.
It’s cool really to be an alien. It means you think for yourself and don’t let other’s opinions influence you. Fyi, as in “aliens” I don’t mean interdimensionals lol


Dec 8, 2016
I missed the question in your OP.
You just needed a place to publicly process?

Your point of:
“...who actually like themselves.”

This is an accurate assessment that resonates with me as I relate to women in my family, friends circle and community at large.

You are lucky to have a small group of women to call friends.
Many don’t have that. Especially as things have accelerated since 2020.

Remember as we are being sanctified; we WILL be separated.

And yes- I absolutely grieve the world with you.

“Finally sister, keep your mind on whatever is true, noble, pure, right and admirable. If anything is excellent or praiseworthy; think about those things...”
So focus not on these “women”; but what we can do to make our corners of the world simply better.
Jul 17, 2021
This is like music to my ears - Personally, I think 99% of women are chronically estrogenic which is what I would say is heavily responsible for their arrogance, lack of good humor, and learned-helplessness

but I can't figure out exactly what is causing this - At my time in Southern and Midwestern women I did meet women who were more androgenic/chill - they looked good and had a good attitude but it's rare

I believe its an epidimic because

1) most women wear make-up (which obliterates androgens)

2) most women wear bras and panties and 99% of them are estrogenic material

I notice on the rare occasion I met an androgenic women I liked, they didn't wear bras and panties so this is a real thing definitely
Not sure I’m with you on the bra and panties part haha…
Jul 17, 2021
I missed the question in your OP.
You just needed a place to publicly process?

Your point of:
“...who actually like themselves.”

This is an accurate assessment that resonates with me as I relate to women in my family, friends circle and community at large.

You are lucky to have a small group of women to call friends.
Many don’t have that. Especially as things have accelerated since 2020.

Remember as we are being sanctified; we WILL be separated.

And yes- I absolutely grieve the world with you.

“Finally sister, keep your mind on whatever is true, noble, pure, right and admirable. If anything is excellent or praiseworthy; think about those things...”
So focus not on these “women”; but what we can do to make our corners of the world simply better.
Good points…yes, but it’s in our faces 24/7…it’s like YA JUST CAN’T GET AWAY FROM IT AT TIMES….sigh. Yes, I do agree…separating is not a bad thing but a good thing. Things are indeed accelerating. If you are sensitive, you will feel it and see it.


Jan 25, 2014
You really want to do this right now when the globalists are gearing up to inject babies with experimental drugs that are guaranteed to kill them.
What do you mean "gearing up?" The CDC schedule of vaccines has one that starts at birth, and has for years now. There are several that are given between birth and 2 years old, probably more than the total number of vaccines I have had in my life at over 40. Kids are routinely given things like Ritalin and SSRIs, even toddlers. As for the Covid shots, yeah, they are obviously more dangerous than other vaccines (which are not safe themselves), but they aren't "guaranteed" to kill, not like something like Sodium Pentothal would.

Regardless, all of these drugs are given only with Parent's consent. Every single parent can stop this potential harm to their kids on an individual level. I have heard both Haidut and Yusef El talk about how they stopped the hospital from giving their newborns injections and vaccines. Sure, it's a dirty practice to take advantage of stressed out parents, but it can be stopped, and the more people are aware of it, the more people will stand up and say no.

As for the OP, anytime someone starts to wake up to these issues is the right time. It's never too late, and in some ways, now is actually the perfect time for her to start raising and talking about these issues, even if they have been going on for a long time.
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