As a Woman, I just can’t relate to other women anymore


Jan 25, 2014
I’m not referring to the 72 or so shots already on the schedule I am talking about the covid 19 shots!!!!
Yeah, I figured. Still, the Covid shots aren't the first dangerous or experimental drugs given to children. But there is no reason to suspect that they will be "forced" onto children without parental consent. There is nothing in the Dobbs ruling to suggest otherwise, especially if you understand that it was more about whether the Federal Government or States had the right to regulate an elective medical procedure. Nor have I seen anyone cite any legal principle that the Justices used in deciding Dobbs (and completely overruling Roe) that could be used to force vaccinate or inject anyone without their consent.
Bitching about women is not waking up it's bitching
I didn't think she was talking about ALL women, but I have certainly seen the same trends the OP describes in many women, especially younger women. She even specifies that it's more "modern women" that she is talking about.


Mar 26, 2014
I wish there were more like OP. But it is what it is. I've always been a bit of a lone wolf given the alternative is tolerating the mainstream sludge. As women TEND (not all, i have seen this myself) to be more lead by the herd it is no surprise to find i would have to be with someone just for the sake of being with someone as it were.

The "red pill" advice of "just change everything about yourself bro" isn't much help either.


Sep 13, 2012
Ya'll need some southern Baptist in your life. You can still find feminine women there. But if you are looking around at the general population you will be discouraged. Let's try to be good examples to other women on what a soft hearted woman means. I see these young liberals and I know what they are going through, they are lost, they are running from their pain, they are putting on a false self and don't even know who they really are anymore. They were made in the image of God, their tender beautiful hearts are not to be hidden and covered up with a shield of rage and shamelessness.


Mar 21, 2021
What porn is to men , social media is to women and has created a false sense of reality. Most women have unrealistic expectations now a days. So with men the unrealistic expectations is mostly just the beauty of the women they want and maybe type of sex, but with women it’s the unrealistic expectations of their whole life comparing themselves to random people on the internet and friends and family from photos and videos of these a snapshot of this persons life and making these women feel like they are missing out on something. So they end up unhappy with their lives and pressure to keep up with the jones all over the internet and feel they have to be or act a certain way, have certain clothing, or vacation etc and women look at men as an accessory rather then a person you connect with, so looks , clothes, job he has ,the money he makes, his status. Those thing have always been important, but it’s now on steroids.

Then you add in the foods they eat, pharmaceuticals and the effect the Covid lockdowns had on all of society and basically put people on house arrest for years , face masks. Seeing all other people as threats because they may have Covid and could kill you.
So more time to stay and look at your phone.

So many connection people had with others were destroyed.

And let’s be real , women are emotional creatures and are more swayed by the group. So their minds were effected way worse.

So the majority of the problem isn’t men stepping up, a lot of men can’t with these unrealistic expectations.

Women were happy with a house with a white picket fence and a couple of kids and were competing with their neighbors and a few friends . Now they are competing with the entire internet.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I can’t relate to other women in today’s modern society. And I am a woman. Seems collectively, women today have taken pills that make them literally insane. I really do think it’s a spiritual issue. Women have lost touch with who they are…we are women. We are supposed to be feminine. The fairer sex. loving our offspring. loving our husbands. Nurturing.

How can they not see that all their repulsive screaming and demanding and acting like idiots will get them nowhere but disrespect?

Seems other women are just miserable, like they hate themselves. Self loathing. They believe the medias lies, the tel- lie-vision’s lies. What they are taught in their indoctrination centers called higher education. They are never happy. I don’t think they even know what they are so angry about. But they are furious. Really, as a woman, I don’t belong on the same planet as them.

They are proud of being massively huge. Like it just doesn’t matter how they look. Or they act like whores on social media, showing everything they’ve got. Act like a whore, you will be treated like one. I don’t get it. I really don’t.

These lost women see nothing wrong in murdering another human being, their unborn child, who deserves to live just as much as they do.

The only women I now choose to be friends with, all think like I do. They all value things that modern women despise. I’m quite happy to have a small exclusive group of likeminded friends. I don’t mind that I’m the minority.

I don’t think I am better than these women, but I don’t understand them, I don’t support them and I don’t want to be around them.

I really can understand how bad it is for men today. That’s not giving men a free pass either. Many have porn addictions that lead to warped, unrealistic and reprobate expectations. And they are taught to be irresponcible. But how women act today, doesn’t help.

Women used to be the moral keepers for society as a whole. I’m not talking religionista uptight humorless women who are negative karen gestapo crews who are rude and get in your face over the smallest things.. But women who just have self dignity and common sense. And don’t fall for the disgusting societal lies.

And who actually like themselves.

Maybe that’s what we need. A movement of women who have the moral fortitude to stand up to these screaming, demanding mee mees, by just being decent, wholesome, healthy individuals, and rejecting their hysterical demands.

God bless your soul:):
In another thread you and I discussed a woman being unhappy with her restaurant meal and the expectation many modern women would have that the husband MUST commiserate and throw himself on the floor to repent for "his" sins that the meal was not good enough. You said this kind of expectation is insane and it is not the man's fault that the meal was not good enough. I said I applauded your attitude/views and I do again for this comment above...but I also said in that thread the vast majority of modern women (at least the urbanized, highly career-aggressive, multi-degree kind) are NOT like you.
So, now you are experiencing the female-to-female version of the same artificially manufactured alienation that destroyed the relationships/pact between men and women over the last 20-30 years, implemented largely through corporate/govt sponsored militant psyops, mass medication of women with both hormones and psychotropic drugs, and the chemical/emotional castration of men. The final goal is alienation of anybody capable of independent thought and action and, most importantly, authentic bond with another fellow human, from the rest (regardless of sex) and this is now more of less complete on a female-female, female-male and male-male level. Steady "progress" is being made on a parent-child level as well.

I can tell you as a male that I also lost quite a few "friends" over the last 2-3 years over very similar concerns and in every single case it was because the other side demanded that I do/think/accept whatever X they favor or it's over. Just like that, after knowing each other for decades, No option whatsoever for discussing or working things out.
As far as the blame/fault., I don't blame either sex. Things like pron addiction, twisted gender expectations, etc on behalf of males are all coping mechanisms for living basically meaningless lives, which are on top of that severely messed up on an endocrine level. I always shudder when I hear a parent demand in a patronizing voice that a feminized boy "man up" and act tough. How can that happen if the boy is hormonally a semi-female and is so physically weak it is afraid of a stiff wind?? Same goes with another parent demanding that an androgynous-looking girl "act like a lady so the boys like you". How can she, if she is hormonally a semi-male and regularly beats up the feminized bullies that gang up on her?
Anyways, there is no coming back from this. The people that "cancelled" you have been made (through decades of environmental/social assault) physically incapable of living in your (real) world and you probably don't want to or can't live in the absolute abomination of theirs. Some people will say to ignore them and just live your life. Sure...but the freaks won't leave you alone in turn. Their world can only materialize if any trace of sanity/reality is either destroyed or firmly under the elite's control so that there is no risk that some pesky normie men and women somewhere, who still love each other to death and actually look forward to touching each other every night, end up revolting against the "life" the WEF fan-base wants - i.e. VR goggles on 24x7, immersed into the sterile Metaverse that Facebook quite openly advertises is the future "reality" for most of humanity...and it won't be voluntary.
So, love and cherish the ones around you that have your back and if we are lucky enough to survive the total wipeout that is already on its way maybe one day we get a chance to start anew and with all this knowledge that we now have on how to prevent another such calamity in the future.
Just my 2c.
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Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Women are consensus builders when together.
This property gets manipulated by things like day time talk shows where the narrative is not organic.
Women want to look good on the outside, and carefully hide what is on the inside.
Women manipulate things from behind the scenes.
Young men generally don't have a chance because of hormones (the second brain of man).
American males are attracted to women from other countries (non-Western) because they are more respectful and helpful.


Dec 4, 2021
As a female I do understand where you're coming from, as most my age (37) are still setting in bars trying to act like they're 21 still & look at me like I'm crazy for preferring to run a farm/business/do things with my teenagers.

However, beyond all of the estrogen/chemical/social media/unresolved trauma factors in all honesty there's a bit of judgement in your posting.

Which I know is human behavior.

I just think, regardless of what "side" a person is on, the internet has made it to where we only accept someone into our social circle if they exactly mirror our likely highly influenced "morals".

This can be something like a person being die hard LGBTQ++++ demanding every human know every pronoun & or any similar rabid ideology.


It could be someone who's conservative that calls someone a slut because they feel comfortable enough with their body wear something more revealing or calling a woman a murderer for deciding not to let a clump of cells turn into a baby.

I grew up in an extremely small town, went to an even smaller school, & one thing we learned naturally is that we had no choice but to accept people's differences if we wanted to be friends.

Does this mean that we all turned out lifelong friends?


Did this help most of us learn how to see our fellow humans inherent worth beyond things we may not have agreed on/enjoyed/related to?


Again, I do understand where you're coming from & people are...much...these days so discernment is not a bad idea.

I just also think we need to evaluate our own role in a situation when we're blaming everyone else for our inability to relate/make a friend as there's probably something there.

Anyhow I hope you're able to find women you can relate to.


Dec 14, 2019
Some heartless comments on this thread.

The women I know (London/UK) regardless of their health, work extremely hard at juggling insane amounts of responsibilities to keep up with modern day society norms.

For every woman out of alignment with their divine feminine energy, there is a man out of alignment with his divine masculine energy.

We've all gone through phases where we lose our way. I had the pill years ago, ate terribly, suffered extreme mental stress, had messed up biomarkers and ruined a lot of relationships. Now that I'm on a much more chilling, feminine, joyful and Peatesque path of healing, how wrong would it then be to judge other women for making the same health mistakes I made in my past.


Nov 21, 2012
It’s cool really to be an alien. It means you think for yourself and don’t let other’s opinions influence you. Fyi, as in “aliens” I don’t mean interdimensionals lol
Lol.....I wouldn't even mind being surely would explain a lot?


May 16, 2013
As a female I do understand where you're coming from, as most my age (37) are still setting in bars trying to act like they're 21 still & look at me like I'm crazy for preferring to run a farm/business/do things with my teenagers.

However, beyond all of the estrogen/chemical/social media/unresolved trauma factors in all honesty there's a bit of judgement in your posting.

Which I know is human behavior.

I just think, regardless of what "side" a person is on, the internet has made it to where we only accept someone into our social circle if they exactly mirror our likely highly influenced "morals".

This can be something like a person being die hard LGBTQ++++ demanding every human know every pronoun & or any similar rabid ideology.


It could be someone who's conservative that calls someone a slut because they feel comfortable enough with their body wear something more revealing or calling a woman a murderer for deciding not to let a clump of cells turn into a baby.

I grew up in an extremely small town, went to an even smaller school, & one thing we learned naturally is that we had no choice but to accept people's differences if we wanted to be friends.

Does this mean that we all turned out lifelong friends?


Did this help most of us learn how to see our fellow humans inherent worth beyond things we may not have agreed on/enjoyed/related to?


Again, I do understand where you're coming from & people are...much...these days so discernment is not a bad idea.

I just also think we need to evaluate our own role in a situation when we're blaming everyone else for our inability to relate/make a friend as there's probably something there.

Anyhow I hope you're able to find women you can relate to.

I couldn't agree more


Oct 3, 2016
Gosh, no women, men want to jump in here and say they agree, disagree?
I am totally with you on this the only differwnce i get called a mysogenist everytime i point out obvious facts ? but society has degenerated and men are basically doomed when it comes to dating, i feel as though the birth control plays a huge part in this creating high serotonin authoritarian angry feminazis and selfish behavior types i think the pill explains alot of this, yeah as men were pretty much ****88 lmfao, i been telling all the men i know ti start saying no and stop letting them demasculate you and pussywhip you into submission, mens lives are getting destroyed by these more modern types of women, a really sad culture we live in nowadays


Oct 2, 2018
We've all gone through phases where we lose our way. I had the pill years ago, ate terribly, suffered extreme mental stress, had messed up biomarkers and ruined a lot of relationships. Now that I'm on a much more chilling, feminine, joyful and Peatesque path of healing, how wrong would it then be to judge other women for making the same health mistakes I made in my past.
This is the great thing about the OP. She obviously cared about not messing up another human being before going into a relationship. That’s not a common attitude amongst women anymore.


Feb 10, 2013
A woman calls other women whores, the men are incredibly impressed and applaud her. Damn it's so easy. Do any of you go outside and speak to actual women or are your views based on "SJW destroyed" youtube compilations? Those kinds of women are not even in the majority. I rent to college aged girls and they open up about their problems and they're nothing like the strawman created by you or the men online. And what's with calling women whores anyway when the stats show both men and women are having less sex? Nevermind relatioships. Though your idea of what is right for women is just that, your idea and others can decide for themselves what being a woman means to them. My grandmothers and great grandmothers don't fit those demure, delicate feminine ideals of the 50s that both men and women like you are such fans of.

"They are never happy. I don’t think they even know what they are so angry about." ask and listen, like you are willing to do for the men. Neither side is willing to listen to the other and see things from their perspective, both sides are angry and don't communicate. That's the whole point, it's on purpose, it's divide and conquer, all the posts I've seen from you put down other women to raise yourself up, so you're doing your part for that, congrats.
Aug 29, 2020
The Rocky Mountains
It is spiritual emptiness. These women you speak of (and the men in their lives) need to get right with God.

The people waging war on our men and women sure believe in God. They follow the orders of his fallen one very closely.

Proceed in your life with the knowledge that this insanity is all just good versus evil.

We do win this in the end.


Jul 31, 2020
It is spiritual emptiness. These women you speak of (and the men in their lives) need to get right with God.

The people waging war on our men and women sure believe in God. They follow the orders of his fallen one very closely.

Proceed in your life with the knowledge that this insanity is all just good versus evil.

We do win this in the end.
Religious women can be extremely insane and evil too, in my catholic country old church-going hags are much worse than the worse feminazis. The problem is less about believing in god and more about the atomization of society and the decline mental health caused by social media and environmental factors.


Mar 26, 2014
The women I know (London/UK) regardless of their health, work extremely hard at juggling insane amounts of responsibilities to keep up with modern day society norms.

You can thank the idiot first wave feminists for that, they decided the old society norms were misogynist and men did what they did just for fun...


May 11, 2022
Europe, Ger.
The modern world is upside down. It is lost, spiritually & physically. In my eyes, it started with the demise of Christianity and the morals it upheld. The goals it set. Obviously even when Christianity was around, people were immoral and did all kinds of horrible things - no wonder, humanity is fallen and it is no surprise that people fell prey to sin even then. However, there was still a sense in society that there was something higher to orient ourselves to. That there is such a thing as an objective, superior moral way of Being (what Christ exemplifies) and that we will suffer if we deviate from that. In the last few decades however, our societies in the Western world have thoroughly lost this sense. People now praise the lowest sins and vilify the highest virtues. Things like abortion (murder), indulging in pleasures, being sexually promiscuous, being unhealthily obese, being disrespectful, being arrogant etc are seen as virtues (freedom from the slavery of the patriarchy, knowing better than our evil ancestors etc), while actual virtues like humbleness and dignity are seen as compliance to the patriarchal system. I mean just look at the whole "Pride" movement - why should anyone be proud of something they have no control over? Pride is not seen as the highest sin in Christianity for no reason, it is what led to the fall of humanity - and now we are encouraging people to be prideful, boastful, arrogant etc.

Imo, this is fundamentally a spiritual battle. Obviously, the battle has long seeped into the physical. Chemicals, radiation, food / water / air poisoning are all the battle grounds of the physical world. But they would not have worked solely, had our societies not been asleep spiritually & demoralized through media propaganda and our own loss of faith in God. Now it is too late to win the battle, physically or spiritually, as far as I am concerned. We are too late, too much into trouble already. The only option I see: build an arch. In other words, prepare yourself. Make it so, that when ***t hits the fan, you are able to withstand the storm. That you can thrive in times of hardship, even when the rest of the world gets flooded. This world WILL get flooded, there are too many vile forces at play already. But the seeds of the new world that comes after, will be planted by those, that are prepared.
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May 3, 2019
I can’t relate to other women in today’s modern society. And I am a woman. Seems collectively, women today have taken pills that make them literally insane. I really do think it’s a spiritual issue. Women have lost touch with who they are…we are women. We are supposed to be feminine. The fairer sex. loving our offspring. loving our husbands. Nurturing.

How can they not see that all their repulsive screaming and demanding and acting like idiots will get them nowhere but disrespect?

Seems other women are just miserable, like they hate themselves. Self loathing. They believe the medias lies, the tel- lie-vision’s lies. What they are taught in their indoctrination centers called higher education. They are never happy. I don’t think they even know what they are so angry about. But they are furious. Really, as a woman, I don’t belong on the same planet as them.

They are proud of being massively huge. Like it just doesn’t matter how they look. Or they act like whores on social media, showing everything they’ve got. Act like a whore, you will be treated like one. I don’t get it. I really don’t.

These lost women see nothing wrong in murdering another human being, their unborn child, who deserves to live just as much as they do.

The only women I now choose to be friends with, all think like I do. They all value things that modern women despise. I’m quite happy to have a small exclusive group of likeminded friends. I don’t mind that I’m the minority.

I don’t think I am better than these women, but I don’t understand them, I don’t support them and I don’t want to be around them.

I really can understand how bad it is for men today. That’s not giving men a free pass either. Many have porn addictions that lead to warped, unrealistic and reprobate expectations. And they are taught to be irresponcible. But how women act today, doesn’t help.

Women used to be the moral keepers for society as a whole. I’m not talking religionista uptight humorless women who are negative karen gestapo crews who are rude and get in your face over the smallest things.. But women who just have self dignity and common sense. And don’t fall for the disgusting societal lies.

And who actually like themselves.

Maybe that’s what we need. A movement of women who have the moral fortitude to stand up to these screaming, demanding mee mees, by just being decent, wholesome, healthy individuals, and rejecting their hysterical demands.
Actually it’s very refreshing to hear a woman say this. I’m glad that there are women out there, like you, that still share these same beliefs, values, and moral compass. Thank you for the reminder, actually.

As a man, I know you and those like you are still plentiful. Unfortunately, I think the wonderful and beautiful women out there, such as yourself, are overshadowed by all of the types you speak of, and they seem to be growing in numbers.

All I can say is, thank you, and continue to be who you are and don’t sacrifice it for anything or anyone. I hope and pray many other women, especially those of the younger crowd can follow a similar path. It’s ultimately better for themselves and everyone around them.

Just my opinion of course.


Mar 21, 2021
Another thing effecting women is having multiple sex partners and that seems to effect a lot of women’s ability to pair bond with a man.

Treasury secretary janet yellen in 1996
But here is where Janet Yellen and her husband get stunningly blunt. Prior to the sexual revolution, they argue, a “promise of marriage in the event of pregnancy” was the only thing that made women take on the risks involved in premarital sexual activity. After, they posited:

Women who were willing to get an abortion or who reliably used contraception no longer found it necessary to condition sexual relations on a promise of marriage in the event of pregnancy. But women who wanted children, who objected to abortion for moral or religious reasons, or who were unreliable in their use of contraception found themselves pressured to participate in premarital sexual relations without being able to exact a promise of marriage in case of pregnancy.


Jun 18, 2016
Good post and as a female, I agree wholeheartedly. There was a line from a Tory Amos song that said, "Girls..... girls...... what have we ourselves."
I have one friend from elementary school who was an independent thinker/not a follower, and she is the only woman I have regard for (one of the only women I know who didn't get vaccinated). I don't want to talk to my family (and basically have not), extended family, because I cannot relate to them and I don't want to fight or be silent (highly influenced by culture and media). It is just too exhausting. Getting rid of my TV 21 years ago was so important for my sanity. It seems we are in a transitional time, where the insanity of our culture is going to die (figuratively and maybe literally). People with wholesome values, ability to think critically, and morality will remain (my opinion). I think there will be people in your future who you will admire.
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