Ukraine Crisis



Sep 24, 2016
Russians says "it was automobiles with humanitarian aid"
But civilians and photo proofs says it was weapon-carrier automobiles. Near civilian houses. But russia-***t propaganda keep saying that is ukraine hiding heavy weapon near houses without any proofs

Both sides do it. It’s the best way of camouflage and shielding of artillery and kit. It’s the brutal logic of war. But: if you accuser Russia of hiding in urban areas then you need also to accuse Ukraine for it. And condemn both for shelling these areas. Because both sides do it.

I recommend you stop focusing on war crimes and the most base deeds like cutting off balls.
Among both armies are stupid, animalic barbarians. Scum. Sadly, both Ukraine and Russia have plenty of scum within its male Population. In a war Setting, they will perform stuff uncomprehensible for sane Humsns. If you claim there is only scum and war crimes on the Russian side you would again deny reality.

You’re here at the RPF. You would know what a massive stress situation like war will do to people, especially if there Baseline behavior is poor before.

Also try not to forget what the Stress you Personaly are under in wartime does to you. Keep sane and healthy before everything else and don’t let Propaganda and hate inflame your mind and body beyond return.

Nothing about this war is about you. Nothing about is can be influenced or controlled by you. It’s a torrent of massive escalation of many many conflicts with a plethora of reasons. At the Core of it lies evil on both sides. If you take a side beyond what you need for survival, you will drown in it. As have most humans in history. Subject to laws of civilization in which we are nothing but blind little cytokines. Reacting, not acting.

But one can try to go beyond that. All the Heroes of Peace and humanity we know and cherish have.

Or you can go on pretending that 10s of thousands of Azov-Fighters etc are only a nuisance without bearing. They have destroyed Mariupol and the people their, even if Russia fired the missiles. Evil and Baseness always comes to something like that.

It’s your luck you’re not at the frontline where many men die a senseless dead for a pathetic cause like „Nation“ which is only a concept and myth line any belief. The have their uses, but never merit dying for it.

All the best to you
Last edited:


Aug 3, 2021


Apr 21, 2021
Mandatory evacuation of Donetsk a la Zelensky. This scares me.

“The people who refuse to evacuate will have to sign "a certain form of refusal from mandatory evacuation" stating they understand and are aware of all the consequences of staying in the combat zones and bear personal responsibility for their lives, Vereshchuk added.”


Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
This reads like a completely different scenario than cnn reports. Who knows what the real reasons are.

"Kiev has ordered mandatory evacuations from the parts of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) that remain under the control of Ukrainian forces. Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk explained on Saturday the decision by saying that it would be impossible to provide the region’s residents with heating in the cold months."

Donetsk will be liberated well before winter. Probably in the next month or two.


Jun 2, 2022
Both sides do it. It’s the best way of camouflage and shielding of artillery and kit. It’s the brutal logic of war. But: if you accuser Russia of hiding in urban areas then you need also to accuse Ukraine for it. And condemn both for shelling these areas. Because both sides do it.

I recommend you stop focusing on war crimes and the most base deeds like cutting off balls.
Among both armies are stupid, animalic barbarians. Scum. Sadly, both Ukraine and Russia have plenty of scum within its male Population. In a war Setting, they will perform stuff uncomprehensible for sane Humsns. If you claim there is only scum and war crimes on the Russian side you would again deny reality.

You’re here at the RPF. You would know what a massive stress situation like war will do to people, especially if there Baseline behavior is poor before.

Also try not to forget what the Stress you Personaly are under in wartime does to you. Keep sane and healthy before everything else and don’t let Propaganda and hate inflame your mind and body beyond return.

Nothing about this war is about you. Nothing about is can be influenced or controlled by you. It’s a torrent of massive escalation of many many conflicts with a plethora of reasons. At the Core of it lies evil on both sides. If you take a side beyond what you need for survival, you will drown in it. As have most humans in history. Subject to laws of civilization in which we are nothing but blind little cytokines. Reacting, not acting.

But one can try to go beyond that. All the Heroes of Peace and humanity we know and cherish have.

Or you can go on pretending that 10s of thousands of Azov-Fighters etc are only a nuisance without bearing. They have destroyed Mariupol and the people their, even if Russia fired the missiles. Evil and Baseness always comes to something like that.

It’s your luck you’re not at the frontline where many men die a senseless dead for a pathetic cause like „Nation“ which is only a concept and myth line any belief. The have their uses, but never merit dying for it.

All the best to you
your text its pure nazi-hitler talking.
they said "soviet union responsible for all the destructions"
"surrender to avoid death and destruction"
The same, not? why should they surrender if they fight for ukrainian city?
maybe its better occupant not to attack?
And last question, so whats your propose? give up all, surrender, and be in garbage-totalitarian country russia?
i told you several time, you never lived and i guess never even visited russia or ukraine, your knowledge is nothing, your theory about "ukraine fight for nation" its really ***t, man.

Really your are so funny with your conclusions.

Thousands of times i repeat to you, if you want to know something about our countries - or visit them and live, or read neutral telegram channels like i send.

If russia would have been non-totalitarian country which really cares for people's life's, if russia would have their richiest on planet earth mineral resources to not to be stolen by kremlin thugs, in percentage they are more than 80% fully stolen and privatized by few kremlin thugs, UKRAINE would want to be with russia themself.

PLEASE understand, ITS NOT USA or EUROPE force us to fight with russia or some other ***t, its just PEOPLE of ukraine dont wanna live in corrupted garbage named russia federation, where you can go to jail JUST FOR LIKE anti war post in facebook, where rosgvardiya beat you up just for meeting, etc.
Where the RICHEST mineral resources country - have gasification LESS THAN 70%!!!! Omg its pure shame.

I can continue non-stop, but the fact - UKRAINE FIGHT only because living with russia - BE GENOCIDED by russia, like they do genocide of donbass people, when they FORCE civilians and caught them up on the street, and force without ammunition to assault on the defensive midfielders.


Jun 2, 2022
"Kiev has ordered mandatory evacuations from the parts of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) that remain under the control of Ukrainian forces. Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk explained on Saturday the decision by saying that it would be impossible to provide the region’s residents with heating in the cold months."

Donetsk will be liberated well before winter. Probably in the next month or two.
Thats shows how ukraine care about their people.

What russia have done? how mariupol or severodonetsk or lyshichansk will live? THEY dont give a **** about them.

Donetsk have even NO WATER in their houses, LOL.


Jun 2, 2022

citation of INTER SLAVA Z(so means he russian garbage)
its really cool man. You are so... continue yourself. what i want to say.

Omg dude you are really no chance to evolve.
Stop forcing this theme, its really closed, this killer lit up on many reports of RIA news, THOUSANDS of proofs and face of this garbage person. But you still continue to seek for ukrainian step on this sad history.
No chance to evolve. Here, in this theme i can see evolution from the homo sapiens to homo habilis.
Im done trying. bye


Aug 3, 2021
PLEASE understand, ITS NOT USA or EUROPE force us to fight with russia or some other ***t, its just PEOPLE of ukraine dont wanna live in corrupted garbage named russia federation, where you can go to jail JUST FOR LIKE anti war post in facebook, where rosgvardiya beat you up just for meeting, etc.
Where the RICHEST mineral resources country - have gasification LESS THAN 70%!!!!

Both countries are being robbed by oligarchs, Russia to a greater extent, only because it has a much larger amount of resources. Higher level of gasification originates from USSR days. Now both countries are in semi failed state parasitizing on the Soviet legacy...

... and the corruption index of UA is higher than in RU



Sep 24, 2016
your text its pure nazi-hitler talking.
they said "soviet union responsible for all the destructions"
That’s definitely not what I proposed - as for accusing me of all persons for Nazi-talk: you really don’t know what you‘re saying.

Maybe you better refer to the local Azov-recruitment center for Nazi-Talk or contact your local Bandera-Worshipper.

And no, I didn’t say Ukraine shouldn’t defend against Russian invaders if you feel it’s best for you.
What I said and will say again is: you are completely wrong about the causes abd reasons of the eventual Russian invasion.
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