Thoughts on this stack ???


Dec 17, 2018
@redsun Is that acetylcholine quiz truly reliable or are there other imbalances that could cause such a personality?
So one needs:
Zinc, iron
Vitamin C

is that all? What is the best form of B5, I see panthotenic acid and I see pantethine? Does choline in beets and chickpeas count

Most B-vitamins help cholinergic activity, but those two are the main ones.

Made by Dr Eric R. Braverman. You can look him up. I'd say it is pretty accurate. especially when I realized I had Ach low and tried to raise it all of these facets improved. It may take time to get long-lasting effect depending on what you lack (choline deficiency) or if you have receptor problem but overall poor acetylcholine activity, if the test shows that, is a good diagnosis. We have to remember that the body can make choline, but not enough to meet our requirements. And there are some things that can raise choline needs. I believe sugar is the main one.

Also tryptophan and serine are major components for acetylcholine breakdown (the enzyme) so I think high tryptophan foods may mean you need more choline for more Ach effect. Maybe this is how tryptophan helps people with mood and depression, not because it increases serotonin but because it increase Ach breakdown.


Dec 23, 2020
Most B-vitamins help cholinergic activity, but those two are the main ones.

Made by Dr Eric R. Braverman. You can look him up. I'd say it is pretty accurate. especially when I realized I had Ach low and tried to raise it all of these facets improved. It may take time to get long-lasting effect depending on what you lack (choline deficiency) or if you have receptor problem but overall poor acetylcholine activity, if the test shows that, is a good diagnosis. We have to remember that the body can make choline, but not enough to meet our requirements. And there are some things that can raise choline needs. I believe sugar is the main one.

Also tryptophan and serine are major components for acetylcholine breakdown (the enzyme) so I think high tryptophan foods may mean you need more choline for more Ach effect. Maybe this is how tryptophan helps people with mood and depression, not because it increases serotonin but because it increase Ach breakdown.
Seafood cant be a better alternative to eggs since its rich in choline aswell. Also Energin hasnt got enough B-vitamins to help to ACH ?
Should i choose smth else?
Btw i also have pineapple in my diet and ppl here says its quite serotonergetic that isnt enough to break Ach down ? Nice theory on tryptophan that make the most sense when for sm has anti depressive effects


Dec 17, 2018
Seafood cant be a better alternative to eggs since its rich in choline aswell. Also Energin hasnt got enough B-vitamins to help to ACH ?
Should i choose smth else?
Btw i also have pineapple in my diet and ppl here says its quite serotonergetic that isnt enough to break Ach down ? Nice theory on tryptophan that make the most sense when for sm has anti depressive effects

I think energin is likely good. Pineapple is filled with manganese, which is a pro-acetylcholine mineral. I would not supplement manganese because of if its iron antagonism.

Dont think seafood is that high in choline. Eggs are the best source. Especially if you could be low in choline, one should go over normal intake for a little awhile.


Oct 7, 2020
Primarily look into whether there is anything bad to remove from your diet and anything good to include and get blood tests if possible to see and know if there are any specific issues that are not optimized before throwing in several supplements and focus more on the supplements that give 80% of the benefits and that are already known to be efficient


Dec 23, 2020
Primarily look into whether there is anything bad to remove from your diet and anything good to include and get blood tests if possible to see and know if there are any specific issues that are not optimized before throwing in several supplements and focus more on the supplements that give 80% of the benefits and that are already known to be efficient
Yes i already did hair tesr, dna test which i'll wait for results maybe post them here and next would be blood work
This is what i tried doing i looked for supplements that are the best and this is what i come with.
i posted my diet in this thread i dont think there is smth wrong with it i just feel the same on every diet in the world 0 difference.


Dec 23, 2020
This stack is crazy. How will you know what is doing what? This is not how supplements work

The right supplement for the right time in the right way will give health. This shotgun approach is childish lottery thinking.
My social skills are 0 and i feel like ***t all the time which one of those i should take then ? Eating peaty for 2.5 months didnt achieve anything


Dec 17, 2018
Yes i already did hair tesr, dna test which i'll wait for results maybe post them here and next would be blood work
This is what i tried doing i looked for supplements that are the best and this is what i come with.
i posted my diet in this thread i dont think there is smth wrong with it i just feel the same on every diet in the world 0 difference.

Too much dairy. Need more meat and eggs I already suggested. Pork and more ground beef and steak is very good. Half a pound of red meat (raw) is good. I think Acetylcholine boosting path will strongly improve social skills.


Dec 23, 2020
Too much dairy. Need more meat and eggs I already suggested. Pork and more ground beef and steak is very good. Half a pound of red meat (raw) is good. I think Acetylcholine boosting path will strongly improve social skills.
Man honestly this is first time on this forum i heard someone saying about ACH benefits. If you search on here about acetylcholine you will get only the bad effects of it. But those question on that test on ach you sent me was exactly what i lack irl i mean creativity, i feel submissive, i give bad vibes, bad short term memory etc. I thought i have too much serotonin and too low dopamine tbh i didnt expect Ach to be to guilt.

Btw you said i should eat 5 eggs during some time to raise Ach back. How long should i follow this 500g beef + 5 eggs thing ? I put them on cronometer and showed me like 9g PUFAs lmao


Dec 17, 2018
Man honestly this is first time on this forum i heard someone saying about ACH benefits. If you search on here about acetylcholine you will get only the bad effects of it. But those question on that test on ach you sent me was exactly what i lack irl i mean creativity, i feel submissive, i give bad vibes, bad short term memory etc. I thought i have too much serotonin and too low dopamine tbh i didnt expect Ach to be to guilt.

Btw you said i should eat 5 eggs during some time to raise Ach back. How long should i follow this 500g beef + 5 eggs thing ? I put them on cronometer and showed me like 9g PUFAs lmao

Excess Acetylcholine is quite bad, but it is way too intimately involved in so many autonomic functions, brain functions. You need it and you absolutely want it to be working well if you want optimal quality of life and especially if you are trying to treat mental problems. You need to be patient with it and not take other BS that is going to counteract it. You are not going to get excess Ach from food.

It takes time for neurotransmitter receptors to adjust to what you are consuming and for brain function to improve when you are correcting deficits. Give it a few weeks of eating a lot of beef and eggs and see how things improve. Have a 2-3 servings daily of dairy. I would not worry about the PUFA in these healthy natural foods. You need to emphasize real food, real substance with optimum nutrition. So much dairy is imbalanced, thats why I recommend the eggs and red meat to tilt the balance in the correct direction.


Dec 23, 2020
Excess Acetylcholine is quite bad, but it is way too intimately involved in so many autonomic functions, brain functions. You need it and you absolutely want it to be working well if you want optimal quality of life and especially if you are trying to treat mental problems. You need to be patient with it and not take other BS that is going to counteract it. You are not going to get excess Ach from food.

It takes time for neurotransmitter receptors to adjust to what you are consuming and for brain function to improve when you are correcting deficits. Give it a few weeks of eating a lot of beef and eggs and see how things improve. Have a 2-3 servings daily of dairy. I would not worry about the PUFA in these healthy natural foods. You need to emphasize real food, real substance with optimum nutrition. So much dairy is imbalanced, thats why I recommend the eggs and red meat to tilt the balance in the correct direction.
And when someone should take cyproraphane and other cholinergetic things?
For ex if i follow this diet and then raise my Ach levels i can follow this protocol or take cypro safely then? How can i be sure my Ach lvl stay optimal
What about other ppl that took cypro for the whole year and treated their mental problems? Also why some people that never eat like this are still more neurotypical than me who i religiously eating beef, eggs everyday . There was a period where i was eating like around 300eggs per month and still felt like this. Nothing ever changed for me regardless of what i eat. It seems like i am doomed for life wtff


Nov 23, 2020
Cypro is well known to give zombie like states because will inhibit ACh receptors and histamine receptors.


Dec 17, 2018
And when someone should take cyproraphane and other cholinergetic things?
For ex if i follow this diet and then raise my Ach levels i can follow this protocol or take cypro safely then? How can i be sure my Ach lvl stay optimal
What about other ppl that took cypro for the whole year and treated their mental problems? Also why some people that never eat like this are still more neurotypical than me who i religiously eating beef, eggs everyday . There was a period where i was eating like around 300eggs per month and still felt like this. Nothing ever changed for me regardless of what i eat. It seems like i am doomed for life wtff
Cypro can treat some mental problems I am sure of it, depends on the individual.

Beef provides nutrients to maintain Ach receptor function and sensitivity as well as also has some choline. You can get a lot of choline from eggs but Ach receptors are not as functional because of lacking other nutrition. It will also positively affect other NT receptors such as NMDA, dopamine, histamine, adrenergic receptors, etc.

Everyone is different, your genetics can determine how much choline you need based on your own internal synthesis from methionine and other genetic differences. High sugar and high fat in the diet also increase choline requirements.


Dec 23, 2020
Cypro can treat some mental problems I am sure of it, depends on the individual.

Beef provides nutrients to maintain Ach receptor function and sensitivity as well as also has some choline. You can get a lot of choline from eggs but Ach receptors are not as functional because of lacking other nutrition. It will also positively affect other NT receptors such as NMDA, dopamine, histamine, adrenergic receptors, etc.

Everyone is different, your genetics can determine how much choline you need based on your own internal synthesis from methionine and other genetic differences. High sugar and high fat in the diet also increase choline requirements.
What test can i do to get to know my choline requirements ?


Dec 23, 2020
@redsun how much B5 and Choline should i supplement daily with this stack together?
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Jan 2, 2019
I started working on my diet / health and it takes more than 2.5 months usually. If you’re feeling like crap probably it will take a few years. But that’s not a bad thing, in a few months if you’re ‘carefully’ tweaking things and listening to your bodies reaction to each step, you can make a lot of progress.
Id suggest focusing on food 90% and supps 10%. And also consider exercise and other stuff like your environment and what not.
you’re on the right track, my advice is slow down and take the unsexy route of going slow and working w food basics, adding supps sparingly.


Apr 30, 2015
My social skills are 0 and i feel like ***t all the time which one of those i should take then ? Eating peaty for 2.5 months didnt achieve anything
Sorry to hear that

I have found environmental factors are a much larger contributor to health then whether you are taking the correct supplements.

I would pick one of these and start drilling down: EMF exposure, Mold exposure, how much you stare at a screen vs spend time outside, and quality of friendships

Diet too but that is less straightforward. Adding in some raw meat would help with the depression and lift mood

If you need something to hold you over while you work on those, I have found all these very useful at times: Activated Charcoal, Niacinamide, NDT. Lumbrokinase, boswellia
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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