The NoFap Thread: Get In Here!



Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
@DankMemes I totally understand that 5-AR urge to socialize and just be awesome. I think that's the key; maintain high androgens by lowering cortisol and keeping it through the floor throughout the day. Cortisol is the enemy here.

Day 2:

S: 0
M: 2

FAIL! I failed big-time. I caved talking to my girl, but it still made me feel like a loser. Off again to the next day, counter reset.


Jul 20, 2014
S = intercourse orgasms
M = masturbation orgasms

Day 0
S: 0
M: 1

Will start tomorrow.

I don't know why, but I found that sequence hilarious.


Mar 29, 2016
I think today is day 13 for me. I have never done no FAP like this. Ever. I'm 27 now and since I was probably 14, I haven't gone more than a couple of days without it. I am more doing this to break the lifelong PMO cycle that I have become all too familiar with the past 13 years. Mainly because I don't want anything like this to have control over me, or influence me and the way I think or treat others, not to mention I think it's an unhealthy practice and an addiction for many people. It's weird with the confidence thing that is mentioned by everyone. It's not placebo. I am definitely feeling it. I think it has more to do with on a psychological level, I don't feel like I'm hiding stuff from people anymore. Like that was such a big secret struggle and addiction that is now not (atleast that is now being overcame) that it's like I can open up with people freely now.

One more thing: mental capacity and the ability to pay attention, learn, and remember things. It is definitely enhanced on no FAP.

The other weird thing: I was watching video after video yesterday about people getting comments about their "energy" emanating from them since no FAP, and how other people notice them more. I have also noticed this too. Maybe it's just because of the renewed confidence this brings, or maybe not "wasting your seed/energy" does have a profound subconscious effect on how other people perceive you. Who knows. I'm done with PMO tho.


Mar 1, 2016
Nofap changes my dreams. I get pick up artist type dreams where i'm talking to girls and am super smooth and have zero approach anxiety. This has happened 3x consistently at around day 9-10. I always wake up feeling motivated like I accomplished something haha :D I think testosterone surges at around day 7 of abstinence which may explain this.

I think nofap decreases social anxiety and is a good challenge with tangible benefits. It isn't a cure all though and you really have to work hard at every other aspect of your life like working out and eating a diet that makes you feel good.

The biggest thing is avoiding triggers which mostly means avoiding porn and edging and overly sexualized media. Also just avoid obsessing about nofap and just live your life. Think about other things.


Jun 18, 2015
Having sex with the girl/ woman which you dont truly love or If love Is not from both sides Is not good. It Is probably same as alone masturbation as in both cases you loses life energy (QUALIGEN) . But When having sex with girl you dont truly love or opposite, females ALWAYS take same energy and its not so negative for them and man ALWAYS lose. Russian scientists are doing research on this.


Jan 25, 2014
I'm in for the month of January. I know there is *something* to this NoFap thing, but I think the results are going to be highly variable from guy to guy.

I think the benefits might be similar to the benefits of planned breaks when weight training. They tend to be beneficial for everyone, but if someone has been seriously overtraining, then the break can seem life changing.

And to continue the analogy, it seems as if the phenomenon of internet pron has allowed the vast majority of guys to do non-stop overtraining.


Feb 5, 2015
15 months or so in what they call ''hard mode''. I would call it intermediate mode lol. since stopping wet dreams is the real hard mode. Alongside with some lifting and high amounts of coffee it's the most tangible thing I've done to my health (at least feeling/performing wise). Nothing worked before. It's like I had random ''tools'' that helped to a degree but abstaining made all parts to fit together nicely. Although I agree with people in this thread that having Karezza type of relationship with woman you deeply care (outside of sex) about should be next level.

Interesting Nikola you mentioned such study. I always felt intuitively this might be the case but I think there is way for males to do same thing (get energy from females). I found in my case flirting (and that's where I draw the line) makes my body operate on higher capacity. Perhaps body feels that this is our last chance to reproduce (which from what I understand ultimate goal biologically?) so it pulls out all ''guns'''that usually stay dormant. Confidence becomes higher, creativity sparks, energy becomes almost excessive, humor sense enhanced, even posture becomes better. If you take this state and leave from escalation right there, I would guess that's where sexual transmutation (N.Hill and alikes) theories would come from. Unfortunately (or fortunately) most dudes go ''for the kill''.

Good luck all, this thing is real, although I would say a bit over exaggerated.
Nov 21, 2015
I'll pop in here. I haven't masturbated in 5 years. I find the key is to do a lot of naked cuddling with a girl you love. And to avoid fantasy to the UTMOST, avoid looking at any triggers, any naked pics online, or even girls faces on a dating site or on Facebook. These triggers activate sex hormones that make you want to masturbate. Fortunately they wear off in about 30 minutes, so you can expect 30 minutes of feeling horny.

But overall avoiding fantasy and triggers is the key, and then having a woman you are with that you can cuddle with, gaze into each other's eyes and have a ton of intercourse, for as long as possible, with few orgasms.

I know that seems weird but it is true. Your life changes from one of lack to one of abundance when you practice this. Everything becomes a lot easier and you no longer belong with 99% of the male population who don't "get enough."

For men, sex is the driver to our lives. For women it's more about relationships and family. Women love sex too, but it's not the primary driver it is for men, and I"m talking over the course of a lifetime not about 20 year olds specifically.

Men can amplify their sexual lives and make everything more abundant in their universe. Nature and today's marketers and social media will tell you it's in the direction of hot sex, but it is actually in the opposite direction. It is actually not about orgasms, that is what fertilization sex is about, and they drain you as a man and make you desire more orgasms but with other women, and they don't lead to happiness.

Without a lot of orgasmic sex, with long periods of intercourse, you can have sex for hours every DAY and feel better and more pleasure than ever have before.

Since this is a nofap thread, I will say the purpose of nofap if you do NOT have a partner, is to get a partner, because partner sex is what life is really about for a man.


Jun 18, 2015
where did you read this? Does such a thing exists that you mention(like giving energy and all) or this is just broscience ? sorry for the skepticism.
I first found it in some old Books in Russian (my great grandfather was Russian But ended here in Serbia bdcause of crisis in Russia long ago) and there are some documentaries on Russian also ( i can post this If you understanding Russian or Serbian) And Victor Schauberger,Vernadsky, Nikola Tesla and others are very nice to explore. Ray mentioned Vernadsky and some Russian aproach in science in his book. There are 3 main life energies Fructigens(form all life with Oxygenes), Qualigens and Dynagens.I found Schauberger very important for understanding Ray Peat. Also it Is nice to read abot parapsyhology ...Behterev for example. WHAT IS LOVE? WHAT IS GROWTH And YOUTH? WHAT ARE OUR THOUGHTS And from WHERE THEY COME And HOW? I think Those things are one of the secrets of life that can hardly be explained in Human made laboratories. I know that In Russia they have instruments for measuring those energies in Human heart, BRAIN And whole body. But its "relatively" new research. They use Tesla And Schauberger ideas. And one think I dont like so much with Peat Is his practical aproach about hormone supplementation. Ideas are GREAT and Those hormone are for sure protect ove in many ways But I see it only as substances that can be produced in body in real life situations. I think everything Is Ok abot his ideas, food and life style aproach. Every action, movement, worse, picture THOUGHTS have their energy radiation or Vibration. Everything Is so interconnected that for me it Is to simplystic to just take some powders.
15 months or so in what they call ''hard mode''. I would call it intermediate mode lol. since stopping wet dreams is the real hard mode. Alongside with some lifting and high amounts of coffee it's the most tangible thing I've done to my health (at least feeling/performing wise). Nothing worked before. It's like I had random ''tools'' that helped to a degree but abstaining made all parts to fit together nicely. Although I agree with people in this thread that having Karezza type of relationship with woman you deeply care (outside of sex) about should be next level.

Interesting Nikola you mentioned such study. I always felt intuitively this might be the case but I think there is way for males to do same thing (get energy from females). I found in my case flirting (and that's where I draw the line) makes my body operate on higher capacity. Perhaps body feels that this is our last chance to reproduce (which from what I understand ultimate goal biologically?) so it pulls out all ''guns'''that usually stay dormant. Confidence becomes higher, creativity sparks, energy becomes almost excessive, humor sense enhanced, even posture becomes better. If you take this state and leave from escalation right there, I would guess that's where sexual transmutation (N.Hill and alikes) theories would come from. Unfortunately (or fortunately) most dudes go ''for the kill''.

Good luck all, this thing is real, although I would say a bit over exaggerated.
I also found that Every interaction with woman Is great stimulus for life. Man also take Qualigens and Dynages When have sex with woman he truly loves and she loves him of course.
I'll pop in here. I haven't masturbated in 5 years. I find the key is to do a lot of naked cuddling with a girl you love. And to avoid fantasy to the UTMOST, avoid looking at any triggers, any naked pics online, or even girls faces on a dating site or on Facebook. These triggers activate sex hormones that make you want to masturbate. Fortunately they wear off in about 30 minutes, so you can expect 30 minutes of feeling horny.

But overall avoiding fantasy and triggers is the key, and then having a woman you are with that you can cuddle with, gaze into each other's eyes and have a ton of intercourse, for as long as possible, with few orgasms.

I know that seems weird but it is true. Your life changes from one of lack to one of abundance when you practice this. Everything becomes a lot easier and you no longer belong with 99% of the male population who don't "get enough."

For men, sex is the driver to our lives. For women it's more about relationships and family. Women love sex too, but it's not the primary driver it is for men, and I"m talking over the course of a lifetime not about 20 year olds specifically.

Men can amplify their sexual lives and make everything more abundant in their universe. Nature and today's marketers and social media will tell you it's in the direction of hot sex, but it is actually in the opposite direction. It is actually not about orgasms, that is what fertilization sex is about, and they drain you as a man and make you desire more orgasms but with other women, and they don't lead to happiness.

Without a lot of orgasmic sex, with long periods of intercourse, you can have sex for hours every DAY and feel better and more pleasure than ever have before.

Since this is a nofap thread, I will say the purpose of nofap if you do NOT have a partner, is to get a partner, because partner sex is what life is really about for a man.
I like this very much. Over Masturbation Is severe compulsive behavior. Sex Is now " competition". And Dave asked for Advices how to shut down Those compulsions . I think answer life in things i wrote here. And of course in realy finding yourself and educating yourself as much as possiblle in order to builda you INTeGRiTY which very stimulating and I think it Is key i think for finding RIGHT WOMAN .


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I'll pop in here. I haven't masturbated in 5 years. I find the key is to do a lot of naked cuddling with a girl you love. And to avoid fantasy to the UTMOST, avoid looking at any triggers, any naked pics online, or even girls faces on a dating site or on Facebook. These triggers activate sex hormones that make you want to masturbate. Fortunately they wear off in about 30 minutes, so you can expect 30 minutes of feeling horny.

But overall avoiding fantasy and triggers is the key, and then having a woman you are with that you can cuddle with, gaze into each other's eyes and have a ton of intercourse, for as long as possible, with few orgasms.

I know that seems weird but it is true. Your life changes from one of lack to one of abundance when you practice this. Everything becomes a lot easier and you no longer belong with 99% of the male population who don't "get enough."

For men, sex is the driver to our lives. For women it's more about relationships and family. Women love sex too, but it's not the primary driver it is for men, and I"m talking over the course of a lifetime not about 20 year olds specifically.

Men can amplify their sexual lives and make everything more abundant in their universe. Nature and today's marketers and social media will tell you it's in the direction of hot sex, but it is actually in the opposite direction. It is actually not about orgasms, that is what fertilization sex is about, and they drain you as a man and make you desire more orgasms but with other women, and they don't lead to happiness.

Without a lot of orgasmic sex, with long periods of intercourse, you can have sex for hours every DAY and feel better and more pleasure than ever have before.

Since this is a nofap thread, I will say the purpose of nofap if you do NOT have a partner, is to get a partner, because partner sex is what life is really about for a man.
Great info, hamster! This thread has some fantastic tips. I haven't been careful enough to avoid triggers.

Day 1

S: 0
M: 0

No problems.

Day 2

S: 0
M 3

Ridiculous. Resetting; I haven't used enough progesterone and I'm coming off of a couple medications, so sleep is all over the place.


Sep 9, 2016
Great info, hamster! This thread has some fantastic tips. I haven't been careful enough to avoid triggers.

Day 1

S: 0
M: 0

No problems.

Day 2

S: 0
M 3

Ridiculous. Resetting; I haven't used enough progesterone and I'm coming off of a couple medications, so sleep is all over the place.
wait till you get the withdrawal or whatever it was i faced


Jul 8, 2016
Anyone else's sleeping pattern changed? I used to sleep 2am-10am. Now I'm doing around 11pm-7.30am but feeling so tired and going back to sleep around 8am-11am. Work has been the quietest I have known it the past week as well, so I don't think it is that.


Jan 25, 2014
Well, for me, I'm going on almost 2 weeks now, and it's been remarkably easy. Other than making a conscious effort not to do *THAT*, I haven't had to deal with any urgings or withdrawl or whatever. I wouldn't say my libido has flatlined, and things are still functional, but I don't have any desire for the fake stimulation, at least at the moment.

I have been organizing like a maniac since the beginning of the year, however. Fully engrossed in it right now. That could be part of the key, the whole "Sexual Transmutation" thing that Napoleon Hill talked about in Think And Grow Rich. It's possible I'm just channeling that energy that would have otherwise been wasted into some other goals that I really want to accomplish.


Mar 29, 2016
Well, for me, I'm going on almost 2 weeks now, and it's been remarkably easy. Other than making a conscious effort not to do *THAT*, I haven't had to deal with any urgings or withdrawl or whatever. I wouldn't say my libido has flatlined, and things are still functional, but I don't have any desire for the fake stimulation, at least at the moment.

I have been organizing like a maniac since the beginning of the year, however. Fully engrossed in it right now. That could be part of the key, the whole "Sexual Transmutation" thing that Napoleon Hill talked about in Think And Grow Rich. It's possible I'm just channeling that energy that would have otherwise been wasted into some other goals that I really want to accomplish.

Sounds exactly like me. I'm at about 3 weeks now. No desire for it. Kind of an amazing feeling. Haven't ever gone this long in my life.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Nofap changes my dreams. I get pick up artist type dreams where i'm talking to girls and am super smooth and have zero approach anxiety. This has happened 3x consistently at around day 9-10. I always wake up feeling motivated like I accomplished something haha :D I think testosterone surges at around day 7 of abstinence which may explain this.

I think nofap decreases social anxiety and is a good challenge with tangible benefits. It isn't a cure all though and you really have to work hard at every other aspect of your life like working out and eating a diet that makes you feel good.

The biggest thing is avoiding triggers which mostly means avoiding porn and edging and overly sexualized media. Also just avoid obsessing about nofap and just live your life. Think about other things.

This sounds accurate and motivating. I ahve ehard nofap prescribed for virgin men who cant get girlfriends.

Its similar to how pornography could be the culprit for the fact that today's young people are having less sex then ever before...


Jan 25, 2014
So after 3 weeks nofap you feel "kind of amazing"?

That's actually a good way to describe it. I never got the "Super amazing almost godlike" powers that some people claim in NoFap communities, but I went about 2 months once before, and there was a subtle great feeling, almost like a quiet confidence. In other words, you were consciously learning to control a very powerful force, that was for a long time controlling you. Similar to learning to drive or ride a horse or (I imagine) learning to use a firearm safely.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
That's actually a good way to describe it. I never got the "Super amazing almost godlike" powers that some people claim in NoFap communities, but I went about 2 months once before, and there was a subtle great feeling, almost like a quiet confidence. In other words, you were consciously learning to control a very powerful force, that was for a long time controlling you. Similar to learning to drive or ride a horse or (I imagine) learning to use a firearm safely.

Im sure the feeling is more than just psychological ipact of elarning to control your urges to masturbate hah. I bet good money there is a strong physiological impact at the endocrine or cellular level. I am very interested in what Constantine touts about masturbation dulling the enrvous system and desentitiving the dopamine receptors in the brain. Low dopamine sensitiivty can also increase serotononin and easily lead to anhedonia...
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