The NoFap Thread: Get In Here!


Aug 17, 2016
I've been trying Nofap for the past 2.5 years. The longest I've been able to go without porn and masturbation has been around 57 days. I average about once a week these days as far as porn and masturbation goes.

The first time I tried it, the first 2 weeks were the most exciting; I experienced pretty much all of the benefits people talk about: confidence, energy, better posture,thicker hair, etc. Then I hit the so-called flatline for about a month, and then my libido came raging back. Sadly, I didn't experience any of the benefits once my libido came back; only all encompassing horniness.

Since then, it's been up and down with various streaks and relapses. I still haven't reached that initial high from the first attempt.

As time has passed, with each streak and relapse, it becomes easier to abstain. I've gone from PMO every day to about once a week.

I think everyone's situation is different because porn and masturbation are just two variables. Excessive PMO may cause the problem or it may be the symptom of the problem (whatever that problem may be).

Ultimately, I think it's the excessive ejaculation (more than a particular body can handle) that leads to feelings of lethargy, apathy, depression, and emasculation. It's like being in a constant refractory period, but the porn is what overrides the natural satiety mechanism.

But when I consider the declining testosterone levels in men, the xenoestrogens in our environment, the anti-masculine conditioning through media and public education, PMO becomes one piece of the puzzle.

When I first did NoFap, I realized just how weak my libido and orgasms were. It wasn't until that initial high that I felt like a man, and that my heart was open to love. My perception of the world and of people was always through this tiny little hole that only focused on negativity. With that initial high, my perception widened; it was like seeing in full color with a wide angle lense. Suddenly, people didn't seem so scary, and I could read their emotions very well. I could tell a lot about someone just by looking at their posture or how they walked.

Women were suddenly so exciting to be around. Where before my admiration of a woman's beauty was purely cerebral, now I could appreciate them holistically. Rather than fear or be intimidated by a woman's beauty, I could be relaxed, but excited at the same time by a woman.

I learned that attraction is all in the eyes, and that it's about feeling rather thinking when you're in the moment with a woman. Something about excessive PMO or the resulting hormonal change must make less perceptive to social cues. Or maybe NoFap managed to punch through whatever was causing my inability to relate and connect with people.

Unfortunately, the high wore off, and has yet to return to that initial level. I still experience benefits like increased confidence and optimism, but they come and go. I would say that with all the stuff I've tried on top of NoFap, my condition is improving and the good feelings are increasing while the bad feelings are decreasing.

Taking stuff like Pansterone, Androsterone, Phenibut, and Tianeptine brings on similar feelings to varying degrees. I think Pansterone and Phenibut come closest to recreating those inital benefits. It seems like anything that increases libido and relaxes the body increases those benefits of confidence and wider perspective.

One important thing I've learned since starting NoFap is that your body is just as important as your mind, if not more important. And when I say body, I mean the posture and tone of the tissues. If your posture is bad, our your tissues are tense and unresponsive, then it's going to affect your mindset. Energy and structure and interdependent at every level.

For me personally, I've noticed that emotions and memories are held within the tension of my body. When I've released the tension in certain parts, emotions come up. I think it stands to reason that libido/sexual energy is generated in the lower half, mainly the groin and genitals. If there is tension in that area, then wouldn't it makes sense that it would affect your libido and ability to use your sexual organs as a guide? This is where I might lose you, but I think the genitals, along with the rest of your nervous system, but mostly your genitals, are like an antenna that detects a woman's arousal.

I've had a few experiences where simply standing near a woman has caused an erection, but these women would not stand out in any particular way physically other than I would get this feeling that they were aroused. Yes they were pretty, but I've stood next many pretty women and most of the time, I don't experience anything like this. But that's just a kooky theory of mine; I just wanted to share that. I will say that as I release tension in my body, I notice that certain tissues experience a "surge of energy" when I'm around an attractive woman that seems to be interested in me. Again, kind of kooky, but maybe someone here has a similar experience.

I could write more on this, but I'll stop; this is long enough.
Good stuff. Thx for writing it up.


Sep 9, 2016
I became a raging lunatic after a month
Interesting, my mind was very calm after a month , i wish i could understand the neurochemical changes but that optimism, calmness (and may be a bit of spirituality) is something that i have never experienced , i went to my old habits though :)


Oct 11, 2015
I could write more on this, but I'll stop; this is long enough.
I had a very similar experience. I practiced semen retention during freshman year of university for about 3.5 months ( winter to spring break ). Looking back with what I know now, the no-fap successes and failures make more sense. On one hand there is the obvious benefits of retaining the nutrient rich semen...On the other hand, toxins tend to accumulate in the semen. Contrary to popular belief, "blue balls" is not a sign of virility, but rather oxidative stress in the testes. Needing to get off regularly is a sign of chronic toxicity. Probably explains the flatlining and the lack of progress certain people come across. Nonetheless, an extended period of semen retention ( over 1 month ) is something everyone should do at least. Current circumstances will dictate whether it is or isn't a good time!
Aug 18, 2015
when you do nofap for 30+ days, women start looking at your face and wanting you.... i dont know why, i think it is the zinc buidup, something subtle changes in your facial features with a lot of zinc, even if you have low testosterone


Jan 6, 2015
If you don't get good results from abstaining anymore that maybe because you have trapped in repeating experience. Your not in experiencing state of mind,you want repeat a good thing that happened to you before.

And already a lot of us have a routine life,a boring life,same routine everyday.and abstaining intensify this,things gets worse.


Jan 6, 2015
when you do nofap for 30+ days, women start looking at your face and wanting you.... i dont know why, i think it is the zinc buidup, something subtle changes in your facial features with a lot of zinc, even if you have low testosterone
Don't know about zinc,but for sure to some degree that's because confidence boost you get with no masturbation.


Sep 9, 2016
when you do nofap for 30+ days, women start looking at your face and wanting you.... i dont know why, i think it is the zinc buidup, something subtle changes in your facial features with a lot of zinc, even if you have low testosterone
that's most likely due to increased/upregulated androgen receptors. The deep voice ,most likely,also happens as a result of that.


Dec 10, 2016
i dont know why, i think it is the zinc buidup, something subtle changes in your facial features with a lot of zinc, even if you have low testosterone

I think the zinc aspect of it is a fairy tale.
One load, according to wikipedia, has around 0,5 mg of zinc, which is the equivalent of eating 10g of ground beef.


Jun 9, 2015
I had the best "feeling" of my life in the time after my months in the army, which was abstinence of all TV and other sexual arousal.
I had no health improvement but orgasms felt as good as never before.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Day 1:

S: 0
M: 0

Feeling okay. Pretty motivated at how many people are going for it.


Aug 12, 2015
Nofap is something I've been doing on and off for almost 3 years now. I think there is something to it, but it is blown way out of proportion.

I found that I often masturbated just to "fill the void". So rather than putting in the effort and going out to socialise, I'd stay at home with the internet.

I'm sure many people are familiar with the sense of disgust after ejaculating. I'd often have a feeling of guilt and tell myself "okay that's it, never again!". When ejaculating from intercourse I have the opposite sensation, I feel very satisfied and accomplished. To me this is an important factor.

The first few times I attempted nofap I DID notice many of the reported benefits. I was more charming, confident and felt like more women were attracted to me.

Supplmening 5ar hormones make me lose interest in porn altogether. I have no desire to masturbate but my libido is through the roof, the idea of jerking off is just unappealing.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I felt much less groggy this morning, woke up clear headed, which is a nice subtle change. Supplementing pregnenolone seems to have eliminated my desire to masturbate.

Too much pregnenlone eliminates my desire to do anything. It placates and sedates me and sometimes makes me irritated that I do not care about much and feel spaced out and weird.


Jul 8, 2016
Too much pregnenlone eliminates my desire to do anything. It placates and sedates me and sometimes makes me irritated that I do not care about much and feel spaced out and weird.

Yeah I saw a couple of your posts about that and its not the same for me. I was sleepy for a few hours after it but other than that fine, no irritability or loss of productivity. How much did you take?


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Yeah I saw a couple of your posts about that and its not the same for me. I was sleepy for a few hours after it but other than that fine, no irritability or loss of productivity. How much did you take?

50mg x2 or 3 daily.

I still need pregnenlone because I have downregualted preg synthesis thanks to finasteride. I have been taking a couple drops of stressnon which should be like 5-10mg preg orally. I do that 2 or 3 times a day and get some more preg from pansterone which I typically take in the morning, jsut a couple drops. Sometimes I willr epeat the pansterone in the afternoon. So in a day I may be taking 50-100mg equivalent oral but who really knows.


Jul 8, 2016
50mg x2 or 3 daily.

I still need pregnenlone because I have downregualted preg synthesis thanks to finasteride. I have been taking a couple drops of stressnon which should be like 5-10mg preg orally. I do that 2 or 3 times a day and get some more preg from pansterone which I typically take in the morning, jsut a couple drops. Sometimes I willr epeat the pansterone in the afternoon. So in a day I may be taking 50-100mg equivalent oral but who really knows.

I remember haidut saying he got his preg/progesterone from caffeine a while ago, as large doses seemed to boost the levels in the brain or body. Have you tried high dose caffeine?


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I remember haidut saying he got his preg/progesterone from caffeine a while ago, as large doses seemed to boost the levels in the brain or body. Have you tried high dose caffeine?

I drink a lot of coffee, yes indeedy. In the past Ic ould not handle caffiene well because the subsequent boost in progesterone woul antagonize dht because of the inhibite 5 alpha reductase enzyme (thanks to finasteride) and I would feel just totally out-of-whack. Also the decrease in GABA. But these days I tolerate caffiene and coffee pretty well, although some days I must admit I feel I overdo it and increase my anxiety. I take it with gelatin, a touch of taurine and usually theanine and I feel pretty good.
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