
Smells like an experiment. I.e., lacing drugs, sponsored by our spooks n military.
I'm with you on this one.

Also It’s highly likely these people started off on prescription opioids


Dec 8, 2016
Want to restart this thread to keep bringing attention to what is in store.
If someone told me just a year that this would interest me- or be a part of my reality or my future-
I would have called them crazy.

It’s coming...
Mar 10, 2021
Want to restart this thread to keep bringing attention to what is in store.
If someone told me just a year that this would interest me- or be a part of my reality or my future- View attachment 31827I would have called them crazy.

It’s coming...

It surely fits the bill from a Biblical point of view. If you read Revelations and other parts of the Bible, descriptions of the Anti-Christ it is a dead on match for him to be inhuman.

"All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth."

John 3:12

"But if you don’t believe me when I tell you about earthly things, how can you possibly believe if I tell you about heavenly things?"


Jun 22, 2021
It's crazy cause Mark Zuckerberg is just filling my news feed with videos on Aliens and the gov is all of a sudden releasing a bunch of documents on aliens all of a sudden as well - I don't know if aliens are real, but I definitely agree that aliens will be used as a Global Psy-Op and per the emergency - one world government will form to fight it. I think the alien story will be the final stage to create One World Government. In reality the aliens will be sophisticated holograms with real top secret military aircraft mixed with it - this was a pretty good video on it. I have no doubt "Phoenix Lights" was a hologram test
At the end of this short video UFOs are mentioned. Lets just say 'rich man's trick' comes to mind

In 1994 160 Nations Agreed to Reduce the World Population to 800 Million by 2030​

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7JIUDl9ZIFHP/

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymCmI-MvIeU
Jul 17, 2021
It's crazy cause Mark Zuckerberg is just filling my news feed with videos on Aliens and the gov is all of a sudden releasing a bunch of documents on aliens all of a sudden as well - I don't know if aliens are real, but I definitely agree that aliens will be used as a Global Psy-Op and per the emergency - one world government will form to fight it. I think the alien story will be the final stage to create One World Government. In reality the aliens will be sophisticated holograms with real top secret military aircraft mixed with it - this was a pretty good video on it. I have no doubt "Phoenix Lights" was a hologram test

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymCmI-MvIeU

It’s funny a bit of a syncronicity, because earlier today in this thread:

I wrote this:

“People do not realize that this gender neutral push in the media is tied to the false narrative they want to promote that the "aliens" and not God, created us …(they will say) the aliens created..as gender neutral beings.
But in me stating that, I've already lost more than half the people reading what I said. Just wait folks, you are going to be seeing this "aliens as our creators" narrative more and more. They deliberately want to move us from the understanding that we were created by God, as distinct sexes, male and female....made in the image of God...both sexes being aspects of His divine nature. It 's to try and eliminate all knowledge of God. Hence, the transhuman, dna altering covid 19 jabs.”

Interesting….they are trying to prepare the public for the “aliens” aka fallen angels scenario..
Jul 17, 2021
They do exist but we cannot perceive and understand them on the emotional level.
They’re in a different dimension. Some are already here. These aliens which are really fallen angelic beings/powers/principalities/archons, are interdimensional. Some are trapped in what is known as the abyss, but part of the use of things like CERN are to open that dimensional barrier that separates them from us.…and let them into our dimension.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
The ships of Ezekiel are coming. It's a trap.
Jul 17, 2021
Here it is, a zombie-like drug going around in Philadelphia!

Drugs are pharmakeia, where we get the word “pharmacy“ from…..the original meaning of the word in greek is sorcery, witchcraft…so when people take these kind of drugs, it opens them up to posession of demonic entities…thus you get walking zombies….people demonically possessed via their abuse of drugs.


Jan 15, 2016
It’s funny a bit of a syncronicity, because earlier today in this thread:

I wrote this:

“People do not realize that this gender neutral push in the media is tied to the false narrative they want to promote that the "aliens" and not God, created us …(they will say) the aliens created..as gender neutral beings.
But in me stating that, I've already lost more than half the people reading what I said. Just wait folks, you are going to be seeing this "aliens as our creators" narrative more and more. They deliberately want to move us from the understanding that we were created by God, as distinct sexes, male and female....made in the image of God...both sexes being aspects of His divine nature. It 's to try and eliminate all knowledge of God. Hence, the transhuman, dna altering covid 19 jabs.”

Interesting….they are trying to prepare the public for the “aliens” aka fallen angels scenario..
Any LGBTQ narrative that is promoted is purposefully used to distract and stir up emotions of the population with anecdotal, singular events, and this is at the expense of LGBTQ people. It is unfortunate that it seems so easy to do so.. In a rational context there is a difference between biological sex and an individuals gender identity, but even with that there are people that are biologically intersex in various ways..

Both the "alien" narrative and discussion of an alien narrative are red herrings from real issues, from the issue that has always existed. Class conflict, class inequality, class tensions.. What's that? class warfare. The system is maintained by manipulation and as we have entered the information age that manipulation has shape shifted into new and bizarre forms.


Aug 6, 2015
They’re in a different dimension. Some are already here. These aliens which are really fallen angelic beings/powers/principalities/archons, are interdimensional. Some are trapped in what is known as the abyss, but part of the use of things like CERN are to open that dimensional barrier that separates them from us.…and let them into our dimension.

We only see about 1 percent of visible light.

It's possible they exist outisde our senses
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