Record numbers of Western citizens identify as LGBTQ



I'm not gripping anything with an iron fist.
But I believe your idea about men not needing testosterone as much anymore is trite and eschews health.
Structure and function are interdependent. Testosterone/DHT does a whole lot more than build muscle.
Ray even called estrogen the cancer hormone in one of his missives.

There is a common theme to the social engineering. Break up of the family. Atomisation of the tax cows. Breaking up the bonds that would have one or more family members in the home (not on the tax rolls) taking care of the home, meal preps and the elderly in the family. It behooves the State to snip those ties and degrade the bonds. Hookups for sex; less inner moral guidance on what to do with Grandparents.

I often recall one phrase in Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil; he said of the degradation of cultures, "You'll never get a Goethe that way."

I'm not necessarily saying men don't need testosterone, at least I don't mean it if I said it like that. As far as we know hormone balance is crucial for good health. The key words there are balance, and as far as we know. Perhaps testosterone can drop from adaptation, but something else occurs to balance it, that would change us but not kill us. We all know our bodies adapt to the environment we're in. Well our environment is drastically changing with chemical pollution yes, but also technology advances. Most of what you say I can agree with, perhaps I just have too open of a mind and think of too many 'what ifs'.

Gay and transgender people, I believe have always been here, they're nothing new. If they seem new, that's the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. What's new is our growing (even if slowly) acceptance of them, therefore their growing confidence to come out, and medicine that can help give transgender people what they want.

What's an easy way to split up the family? Make people who are not LGBTQ hate the LGBTQ. Make them believe every single LGBTQ person is insane. Remove any belief of individualism of a person who is gay or trans, and make the populous think of them as less than. This drives conflict and plays right into the hands of the elite.


Sep 13, 2012
I'm not necessarily saying men don't need testosterone, at least I don't mean it if I said it like that. As far as we know hormone balance is crucial for good health. The key words there are balance, and as far as we know. Perhaps testosterone can drop from adaptation, but something else occurs to balance it, that would change us but not kill us. We all know our bodies adapt to the environment we're in. Well our environment is drastically changing with chemical pollution yes, but also technology advances. Most of what you say I can agree with, perhaps I just have too open of a mind and think of too many 'what ifs'.

Gay and transgender people, I believe have always been here, they're nothing new. If they seem new, that's the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. What's new is our growing (even if slowly) acceptance of them, therefore their growing confidence to come out, and medicine that can help give transgender people what they want.

What's an easy way to split up the family? Make people who are not LGBTQ hate the LGBTQ. Make them believe every single LGBTQ person is insane. Remove any belief of individualism of a person who is gay or trans, and make the populous think of them as less than. This drives conflict and plays right into the hands of the elite.
That isn't happening though. It's the exact opposite even in christian churches they are having to be more accepting. I don't see anyone going around bullying them, those days are long gone.


What is the definition of love? I think the culture and the Bible have completely different definitions. Love isn't lust. Just because one wants to be with the same sex doesn't make it okay. Just because there are quote unquote loving gay couples doesn't make it okay. Marriage by definition is between man and woman. So gay couples can be loving towards one another but if they are choosing to have sex and then choosing to bring children into that environment they are choosing to go against what's right. No matter how many tv shows come out about good loving gay families it will never be the right way to live. STDs and depression are rampant in the LGBTQ community.

"They are choosing to go against what is right"
What you believe is right, and what I believe is right are two different things. Both beliefs exist. Both are correct and both are wrong, depending on who's watching.

You believe in a single, one true god. A messiah Jesus Christ, and that same sex relationships are horrible, as taught to you in the teachings of your holy book.

I believe in a higher power, whether that's one or many, I don't necessarily give it a name. I believe that higher power is also me, I have access to that power, as do you and all of us. I believe that the holy bible (and many other religions' gospel) was written by a corrupt man or group of men, likely royals, making it easy for them to instill fear into the people in order to control them. To stifle their own individual higher power that we all have access to. This holy book I believe has been changed, edited and rewritten over the millennia to better suit the elites who are in charge at the time. I believe it was so easy for the elites to make others believe in this book, because there is a higher power that most people can sense, and this book was but one corrupted explanation for it.

I believe neither of our beliefs can truly be proven right or wrong. So both of our beliefs are both valid and invalid, depending on who's watching.
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That isn't happening though. It's the exact opposite even in christian churches they are having to be more accepting. I don't see anyone going around bullying them, those days are long gone.
In my experience Yes and no. I do see acceptance growing everywhere, it is for sure. I believe and hope this is because people are naturally good and are waking up to the BS. But I also see a clear attempt to make LGBTQ look unhinged, crazy, and insane. LGBTQ is being forced into the 'crazy left wingers' group, in the right wing vs left wing crap that to me, is entirely orchestrated by the head of the bird outside of either wing.

I would be utterly surprised if there isn't one person in this thread, who unconsciously believes that most LGBTQ are unhinged and crazy, because that is the program those in charge are running, and they have a lot of experience brainwashing people.

I do also see that there's a great growing number of people who see through that charade, but there's still a terribly large number of people who don't.


Aug 13, 2020
In my experience Yes and no. I do see acceptance growing everywhere, it is for sure. I believe and hope this is because people are naturally good and are waking up to the BS. But I also see a clear attempt to make LGBTQ look unhinged, crazy, and insane. LGBTQ is being forced into the 'crazy left wingers' group, in the right wing vs left wing crap that to me, is entirely orchestrated by the head of the bird outside of either wing.

I would be utterly surprised if there isn't one person in this thread, who unconsciously believes that most LGBTQ are unhinged and crazy, because that is the program those in charge are running, and they have a lot of experience brainwashing people.

I do also see that there's a great growing number of people who see through that charade, but there's still a terribly large number of people who don't.

LGBTQ members have heavy overlap with mental illness, STD infection, alcoholism, drug abuse, and history of sexual and physical abuse as children, way above the rates found in the straight population. All of this has been known to researchers for decades.

You’re just precious.


Nov 22, 2015
The entirety of the skyrocketing rate of LGBTXYZ identification in GenZ is women claiming to be bisexual. The homosexual percentage virtually hasn’t budged, and there is a slight uptick in the percentage of dysphoriacs. Translation: it’s a trendy fad being pushed by those with an agenda, and young women are latching on to it. For now.
So then who cares and why is this being discussed here lol.. It's such a waste of energy and time. People can identify with whatever sexual orientation they want, why does it effect you?


Feb 22, 2022
Why is it stupid? If they're not hurting anyone, let them be. Let people be themselves.

Don't just insult my opinion without giving reason, otherwise you're simply a bully and deserve zero respect.
They're hurting themselves first and foremost. The LGBT community are spiritually lobotomized and often decadent people often consisting of drug addicts, alcoholics and promiscuous men and women. Their sexual orientation aside, they have high rates of mental illness, addiction, suicide and higher rates of being sexually abused in their youth.
I think a lot of them are traumatized on some level. I don't think a man who is exclusively attracted to other men is healthy. The amount of homosexuals who have had normal childhood and are healthy, good honest people is very low. These people are often very bitter individuals, who have all sorts of troubles in their life, and they indulge in their degenerate fantasies as a way to cope with their sh*tty lives and character, instead of improving themselves and being honest, strong and socially healthy individuals.

Then there is the propaganda. The LGBT propaganda there is in the West is absolute crime, because they enforce their decadent ideologies on children. There's madness in the Western hemisphere in regards to this


Sep 13, 2012
They're hurting themselves first and foremost. The LGBT community are spiritually lobotomized and often decadent people often consisting of drug addicts, alcoholics and promiscuous men and women. Their sexual orientation aside, they have high rates of mental illness, addiction, suicide and higher rates of being sexually abused in their youth.
I think a lot of them are traumatized on some level. I don't think a man who is exclusively attracted to other men is healthy. The amount of homosexuals who have had normal childhood and are healthy, good honest people is very low. These people are often very bitter individuals, who have all sorts of troubles in their life, and they indulge in their degenerate fantasies as a way to cope with their sh*tty lives and character, instead of improving themselves and being honest, strong and socially healthy individuals.

Then there is the propaganda. The LGBT propaganda there is in the West is absolute crime, because they enforce their decadent ideologies on children. There's madness in the Western hemisphere in regards to this
Thank-you, that's what I was trying to say, most of them need treatment not to be affirmed in their decisions. This whole idea that everyone has power to be their own God is utterly destructive.


Sep 13, 2012
"They are choosing to go against what is right"
What you believe is right, and what I believe is right are two different things. Both beliefs exist. Both are correct and both are wrong, depending on who's watching.

You believe in a single, one true god. A messiah Jesus Christ, and that same sex relationships are horrible, as taught to you in the teachings of your holy book.

I believe in a higher power, whether that's one or many, I don't necessarily give it a name. I believe that higher power is also me, I have access to that power, as do you and all of us. I believe that the holy bible (and many other religions' gospel) was written by a corrupt man or group of men, likely royals, making it easy for them to instill fear into the people in order to control them. To stifle their own individual higher power that we all have access to. This holy book I believe has been changed, edited and rewritten over the millennia to better suit the elites who are in charge at the time. I believe it was so easy for the elites to make others believe in this book, because there is a higher power that most people can sense, and this book was but one corrupted explanation for it.

I believe neither of our beliefs can truly be proven right or wrong. So both of our beliefs are both valid and invalid, depending on who's watching.
Both of our beliefs cannot be valid at the same time. Universalism is a crock of crap. There are moral Truths that don't change based on our feelings. Let me ask you this, if you believe in the philosophy that 'everyone has their own truth' what would make pedophilia wrong then? They are just living their own truth.


Sep 9, 2019
Both of our beliefs cannot be valid at the same time. Universalism is a crock of crap. There are moral Truths that don't change based on our feelings. Let me ask you this, if you believe in the philosophy that 'everyone has their own truth' what would make pedophilia wrong then? They are just living their own truth.
Preach it ma'am, awesome.

@Ada I'm sorry if you were offended by my comment yesterday but at the same time I must admit I wanted it to sting a bit. Get a hold of yourself. And I'm not here looking for respect.
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They're hurting themselves first and foremost. The LGBT community are spiritually lobotomized and often decadent people often consisting of drug addicts, alcoholics and promiscuous men and women. Their sexual orientation aside, they have high rates of mental illness, addiction, suicide and higher rates of being sexually abused in their youth.
I think a lot of them are traumatized on some level. I don't think a man who is exclusively attracted to other men is healthy. The amount of homosexuals who have had normal childhood and are healthy, good honest people is very low. These people are often very bitter individuals, who have all sorts of troubles in their life, and they indulge in their degenerate fantasies as a way to cope with their sh*tty lives and character, instead of improving themselves and being honest, strong and socially healthy individuals.

Then there is the propaganda. The LGBT propaganda there is in the West is absolute crime, because they enforce their decadent ideologies on children. There's madness in the Western hemisphere in regards to this

That's what you believe. Here's what I believe, and I believe this because I know gay people who are nothing of what you say. They are just as kind, just as smart, just as sensible as any straight person I know. Most of the mental health issues they may or may not have, primarily stem from insecurities brought about by a brainwashed society hating them and demonizing them, therefore making them hate themselves.

You're doing exactly what the corrupted powers that be want you to do. They want you to see every gay person as a plague or someone broken and less than. They do this by having you not see the actual typical gay person, they have you only see the corrupted 'LGBTQ community' that they have created, so you believe anyone who is gay is corrupted from that community. They can easily brainwash people doing this.

Yes there are gay people who are drug addicted and mentally ill, just as there are many straight people who are. Those tormented people are victims of an abusive power in charge. There are also many gay people who are not affected by this.

Think of it like, Black lives matter. Yes of course black lives do matter, they matter as much as any lives. The ones in charge however created and fueled the corrupted organization that is 'Black Lives Matter' and turned what should have been a positive movement, into one fueling conflict and creating more racism, and that is entirely their intent.

The same people who created and corrupted the 'black lives matter organization', they maybe created but definitely corrupted the 'LGBTQ community'. There are many loving, wonderful black people who want nothing to do with the corrupted stain of BLM, just as there are many loving, wonderful gay people who aren't anything like what the LGBTQ community is portrayed.

They take something natural and true and that should be all things good and loving. Then they create their own corrupt form of it, and show you only the corruption with the intention of brainwashing people into hating and fighting each other.

I absolutely agree with you on that propaganda is a crime, and traumatizing children is a crime. That is the corrupted elite disguising themselves as LGBTQ, to both achieve what they want to do with their pedophilic nature, and brainwash you into thinking all gay people are broken and want what the pedo elite want. Sow chaos, divide and conquer.
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Both of our beliefs cannot be valid at the same time. Universalism is a crock of crap. There are moral Truths that don't change based on our feelings. Let me ask you this, if you believe in the philosophy that 'everyone has their own truth' what would make pedophilia wrong then? They are just living their own truth.

I think you misunderstand what I was trying to say. You can't prove Jesus exists to me, you can only believe in him yourself. I can't prove to you that Jesus does not exist, I can only believe this myself. They can (the beliefs) exist at the same time because we both believe in them at the same time.

I wasn't necessarily saying Jesus does and doesn't exist at the same time, although with Quantum physics maybe he could, once again you cannot prove nor disprove it so no, it's not a crock of crap. What I am trying to convey is none of us can know for sure. We only have our belief. Have you never pondered.. what if this is all made up and Jesus is actually not real? Probably you have not, but it's entirely possible. I try to have an open mind about this stuff though so if you ever can prove to me he's real, I'll be all in on the Jesus train. I have confidence that is an impossible task.

However, we can both see the harm done to another in physical reality. We both feel horrible when we see this. And so yes we both agree that harming children like the pedo elite do is the most horrific of crimes. Remember the pedo elite, and organisations that are corrupted by them, do not constitute the entire public of people including gay people.
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Preach it ma'am, awesome.

@Ada I'm sorry if you were offended by my comment yesterday but at the same time I must admit I wanted it to sting a bit. Get a hold of yourself. And I'm not here looking for respect.

Are you among the others here who believe every single gay person is broken, corrupted, or unworthy?

Can you not comprehend the possibility that the 'LGBTQ community' is much like the Black Lives Matter organisation, corrupted by the people in charge in order to create conflict, divide and conquer?

I know gay people who are kind, caring, loving, sensible. Nothing like what the people in this thread seem to believe. So it is very fishy to me when everyone seems to be blind to the healthy, happy, upstanding gay citizens. It appears to me that just like BLM, there is an obvious attempt to create discourse. Similar to the Covid madness where I never saw anyone dying of Covid, but the news blasted it every day.

Just because you haven't met any upstanding gay citizens (maybe you have, but they're too afraid to share that), doesn't mean every single gay, bi, lesbian, trans person in the world is exactly like what is portrayed on the propaganda you watch. There is an abundance of healthy, conservative gay people, but since there are so many people who believe what those in this board believes, they are not willing to be open about it as it will certainly cause them to be demonized by some.
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Jun 14, 2020
Except that there is nothing organic about the flow.
If it were real flow then that would be like perceive, think, act.

The "astronomical rate" is due to social engineering.
Very well put, these last few decades it feels like they have really pushed the pedals to throw society into disarray


Sep 9, 2019
@Ada what the hell is that waffle you said to me. I described the opinion you espoused in response to a very public social media post as being ridiculously stupid because it is. Here.

My opinion is.. Let people do what they want, our technology and therefore our society along with it, is evolving at an astronomical rate, there's no avoiding that. However our stubbornness and need for traditions are trying to push back against inevitable social evolution. I don't think that's necessarily good or bad, it just is.

I feel that Just go with the flow is the best state to be in, and let people be people.
Ridiculous. People seem addicted to the idea they can platform whatever they want in very public places without consequence. That's not an indication I think social media should be regulated. A bit of restraint and modesty about our personal lives without a reason to broadcast wouldn't go amiss.


Sep 13, 2012
I think you misunderstand what I was trying to say. You can't prove Jesus exists to me, you can only believe in him yourself. I can't prove to you that Jesus does not exist, I can only believe this myself. They can (the beliefs) exist at the same time because we both believe in them at the same time.

I wasn't necessarily saying Jesus does and doesn't exist at the same time, although with Quantum physics maybe he could, once again you cannot prove nor disprove it so no, it's not a crock of crap. What I am trying to convey is none of us can know for sure. We only have our belief. Have you never pondered.. what if this is all made up and Jesus is actually not real? Probably you have not, but it's entirely possible. I try to have an open mind about this stuff though so if you ever can prove to me he's real, I'll be all in on the Jesus train. I have confidence that is an impossible task.

However, we can both see the harm done to another in physical reality. We both feel horrible when we see this. And so yes we both agree that harming children like the pedo elite do is the most horrific of crimes. Remember the pedo elite, and organisations that are corrupted by them, do not constitute the entire public of people including gay people.
I knew what you were saying because I hear it everyday from my son who refuses to believe in something he can't see. I was raised Christian but I absolutely questioned my beliefs and turned from God for a period of about 5 yrs where I was also on the left side of the fence. Then my marriage was falling apart, my family was falling apart, and I realized my liberal 'we can all be our own god' was not working out. Both my husband and I turned back to God and it has been nothing short of amazing the changes in our life.

If Jesus is real then no you can't have the belief that he isn't at the same time, that would be denying reality. So either I'm utterly wrong and millions of Christians who have the same life changing transformation are utterly wrong, or we are correct and that would place everyone who is denying him in judgment against the God of creation.

You didn't answer my question, so I'll ask it again, if gay, transgendered and queer people are just living their own truth, why aren't pedophile's living their own truth as well? If everyone can have their own truth then there are no moral standards and you can't tell a pedophile he is wrong. But I don't think you believe this so your beliefs are contradictory. People can live their own truth as long as it's something that's acceptable to you.


@Ada what the hell is that waffle you said to me. I described the opinion you espoused in response to a very public social media post as being ridiculously stupid because it is. Here.

Ridiculous. People seem addicted to the idea they can platform whatever they want in very public places without consequence. That's not an indication I think social media should be regulated. A bit of restraint and modesty about our personal lives without a reason to broadcast wouldn't go amiss.

I guess it was just that, waffle, at least to you. You have done what you complain about with your first response to me. Well I came here initially to simply to share an opinion like so many before me have done. There is not much difference between skirts and kilts physically, the difference is in the mind, shaped by society. I then suggested societies evolution along with technology is not something we can really quantify. Society in my opinion will and is certainly evolving, changing into something different as technology continues to evolve. I don't see what is wrong with this opinion? Open your eyes and you can see this happening. So, what can you do about it? Can you stop the evolution of technology? No you cannot. So you cannot stop the evolution of society along with it either. So what can you do? Live your own life, without worrying what other people who have nothing to do with you and your life are doing. This is the essence of my first post. Live your life, worry about yourself, don't worry about another man wearing a skirt.

I do not see anything stupid about that, that is just common sense to me. Now I also saw discrimination in this thread, which is why I decided to post in it.

It then turned into a religious and philosophical debate when the discussion of Jesus and heavy discrimination on gay people came up. This is a separate issue to my first post. Discrimination on anyone (who is not committing crimes) is wrong to me.

I can see how hypocritical this is of me and my first post, attempting to defend my opinion against strangers on the internet is the antithesis of not caring what others think, and so this will be my last response to you on this topic. I wish you all the best, have a lovely life.

I knew what you were saying because I hear it everyday from my son who refuses to believe in something he can't see. I was raised Christian but I absolutely questioned my beliefs and turned from God for a period of about 5 yrs where I was also on the left side of the fence. Then my marriage was falling apart, my family was falling apart, and I realized my liberal 'we can all be our own god' was not working out. Both my husband and I turned back to God and it has been nothing short of amazing the changes in our life.

If Jesus is real then no you can't have the belief that he isn't at the same time, that would be denying reality. So either I'm utterly wrong and millions of Christians who have the same life changing transformation are utterly wrong, or we are correct and that would place everyone who is denying him in judgment against the God of creation.

You didn't answer my question, so I'll ask it again, if gay, transgendered and queer people are just living their own truth, why aren't pedophile's living their own truth as well? If everyone can have their own truth then there are no moral standards and you can't tell a pedophile he is wrong. But I don't think you believe this so your beliefs are contradictory. People can live their own truth as long as it's something that's acceptable to you.

This is an unwinnable debate, I knew that going in which is why my arguing point is that nothing can be completely proved or disproved. I accepted the debate because I believe any discrimination against anyone (except hard criminals, like you continue to bring up) is ethically wrong. It is my opinion and belief you should not discriminate, however because of your bible, that was written by men, you do discriminate against gay people. Once again I am answering your question by saying there is a clear difference between innocent people not harming anyone, and hard criminals. You cannot compare an innocent gay person to a disgusting pedophile. Children cannot consent to sex, sex with a child is harming them and is a clear crime. This is not the same thing, in fact it is far from the same thing as two consenting adults of the same sex who both know what they are doing. Furthermore, philosophical and religious belief should not ever be used as an excuse to warrant harm to an innocent person. If someone believes it can be, that someone is (hopefully) going to be punished for it, that's why we have laws in place. However religious leaders have continued to get away with this, because they abuse their power. More on that below.

To specify, I have no issue with the belief in Jesus Christ or god. I love that the belief in Jesus Christ and god exists. I love that you have found yourself a wonderfully better life with Jesus and god. Everyone has differing beliefs, which is a large part of their individuality. You cannot force people to believe in Jesus, you cannot force people to not believe in Jesus. That is the opposite of what any God would want. No, I have issue with the blind belief in a bible, written by man not god, that has been abused over centuries and millennia by fanatics in power to control the population, wage unjust religious wars, and cause copious death and destruction around the world. This is not gods will, but 'gods will' has and continues to be abused by the people in power to cause harm. Gods will is love and creation. Corrupt men at the top have had their hands on the bible, and there's also evidence the bible has been edited and parts rewritten over the centuries. So no, I do not believe discrimination against gay people is of gods will. Gods will is love and creation, not discrimination. I believe that is of a corrupt fanatics will.

As I've told ThinPicking, this will be my last response in this thread because I see this conversation is not progressing to any outcome, and I need to take my own advice and stop worrying about what any of you think.

Wishing you the best, bless you.
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Nov 22, 2015
You didn't answer my question, so I'll ask it again, if gay, transgendered and queer people are just living their own truth, why aren't pedophile's living their own truth as well? If everyone can have their own truth then there are no moral standards and you can't tell a pedophile he is wrong. But I don't think you believe this so your beliefs are contradictory. People can live their own truth as long as it's something that's acceptable to you.
I find it hard to believe you would seriously ask such a question in the way you have framed it... Can you not see the painfully distinct symmetry breaker here?
Pedophilia has a victim - a non-willing, non-consenting victim. A pedophile forces themselves onto an unwilling, unconsenting child - like rape. Gay and transgender are consensual and free to make their own choices. The non-consensuality and presence of a victim being forced upon by another obviously completely distinguishes the two.
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Sep 13, 2012
I find it hard to believe you would seriously ask such a question in the way you have framed it... Can you not see the painfully distinct symmetry breaker here?
Pedophilia has a victim - a non-willing, non-consenting victim. A pedophile forces themselves onto an unwilling, unconsenting child - like rape. Gay and transgender are consensual and free to make their own choices. The non-consensuality and presence of a victim being forced upon by another obviously completely distinguishes the two.
A pedophile is not always going around raping though I have not done much study on them to be honest. Historically in ancient society homosexuality was a dominance thing, there would be a dominant male who would F the submissive feminine male, as a form of power. It wasn't consensual and homosexuality isn't always consensual as evidenced by older men F***ing boys as a form of dominance and power. We have been brainwashed to believe all gay people are just loving and consensual when throughout history that has not always been the case. Great that they seem to have a more healthy outlet for their desires, but it's still destructive to their life. Men are not supposed to f*** men.
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