Newbie To Red Light/uvb Lamps Etc. Need Desperate Help!


Aug 2, 2017
Hi Guys!

I'm going to be getting this UVB lamp to help with my eczema: Is this model okay? (In the UK!)

Also looking to get a red light device to combat eczema from that point as-well and the many added benefits that red light therapy seems to have! Have come across 'RedLightMan' and the many options to buy. What would be best? Infrared or no infrared? Red light device mini or a bigger red light device from there? Is 'RedlightMan' The best option for red light in the UK?

Would it be safe to use a UVB lamps and Red light Therapy in conjunction with each-other?

I'm planning to go for a Red light device between 620-670 just to be on the safe side as i've seen some negative stuff with higher nm on the testicles.

Thanks guys, been pondering on this one for a while and need some relief from my eczema mainly but welcome to the other benefits of red light and uvb.


Jul 13, 2014
Just get a 150w incandescent bulb for 5 quid. I've got the handheld red light man light and I end up using the incandescent. The incandescent feels so good when you use it and I think you get a better spectrum of red-infra red from it


Jan 25, 2014
Hi Guys!

I'm going to be getting this UVB lamp to help with my eczema: Is this model okay? (In the UK!)

Also looking to get a red light device to combat eczema from that point as-well and the many added benefits that red light therapy seems to have! Have come across 'RedLightMan' and the many options to buy. What would be best? Infrared or no infrared? Red light device mini or a bigger red light device from there? Is 'RedlightMan' The best option for red light in the UK?

Would it be safe to use a UVB lamps and Red light Therapy in conjunction with each-other?

I'm planning to go for a Red light device between 620-670 just to be on the safe side as i've seen some negative stuff with higher nm on the testicles.

Thanks guys, been pondering on this one for a while and need some relief from my eczema mainly but welcome to the other benefits of red light and uvb.

Red Light Man is awesome, I have 3 of their products, and really like every one of them. They are really powerful, and worth the money. If you are concerned mainly with skin issued, visible red is superior to infrared. IR penetrates deeper, which makes it better if you want to target bone/muscle or inflammation issues. Personally, I have the regular devices, not the mini, and a full bodylight.

The Infrared Rat Testicle study has been discussed on this forum before, but I personally (and others) think it probably had more to do with heat than IR light itself. Still, visible red still would be the better choice if you are going to shine the light directly on your testicles. If you don't plan on doing that, it's not an issue at all.

Most people on this forum want to avoid excessive blue or UV light, but there is no doubt that both can be useful for skin conditions.... UVB of course being useful for Vitamin D production. Most studies find that the blue/red combo works best for skin conditions. Red tends prevent or heal the damage done from blue or UVB.

If you are going to use the UVB light at all, it is much safer to use it in conjunction with red light than to use UVB alone.
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