Is Officially Taught History An Invention Of The Rich?

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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I know Ray would somewhat agree with the statement that very little is known of ancient history and what is known is heavily massaged by the powers that be to fit into the official doctrines of genetics and evolutionary psychology. This is why I found this article quite interesting. If it is true that no original historical records exist from earlier than 11 century AD then how much of officially taught history can be trusted? ... 1694539419


Oct 27, 2013
Nice article.
Yes history is told/taught by the victors aka the powerful. So much of what we taught about the past (much like current events) are in fact not true.


Jan 28, 2013
Yeah, I don't think this is even questionable. To string it out to its logical conclusion... the rich not only invented history, the rich dictate present reality...the rich control the future. rinse and repeat.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Nov 11, 2014
You can't claim to be taking part in the April fool's day joke if you're posting about it after April 1... So you're officially gullible. And that's going into the history books!

P.S. I guess I should expect that a forum like this would attract gratuitous counter-culture.
Jul 6, 2016
You can't claim to be taking part in the April fool's day joke if you're posting about it after April 1... So you're officially gullible. And that's going into the history books!

P.S. I guess I should expect that a forum like this would attract gratuitous counter-culture.

Maybe the reason Gawker (which I assume is controlled and owned) posted this on April 1, was to delegitimize this idea.

Gawker isn't exactly respected on the internet nor as a reputable news site, so Gawker writing about this, makes the ideas look bad.


Mar 29, 2016
I'm glad Russians exist. They keep us honest. I have a Russian friend, Leo. He told me it's bull**** all this talk about drinking 2 liters of water each day. That was twenty years ago. Now I'm the crazy one for thinking he was nuts.

So now I'm not going to laugh at this Russian. I just hope he finds good material to work on and I'd like to read up on what he has to say.

p.s. Although Russia Today is Putin's propaganda arm, I still see its reporting as vital in balancing US propaganda. And I like that Russia is not cozy with the US. Otherwise Edward Snowden would be rotting in hell.
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Oct 11, 2015
Hahahahaha. Russians are more honest with medical research, but the blatant censorship and brainwashing in other matters is in no way dwarfed by America. Comments I could make regarding the holocaust or Putin's Jewish, oligarch, KGB origins would land me in jail there, indefinitely. Russia and "The West" are two sides of the same coin. Pick your poison.

"Is Officially Taught History and Invention of the Rich?"

Well..."Rich"...that is a nice euphemism isn't it. Almost as good the "Elite". Anyway, yes I do believe that is the case.

Stonehenge, the Parthenon, Giza Pyramids...all frauds constructed fairly recently. And very profitable ones at that!

Ancient Greece did not exist, nor Egypt. Rome was NOT built on a completely indefensible location, only fed by the pittiest of streams (Tiber ), until it was man made into a slightly larger sewer outlet, LOL.
The are no records of "Rome" ever existing in Italy that are older than a few hundred years. The Real Rome is a bit further North...

And the ziobots say: "I have traveled around the world...I've been to Greece, I've been to Rome, I've seen Stonehenge" Hahaha. How can you know if you've been to Rome if you do not know where Rome is?

Let us not forget about Einstein, his rejection of reality, and importance in the creation of the "Nuclear Bomb". Rofl. What a joke. There are no nuclear weapons, there is no use for relativity ( inb4 someone brings up GPS, which relativity "corrections" only make less accurate ).

"And laughter is the end of all things" -ezra pound


Mar 29, 2016
Fiction is the basic building block of history. The rest is reality.


Well..."Rich"...that is a nice euphemism isn't it. Almost as good the "Elite". Anyway, yes I do believe that is the case.

Euphemism for ... ? :D:D

Do you mean "the globalists", "the chosen", the "tribe"?
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Nov 21, 2015
the article makes it seem totally wacky, and I am unconvinced there is much merit to it...

...but the premise underlying it is probably true, that works were re-written, copied over and selectively changed, ignored or emphasized...

The stuff about looking at astronomical events contemporaneous with the writings, and then altering the dates of the writings to conform...well, that is quite the stretch.


Feb 18, 2016
Hahahahaha. Russians are more honest with medical research, but the blatant censorship and brainwashing in other matters is in no way dwarfed by America. Comments I could make regarding the holocaust or Putin's Jewish, oligarch, KGB origins would land me in jail there, indefinitely. Russia and "The West" are two sides of the same coin. Pick your poison.

"Is Officially Taught History and Invention of the Rich?"

Well..."Rich"...that is a nice euphemism isn't it. Almost as good the "Elite". Anyway, yes I do believe that is the case.

Stonehenge, the Parthenon, Giza Pyramids...all frauds constructed fairly recently. And very profitable ones at that!

Ancient Greece did not exist, nor Egypt. Rome was NOT built on a completely indefensible location, only fed by the pittiest of streams (Tiber ), until it was man made into a slightly larger sewer outlet, LOL.
The are no records of "Rome" ever existing in Italy that are older than a few hundred years. The Real Rome is a bit further North...

And the ziobots say: "I have traveled around the world...I've been to Greece, I've been to Rome, I've seen Stonehenge" Hahaha. How can you know if you've been to Rome if you do not know where Rome is?

Let us not forget about Einstein, his rejection of reality, and importance in the creation of the "Nuclear Bomb". Rofl. What a joke. There are no nuclear weapons, there is no use for relativity ( inb4 someone brings up GPS, which relativity "corrections" only make less accurate ).

"And laughter is the end of all things" -ezra pound

Please spare the forum your anti-Jewish rantings.
Your cheap signalling profile pic along with the rest of your rant gives you away.

You question where mainstream folks aquire their knowledge and beliefs,you pin this to a Zionist Jewish led group, bizarre in all of this is the fact you don't question your own source of knowledge mainly acquired from people who failed at capitalism and decided to become intellectual/politicised to apologise for their perceived failure,cognitive disonnance taken to psychotic extremes,suppression of capitalist desires.
I have the secrets to the world mentality, I don't need your capitalist materialism,nor do I need attractive females,I'm an intellectual now.

Neo Nazi groups or the new passive aggressive intellectual type neo nazi groups claim that mainstream media and witnesses were lying about millions being killed in the holocaust, Neo Nazi group logic then says ,"only like 1 million were killed men,women,children,mainly Jewish,killed in a horrific manner not like the 4 million they claim dude."

At this point a non psychotic critically thinking human being will leave the vecinity of said neo nazis because critically thinking human is not ok with hundreds and thousands of people being horrifically killed and realises worst case scenario many governments and Jewish are so traumatised by what happened in WW2 they exaggerated the numbers as so many bodies may not have been accounted for,it was a war,death statistics are difficult to have spot on because their is war going on and all....

Here is a conspiracy for you, imagine all the rich elite are faking Jewish heritage and are really the remenants of the Nazi regime.......oooooo... I see a blog and YouTube videos with emotional background music.:alien::alien::alien:


Sep 9, 2015
Drareg, honestly don't waste your keystrokes, people like that need someone to argue with, otherwise they'd just have to rant by themselves.

Coming from Ireland I've always been deeply skeptical of the 'just-so' version of history. Cromwell is venerated in British history class despite committing a genocide on the Irish people (those details conveniently omitted from British history books)

Even closer history, guess who said this quote: "the Aryan stock is bound to triumph"

Not Hitler. Churchill said that.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Hahahahaha. Russians are more honest with medical research, but the blatant censorship and brainwashing in other matters is in no way dwarfed by America. Comments I could make regarding the holocaust or Putin's Jewish, oligarch, KGB origins would land me in jail there, indefinitely. Russia and "The West" are two sides of the same coin. Pick your poison.

"Is Officially Taught History and Invention of the Rich?"

Well..."Rich"...that is a nice euphemism isn't it. Almost as good the "Elite". Anyway, yes I do believe that is the case.

Stonehenge, the Parthenon, Giza Pyramids...all frauds constructed fairly recently. And very profitable ones at that!

Ancient Greece did not exist, nor Egypt. Rome was NOT built on a completely indefensible location, only fed by the pittiest of streams (Tiber ), until it was man made into a slightly larger sewer outlet, LOL.
The are no records of "Rome" ever existing in Italy that are older than a few hundred years. The Real Rome is a bit further North...

And the ziobots say: "I have traveled around the world...I've been to Greece, I've been to Rome, I've seen Stonehenge" Hahaha. How can you know if you've been to Rome if you do not know where Rome is?

Let us not forget about Einstein, his rejection of reality, and importance in the creation of the "Nuclear Bomb". Rofl. What a joke. There are no nuclear weapons, there is no use for relativity ( inb4 someone brings up GPS, which relativity "corrections" only make less accurate ).

"And laughter is the end of all things" -ezra pound
I began to take offense at your post, and then I began to appreciate your perspective. Really, all we can know is what we experience. Sophists aside, self-knowledge, if not the only knowledge, is the best knowledge.

Please spare the forum your anti-Jewish rantings.
Your cheap signalling profile pic along with the rest of your rant gives you away.

You question where mainstream folks aquire their knowledge and beliefs,you pin this to a Zionist Jewish led group, bizarre in all of this is the fact you don't question your own source of knowledge mainly acquired from people who failed at capitalism and decided to become intellectual/politicised to apologise for their perceived failure,cognitive disonnance taken to psychotic extremes,suppression of capitalist desires.
I have the secrets to the world mentality, I don't need your capitalist materialism,nor do I need attractive females,I'm an intellectual now.

Neo Nazi groups or the new passive aggressive intellectual type neo nazi groups claim that mainstream media and witnesses were lying about millions being killed in the holocaust, Neo Nazi group logic then says ,"only like 1 million were killed men,women,children,mainly Jewish,killed in a horrific manner not like the 4 million they claim dude."

At this point a non psychotic critically thinking human being will leave the vecinity of said neo nazis because critically thinking human is not ok with hundreds and thousands of people being horrifically killed and realises worst case scenario many governments and Jewish are so traumatised by what happened in WW2 they exaggerated the numbers as so many bodies may not have been accounted for,it was a war,death statistics are difficult to have spot on because their is war going on and all....

Here is a conspiracy for you, imagine all the rich elite are faking Jewish heritage and are really the remenants of the Nazi regime.......oooooo... I see a blog and YouTube videos with emotional background music.:alien::alien::alien:
I don't really see something so far-fetched with the assumption that certain groups gravitate toward certain behaviors. Certainly, individuals differ, but there are patterns with certain markers, such as race, age, and cultural heritage.
Drareg, honestly don't waste your keystrokes, people like that need someone to argue with, otherwise they'd just have to rant by themselves.

Coming from Ireland I've always been deeply skeptical of the 'just-so' version of history. Cromwell is venerated in British history class despite committing a genocide on the Irish people (those details conveniently omitted from British history books)

Even closer history, guess who said this quote: "the Aryan stock is bound to triumph"

Not Hitler. Churchill said that.
I'm not exactly sure it's news that Great Britain and Nazi Germany were all that different. Both Northern European powers, imperialistic, and socialist. Both FDR and Churchill favorably noted Hitler's statesmanship, IIRC. One began to militarize in response to economic downturn.

Interestingly, Great Britain's post-war economic policy perturbed its growth, while Germany industrialized and became a major economic power, with the aid of the Allied Powers, of course.
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Sep 9, 2015
I'm not exactly sure it's news that Great Britain and Nazi Germany were all that different. Both Northern European powers, imperialistic, and socialist. Both FDR and Churchill favorably noted Hitler's statesmanship, IIRC. One began to militarize in response to economic downturn.
It would be news to the common man who is fed the good vs evil narrative of WWII, rather than the extremely evil vs a little bit evil. Also that basically it was a war of attrition won by Russia. I suppose that wouldn't make for good patriotic propaganda.


Mar 15, 2013
One would have to be wilfully turning a blind eye, presumably for the sake of political correctness, to deny the disproportionate Jewish influence on Western institutions such as the media, entertainment industry, politics, and especially banking. Not saying it's an all-pervasive conspiracy that implicates every Jewish person, for that would be more far-fetched than even I would be willing to entertain. In any case, I don't think you can be truly open-minded unless you're willing to consider the possibility that basically everything we believe to be true about this reality could be wrong... after all we can only ascertain what appears to be true, we could be living in the Matrix for all we know.


Oct 11, 2015
lovely day on the salisbury plain


wonder what those white spots are for?


arts and crafts?







seems legit
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