Eyesight restored from 20/400 to 20/25 in woman with copper deficiency


I would be interested to see what the explanation of this improvement is for those who believe that copper is toxic. Excess copper is also toxic but i think there is a great deal of evidence to show that low copper is just as bad.
I think the idea is if the liver is not releasing copper, then liver copper levels can be high, at toxic levels, but serum copper levels can be low.

Supplementing it constantly may immediately improve serum levels ( by bypassing the liver blockage), but then you have extra copper burden on the liver, and further decrease in function.

For this reason excesses -> blockage-> deficiency.

That is the theory anyway supported if people eat a low copper diet, improve their liver function, and see serum copper increase despite eating less copper.
I think the idea is if the liver is not releasing copper, then liver copper levels can be high, at toxic levels, but serum copper levels can be low.

Supplementing it constantly may immediately improve serum levels ( by bypassing the liver blockage), but then you have extra copper burden on the liver, and further decrease in function.

For this reason excesses -> blockage-> deficiency.

That is the theory anyway supported if people eat a low copper diet, improve their liver function, and see serum copper increase despite eating less copper.
Is there a diagnostic test that measures liver copper levels? Can you provide studies that support this theory? Currently, patients with suspected liver function abnormalities are typically tested using a liver function test. Thank you.
Is there a diagnostic test that measures liver copper levels? Can you provide studies that support this theory? Currently, patients with suspected liver function abnormalities are typically tested using a liver function test. Thank you.

Liver biopsie.

What you ask for is numerous studies which form 'toxic bile theory', describing liver function, bile production, bile reabsorption, intestinal permeability, cholestasis and more.

I shall elaborate on the last sentence I already took the time to explain. If a person has low serum copper, then eats less copper, and their serum copper increases, then the source of copper that is entering their blood is internal, and hence probably from the liver.
Copper metabolism is so multifaceted and complicated.

I think the liver and the thyroid is very central to copper metabolism.

Some well-known practitioners like Shawn Bean say that even mold exposure could drop their patient’s serum copper and ceruloplasmin to ZERO and completely recover/normalize after a while of moving into a clean appartment.

Get the liver (bile) back to work. Enemas, thyroid, B vitamins, magnesium, black coffee, essential minerals… It’s not easy, but possible.

I did recover my chronic unresponsive low copper with thyroid, B vitamins, supporting liver detoxification phases, methylation etc.
There is copper in beans, whether it has the same bioavailability issues as other plant based nutrients i don't know.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals