Age-related Infertility May Be Caused By Scarred Ovaries


Dec 17, 2015
It is well known that fertility tends to decline with age in both men and women. Still popular is the notion that women have a limited number of eggs and the idea that this is strongly determined by genetics and mostly unchangeable (see wikipedia quotes below). New research shows that inflammation and fibrosis are strongly involved in the age related decline in fertility and with the implication that lifestyle factors that influence these factors could accelerate or delay these changes.

As anyone familiar with Peat may know - serotonin, estrogen, histamine, nitric oxide, lactic acid, free fatty acids, stress, etc are all involved in fibrotic processes to varying degrees

Age and female fertility - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Female fertility is affected by age. Age is thus a major fertility factor for women. After puberty, female fertility increases and then decreases, with advanced maternal age causing an increased risk of female infertility. In humans, a woman's fertility peaks in the early and mid-20s, after which it starts to decline slowly, with a more dramatic drop at around 35.[1] At age 45, a woman starting to try to conceive will have no live birth in 50-80 percent of cases."

Ovarian reserve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The ovary is generally thought of as an egg bank from which the woman draws during her reproductive life. The human ovary contains a population of primordial follicles. At 18–22 weeks post-conception, the female ovary contains its peak number of follicles (about 300,000 in the average case, but individual peak populations range from 35,000 to 2.5 million[3]). The size of the initial ovarian reserve is strongly influenced by genetics."

"Our work establishes fibrosis and inflammation as hallmarks of the aging ovary and lays the foundation for considering the use of anti-fibrotic or anti-inflammatory treatments to delay or counteract the impact of reproductive aging,"

Peat-related quotes:

"To reverse this process, it’s necessary to avoid doing the things that caused the problem to develop. The accumulation of heavy metals and of the unstable unsaturated fats (linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids) can be slowed or reversed by careful dietary choices. The calorie restricted diets that slow the aging process reduce the accumulation of the unstable fats and the heavy metals. Vitamin E reduces the vascular leakiness and the free radical peroxidation that are so closely involved in fibrosis. Since serotonin and nitric oxide are involved in these processes, they should be minimized by keeping carbon dioxide production high (by optimizing thyroid function), and by eating protein that have a safe balance of the amino acids. Too much arginine increases nitric oxide formation, and too much tryptophan increases serotonin production. Too much glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and cysteine can be directly excitotoxic, and the metabolites of cysteine include proinfiammatory homocysteine, which can disrupt collagen structure."

"Ray has said numerous times that serotonin is intimately involved in fibrotic conditions of the lungs, and my own research shows that it is involved in many other fibrotic conditions including cirrhosis, cystic fibrosis, and of course carcinoid syndrome. This study now adds the condition known as systemic sclerosis or scleroderma to the list of conditions where serotonin plays a causative role. This suggests that lowering serotonin may be therapeutic in this condition for which officially there is no cure and it is eventually fatal."

"Serotonin is one of the primary mediators of fibrosis in the human body, antiserotonin drugs are currently actually getting approved and pretty quickly so could be treating things like cystic fibrosis, heart failure, liver cirrhosis (which is actually a fibrosis of the liver); it shows that serotonin has a very quick and detrimental effect on many organs and tissues, and endotoxins raise serotonin tremendously in people who eat a decent amount of PUFA."

"Lactic acid does lead first to water-logging, inflammation and eventually the fibrosis."

"When you aren't able to oxidize your sugar all the way to carbon dioxide you produce lactic acid very easily. Even at rest, a person will keep producing lactic acid as if they were under strenuous exercise. And the lactic acid turns on a lot of inflammatory mediators which have systemic effects on your bone and skin, hair growth, everything. Lactic acid itself acts as a toxin. Gradually if you are experiencing that year after year it leads to a tendency of fibrosis, arthritis, and so called connective tissue diseases in general from an imbalance of the inflammatory mediators (histamine and serotonin especially) and a tendency of the soft tissues to calcify, so it contributes to hardening of the arteries and heart failure."

"The only mistake that I think Hans Selye made in his work in stress. In some places he talks about a limited ability to adapt to stress, because we are born with a certain amount of ‘adaptive energy’ or stress resistant energy, but I don’t think there is such a thing as ‘adaptive energy’. I think of such things as sugar, sucrose and fructose, which let us deal with these menacing things such as serotonin, starches, indigestible fibers, various plant irritants. The sugars are directly oxidised to energy, and inhibit the interfering substances, such as oxidising unsaturated fats. I think what the equivalent of a lack adaptive energy that Selye proposed, I think what it is, is that we have such a bad environment to adapt to that we get worse as we adapt to bad things, such as polyunsaturated fats and chronic excess of serotonin defending us against those irritants. So I think these immediate adaptive substances that in the short range protect us when we have to keep adapting with these short range measure, for example, serotonin increases collagen production, leads progressively to fibrosis of blood vessels, liver, kidney, even the brain develops collagen under excessive stress and serotonin. So too much adaptation to a bad environment, I think is what causes ageing and degeneration, rather than the lack of this hypothetical ‘adaptive energy’."

""Mast cells express the high-affinity estrogen receptor and studies have shown that estrogens augment their activities: in the presence of high levels of estrogens, mast cell responses to compound 48/80 are increased, leading to more substantial degranulation and release of histamine and serotonin.” "Mast cells are found in a diverse range of tissues and have the ability to adapt their function to the microenvironment.” "Interestingly, however, there is an increase in testicular mast cells in infertile men through mast cell activation of fibroblasts and promotion of collagen synthesis, could contribute to testicular fibrosis.” "Progesterone is necessary for the maintenance of pregnancy and plays a key role in maintaining cervical integrity prior to labour induction. Progesterone can prevent the migration of mast cells in response to chemokines and down-regulate surface chemokine receptor expression. In addition, mast cell function can be altered by the presence of high concentrations of progesterone. For example, progesterone inhibits the secretion of histamine from mast cells. Notably, these observations would suggest that mast cells present within the uterus during pregnancy are quiescent and inhibited by high levels of progesterone, and also that recruitment of mast cell progenitors from the circulation may be limited.”
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Feb 24, 2016
Very interesting, thank you! An acquaintance in her late 30s wasn't able to conceive and received an injection right below her belly of either procaine or lidocaine I think, by a doctor trained in "neural therapy". She was then able to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. Neural therapy central focus is reversing "scar" tissue -that's how they refer to fibrosis-, with special emphasis on scarring of nerves.

KMUD: Aging and Energy Reversal (2013)
"CALLER: It started occurring like four months afterwards. The actual blister went away and then one day I noticed I'd taken a shower and you know I noticed there was a blister forming and it got very bulbous, about the size a silver dollar or bigger. And now it happens so frequently as there is like scar tissue there. It still blisters.

HD: Dr. Peat, this sounds very much like a kind of genetic imprinting, a memory.

RP: Yeah, I think the nervous system is probably involved in helping with the memory and there is a…

CALLER: All the skin doctors can say is “we can replace the skin there”, and I don't think that's an appropriate…

RP: And there is a little known branch of medicine. I think it was a German who originated it, I think it was called neural therapy, something like that, but it involved finding key points and injecting procaine or other local anesthetic to change the nervous system. And I've seen a great variety of good results from applying any of the local anesthetics topically too. It apparently helps to retrain the memory of the tissue so that it stops producing the recurrent problem such as an ingrown toenail or recurring boils in the surface location. There are a lot of fairly strong local anesthetic ointments sold over the counter. I think benzocaine in the small area is effective and safe but you don't want to use a lot of benzocaine on a big area. The procaine and lidocaine are safer."


Aug 17, 2016
Very interesting, thank you! An acquaintance in her late 30s wasn't able to conceive and received an injection right below her belly of either procaine or lidocaine I think, by a doctor trained in "neural therapy". She was then able to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. Neural therapy central focus is reversing "scar" tissue -that's how they refer to fibrosis-, with special emphasis on scarring of nerves.

KMUD: Aging and Energy Reversal (2013)
"CALLER: It started occurring like four months afterwards. The actual blister went away and then one day I noticed I'd taken a shower and you know I noticed there was a blister forming and it got very bulbous, about the size a silver dollar or bigger. And now it happens so frequently as there is like scar tissue there. It still blisters.

HD: Dr. Peat, this sounds very much like a kind of genetic imprinting, a memory.

RP: Yeah, I think the nervous system is probably involved in helping with the memory and there is a…

CALLER: All the skin doctors can say is “we can replace the skin there”, and I don't think that's an appropriate…

RP: And there is a little known branch of medicine. I think it was a German who originated it, I think it was called neural therapy, something like that, but it involved finding key points and injecting procaine or other local anesthetic to change the nervous system. And I've seen a great variety of good results from applying any of the local anesthetics topically too. It apparently helps to retrain the memory of the tissue so that it stops producing the recurrent problem such as an ingrown toenail or recurring boils in the surface location. There are a lot of fairly strong local anesthetic ointments sold over the counter. I think benzocaine in the small area is effective and safe but you don't want to use a lot of benzocaine on a big area. The procaine and lidocaine are safer."
I wonder if something these patches would work to re-train my fibrotic lungs:


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I wonder if something these patches would work to re-train my fibrotic lungs:
If you could nebulize lidocaine that would deliver it directly to the lungs. I don't know all the precautions or contraindications though.


Aug 17, 2016
If you could nebulize lidocaine that would deliver it directly to the lungs. I don't know all the precautions or contraindications though.
Yes. I was thinking about that nebulizing idea with lisuride, progesterone and kuinone. I feel like (and maybe it is psychosomatic) that all my Peating is great but not reaching the fibrotic lung tissue.
Yet as for my feet, not doing aikido since mid-february, my callouses have reduced. I no longer have guitar calloused fingers. My sister's former ballerina calloused feet have returned to normal feet. So, there is hope. Maybe, it is all pointing to adding regular inosine?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Yes. I was thinking about that nebulizing idea with lisuride, progesterone and kuinone. I feel like (and maybe it is psychosomatic) that all my Peating is great but not reaching the fibrotic lung tissue.
Yet as for my feet, not doing aikido since mid-february, my callouses have reduced. I no longer have guitar calloused fingers. My sister's former ballerina calloused feet have returned to normal feet. So, there is hope. Maybe, it is all pointing to adding regular inosine?
That's a tough one. Have you asked Ray about his thoughts on pulmonary fibrosis? I know medicine has little to offer.
With nebulizing substances you have to be careful about particle size to avoid inducing bronchospasms. Sterility of whatever is being inhaled is also a concern. It's great that your looking for answers.


Aug 17, 2016
That's a tough one. Have you asked Ray about his thoughts on pulmonary fibrosis? I know medicine has little to offer.
With nebulizing substances you have to be careful about particle size to avoid inducing bronchospasms. Sterility of whatever is being inhaled is also a concern. It's great that your looking for answers.


Jul 26, 2018
Ovarian cell -1 mm in diameter- has over 100 000 mitochondrions and requires meiosis that is energetically exhaustive. For comparison -hepatocytes or cardiocytes that are metabolically very active have 1000 mitochondrions. So if thyroid works slower so does ovaries and endocrinological axis. Perhaps ovarian reserve is a myth and doesn't exist. It all depends on energy- melanins, infrared, phosphate (ATP, inositols, creatine , others), mitochondrions, CO2 level/altitude.
Fats are transported by carnitine (lysine and methionine). As we age we can become deficient in lysine- destroyed by heat, lead toxicity,that produces weak collagen, immunity, histones, low energy from fats.
from initiation to ovulation it takes 150 days to mature
" Egg cells are some of the only cells in the body that do not regenerate… or at least that has been the belief up until now. Recent research has brought up some promising new views on egg production – women may actually produce eggs throughout the reproductive years. Scientists have found stem cells within the ovaries that produce new egg cells (Nature, 2004).

Regardless of this study’s finding, age still had an impact on the new eggs since the ovaries continued to age, causing the “housing” for the eggs to be less than optimal. Protecting the eggs you currently have as well as encouraging ovarian health through diet, herbs, supplements and increased circulation to the reproductive system is of the utmost importance.

90 Days: The Cycle of an Egg"​

current actualization
" Egg cells are some of the only cells in the body that do not regenerate… or at least that has been the belief up until now. Recent research has brought up some promising new views on egg production – women may actually produce eggs throughout the reproductive years. Led by Dr. Jonathan Tilly of Massachusetts General Hospital, a group of scientists found stem cells within adult mice and human ovaries that produce new egg cells. (Nature Medicine, 2012)."

USG can make testes infertile for a couple of month , but what about ovaries?
" The liver also makes 1/3 to 1/2 of all lymph. Liver health is vital to proper functioning of the lymphatic system. A liver that is overwhelmed due to poor diet, poor lifestyle choices, being sedentary, or exposure to xenohormones, cannot adequately function or produce lymph as well. This may contribute to hormonal imbalance and disease.
How to Use a Castor Oil Pack"
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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