SAFE Weight Loss?


Mar 27, 2018

(It took the lady in red 3 weeks to lose that much weight - is that too much weight loss or too rapid in your opinion? In my opinion, it is too rapid and metabolic damage could occur.)

Seeking rapid weight loss or quick-fixes can sometimes be an eating disorder, but more often it's just that losing 10 pounds in 10 weeks sounds inefficient compared to losing 10 pounds in 1 week.

0. Starvation Mode is a myth, but rapid weight loss can definitely affect metabolism negatively.

1. Some amount of lipolysis or fatty acid oxidation is occurring at all times.

2. As long as one is keeping dietary fat down below 50g a day and exercising lightly and not overeating, SLOW but SUSTAINED weight loss will occur in most people. If you have more than 20 lbs to lose, I think limiting fat intake is warranted, but don't torture yourself unless you're willing to risk a "Rebound" in the form of a binge or other unhealthy habits.

3. I think the bigger issue is that people want to lose 10 pounds in a week or two weeks, which may simply be too fast for the metabolism to handle.

4. Losing Weight slows metabolism. This is likely a preventative measure to mitigate damage to cells and preserve muscle mass, as well as to avoid malnutrition.

5. Burning enough energy to lose those 10 pounds RAPIDLY (less than a week) well as the inevitable PUFA/FFA release into the bloodstream has a significant inhibitory effect on weight loss past those first 10 lbs(of which most is likely to be water-weight.) Meaning even if you do achieve rapid weight loss, further weight loss will be more difficult.

6. Fasting:

Intermittent Fasting, Water Fasting, liquid fasts, etc. all give the digestion a break and can induce rapid weight loss. But it is such a shock to the organism that fasting of any sort HAS to be done sparingly
From personal experience, weight loss should be slow, consistent and sustained vs RAPID.
I've personally fasted for 4 days at a time (water and multivitamin) and lost up to 10 lbs, and after that the weight loss severely slows down, as does hunger. This would indicate a hormonal metabolic shift to a slower and lower energy state in the cells. When I resumed eating, my appetite was in fact higher than it should normally be, BUT I also felt that my stomach was smaller and could not accommodate the contents of extra food if I overate. Still, I overate slightly and gained back some (but not all) of the weight. Fasting done in small bursts is probably safe, and there are those who fast for much longer than 4 days and seem to be fine. (Damage is not always immediately evident however.)

Rapid weight loss may also cause temporary metabolic damage, and slow weight loss is often "permanent" weight loss (meaning it's actual fat mass and water weight vs losing muscle.)

Which is more important to you: losing weight quickly or losing it safely?

What has your experience with rapid weight loss or fasting?
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Jul 2, 2017
you got some good posts mate. I wonder, how do we lose visceral fat while retaining protective subcutaneous padding? I think that would be the safest form of weight loss


Mar 29, 2014
It took the lady in red 3 weeks to lose that much weight ...
I'm a bit sceptical. Wondering if you have a reliable source. I don't think 3 weeks can do that to most people, however little they eat. Unless there are unusual circumstances.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


May 30, 2017
Skeptical about 3 weeks as well. That women looks like she lost a lot of legitimate fat and now has an athletic build. If she did that in 3 weeks I wanna know her method lol.

I do wonder if it would be better to just lose the weight (body fat) as rapidly as possible and then deal with the aftermath afterwards. Maybe if you followed a good diet afterwards you could fix your metabolism and then also be happy with how you look at the same time. I bet most overweight people have damaged metabolisms and other health issues anyway, so why not just get the fat off and then try to get your health in order from there?


May 30, 2018
I lost a lot of fat/water in the last 5 months from a low fat diet combined with sprinting three times per week. I didn't count calories. I just ate two large meals per day to satisfaction. Usually white rice, chicken breast, green vegetables and fruit. Also used beta lapachone/emodin which probably helped increase metabolism and decrease inflammation too. It may be possible to lose fat quickly with a very low calorie diet, but its definitely more pleasant to lose fat through the positive metabolic changes that comes from decreasing cortisol with adequate carbs and exercise that decreases baseline cortisol like sprinting in short bursts does.
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Jun 28, 2018
I am convinced

weight loss is achieved by sending the right signals.

Those signals being movement in the form of short explosive movements. Sprints.

Shifts the body into dropping it's fat and building muscle, somthing going low calories/ low fat/running cannot do.


Jun 28, 2018
Why would short explosive movements signal weight loss?

All the studies point towards

Increased insulin sensitivity
Lowering baseline cortisol, after acute exposure during sprints
leptin sensitivity

Plenty of studies showing weight loss to be 8x+ more effective at weightloss than jogging or steady state cardio.

Dexa scans show increase in muscle mass, decrease in body fat. One of the only things able to achieve this.


Jun 28, 2018
damn I gotta start doing those again.

Yep, I started up agian and don't know why I had stopped.

Anyone can go low calorie, low fat, low carb and send starvation signals which lead to rebound weight loss.

But hitting sprints 2-3x a week is what will give you results.

There not even hard. I did 7x 20 yard sprints today. They take like 3 seconds, then breath through the nose.

Always finish workouts with a mango+oj+simple syrup smoothie and some gelatin+protein. Wake up feeling great.
Nov 21, 2015
slow is safe, that's the only way. Fast is unsafe.

I find that reducing starch helps a lot. Low fat and low starch, high sugar and good protein, really works.


Jun 28, 2018
I lost a lot of fat/water in the last 5 months from a low fat diet combined with sprinting three times per week. I didn't count calories. I just ate two large meals per day to satisfaction. Usually white rice, chicken breast, green vegetables and fruit. Also used beta lapachone/emodin which probably helped increase metabolism and decrease inflammation too. It may be possible to lose fat quickly with a very low calorie diet, but its definitely more pleasant to lose fat through the positive metabolic changes that comes from decreasing cortisol with adequate carbs and exercise that decreases baseline cortisol like sprinting in short bursts does.


I didn’t even read ur post before I posted. But you are spot on about sprinting and not counting calories.


Jan 15, 2017
you got some good posts mate. I wonder, how do we lose visceral fat while retaining protective subcutaneous padding? I think that would be the safest form of weight loss

Unfortunately the body usually decides this on its own. Usually each person has an individual "pattern " of loss and gain but there isnt a way to dictate what comes and goes where.


Apr 29, 2018
If you raise DHT you'll lose fat. The main fat burning steroids winstrol and anavar are dht synthetic derivatives and I know anavar was known for specifically reducing visceral fat. Short more intense exercise (such as sprints) increase dht
I don't suggest this is the whole picture


Apr 29, 2018
She looks 10 years older in the right picture; I don't believe those numbers


Jan 15, 2017
Not a chance, shes easily 190+ on the left assuming 5'6 or more which looks sorta edited anyway. Considering her lack of loose skin, im sure she lost it but no way short term

Even losing miinnnnnimum 60lbs there, thats twenty a week at more than 3 per day.

I can float 10lbs of water weight overnight in the summer but this next level "nope"


Apr 10, 2020
I lost a lot of fat/water in the last 5 months from a low fat diet combined with sprinting three times per week. I didn't count calories. I just ate two large meals per day to satisfaction. Usually white rice, chicken breast, green vegetables and fruit. Also used beta lapachone/emodin which probably helped increase metabolism and decrease inflammation too. It may be possible to lose fat quickly with a very low calorie diet, but its definitely more pleasant to lose fat through the positive metabolic changes that comes from decreasing cortisol with adequate carbs and exercise that decreases baseline cortisol like sprinting in short bursts does.
I lost a lot of fat/water in the last 5 months from a low fat diet combined with sprinting three times per week. I didn't count calories. I just ate two large meals per day to satisfaction. Usually white rice, chicken breast, green vegetables and fruit. Also used beta lapachone/emodin which probably helped increase metabolism and decrease inflammation too. It may be possible to lose fat quickly with a very low calorie diet, but its definitely more pleasant to lose fat through the positive metabolic changes that comes from decreasing cortisol with adequate carbs and exercise that decreases baseline cortisol like sprinting in short bursts does.
What beta/lapachone\emodin did you use??
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