I Am Severely Undereating And Don't Know What To Eat


Mar 5, 2017
Hey guys, I would really appreciate your help.

I am 19 years old and I come from a background of paleoish eating.

A lot of fat from nuts, oils, eggs, milk, beef, chicken, no jung food, no grains, a lot of potatoes

Also intermittent fasting.

Now I felt burnt out After a while, found peat and it all Sounds good and logical, and adding more sugar and salt helps me but I am still severely undereating.

I am physically active, workout and i just dont get enough calories in.

Fresh fruit isn't an option so I See no way to get there without starches.

But even with potatoes and Rice I dont get enough so I starten eating junk food like pizza again because I feel like starving is worse.

I always was very thin and I gained some muscles and weight through training and eating a ***t Ton but I dont know what to eat on this diet.

I have no libido, energy, fatigue and blood sugar problems.

So my question is: what to eat that is peat friendly to get to 3000-4000 calories.


Sep 4, 2016
The Netherlands
Well cooked rice, slab of butter, some coconut oil and sugar - Enjoy

and if you really feel your "missing" something, go and eat that you feel your missing. If it's pizza, go get pizza. Just for for the sake if it makes you in a better place. Once you are there, make steps towards the diet you know is the "better".

But as you tell you have no energy, hows your digestion?


Mar 5, 2017
I live in germany, and getting the amount and quality fruit you need is Expensive.


May 20, 2017
Cut out the nuts.

Are you taking 2L of milk, 2L of orange juice?


Jun 7, 2017
If you're physically active, protein is especially important. You mention beef and chicken, which I assume means muscle meat. Incorporate other parts of the animal, especially gelatinous cuts like the tail, joints, hide, etc. This will allow you to balance the amino acids you're consuming. Eating liver once a week for copper and retinol is advisable. I just started eating heart once a week for CoQ10 as well. Aim for diversity in your proteins which is handled most simply by eating nose-to-tail.

Potatoes aren't an issue for some. Just cook them well and and eat with saturated fat like butter to slow their digestion.

You mention milk. What other calcium sources do you have? Well-cooked leafy greens at all? Your diet is otherwise disproportionately high in phosphate it seems.

What do you mean by oils? Why do you intermittent fast?


Mar 5, 2017
Thanks for the answers guys, but I have to clarify something.

I came from that paleoish background, I don't eat like that any more since I found peat 10 months ago.

I cut out chicken, nuts, vegetable oils except refined cocnut oil and vegetables. I don't fast any more but I still struggle with breakfast because I dont know what to eat simply.

I used to eat mostly eggs (until I got sick of them), milk, best quality orange juice I can find, a bit fruit.

But it's still not enough for me. I am hungry all the time (I'm not fat, I'm the opposite, ectomorph).

I dont eat any vegetables any more because I hate cooked vegetables. I used to juice a lot but raw isnt optimal as you guys know.

The Problem with 2 quarts of orange juice and 2 quarts of milk is that I am peeing all the time and get cold.

It used to be the same in my paleo days when I was drinking 1,5 gallons of water minimum.

I too think my Phosphate is too high.

Dairy products always leave that weird taste in my mouth and my teeth always feel plagued.

I also have bad breath which is why I limited pure sugar.


May 20, 2017

I don't think you should be having pure sugar right now until your metabolism is improved so that you're actually burning it.

How many calories are you getting? Do you track that info?


Jun 7, 2017
Sounds like you're in a decent metabolic state if you're appetite is strong. I found myself not getting enough calories as my metabolism was being restored. My solution was to think of foods I enjoy and then locate recipes to allow me to cook for myself rather than depend on restaurants. I good example was green thai curry. Most coconut milk has xantham gum (even at Whole Foods) so I found a recipe and sourced coconut milk from Amazon that didn't have unnecessary emulsifiers. I opted for beef instead of chicken. Now I get to enjoy a food I love without any of the unnecessary additives, and I also get to enjoy the creative process of cooking.


Mar 5, 2017
Thanks for the answers guys, but I have to clarify something.

I came from that paleoish background, I don't eat like that any more since I found peat 10 months ago.

I cut out chicken, nuts, vegetable oils except refined cocnut oil and vegetables. I don't fast any more but I still struggle with breakfast because I dont know what to eat simply.

I used to eat mostly eggs (until I got sick of them), milk, best quality orange juice I can find, a bit fruit.

But it's still not enough for me. I am hungry all the time (I'm not fat, I'm the opposite, ectomorph).

I dont eat any vegetables any more because I hate cooked vegetables. I used to juice a lot but raw isnt optimal as you guys know.

The Problem with 2 quarts of orange juice and 2 quarts of milk is that I am peeing all the time and get cold.

It used to be the same in my paleo days when I was drinking 1,5 gallons of water minimum.

I too think my Phosphate is too high.

Dairy products always leave that weird taste in my mouth and my teeth always feel plagued.

I also have bad breath which is why I limited pure sugar.


May 17, 2016
Your body probably doesn't use sugar properly. I would try low doses of aspirin and caffeine with each meal. For eating, a burger and a coke goes a long way. Tobacco could be helpful at boosting metabolism along with aspirin and caffeine. Not peaty, but worked for me.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
@Deadpool you seem to have some health issue that have not been diagnosed. I would also considere the possibility that your hunger comes from parasites. It worked for me to do the gut cleaning protocole of Dr Clark. I did not do the others, but I had to cut my food intake by 2 after taking the 3 products of this cleaning!

Even now, it still works better for me to take raw honey instead of sugar, but I have a belly showing that I have some bacterial overgrowth... Honey with stewed apples and pears are great where you live...

You can try a cheap breakfast by using whatever you want with a basis of homemade sprouted buckwheat. With raisins that are cheap too etc...

The only way to balance phosphate appart from having dairy, is to have veggies and fruits. Also calcium from bones, thus bone broth and whole fish. Think about potassium too, dried apricots is the best source. Potatoes and bananas too.


Oct 7, 2015
"I dont know what to eat"

Not being flippant, but it seems to me that *thinking* is your real problem ...


Mar 12, 2016
Honey in skim milk provides a lot of calories if you use a lot of honey, it's one of my favourite foods.

Starchy or fatty foods might be advised, at least until you nail low-starch / low-fat eating down. ;) Chocolate is a good energy booster when I'm feeling hypoglycaemic.


Mar 7, 2017
Thanks for the answers guys, but I have to clarify something.

I came from that paleoish background, I don't eat like that any more since I found peat 10 months ago.

I cut out chicken, nuts, vegetable oils except refined cocnut oil and vegetables. I don't fast any more but I still struggle with breakfast because I dont know what to eat simply.

I used to eat mostly eggs (until I got sick of them), milk, best quality orange juice I can find, a bit fruit.

But it's still not enough for me. I am hungry all the time (I'm not fat, I'm the opposite, ectomorph).

Having dealt with many of these issues myself, I would suggest the following:

+1 ounce of beef liver + 1 egg per day to get some sufficient micros

+ buy some BCAA's to improve digestion and protein assimilation

Amino Acid Supplementation For People With Poor Digestion

+1-4T activated charcoal every day away from meals to remove gut bacteria (hence the bad breath and milk issues)

+Thyroid (I suggest Tyromix) which might lower your caloric needs each day as your stress responses disappear

+Eggshell calcium (as much as you can get up to 5G)

+ Lower the fat as much as possible within reason (15-25%)

+ Apple juice is probably the best and cheapest carb source at the beginning

+ Keep starch low (less than 50G per meal)

Bottom line: The constant hunger for me was directly tied to Adrenalin which I resolved using VOS's suggestion of small dosing of food and sups throughout the day (might even need it every hour if your in bad shape). Also, if you wake up at night, your body needs food, so act accordingly.

VoS uncoupling thread

Here's VOS's posts about daily macros + micros + sups (halfway down the page):

Ray Peat Diet / Protocol Name?

Finally, perfect is the enemy of good. Just try to keep pufa low, and get enough micros + macros to keep stress down until you improve. This still leaves a ton of practical cheap food choices.
Last edited:


Mar 5, 2017
Your body probably doesn't use sugar properly. I would try low doses of aspirin and caffeine with each meal. For eating, a burger and a coke goes a long way. Tobacco could be helpful at boosting metabolism along with aspirin and caffeine. Not peaty, but worked for me.

Yeah, I think so, too! Tobacco definitely isn't an option but I definitely found improvements with caffeine and aspirin!

@Deadpool you seem to have some health issue that have not been diagnosed. I would also considere the possibility that your hunger comes from parasites. It worked for me to do the gut cleaning protocole of Dr Clark. I did not do the others, but I had to cut my food intake by 2 after taking the 3 products of this cleaning!

Even now, it still works better for me to take raw honey instead of sugar, but I have a belly showing that I have some bacterial overgrowth... Honey with stewed apples and pears are great where you live...

You can try a cheap breakfast by using whatever you want with a basis of homemade sprouted buckwheat. With raisins that are cheap too etc...

The only way to balance phosphate appart from having dairy, is to have veggies and fruits. Also calcium from bones, thus bone broth and whole fish. Think about potassium too, dried apricots is the best source. Potatoes and bananas too.

Thanks man! I thought about the parasites, too! I actually think I might have them for a very long time now and they are literally eating at my health! And it is very likely that there is something undiagnosed going on here because my doctors usually don't give a ***t about me and tell me that I'll be okay and everything will be fine because I am only 19 and everything should be fine at that age. They have been telling me this for years and refuse to check a little deeper.

I definitely check out that protocol! I noticed that I do better with honey as well! I guess I should also look into egg shell calcium.

"I dont know what to eat"

Not being flippant, but it seems to me that *thinking* is your real problem ...

Might be! But at this point, I don't feel like this is the case. Overthinking might be contributing to the problem but there is definitely something wrong with my diet as well.

Honey in skim milk provides a lot of calories if you use a lot of honey, it's one of my favourite foods.

Starchy or fatty foods might be advised, at least until you nail low-starch / low-fat eating down. ;) Chocolate is a good energy booster when I'm feeling hypoglycaemic.

I noticed that chocolate sometimes helps but other times just causes me to crash very hard.

Having dealt with many of these issues myself, I would suggest the following:

+1 ounce of beef liver + 1 egg per day to get some sufficient micros

+ buy some BCAA's to improve digestion and protein assimilation

Amino Acid Supplementation For People With Poor Digestion

+1-4T activated charcoal every day away from meals to remove gut bacteria (hence the bad breath and milk issues)

+Thyroid (I suggest Tyromix) which might lower your caloric needs each day as your stress responses disappear

+Eggshell calcium (as much as you can get up to 5G)

+ Lower the fat as much as possible within reason (15-25%)

+ Apple juice is probably the best and cheapest carb source at the beginning

+ Keep starch low (less than 50G per meal)

Bottom line: The constant hunger for me was directly tied to Adrenalin which I resolved using VOS's suggestion of small dosing of food and sups throughout the day (might even need it every hour if your in bad shape). Also, if you wake up at night, your body needs food, so act accordingly.

VoS uncoupling thread

Here's VOS's posts about daily macros + micros + sups (halfway down the page):

Ray Peat Diet / Protocol Name?

Finally, perfect is the enemy of good. Just try to keep pufa low, and get enough micros + macros to keep stress down until you improve. This still leaves a ton of practical cheap food choices.

Thank you for this detailed answer! I'll try everything on this list except the thyroid (can't get my hands on it and I want to try it without thyroid at first anyway).

I definitely think I have high adrenaline. If I recall correctly, salt lowers adrenaline and I always feel better and hotter when I up my salt intake.


Mar 7, 2017
Thank you for this detailed answer! I'll try everything on this list except the thyroid (can't get my hands on it and I want to try it without thyroid at first anyway).

I definitely think I have high adrenaline. If I recall correctly, salt lowers adrenaline and I always feel better and hotter when I up my salt intake.

Just a heads-up, I tried dozens of different protocols with only limited success for over a year, but nothing changed significantly until I added Thyroid.

Thyroid seemed to make all other foods/sups work much more effectively, which is probably why it's one of the only sups that RP recommends.

TyroMix - Liquid T3/T4 For Lab/research Use



Sep 28, 2016
Super restricted diets are not healthy, even if its peatish foods. Variety is good in a diet. So stick to a peat friendly diet but not overly so. Organ meats are the most nutritious so good liver and what not will do you good,
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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