Green Tea Again

Are you drink green tea?

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    Votes: 36 62.1%
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New Member
Feb 20, 2017

There are a lot of conflicting information about green tea.
On the one hand green tea contains L-theanine and caffeine and a lot of EGCG with multiple claims and studies that they are extremely healthy - anti cancer , cardio and neuroprotective effects and etc.
On the other hand green tea contains fluoride( can't found study how much) and this is no good for thyroid.
One study say that the green tea drastically lower testosterone in rodents. Other study say that green tea act as anti estrogen. Any study in humans ? What is the truth ?

I have also information that green tea wear out the endocrine system.

I'm drinking matcha tea ( with much higher concentration of L-theanine than any other green tea up to 25mg/1g tea). Seems to be this tea is not so contaminated as Chinese green tea. There are claims that 1 cup matcha = 10 cup regular tea regarding its antioxidant capacity.

I love to drink this tea but I'm confused about different claims.

I will appreciate any advice about green tea.
Nov 21, 2015
I love tea but switched to coffee which I love also. Seems much better. Can't attribute it to one thing but coffee seems more metabolically supportive.


Jan 6, 2015
Black tea is a bit estrogenic and green tea inhibits aromatase but it has anti thyroid effects.

It is what I found,I love tea (high manganese content, theanine) but its not good to drink too much.


Sep 15, 2016
Lots of fluoride and aluminum in tea. I'd stick to coffee

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
I'd like to see more studies on Yerba Mate.

Potential aromatase inhibitor:
Yerba mate contains a potent aromatase inhibitor.

Loaded with manganese, though it varies a lot:
Trace elements in different brands of yerba mate tea. - PubMed - NCBI

Plus it doesn't seem to irritate the digestive system the way that coffee/tea can, and it contains a fair amount of caffeine, but without the jitters that coffee can cause (according to many people, anyway). Coffee's awesome, but options are nice, and I've learned that overdoing the coffee gives me a bit of acid reflux. :-(


New Member
Feb 20, 2017
Any idea about the testosterone and how green tea affect? Paymanz say that green tea inhibits aromatase. I also find study that green tea increase testosterone in rats but suppress thyroid and decrease T3 and T4. Also elevates TSH.
But found another study that say that green tea ( or extract ) reduces testosterone in rats more than 70% ( 20 cups per day equivalent compared to human). Which study is right?

Oral administration of GTLE (green tea leaf extract) causes reduction in serum testosterone level after 26 days treatment. The change is significant **(p<0.001) in both moderate and high dose of treatment groups:
Effect of green tea (camellia sinensis l.) leaf extract on reproductive system of adult male albino rats

Inhibition of aromatase activity by green tea extract catechins and their endocrinological effects of oral administration in rats. - PubMed - NCBI

Also what think about matcha? This is purest form of green tea , with highest L-theanine and caffeine and lower than other tea EGCG because this tea is grown in shade. Talked with the supplier and they told me that this type of tea contains less fluoride than any other green tea. But they didn't have data how much.


i love matcha with milk and sugar - but really love mochi ice cream. regular green tea makes me kind of gag.


Jan 14, 2018
I've been trying to figure out tea for quite awhile, I love the theanine+caffeine combo and especially the taste of Puerh tea.

I have low COMT status so tea should be extra beneficial for me or extra detrimental depending on who you listen to (studies vs peat).

On one hand, it should inhibit COMT further and make me less effective at processing estrogens, on the other hand (according to research) it seems like low COMT makes me benefit extra in terms of cancer reduction. Seems contradictory no?

Also, Ray argues that most of the benefits from tea comes from its caffeine content and not polyphenols, but I find that extremely hard to believe when I read stuff like this:

New cancer treatment strategy using combination of green tea catechins and anticancer drugs

In above EGCG was synergistic with COX-2 Inhibitor Sulindac (similar to Aspirin) as well as with Tamoxifen (SERM, anti-estrogen).

If polyphenols as the above are estrogenic and not beneficial like Ray says then why do we see the above results?


Jul 3, 2016
I've been trying to figure out tea for quite awhile, I love the theanine+caffeine combo and especially the taste of Puerh tea.

I have low COMT status so tea should be extra beneficial for me or extra detrimental depending on who you listen to (studies vs peat).

On one hand, it should inhibit COMT further and make me less effective at processing estrogens, on the other hand (according to research) it seems like low COMT makes me benefit extra in terms of cancer reduction. Seems contradictory no?

Also, Ray argues that most of the benefits from tea comes from its caffeine content and not polyphenols, but I find that extremely hard to believe when I read stuff like this:

New cancer treatment strategy using combination of green tea catechins and anticancer drugs

In above EGCG was synergistic with COX-2 Inhibitor Sulindac (similar to Aspirin) as well as with Tamoxifen (SERM, anti-estrogen).

If polyphenols as the above are estrogenic and not beneficial like Ray says then why do we see the above results?
EGCG is a very promising natural anti-cancer agent.


Oct 21, 2018
I know this is an old thread. Just thought I’d add some researched theories.

I was looking into things that could help with Hairloss and one thing that people who have androgenocia alopecia Share in common is low shbg. So I started asking myself what increase it. Studies have shown that caffeine increases it. And green tea as well.

In terms of it being estrogen or anti estrogen My theory is that green tea inhibits aromatase but the fluoride affects the thyroid which has a more pronounced affect on increasing estrogen.

So I think drinking green tea with 1gram of iodine will counter that fluoride


Jan 14, 2018
I know this is an old thread. Just thought I’d add some researched theories.

I was looking into things that could help with Hairloss and one thing that people who have androgenocia alopecia Share in common is low shbg. So I started asking myself what increase it. Studies have shown that caffeine increases it. And green tea as well.

In terms of it being estrogen or anti estrogen My theory is that green tea inhibits aromatase but the fluoride affects the thyroid which has a more pronounced affect on increasing estrogen.

So I think drinking green tea with 1gram of iodine will counter that fluoride

I had high SHBG and hair loss.

I drank tea every day in large amounts for long periods, I had periods where I drank zero also.

Tea had no influence on my high SHBG, they were the same (high) on as well as off. I feel better when I don't drink large amounts of tea though.

I don't think SHBG has much to do with hair loss personally.


Feb 18, 2018
I've begun drinking black tea in the evenings, as the stimulation is more subtle and I've found it supports my energy, mental clarity, and focus. It's soothing to sip on in between meals also. The lower caffeine content compared to coffee also helps a lot, as too much coffee hands down can have negative effects, sometimes inducing a stress response on its own, although I'm probably making my coffee too strong....

I definitely am more relaxed, with a higher threshold to reach a stress response, and my hair/skin becomes softer too, from drinking tea.

I drink a black tea/mint combo because I like the taste. I don't really bother about the whole lower androgen from mint theory, especially because I probably have too many androgens and this combo really relaxes me and my stomach, which I find the most beneficial aspect of it. Green tea tastes quite foul in my opinion lol. Sometimes I'll mix in a little bit of milk and honey if I need some energy....that is a super good combo =P

I like to have coffee in the morning, tea in the evenings, so I keep that caffeine flowing through my system, at concentrations that don't induce stress responses, but just keep me jiving along =)


Aug 3, 2018
Holy canoli... I just tried 'ceremonial grade' matcha for the first time. and it was a life changing experience. A shot brewed with 1/2 tsp of the stuff gave a kind of pleasing stimulation and mental clarity I don't get from coffee.

From what I have read organic 'ceremonial grade' is the least likely to have contaminents. This stuff is expensive... my plan is to have it once a week.

Having tried matcha in desserts and stuff I knew I liked it, but had no idea of the complexities and pleasing bitterness that seems to require the pure brew of a fine quality to experience. Comparable to first espresso shot... although quite different.


Sep 26, 2022
I just read white tea has the same amount of L theanine but drastically lower flouride
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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