The 'Japanese Paradox'


Nov 6, 2014
Dear BigYellowLemon,

I am glad you found Nightlight illuminating. I have found the radiation chemistry of inhalation pathways rather complex and related to, but different from, pathways of ingestion.
Regarding your Avatar. I have always presumed that people choose them for a reason, of course that may be incorrect. I happen to grow citrus, amongst other things, and your avatar is a reminder of the wonderful fruit we can get when the conditions are right. Sadly, not this year!

Best regards


Mar 16, 2017
I liked @BigYellowLemon's previous Avatar. I seem to identify better when the Avatar is a person, whether it is their actual picture or not. @japanesedude has a horrible Avatar.
Jul 6, 2016
@Sheila Oooohhh you were talking about my avatar! I had no idea hahaha.

Edit: wait, did you say that this year you couldn't grow your lemons? Interesting.

I doubt you'll be able to grow them next year either, in fact for the next decade they'll be ungrowable. Climate change is real, but no the kind the mainstream is spouting.


I actually think this avatar looks really stupid (it was the first picture of a lemon I saw on google images when I searched for the word 'lemon'). I much prefer the picture of myself I had before.

The only reason I switched it is because one night, while feeling intense paranoia from the effects of a certain flower bud, I realized that I've mentioned a lot of not so legal and also professionally incriminating things on this forum as well on other accounts of mine bearing this name, and so that night I changed my avatar to protect myself.

I don't care at all anymore and am not scared, but I just never got around to changing it back, no reason at all, even though it looks stupid, and makes my words less notable.

A person with a real picture of them is great.

I'll take a picture of myself tomorrow and change it back. Maybe I'll use the same pic as last time, which I liked as well.


Jul 13, 2014
in this talk by Barbara o'neil she explains why organic soy is actually good for you whereas GMO soy is a disaster-

skip to 26:45 to hear it



Apr 29, 2018
“Japanese women's relative freedom from breast cancer is independent of soy products: traditional soy foods aren't the same as those so widely used in the US, for example, soy sauce doesn't contain the so-called soy estrogens, and tea is used much more commonly in Japan than in the US, and contains health protective ingredients. The “estrogenic” and “antioxidant” polyphenolic compounds of tea are not the protective agents (they raise the level of estrogen), but tea's caffeine is a very powerful and general anti-cancer protectant. The influential article in Lancet (D. Ingram, Lancet 1997;350:990-994. “Phytoestrogens and their role in breast cancer,” Breast NEWS: Newsletter of the NHMRC National Breast Cancer Centre, Vol. 3, No. 2, Winter 1997) used a method known to produce false results, namely, comparing the phytoestrogens (found in large amounts in soybeans) in the urine of women with or without breast cancer. For over fifty years, it has been known that the liver excretes estrogens and other toxins from the body, and that when (because of liver inertia) estrogen isn't excreted by the liver and kidneys, it is retained in the body. This process was observed in both animals and humans decades ago, and it is also well established that estrogen itself suppresses the detoxifying systems, causing fewer carcinogens to be excreted in the urine. Ingram's evidence logically would suggest that the women who have cancer are failing to eliminate estrogens, including phytoestrogens, at a normal rate, and so are retaining a higher percentage of the chemicals consumed in their diets. Flavonoids and polyphenols, like our own estrogens, suppress the detoxifying systems of the body. “

Natural Estrogens
So polyphenols are bad? I just read a quote that grass fed milk had polyphenols
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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