COVID vaccines now causing AIDS(no joke)


Aug 4, 2020
There are so many questions with only speculation for answers, with regards to this spike in HIV, which for me does mot necessarily equate to having AIDS and a death sentence. However if the data gathered would be able to discern whether this is something that occurs at a higher rate within the vaccinated cohort, I think that would be valuable information to have, given the new circumstances. I would not rule out however that this could potentially be a result of being infected with SARS COV2 given that in the chimeric bioweapon hypothesis the spike protein carries a piece of the HIV virus, with the nature and purpose of that piece being unknown.
There may perhaps be some information on this forthcoming in the near future.



Feb 18, 2016
So Canadians are weeks away from full blown AIDS, explains a lot of what are seeing on TV, is the trucker protest a spectacle to distract? I don't think its impossible to have Canadian intelligence infiltrate these groups and motivate them to do what they've done, its still effective as a protest regardless, Trudeau will take this over and AIDS narrative in the news.
I mean how do you break it to the public, we've given you AIDS? I mean the covid cult will just need a new virus to blame, HIV looks like its on the cards soon to be blamed, there is no way the cult will accept the vaccines caused AIDS, they must save face for fear of losing face to the anti-vaxxers.

Anti-vaxxers are now to be called AIDS free group? Some name suggestions.
- ADONIS- This is perfect really, an anagram, we are now the ADONIS of humanity!!

Im still on the fence about the website linked, nevertheless-


Government of Canada data suggests the Fully Vaccinated are just weeks away from developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome​

Government of Canada Data on Covid-19 suggests that most of the “fully vaccinated” are developing full blown Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), after confirming that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated have already degraded to an average of minus 81%.

The Canadian Covid-19 figures are produced by the Government of Canada (see here).

Their latest data is available as a downloadable pdf here.

Page 20 onwards contains data on Covid-19 cases from the very start of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign in Canada on 14th Dec 20 all the way through to 15th Jan 22 –





Jan 3, 2021
So Canadians are weeks away from full blown AIDS, explains a lot of what are seeing on TV, is the trucker protest a spectacle to distract? I don't think its impossible to have Canadian intelligence infiltrate these groups and motivate them to do what they've done, its still effective as a protest regardless, Trudeau will take this over and AIDS narrative in the news.
I mean how do you break it to the public, we've given you AIDS? I mean the covid cult will just need a new virus to blame, HIV looks like its on the cards soon to be blamed, there is no way the cult will accept the vaccines caused AIDS, they must save face for fear of losing face to the anti-vaxxers.

Anti-vaxxers are now to be called AIDS free group? Some name suggestions.
- ADONIS- This is perfect really, an anagram, we are now the ADONIS of humanity!!

Im still on the fence about the website linked, nevertheless-


Government of Canada data suggests the Fully Vaccinated are just weeks away from developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome​

Government of Canada Data on Covid-19 suggests that most of the “fully vaccinated” are developing full blown Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), after confirming that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated have already degraded to an average of minus 81%.

The Canadian Covid-19 figures are produced by the Government of Canada (see here).

Their latest data is available as a downloadable pdf here.

Page 20 onwards contains data on Covid-19 cases from the very start of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign in Canada on 14th Dec 20 all the way through to 15th Jan 22 –


View attachment 33263

View attachment 33262

So are you saying the vaxxed with AIDS will be getting less positive cases and it will appear as though the Vaccines are working but in fact its because their immune systems are destroyed? We should be keeping an eye on overall mortality though... "Cases" arent important or accurate


There are so many questions with only speculation for answers, with regards to this spike in HIV, which for me does mot necessarily equate to having AIDS and a death sentence. However if the data gathered would be able to discern whether this is something that occurs at a higher rate within the vaccinated cohort, I think that would be valuable information to have, given the new circumstances. I would not rule out however that this could potentially be a result of being infected with SARS COV2 given that in the chimeric bioweapon hypothesis the spike protein carries a piece of the HIV virus, with the nature and purpose of that piece being unknown.
There may perhaps be some information on this forthcoming in the near future.



Feb 18, 2016
So are you saying the vaxxed with AIDS will be getting less positive cases and it will appear as though the Vaccines are working but in fact its because their immune systems are destroyed? We should be keeping an eye on overall mortality though... "Cases" arent important or accurate
No their immune systems wont be able to fight basic infections so more deaths, your right about cases.


Aug 4, 2020
No their immune systems wont be able to fight basic infections so more deaths, your right about cases.
This is my assumption as well, I am not fully convinced that the treated are experiencing AIDS in the traditional sense, but rather a suppressed immune system as a result of possibly an ingredient inside the gene therapies, there has been a claim that there is another type of mRNA that shuts off the immune system in order to protect the mRNA from being destroyed by the innate immune system.
There is no real evidence that I have yet seen as to the duration of this suppression and if it can be reversed or if the body will be able to recover.
Again this is all hypothetical yet, but the increased levels of non COVID related death, as well as the increased levels of autoimmune like diseases appearing, does raise questions.


Apr 19, 2020
Kerri Mullis was not "keen on the use of PCR for HIV test" as he clearly stated that PCR cannot identify or diagnose any particular viral infection. But he did say that the drugs (like AZT) used to treat HIV led to death. From personal experience working in a public clinic in Portland, Oregon in the early 90s working with many HIV+ foks, I can say that everyone who took AZT died during those 2 1/2 years. Buyer beware.

Below from Is 'HIV' Really the Cause of AIDS? Are there really only 'a few' scientists who doubt this?

“We’ve put 20 years and $118 billion into HIV. We’ve got no cure, no vaccine and no progress. Instead we have thousands of people made sick and even killed by toxic AIDS drugs. But we can’t just treat them for the diseases we know they have because if we do, we’re called ‘AIDS denialists.’ AIDS is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are 100,000 professional AIDS researchers in this country. It’s as hard to challenge as big tobacco at this point.”


“Those damn [HIV] tests should be outlawed. They’re lethal. First of all, it’s a death sentence in South Africa. People commit suicide, they’ve been stoned to death, they’ve had their houses burned down, they’ve been murdered. Just for having antibodies to HIV. They have been ostracized. And in certain rural communities, ostracism is equivalent to death. So you’re scared to death, first of all. And then you start taking the anti-HIV drugs, which cause AIDS, and if you take them long enough they will kill you.”

New York Press, vol. 14, no. 16, 2002

“In 1990 at the San Francisco AIDS conference, [HIV co-discoverer Luc] Montagnier announced that HIV did not, after all, kill T-cells and could not be the cause of AIDS. Within hours of making this announcement, he was attacked by the very industry he’d helped to create.”


“People can have a high viral load and be healthy and have a low viral load and be sick and everything in between. These guys [AIDS researchers] will admit this between themselves, they just don’t admit it publicly.”

Gear Magazine, March 2000
Mar 10, 2021
Kerri Mullis was not "keen on the use of PCR for HIV test" as he clearly stated that PCR cannot identify or diagnose any particular viral infection. But he did say that the drugs (like AZT) used to treat HIV led to death. From personal experience working in a public clinic in Portland, Oregon in the early 90s working with many HIV+ foks, I can say that everyone who took AZT died during those 2 1/2 years. Buyer beware.

Below from Is 'HIV' Really the Cause of AIDS? Are there really only 'a few' scientists who doubt this?

“We’ve put 20 years and $118 billion into HIV. We’ve got no cure, no vaccine and no progress. Instead we have thousands of people made sick and even killed by toxic AIDS drugs. But we can’t just treat them for the diseases we know they have because if we do, we’re called ‘AIDS denialists.’ AIDS is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are 100,000 professional AIDS researchers in this country. It’s as hard to challenge as big tobacco at this point.”


“Those damn [HIV] tests should be outlawed. They’re lethal. First of all, it’s a death sentence in South Africa. People commit suicide, they’ve been stoned to death, they’ve had their houses burned down, they’ve been murdered. Just for having antibodies to HIV. They have been ostracized. And in certain rural communities, ostracism is equivalent to death. So you’re scared to death, first of all. And then you start taking the anti-HIV drugs, which cause AIDS, and if you take them long enough they will kill you.”

New York Press, vol. 14, no. 16, 2002

“In 1990 at the San Francisco AIDS conference, [HIV co-discoverer Luc] Montagnier announced that HIV did not, after all, kill T-cells and could not be the cause of AIDS. Within hours of making this announcement, he was attacked by the very industry he’d helped to create.”


“People can have a high viral load and be healthy and have a low viral load and be sick and everything in between. These guys [AIDS researchers] will admit this between themselves, they just don’t admit it publicly.”

Gear Magazine, March 2000
Wow I learned a lot from your post that I had not known about AIDS. Here is more interesting facts on Montagnier....

"In 2009, Montagnier published two independently made, controversial research studies, one of which was entitled "Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences." Jeff Reimers of the University of Sydney said that, if its conclusions are true, "these would be the most significant experiments performed in the past 90 years, demanding re-evaluation of the whole conceptual framework of modern chemistry".[29] The paper concludes that diluted DNA from pathogenic bacterial and viral species is able to emit specific radio waves" and that "these radio waves [are] associated with 'nanostructures' in the solution that might be able to recreate the pathogen".

They were published in a new journal of which he is chairman of the editorial board,[30] allegedly[29] detecting electromagnetic signals from bacterial DNA (M. pirum and E. coli) in water that had been prepared using agitation and high dilutions,[31] and similar research on electromagnetic detection of HIV RNA in the blood of AIDS patients treated by antiretroviral therapy.[32]"


Jun 7, 2019
there has been a claim that there is another type of mRNA that shuts off the immune system in order to protect the mRNA from being destroyed by the innate immune system.
The lipid nanoparticles sneak the mRNA past the immune system so it can get into your cells unhassled. Some people have mentioned possible toxicity from the lipids.
If there was other loose mRNA wouldn't it just get cleared out by the immune system?


Apr 19, 2020
Wow I learned a lot from your post that I had not known about AIDS. Here is more interesting facts on Montagnier....

"In 2009, Montagnier published two independently made, controversial research studies, one of which was entitled "Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences." Jeff Reimers of the University of Sydney said that, if its conclusions are true, "these would be the most significant experiments performed in the past 90 years, demanding re-evaluation of the whole conceptual framework of modern chemistry".[29] The paper concludes that diluted DNA from pathogenic bacterial and viral species is able to emit specific radio waves" and that "these radio waves [are] associated with 'nanostructures' in the solution that might be able to recreate the pathogen".

They were published in a new journal of which he is chairman of the editorial board,[30] allegedly[29] detecting electromagnetic signals from bacterial DNA (M. pirum and E. coli) in water that had been prepared using agitation and high dilutions,[31] and similar research on electromagnetic detection of HIV RNA in the blood of AIDS patients treated by antiretroviral therapy.[32]"
Wow Rinse, that is very interesting. And wow, we are effed.... . What is to stop the Baddies from jamming those frequencies into vials.... and then making everyone take em.... or just jamm the peeps with frequencies, and see what happens.... . Just need to amp up my health frequencies! See ya mañana... lights out time in Australia.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
a suppressed immune system as a result of possibly an ingredient inside the gene therapies

That vaxx ingredient is simply the spike protein mRNA. So, when the cells start producing the synthetic spike protein based on the mRNA from the vaxx, the spike protein blocks ACE II and as such increases the (high inflammatory) angiotensin II protein in the body. Multiple studies have demonstrated immunosuppressive effects of angiotensin II and immo-stimulating effects of the samedrugs suggested by Ray for COVID-19 (and confirmed in human studies to work) - losartan, telmisartan, valsartan, etc. - all of which block angiotensin II effects at the receptor level.

Now, the question that comes up is whether the spike protein acquired through a natural infection would have the same immunosuppressive effects. Based on the available data so far - the answer is currently no, probably because in a natural infection the organism eventually (1-2 weeks) gets rid of the virus, while in the vaxx case the mRNA elements (or even the resulting spike protein) have been found in tissues/organs of deceased patients more than a year after getting vaxxed. One of the organs with the higher concentrations of mRNA or spike protein from vaxx was the spleen - a crucial component of the immune system. So, for some reason, it seems the body cannot as easily get rid of the spike protein produced from the mRNA in the vaxx, even without mRNA incorporation in the genome. Speaking of genome incorporation of the vaxx mRNA - if that happens, it probably means chronic, lifetime immunosuppression for those people and that is known to reliably lead to cancer even if pesky infections can be avoided/treated. There is a blackbox warning on most (immunosuppressive) drugs used for "autoimmune" conditions, and it is that they strongly increase risk of cancer. I think they even mention Kaposi sarcoma as one of the cancer more likely to occur, and that cancer is a classic sign of AIDS.


Aug 10, 2018

One very real hypothesis is that the substitution of pseudouridine for uridine to avoid the immune response is working so well that the mRNA is completely evading the normal clearance/degradation pathways. Hence, mRNA that is not being incorporated into cells at the injection site, is migrating to the lymph nodes (and throughout the body as the non-clinical Pfizer data suggest?) and continuing to express protein there. In this case, the cytotoxic protein antigen is spike. Spike protein can be detected for at least 60 days after administration of dose. Note that the duration of the protein expression was only tested for 60 days.
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