COVID vaccines now causing AIDS(no joke)


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
This is Leonard Horowitz from 2003 SARS Scam talking about NIH and National Cancer Institute creating recombinant viruses in 1969.

If the legions of recognized authorities herald the coming of the “Big One,” why do the same persons disregard this author’s publication of U.S. Government, National Institutes of Health, and National Cancer Institute documents showing that the U.S. Army’s 6th top biological weapons contractor in 1969-1970 prepared mutants of influenza and para-influenza viruses recombined with acute lymphocytic leukemia viruses? In other words, how would you like to have a strain of the flu that spreads cancer by sneezing? Can you even rationalize the develop of such a virus—lymphocytic leukemia that kills most victims in just a few weeks following airborne transmission?

These have been shown clearly on page 452 of the national bestselling book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? in circulation since 1996. A copy of this “menu” of infectious agents, potential biological weapons, listing several mutant recombinants involving flu viruses is posted below for your inspection:
  • Why haven’t you previously heard about these developments? Especially since these documents have been extensively circulated throughout newsrooms and government offices, particularly those engaged in public health, since 1996?
  • Finally, how, if I published this information, and definitive documentation, and sent this critical intelligence along with urgent pleas to approximately 8,500 members of the mainstream media (as I have done this week and on dozens of previous occasions for the past seven years) can you turn on your television sets and gain nothing but the “same old song?”
If you have considered and answered the above questions, doesn’t it make sense that America is being manipulated, if not targeted, for the purpose of advancing a global population reduction agenda, if not World War III?

Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
Emerging Viruses presentation, 1996​


Jan 18, 2020
so are they causing AIDS or not?


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
so are they causing AIDS or not?
AIDS is a collection of symptoms - the symptoms for diagnosis vary from country to country.
HIV is the virus that gets blamed for AIDS.
A positive HIV PCR test will give you a diagnosis of AIDS in many countries - even without symptoms.
That is why Magic Johnson is alive - he tested positive for HIV; but never took the drugs.
Mar 10, 2021
A disturbing piece of information @Drareg, as mentioned by @haidut in his post last December, as well as Proffesor Montignier and many other Doctors that the gene therapies either create an HIV like syndrome, or they create a scenario that weakens the innate immune system to the point where it cannot suppress retroviruses, as has been observed in treated people that develop shingles after gene therapy treatments, the arise of an uptick in autoimmune diseases I presume will be the next blip on the radar.
I have to say that the speed at which these health issues are developing is something that is surprising to me. Generally the timeline for these issues is at a longer and slower pace. This concerns me greatly as the level of treated people within in my circle is almost 100 percent.

I have to wonder now if this is an intent of these gene therapies, are vaccine passports the equivalent of the last meal for the condemned or a modern day version of the yellow star from the last century. It irks me now that what was all hypothetical potential outcomes are now starting to show that they may indeed be a reality.
Nearly 100% of everybody you know is vaccinated J.R.K.?
Mar 10, 2021
AIDS is a collection of symptoms - the symptoms for diagnosis vary from country to country.
HIV is the virus that gets blamed for AIDS.
A positive HIV PCR test will give you a diagnosis of AIDS in many countries - even without symptoms.
That is why Magic Johnson is alive - he tested positive for HIV; but never took the drugs.
Good for him!


Apr 28, 2018
An even crazier thing is that Luc Montagnier (co-discoverer of HIV) said this very same thing back in March 2020. He said it is obviously a lab-modified virus and it contains a large number of HIV subsequences. His guess, at the time, was that it was either an attempt to make an HIV vaccine or...a bioweapon (that causes AIDS).
December 28th -30th 2019
Am I the only one that watched China demand retraction of the paper submitted to BioXriv by the India team of rna-dna techs hastily assembled to determine what was going on along the huge border shared between India&China? Samples from several locations were purified and analyzed. In their paper's introduction they stated clearly it was obviously submitted without peer review considering the dire nature of the circumstances. It listed all the scientists who signed the paper. The document made clear that it identified a reverse transcriptase virus with chimeric properties, that HIV proteins were present along with identifiers of SARS and MERS.
I am sure that the paper and its demands for retraction was an article printed by ZeroHedge. For weeks following that Dec 2019 article, the words "Flying Aids" appeared in the comment section often (back then comments were largely from million$$hedgefund mgrs and wallstreet types, not like todays post covid membership). was with wonder and amazement the world watched the usa flounder around for 2 more months with masks and PPE supplies, ventilators etc, while the "flying aids" circulated. Its been said that the Chinese were mainly focused on getting that trade agreement signed Jan 15 with Trump, so trying to shut down any bad press? Regardless, the original virus release was supposedly isolated and identified 2 yrs ago by India, withdrawn upon threat of sanctions re:computers, parts, and pharmaceuticals. Sorry I didnt save that article to post, wonder if they have archives for members, I was lurking. How interesting as we have watched Wuhan emerge as a possible 5G beta test as well, (Italy also, and then NewYork) and then the ready-manufactured vaccines rolled out to terrorized citizens worldwide. And now ebola/Warburg surfaces in China. Coincidence? This is a shifting superpuzzle with many pieces and moving parts.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Mechanism for viruses to efficiently attack placenta.
DC-SIGN (dendritic cell-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin) and DC-SIGN-related (DC-SIGNR): friend or foe?
DC-SIGN (dendritic cell-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin, where ICAM is intercellular adhesion molecule) is a recently described mannose-specific C-type lectin expressed by dendritic cells. Dendritic cells are potent antigen-presenting cells capable of activating T-lymphocytes. DC-SIGN, which is expressed by dendritic cells, binds to ICAM-3 on T-lymphocytes, therefore playing an important role in the activation of T-lymphocytes. DC-SIGN can also bind HIV, and the virus may remain bound to DC-SIGN for protracted periods. DC-SIGN may deliver bound HIV to permissive cell types, mediating infection with high efficiency.
The expression patterns of both DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR are discussed in detail, with particular attention to the expression of both molecules in the placenta, which may have implications for the vertical transmission of HIV.

DC-SIGN: escape mechanism for pathogens
  • Cell- and tissue-specific glycosylation of a glycoprotein regulates the expression of carbohydrate residues and recognition by specific C-type lectins.
  • The C-type lectin DC-SIGN recognizes a wide variety of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, yeast and parasites through the binding of mannose or Lewis-x carbohydrate structures.
  • DC-SIGN also functions as an adhesion receptor through binding of intercellular adhesion molecule 2 (ICAM2) and ICAM3.
  • Pathogens such as HIV-1 and Mycobacteria tuberculosis target DC-SIGN to escape immune surveillance.
  • HIV-1 targets DC-SIGN to hide in DCs and for efficient transmission to T cells, as DC-SIGN functions as a trans-receptor that efficiently presents infectious virus to target T cells.
  • Mycobacteria tuberculosis subverts DCs by targeting DC-SIGN, leading to altered signalling events that inhibit TLR signalling and suppress DC maturation.
  • The balance between TLRs and C-type lectins triggering by pathogens might be instrumental in the final immune response — immune activation or immune suppression.
Last edited:


Aug 4, 2020
Nearly 100% of everybody you know is vaccinated J.R.K.?
Nearly @ Rinse & rePeat, only a few stand alones like myself all wearing tinfoil hats, now in some parts of our country considering to be taxed for their choice to keep control of their bodies autonomy.
We are definitely in a scenario where the governments are breaking the law they know it and do not care. Everyone else is lining up to do their part to just get back to normal.
Mar 10, 2021
Nearly @ Rinse & rePeat, only a few stand alones like myself all wearing tinfoil hats, now in some parts of our country considering to be taxed for their choice to keep control of their bodies autonomy.
We are definitely in a scenario where the governments are breaking the law they know it and do not care. Everyone else is lining up to do their part to just get back to normal.

Little do they know that life will never be normal again. It doesn't matter which side a person is on, the future will be difficult for everyone for different reasons.


Aug 4, 2020
AIDS is a collection of symptoms - the symptoms for diagnosis vary from country to country.
HIV is the virus that gets blamed for AIDS.
A positive HIV PCR test will give you a diagnosis of AIDS in many countries - even without symptoms.
That is why Magic Johnson is alive - he tested positive for HIV; but never took the drugs.

I don’t know if he doesn’t take drugs or not, this is something that I am trying to wrap my head around, ever since Dr Peat mentioned Peter Duseberg, arguably one of the first leading scientific academics to be gaslighted along with Luc Montinier for changing their minds on whether HIV causes AIDS. Duseberg does not believe that it was the retrovirus that caused AIDS but rather the excessively promiscuous lifestyle choices that the gay community indulged in. It would amount to excessive toxicity. Pretty deep stuff more than I can wrap my head around to fully comprehend unfortunately. But I recently heard Dr Peat talk about Duseberg on Patrick Timpone in December and he tended to agree with his findings after reviewing his work and talking with him.
What I am having trouble grasping is the comment from Dr Peat at the outset of this,”that being worried about this virus, would probably mean you are scared of Ebola,” Ironically Dr Malone said something this week about a hemorrhagic fever sweeping across China.


Dr Judy Mikovits has mentioned Magic Johnson numerous times and has talked about how he had to clean up his diet no GMO’s and she mentioned hydroxychloroquine for AIDS and Ebola. As well as suramin a one hundred year old drug that costs pennies to make that she wanted to experiment with that now costs $3200.00 for a gram. Presumably because the makers of it cannot supply enough to send out to regular distributors.




Aug 4, 2020
Little do they know that life will never be normal again. It doesn't matter which side a person is on, the future will be difficult for everyone for different reasons.
I still hold out hope that a vast majority of the jabs are placebos, but as news of forty percent increases in death across the U.S are revealed in the eighteen to sixty four age groups, my faith is shaken.
I have to believe that there is some sort of supplement or herb or mineral that can help these people before they realize that our potential concerns or conspiracy theories (which I hope they stay as) become like all the other conspiracy theories- Reality.
Myself we cannot get Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine in Canada no Doctor would dare to loose their licence prescribing it, but I can get cinchona bark (the original source of quinine and hydroxychloroquines predecessor) so I take about two cups a week of that as a shedding precaution.
Mar 10, 2021
I still hold out hope that a vast majority of the jabs are placebos, but as news of forty percent increases in death across the U.S are revealed in the eighteen to sixty four age groups, my faith is shaken.
I have to believe that there is some sort of supplement or herb or mineral that can help these people before they realize that our potential concerns or conspiracy theories (which I hope they stay as) become like all the other conspiracy theories- Reality.
Myself we cannot get Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine in Canada no Doctor would dare to loose their licence prescribing it, but I can get cinchona bark (the original source of quinine and hydroxychloroquines predecessor) so I take about two cups a week of that as a shedding precaution.
I posted this promising "Covid cure" on a couple of other threads. I don't know how much undoing it can do for the vaccine damage, but it certainly is worth stocking up on for $6 for a good handful just in case Covid strikes!



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Aug 4, 2020
Mechanism for viruses to efficiently attack placenta.
DC-SIGN (dendritic cell-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin) and DC-SIGN-related (DC-SIGNR): friend or foe?
DC-SIGN (dendritic cell-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin, where ICAM is intercellular adhesion molecule) is a recently described mannose-specific C-type lectin expressed by dendritic cells. Dendritic cells are potent antigen-presenting cells capable of activating T-lymphocytes. DC-SIGN, which is expressed by dendritic cells, binds to ICAM-3 on T-lymphocytes, therefore playing an important role in the activation of T-lymphocytes. DC-SIGN can also bind HIV, and the virus may remain bound to DC-SIGN for protracted periods. DC-SIGN may deliver bound HIV to permissive cell types, mediating infection with high efficiency.
The expression patterns of both DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR are discussed in detail, with particular attention to the expression of both molecules in the placenta, which may have implications for the vertical transmission of HIV.

DC-SIGN: escape mechanism for pathogens
  • Cell- and tissue-specific glycosylation of a glycoprotein regulates the expression of carbohydrate residues and recognition by specific C-type lectins.
  • The C-type lectin DC-SIGN recognizes a wide variety of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, yeast and parasites through the binding of mannose or Lewis-x carbohydrate structures.
  • DC-SIGN also functions as an adhesion receptor through binding of intercellular adhesion molecule 2 (ICAM2) and ICAM3.
  • Pathogens such as HIV-1 and Mycobacteria tuberculosis target DC-SIGN to escape immune surveillance.
  • HIV-1 targets DC-SIGN to hide in DCs and for efficient transmission to T cells, as DC-SIGN functions as a trans-receptor that efficiently presents infectious virus to target T cells.
  • Mycobacteria tuberculosis subverts DCs by targeting DC-SIGN, leading to altered signalling events that inhibit TLR signalling and suppress DC maturation.
  • The balance between TLRs and C-type lectins triggering by pathogens might be instrumental in the final immune response — immune activation or immune suppression.
So if my understanding is correct, HIV and Mycobacteria Tuberculosis, essentially use DC SIGN cells that capture and present pathogens to the T cells for identification and proper use of the immune system to deal with said pathogens. HIV and Mycobacteria Tuberculosis use these dendritic cells like a Trojan horse to enter their target cells of preference.
Am I correct in this simplistic analogy?


Aug 4, 2020
He said there are rumors of that, but there's no way to know. Don't believe anything coming out of China.
Agreed that it is still scuttlebutt, but at this point I take each piece of information as it is a point of view, waiting to see if there is anything that comes along that can actually verify and validate it for truth.
This is the only real strategy that I can really see that utilizes energy efficiently given the vast amount of information coming out from the political side, and the opposition side.
Try to take what I understand think on the how much truth is in the rest.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Agreed that it is still scuttlebutt, but at this point I take each piece of information as it is a point of view, waiting to see if there is anything that comes along that can actually verify and validate it for truth.
This is the only real strategy that I can really see that utilizes energy efficiently given the vast amount of information coming out from the political side, and the opposition side.
Try to take what I understand think on the how much truth is in the rest.

If they showed people dropping dead in the streets and said it was Marburg or something, I wouldn't believe it. They are the kingdom of lies.


Feb 18, 2016
This is Leonard Horowitz from 2003 SARS Scam talking about NIH and National Cancer Institute creating recombinant viruses in 1969.

If the legions of recognized authorities herald the coming of the “Big One,” why do the same persons disregard this author’s publication of U.S. Government, National Institutes of Health, and National Cancer Institute documents showing that the U.S. Army’s 6th top biological weapons contractor in 1969-1970 prepared mutants of influenza and para-influenza viruses recombined with acute lymphocytic leukemia viruses? In other words, how would you like to have a strain of the flu that spreads cancer by sneezing? Can you even rationalize the develop of such a virus—lymphocytic leukemia that kills most victims in just a few weeks following airborne transmission?

These have been shown clearly on page 452 of the national bestselling book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? in circulation since 1996. A copy of this “menu” of infectious agents, potential biological weapons, listing several mutant recombinants involving flu viruses is posted below for your inspection:
  • Why haven’t you previously heard about these developments? Especially since these documents have been extensively circulated throughout newsrooms and government offices, particularly those engaged in public health, since 1996?
  • Finally, how, if I published this information, and definitive documentation, and sent this critical intelligence along with urgent pleas to approximately 8,500 members of the mainstream media (as I have done this week and on dozens of previous occasions for the past seven years) can you turn on your television sets and gain nothing but the “same old song?”
If you have considered and answered the above questions, doesn’t it make sense that America is being manipulated, if not targeted, for the purpose of advancing a global population reduction agenda, if not World War III?

Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
Emerging Viruses presentation, 1996​

Didn’t peat mention Horowitz before?
This is what people still don’t get, they are looking to kill people, the ruling class know folks will never believe it and this is why they do it, if they are caught they can claim they were bumbling along, a stupid mistake etc
They use information decoys to throw people off further, attach depopulation agendas and outright intent to murder to conspiracy personas like Alex Jones etc

All it takes is a few hundred at the top of society in the know to carry this out, maximum 2000.

Eugenicists are alive and well looking to kill who they deem unwell.


Apr 19, 2020
December 28th -30th 2019
Am I the only one that watched China demand retraction of the paper submitted to BioXriv by the India team of rna-dna techs hastily assembled to determine what was going on along the huge border shared between India&China? Samples from several locations were purified and analyzed. In their paper's introduction they stated clearly it was obviously submitted without peer review considering the dire nature of the circumstances. It listed all the scientists who signed the paper. The document made clear that it identified a reverse transcriptase virus with chimeric properties, that HIV proteins were present along with identifiers of SARS and MERS.
I am sure that the paper and its demands for retraction was an article printed by ZeroHedge. For weeks following that Dec 2019 article, the words "Flying Aids" appeared in the comment section often (back then comments were largely from million$$hedgefund mgrs and wallstreet types, not like todays post covid membership). was with wonder and amazement the world watched the usa flounder around for 2 more months with masks and PPE supplies, ventilators etc, while the "flying aids" circulated. Its been said that the Chinese were mainly focused on getting that trade agreement signed Jan 15 with Trump, so trying to shut down any bad press? Regardless, the original virus release was supposedly isolated and identified 2 yrs ago by India, withdrawn upon threat of sanctions re:computers, parts, and pharmaceuticals. Sorry I didnt save that article to post, wonder if they have archives for members, I was lurking. How interesting as we have watched Wuhan emerge as a possible 5G beta test as well, (Italy also, and then NewYork) and then the ready-manufactured vaccines rolled out to terrorized citizens worldwide. And now ebola/Warburg surfaces in China. Coincidence? This is a shifting superpuzzle with many pieces and moving parts.
Yo @akgrrrl, I totally agree. I was hip to this paper within a day or two of its internet posting, and then the retraction. Pure evidence pointing to DNA tampering worth a serious investigation, oh, sorry, not for the current so-called science. IMO this appears to be a specific target. That is an attempt to weaken the immune system, by borrowing a known genetic sequence. If this is found in the "virus" then the "vaccine" would be the same I expect. Someone chime in if they know.

"Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV- 1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus."
and "

In other words, one may sporadically expect a fortuitous match for a stretch of 6-12 contiguous amino acid residues in an unrelated protein. However, it is unlikely that all 4 inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein fortuitously match with 2 key structural proteins of an unrelated virus (HIV-1).​

The amino acid residues of inserts 1, 2 and 3 of 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein that mapped to HIV-1 were a part of the V4, V5 and V1 domains respectively in gp120 [Table 1]. Since the 2019- nCoV inserts mapped to variable regions of HIV-1, they were not ubiquitous in HIV-1 gp120, but were limited to selected sequences of HIV-1 [ refer S.File1] primarily from Asia and Africa."​

and in conclusion "

—To our surprise, all the 4 inserts in the 2019-nCoV mapped to short segments of amino acids in the HIV-1 gp120 and Gag among all annotated virus proteins in the NCBI database.​

—This uncanny similarity of novel inserts in the 2019- nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag is unlikely to be fortuitous.​

—Further, 3D modelling suggests that at least 3 of the unique inserts which are non-contiguous in the primary protein sequence of the 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein converge to constitute the key components of the receptor binding site.​

—Of note, all the 4 inserts have pI values of around 10 that may facilitate virus-host interactions.​

—Taken together, our findings suggest unconventional evolution of 2019-nCoV that warrants further investigation."​

And from news I copied way back :

"...The backers of Australia’s homegrown COVID-19 vaccine candidate, earlier this week, announced a halt to its further development, after some of the first people to receive the vaccine in a safety trial generated antibodies to an unintended target, the AIDS virus. A small fragment of an HIV protein is a component of the vaccine used to add stability to the intended antibody target, the spike protein of the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, Science Mag reported. Unfortunately, that HIV fragment also generated antibodies that could confuse diagnostic tests. Researchers recognized the possibility that the HIV component might invoke an immune response. But, “It was unexpected that the levels induced would interfere with certain HIV tests,” reads a joint statement announcing the halt of the candidate’s development that was posted online by UQ and CSL- Science Mag reported."

"...Interestingly enough, earlier in the year, at the height of the pandemic and COVID hysteria, Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS epidemic, claimed on French media that COVID 19 was created in Wuhan lab, while scientists were experimenting on an HIV vaccination."

IMO the stated status of Peer Reviewed paper means that it is vetted and/or in accordance with the current scientific/political powers that be. That's all. I have known people that work with Data from university hospital chains/collectives, and they know from relationships with department heads that certain results MUST be obtained on the 4th or 5th Study regarding medications/outcomes. (Or funding will be cut). That is how Pharma controls Medical Universities, ie- education.
Smell fish anyone?


Aug 4, 2020
I posted this promising "Covid cure" on a couple of other threads. I don't know how much undoing it can do for the vaccine damage, but it certainly is worth stocking up on for $6 for a good handful just in case Covid strikes!

Interesting @Rinse & rePeat . I never knew that poison Ivy had any medicinal benefits. But I can see how it would be beneficial potentially.
When you consider what COVID-19 really is, an over reaction of the inflammatory thrombotic immune response, it stands to reason that anything that is anti inflammatory would be helpful. This would include vitamin D as well.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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