COVID vaccines now causing AIDS(no joke)



Feb 18, 2016
Are we sure that covid itself doesn't lead to AIDS? We know Covid has HIV inserts and damages the immune system in the short term, and we have heard some speculation that Covid-19 can be integrated into the host genome just as HIV can. I certainly believe the MRNA tech can create this situation but what about the natural virus. If that's the case many of us are screwed.
I don't think so, its been around for 3 years at least passing through the population, we would see the effect by now.
The ruling class will probably claim this is the case rather than blame vaccines, we shouldn't be giving them ideas.

Blue Water

Apr 26, 2020
I don't think so, its been around for 3 years at least passing through the population, we would see the effect by now.
The ruling class will probably claim this is the case rather than blame vaccines, we shouldn't be giving them ideas.
But AIDS typically starts at about 10 years after seroconversion. I think the recent news article said this "new HIV" type accelerated that up to 5 years or something. So we'd still have a couple years before people showed signs even if it was an accelerated version of AIDS.

I think we have to do some research into whether Sars-Cov-2 integrates into the human genome. I have seen mixed messaging/studies on this...

Ofc, if the vaccine causes AIDS that would imply that the mRNA somehow induces this integration of RNA into human DNA.


Feb 18, 2016
But AIDS typically starts at about 10 years after seroconversion. I think the recent news article said this "new HIV" type accelerated that up to 5 years or something. So we'd still have a couple years before people showed signs even if it was an accelerated version of AIDS.

I think we have to do some research into whether Sars-Cov-2 integrates into the human genome. I have seen mixed messaging/studies on this...

Ofc, if the vaccine causes AIDS that would imply that the mRNA somehow induces this integration of RNA into human DNA.
I think it can be corrected via metabolic coherency, Peat spoke about this in the past, even old posts on here highlight it.
Maybe its easier to reverse if its non vaccine induced, the vaccines are potent.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
If he believes HIV doesn't cause AIDS, I suspect he would also believe that a teeny-weeny fragment of HIV, ie, the HIV insert in virus or mRNA, doesn't cause AIDS.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
What is his opinion regarding HIV causing AIDS?

Dr. Köhnlein: "Kary Mullis, Nobel laureate in chemistry 1993 and inventor of the polymerase chain reaction, needed a reference for "the generally known fact" that HIV was the cause of AIDS. While working on a project he became aware that he didn´t know a scientific reference for the statement he had just written down: HIV is the probable cause of AIDS. So he asked the next virologist at the table after that basic paper. The virologist told Mullis, he wouldn´t need a reference in this case; after all, everyone knows that HIV leads to AIDS. Kary Mullis disagreed and thought such an important discovery should be published in some paper. He learnt soon that it was impossible to find such a paper. Instead, he was pointed to the press conference of 1983 over and over again.

One day, he got the opportunity to talk to Luc Montagnier from the Pasteur Institute, the [claimed] discoverer of the virus, during an event in San Diego. HE should know the answer. Confronted with Mullis´ question, Montagnier said: "Why don´t you cite the report of the CDC (Centers of Disease Control)?" Mullis answered: "This report doesn´t address the question whether or not HIV is the cause of AIDS" - "Right", Montagnier admitted, "but maybe you could cite the SIV study (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus, which is very similar to HIV)." That paper didn't convince Mullis either, because the monkeys developed different diseases, also because the virus wasn´t the same one, and thirdly, because the paper had been published only a few months before. He looked for the original paper that should demonstrate in whatever form that HIV was the cause of AIDS. At that point, Montagnier´s answer consisted of running away, to greet a group on the other side of the room.

I had a similar experience this year [2000] in South Africa on the AIDS Advisory Panel, which had been initiated by president Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki had invited 33 scientists from all over the world in order to shed light on the AIDS problem in his country. Among them were 22 scientists who believed in the virus hypothesis, and 11 so-called dissidents (which I belong to), ??? ???? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????? ???????, ????? ???? ?? ??? ????????? ????????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?????, ??? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? ???? (???)"

House of Numbers


Apr 4, 2021

Dr. Köhnlein: "Kary Mullis, Nobel laureate in chemistry 1993 and inventor of the polymerase chain reaction, needed a reference for "the generally known fact" that HIV was the cause of AIDS. While working on a project he became aware that he didn´t know a scientific reference for the statement he had just written down: HIV is the probable cause of AIDS. So he asked the next virologist at the table after that basic paper. The virologist told Mullis, he wouldn´t need a reference in this case; after all, everyone knows that HIV leads to AIDS. Kary Mullis disagreed and thought such an important discovery should be published in some paper. He learnt soon that it was impossible to find such a paper. Instead, he was pointed to the press conference of 1983 over and over again.

One day, he got the opportunity to talk to Luc Montagnier from the Pasteur Institute, the [claimed] discoverer of the virus, during an event in San Diego. HE should know the answer. Confronted with Mullis´ question, Montagnier said: "Why don´t you cite the report of the CDC (Centers of Disease Control)?" Mullis answered: "This report doesn´t address the question whether or not HIV is the cause of AIDS" - "Right", Montagnier admitted, "but maybe you could cite the SIV study (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus, which is very similar to HIV)." That paper didn't convince Mullis either, because the monkeys developed different diseases, also because the virus wasn´t the same one, and thirdly, because the paper had been published only a few months before. He looked for the original paper that should demonstrate in whatever form that HIV was the cause of AIDS. At that point, Montagnier´s answer consisted of running away, to greet a group on the other side of the room.

I had a similar experience this year [2000] in South Africa on the AIDS Advisory Panel, which had been initiated by president Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki had invited 33 scientists from all over the world in order to shed light on the AIDS problem in his country. Among them were 22 scientists who believed in the virus hypothesis, and 11 so-called dissidents (which I belong to), ??? ???? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????? ???????, ????? ???? ?? ??? ????????? ????????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?????, ??? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? ???? (???)"

House of Numbers


Apr 19, 2020
If he believes HIV doesn't cause AIDS, I suspect he would also believe that a teeny-weeny fragment of HIV, ie, the HIV insert in virus or mRNA, doesn't cause AIDS.
If "Uncanny similarity of HIV inserts..." is built into this disease vector that is part of the "Antigen" that is part and parcel of this gene-therapy, and even if I do not believe in viruses, BUT this portion of 'genetic bioweapon' is taken from the stockrooms(arsenals) of the NIH/DoD and implanted via CRISPR in the already toxic ingredients concoction (also on hand), it will certainly have the established power to lower T cells.

Unfortunately, that is only one pathway the jabb can destroy immunity.

I met a young doctor 15 years who had been working in Africa (I totally forget what country) for about 3 years. She came back to the US to see friends and family for a few months and was going to go back for another 2 years or so. She was exhausted and needing some rejuvenating. Because I had worked with "Aids/HIV diagnosed" folks in years past, and because of the movie "The Constant Gardner" which I mentioned, I asked her how the true depth of the medical/social/poli situation was. She said," it is worse than I could ever imagine". I did not press her for more.

30 years ago the 'wisdom' around HIV was that it was transmitted by blood/fluids. But 'touching' an HIV person or even drinking out of the same glass was not considered a disease vector. Sex and particularly anal sex was. That was then. Maybe the mad scientists tweeked it? My Naturopath Doctor in Oregon in the 80's told me not to get a Hep shot before I went to India for a year became the entire blood supply was already contaminated with HIV. Same now for sure.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
If "Uncanny similarity of HIV inserts..." is built into this disease vector that is part of the "Antigen" that is part and parcel of this gene-therapy, and even if I do not believe in viruses, BUT this portion of 'genetic bioweapon' is taken from the stockrooms(arsenals) of the NIH/DoD and implanted via CRISPR in the already toxic ingredients concoction (also on hand), it will certainly have the established power to lower T cells.

Pure speculation.


Apr 19, 2020
Pure speculation.
More than one group of scientists have noticed this. This first group was told they must recant. Yes, speculative, I agree. Probable = 99.99%.
The smartest ones biochemically who were champions of truth and life are now dead. Kerry Mullis and now Luc Montagnier. Convenient. Maybe others will step in who have the Savoire Faire, and are not afraid of repercussions.

Main Issue: The jab is filled with millions or billions Antigens, and in addition the genetic information (mRNA and DNA) is provided to turn our cells into antigen producers, So that our bodies can then produce the ANTI-bodies. This is stated in the genetic therapy manufacturers' blurb.

Effin' Stupid Theory. That is my opinion. Full Stop.

I for one am not into ingesting/imbibing/smoking/shooting up known antigens. Our environment is loaded with enough for my body to deal with.

Yo @akgrrrl, I totally agree. I was hip to this paper within a day or two of its internet posting, and then the retraction. Pure evidence pointing to DNA tampering worth a serious investigation, oh, sorry, not for the current so-called science. IMO this appears to be a specific target. That is an attempt to weaken the immune system, by borrowing a known genetic sequence. If this is found in the "virus" then the "vaccine" would be the same I expect. Someone chime in if they know.

"Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV- 1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus."
and "

In other words, one may sporadically expect a fortuitous match for a stretch of 6-12 contiguous amino acid residues in an unrelated protein. However, it is unlikely that all 4 inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein fortuitously match with 2 key structural proteins of an unrelated virus (HIV-1).​

The amino acid residues of inserts 1, 2 and 3 of 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein that mapped to HIV-1 were a part of the V4, V5 and V1 domains respectively in gp120 [Table 1]. Since the 2019- nCoV inserts mapped to variable regions of HIV-1, they were not ubiquitous in HIV-1 gp120, but were limited to selected sequences of HIV-1 [ refer S.File1] primarily from Asia and Africa."​

and in conclusion "

—To our surprise, all the 4 inserts in the 2019-nCoV mapped to short segments of amino acids in the HIV-1 gp120 and Gag among all annotated virus proteins in the NCBI database.​

—This uncanny similarity of novel inserts in the 2019- nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag is unlikely to be fortuitous.​

—Further, 3D modelling suggests that at least 3 of the unique inserts which are non-contiguous in the primary protein sequence of the 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein converge to constitute the key components of the receptor binding site.​

—Of note, all the 4 inserts have pI values of around 10 that may facilitate virus-host interactions.​

—Taken together, our findings suggest unconventional evolution of 2019-nCoV that warrants further investigation."​

And from news I copied way back :

"...The backers of Australia’s homegrown COVID-19 vaccine candidate, earlier this week, announced a halt to its further development, after some of the first people to receive the vaccine in a safety trial generated antibodies to an unintended target, the AIDS virus. A small fragment of an HIV protein is a component of the vaccine used to add stability to the intended antibody target, the spike protein of the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, Science Mag reported. Unfortunately, that HIV fragment also generated antibodies that could confuse diagnostic tests. Researchers recognized the possibility that the HIV component might invoke an immune response. But, “It was unexpected that the levels induced would interfere with certain HIV tests,” reads a joint statement announcing the halt of the candidate’s development that was posted online by UQ and CSL- Science Mag reported."

"...Interestingly enough, earlier in the year, at the height of the pandemic and COVID hysteria, Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS epidemic, claimed on French media that COVID 19 was created in Wuhan lab, while scientists were experimenting on an HIV vaccination."

IMO the stated status of Peer Reviewed paper means that it is vetted and/or in accordance with the current scientific/political powers that be. That's all. I have known people that work with Data from university hospital chains/collectives, and they know from relationships with department heads that certain results MUST be obtained on the 4th or 5th Study regarding medications/outcomes. (Or funding will be cut). That is how Pharma controls Medical Universities, ie- education.
Smell fish anyone?

December 28th -30th 2019
Am I the only one that watched China demand retraction of the paper submitted to BioXriv by the India team of rna-dna techs hastily assembled to determine what was going on along the huge border shared between India&China? Samples from several locations were purified and analyzed. In their paper's introduction they stated clearly it was obviously submitted without peer review considering the dire nature of the circumstances. It listed all the scientists who signed the paper. The document made clear that it identified a reverse transcriptase virus with chimeric properties, that HIV proteins were present along with identifiers of SARS and MERS.
I am sure that the paper and its demands for retraction was an article printed by ZeroHedge. For weeks following that Dec 2019 article, the words "Flying Aids" appeared in the comment section often (back then comments were largely from million$$hedgefund mgrs and wallstreet types, not like todays post covid membership). was with wonder and amazement the world watched the usa flounder around for 2 more months with masks and PPE supplies, ventilators etc, while the "flying aids" circulated. Its been said that the Chinese were mainly focused on getting that trade agreement signed Jan 15 with Trump, so trying to shut down any bad press? Regardless, the original virus release was supposedly isolated and identified 2 yrs ago by India, withdrawn upon threat of sanctions re:computers, parts, and pharmaceuticals. Sorry I didnt save that article to post, wonder if they have archives for members, I was lurking. How interesting as we have watched Wuhan emerge as a possible 5G beta test as well, (Italy also, and then NewYork) and then the ready-manufactured vaccines rolled out to terrorized citizens worldwide. And now ebola/Warburg surfaces in China. Coincidence? This is a shifting superpuzzle with many pieces and moving parts.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
More than one group of scientists have noticed this. This first group was told they must recant. Yes, speculative, I agree. Probable = 99.99%.
The smartest ones biochemically who were champions of truth and life are now dead. Kerry Mullis and now Luc Montagnier. Convenient. Maybe others will step in who have the Savoire Faire, and are not afraid of repercussions.

Main Issue: The jab is filled with millions or billions Antigens, and in addition the genetic information (mRNA and DNA) is provided to turn our cells into antigen producers, So that our bodies can then produce the ANTI-bodies. This is stated in the genetic therapy manufacturers' blurb.

Effin' Stupid Theory. That is my opinion. Full Stop.

I for one am not into ingesting/imbibing/smoking/shooting up known antigens. Our environment is loaded with enough for my body to deal with.

Mullis would never have entertained wild-**** theories about HIV or HIV inserts. Yes, antigens are a problem, but nothing specific to HIV. The HIV insert is being used as glue as I understand it..


Apr 19, 2020
General understanding of how VAIDS is or could come about is something that most people can agree with. Ray Peat for example. But the HIV stuff you just stated it above. Full stop.
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