COVID vaccines now causing AIDS(no joke)



Feb 18, 2016

The vaccine is a collaboration between Moderna, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).
Gates doesn't care how he is remembered as long as he's remembered, he is such a megalomaniac he desires to be remembered for centuries even if he's framed as hitler like character, he doesn't care.


Feb 18, 2016
A random sub stack that highlights a 4chan post that claims to be from a Moderna whistleblower, it highlights what Peat told us as the vaccines started coming on the scene.

The short of this (and you need to read the above image) is that this post alleged that mRNA vaccine, from Moderna specifically but also allegedly Pfizer, is designed for, and has secret ingredients, to modify the “germ line”, that is, female eggs and sperm, such that children born to vaccinated parents have certain genetic damage (see below).

Ordinarily, such anonymous and unsourced allegations would not deserve any attention, except

  • This was actually well written using proper trade jargon
  • This was written in 2020 BEFORE anything became known about dangers of mRNA vaccines and the terms used were not on the radar
  • Many allegations of this post actually check out. Specifically, LINE-1 reverse transcriptase interacts with vaccines, and DNA reverse transcription does convert mRNA into DNA in human cells, and Pfizer’s whistleblower specifically mentioned mysterious “manual steps” (per Andreas post above).
  • This stuff is very hard to make up without knowing
  • This somewhat explains otherwise-irrational and maniacal drive to vaccinate as many young people as possible regardless of their convalescent status or need/benefits


Nov 18, 2019
A random sub stack that highlights a 4chan post that claims to be from a Moderna whistleblower, it highlights what Peat told us as the vaccines started coming on the scene.

The short of this (and you need to read the above image) is that this post alleged that mRNA vaccine, from Moderna specifically but also allegedly Pfizer, is designed for, and has secret ingredients, to modify the “germ line”, that is, female eggs and sperm, such that children born to vaccinated parents have certain genetic damage (see below).

Ordinarily, such anonymous and unsourced allegations would not deserve any attention, except

  • This was actually well written using proper trade jargon
  • This was written in 2020 BEFORE anything became known about dangers of mRNA vaccines and the terms used were not on the radar
  • Many allegations of this post actually check out. Specifically, LINE-1 reverse transcriptase interacts with vaccines, and DNA reverse transcription does convert mRNA into DNA in human cells, and Pfizer’s whistleblower specifically mentioned mysterious “manual steps” (per Andreas post above).
  • This stuff is very hard to make up without knowing
  • This somewhat explains otherwise-irrational and maniacal drive to vaccinate as many young people as possible regardless of their convalescent status or need/benefits
View attachment 34305
WoW just WoW! That obvious. Maim humans for a few generations until they can no longer procreate. Thanks for sharing this @Drareg.


Feb 18, 2016
WoW just WoW! That obvious. Maim humans for a few generations until they can no longer procreate. Thanks for sharing this @Drareg.
Its scary, I think thats why most people don't want to address it, those in power know this psychology well.


Aug 4, 2020
A random sub stack that highlights a 4chan post that claims to be from a Moderna whistleblower, it highlights what Peat told us as the vaccines started coming on the scene.

The short of this (and you need to read the above image) is that this post alleged that mRNA vaccine, from Moderna specifically but also allegedly Pfizer, is designed for, and has secret ingredients, to modify the “germ line”, that is, female eggs and sperm, such that children born to vaccinated parents have certain genetic damage (see below).

Ordinarily, such anonymous and unsourced allegations would not deserve any attention, except

  • This was actually well written using proper trade jargon
  • This was written in 2020 BEFORE anything became known about dangers of mRNA vaccines and the terms used were not on the radar
  • Many allegations of this post actually check out. Specifically, LINE-1 reverse transcriptase interacts with vaccines, and DNA reverse transcription does convert mRNA into DNA in human cells, and Pfizer’s whistleblower specifically mentioned mysterious “manual steps” (per Andreas post above).
  • This stuff is very hard to make up without knowing
  • This somewhat explains otherwise-irrational and maniacal drive to vaccinate as many young people as possible regardless of their convalescent status or need/benefits
View attachment 34305
I have been watching this whole question of whether the reverse transcription of RNA to DNA was going to rear its head as a red herring something that would turn out to be just excessive worry over a next to impossible thing to happen, yet here we are.
The latest thing that I have seen from various Doctors talking about this that there is a method of verification that takes place if you will that would prevent a genetic flaw in a new formed cell, and that cell would in turn be repaired or destroyed as a result of this flaw being identified.
The obvious question from my simplistic mind would be how then would a cell be able to create a new proper cell if so many would in a worse case scenario be deemed irreparable and thus destroyed due to recognition of the imperfections in the billions of cells affected? If the original blueprint is now flawed as a result of this new DNA would the body realize it and be able to eliminate the foreign DNA or would it become a part of it as other viruses have previously since the beginning of mankind?


Aug 4, 2020


Feb 18, 2016
I have been watching this whole question of whether the reverse transcription of RNA to DNA was going to rear its head as a red herring something that would turn out to be just excessive worry over a next to impossible thing to happen, yet here we are.
The latest thing that I have seen from various Doctors talking about this that there is a method of verification that takes place if you will that would prevent a genetic flaw in a new formed cell, and that cell would in turn be repaired or destroyed as a result of this flaw being identified.
The obvious question from my simplistic mind would be how then would a cell be able to create a new proper cell if so many would in a worse case scenario be deemed irreparable and thus destroyed due to recognition of the imperfections in the billions of cells affected? If the original blueprint is now flawed as a result of this new DNA would the body realize it and be able to eliminate the foreign DNA or would it become a part of it as other viruses have previously since the beginning of mankind?
I think metabolic coherence, high metabolic rate drives us towards increased organisation, the body will correct itself accordingly, most people suffering from these injections are likely to have slower metabolism's, nad+ ratio's and hormonal pool ratios lowered also.

I think a truly deadly virus would be one that messes with thyroid antibodies, thankfully the ruling class still believe DNA controls everything, if they get "peaty" we could be in trouble.


Feb 18, 2016
If we are to believe the mainstream experts,”this is no big deal”.

Thankfully I am uneducated in many things. So they will have to excuse my ignorance when I opine that this seems like a pretty big problem to me. For whatever that’s worth.
The obvious question for me will have to be,” what are the short and long term consequences on health of this”?
Once amplified by the ruling class its no big deal, safety in numbers dissonance also, well if Im going to die so are many others logic.


It looks like they are going to call a HIV 'pandemic' now that they have a 'vaccine'


Feb 18, 2016
Lets see if this unfolds, a multitude of whistleblowers can't be suicided, maybe this is the future of whistleblowers, safety in numbers, in saying that false flags comes to mind.
It will be a massive positive if this is the case, so many blue ticks and the general public need a reality check, the cognitive dissonance has veered into hysteria, they will be getting a reality check on Ukraine soon also, blindly cheering for Neo nazis etc


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
A random sub stack that highlights a 4chan post that claims to be from a Moderna whistleblower, it highlights what Peat told us as the vaccines started coming on the scene.

The short of this (and you need to read the above image) is that this post alleged that mRNA vaccine, from Moderna specifically but also allegedly Pfizer, is designed for, and has secret ingredients, to modify the “germ line”, that is, female eggs and sperm, such that children born to vaccinated parents have certain genetic damage (see below).

Ordinarily, such anonymous and unsourced allegations would not deserve any attention, except

  • This was actually well written using proper trade jargon
  • This was written in 2020 BEFORE anything became known about dangers of mRNA vaccines and the terms used were not on the radar
  • Many allegations of this post actually check out. Specifically, LINE-1 reverse transcriptase interacts with vaccines, and DNA reverse transcription does convert mRNA into DNA in human cells, and Pfizer’s whistleblower specifically mentioned mysterious “manual steps” (per Andreas post above).
  • This stuff is very hard to make up without knowing
  • This somewhat explains otherwise-irrational and maniacal drive to vaccinate as many young people as possible regardless of their convalescent status or need/benefits
View attachment 34305

WOW! And it gets "better" - i.e. as you can see from #2 of the list inside the red circle it says the mRNA in the vaccine also codes for CYP19A1. Do you know what that protein/enzyme is? Wait for it....aromatase!
"...Aromatase, also called estrogen synthetase or estrogen synthase, is an enzyme responsible for a key step in the biosynthesis of estrogens. It is CYP19A1, a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily (EC, "

So, while we do make our own aromatase, getting injected with this poison probably drastically increases the synthesis of aromatase way above our physiological baseline (which is already elevated in most people due to chronic stress, PUFA, EMF, radiation, and/or the COVID-19 infection, etc) so the injected person may very well die from an acute heart condition as a result of the estrogenic overload. I always wondered how these vaccines cause the clotting and the official explanations given so far always sounded a bit too convoluted to me - almost as if the doctors giving them were struggling to come up with a legit mechanism.
Well, now we have one! Acute estrogen overload, through the increase in aromatase synthesis from the mRNA, is well-known to cause clots and CVD events and Peat has written about this ad-nauseam. Even mainstream medicine recognizes the role of estrogen in causing ischemic (clot) events. This is the main reason young women these days have skyrocketing rates of clotting and CVD way before menopause - i.e. due to the estrogen in birth control methods they use. So, these poison shots really "synergize" with the actual infection. The latter triggers the serotonin and angiotensin system (both of which are highly inflammatory) while the mRNA for CYP19A1 (aromatase) in the injection ensures estrogenic overload as well, for a period of several weeks to potentially much longer.
Speaking of much longer, the question is what are the chronic effects from getting injected with the mRNA for a (mutant) aromatase protein... I suspect the estrogenic overload does not decline when the vaccine mRNA is removed/excreted from the organism after a few weeks, as Big Pharma claims. Not sure what exactly is different about this mutant aromatase the vaccine mRNA codes for, but it may be such that it is not responsive to aromatase inhibitor (AI) drugs. That would be really devious, if true, as if the mRNA is incorporated into human DNA (as we now know happens) then the person will be in a life-long estrogenic overload that cannot be addressed with AI drugs, and the only option that remains is using estrogen antagonists. However, the commercial ones like clomiphene, tamoxifen, raloxifen, etc are all actual synthetic estrogens with only partial estrogen blocking effects, so if one were to take there long term, then cancer, CVD, neurological disease, obesity, diabetes, etc are guaranteed just as if they are if nothing is taken to stop the mutant aromatase.
If the mutant aromatase from the vaccine is responsive to AI drugs then using "suicide" AI drugs like exemestane may be a good defense against some of the side effects of the vaccine and it may even be able to prevent the incorporation of that mutant aromatase into human DNA (if exemestane is able to covalently bind to the mRNA for that mutant CYP19A1, the way it does to regular aromatase).
Finally, if this mutant aromatase gets incorporated into the DNA and is not responsive to AI drugs, this is the smoking gun for vaccines causing chronic and heritable infertility. It is well-known even to mainstream medicine that high estrogen causes infertility in both genders. And the really sneaky part about this is that no doctor would suspect the vaccine in regards to the infertility as no doctor would expect a vaccine to be designed to cause chronically elevated estrogen. It would be hard to prove in a court too, unless the mutant aromatase is so different it can be easily shown to be present in a vaxxed person who developed chronic hyperestrogenism that was not there before the shot, or got much worse after.
Man, the more we learn about the vaccines, the more sinister the whole story becomes...

@Regina @Hugh Johnson @tankasnowgod @boris @Pina


Nov 18, 2019
WOW! And it gets "better" - i.e. as you can see from #2 of the list inside the red circle it says the mRNA in the vaccine also codes for CYP19A1. Do you know what that protein/enzyme is? Wait for it....aromatase!
"...Aromatase, also called estrogen synthetase or estrogen synthase, is an enzyme responsible for a key step in the biosynthesis of estrogens. It is CYP19A1, a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily (EC, "

So, while we do make our own aromatase, getting injected with this poison probably drastically increases the synthesis of aromatase way above our physiological baseline (which is already elevated in most people due to chronic stress, PUFA, EMF, radiation, and/or the COVID-19 infection, etc) so the injected person may very well die from an acute heart condition as a result of the estrogenic overload. I always wondered how these vaccines cause the clotting and the official explanations given so far always sounded a bit too convoluted to me - almost as if the doctors giving them were struggling to come up with a legit mechanism.
Well, now we have one! Acute estrogen overload, through the increase in aromatase synthesis from the mRNA, is well-known to cause clots and CVD events and Peat has written about this ad-nauseam. Even mainstream medicine recognizes the role of estrogen in causing ischemic (clot) events. This is the main reason young women these days have skyrocketing rates of clotting and CVD way before menopause - i.e. due to the estrogen in birth control methods they use. So, these poison shots really "synergize" with the actual infection. The latter triggers the serotonin and angiotensin system (both of which are highly inflammatory) while the mRNA for CYP19A1 (aromatase) in the injection ensures estrogenic overload as well, for a period of several weeks to potentially much longer.
Speaking of much longer, the question is what are the chronic effects from getting injected with the mRNA for a (mutant) aromatase protein... I suspect the estrogenic overload does not decline when the vaccine mRNA is removed/excreted from the organism after a few weeks, as Big Pharma claims. Not sure what exactly is different about this mutant aromatase the vaccine mRNA codes for, but it may be such that it is not responsive to aromatase inhibitor (AI) drugs. That would be really devious, if true, as if the mRNA is incorporated into human DNA (as we now know happens) then the person will be in a life-long estrogenic overload that cannot be addressed with AI drugs, and the only option that remains is using estrogen antagonists. However, the commercial ones like clomiphene, tamoxifen, raloxifen, etc are all actual synthetic estrogens with only partial estrogen blocking effects, so if one were to take there long term, then cancer, CVD, neurological disease, obesity, diabetes, etc are guaranteed just as if they are if nothing is taken to stop the mutant aromatase.
If the mutant aromatase from the vaccine is responsive to AI drugs then using "suicide" AI drugs like exemestane may be a good defense against some of the side effects of the vaccine and it may even be able to prevent the incorporation of that mutant aromatase into human DNA (if exemestane is able to covalently bind to the mRNA for that mutant CYP19A1, the way it does to regular aromatase).
Finally, if this mutant aromatase gets incorporated into the DNA and is not responsive to AI drugs, this is the smoking gun for vaccines causing chronic and heritable infertility. It is well-known even to mainstream medicine that high estrogen causes infertility in both genders. And the really sneaky part about this is that no doctor would suspect the vaccine in regards to the infertility as no doctor would expect a vaccine to be designed to cause chronically elevated estrogen. It would be hard to prove in a court too, unless the mutant aromatase is so different it can be easily shown to be present in a vaxxed person who developed chronic hyperestrogenism that was not there before the shot, or got much worse after.
Man, the more we learn about the vaccines, the more sinister the whole story becomes...

@Regina @Hugh Johnson @tankasnowgod @boris @Pina
Thank you for breaking this down. Shocking. I do wonder if it is sneaky or simply plain ignorance among researchers. Your stories of speaking to doctors and writing the authors of many studies come to mind in defense of stubbornness, stupidity, and willful ignorance.


Aug 17, 2016
WOW! And it gets "better" - i.e. as you can see from #2 of the list inside the red circle it says the mRNA in the vaccine also codes for CYP19A1. Do you know what that protein/enzyme is? Wait for it....aromatase!
"...Aromatase, also called estrogen synthetase or estrogen synthase, is an enzyme responsible for a key step in the biosynthesis of estrogens. It is CYP19A1, a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily (EC, "

So, while we do make our own aromatase, getting injected with this poison probably drastically increases the synthesis of aromatase way above our physiological baseline (which is already elevated in most people due to chronic stress, PUFA, EMF, radiation, and/or the COVID-19 infection, etc) so the injected person may very well die from an acute heart condition as a result of the estrogenic overload. I always wondered how these vaccines cause the clotting and the official explanations given so far always sounded a bit too convoluted to me - almost as if the doctors giving them were struggling to come up with a legit mechanism.
Well, now we have one! Acute estrogen overload, through the increase in aromatase synthesis from the mRNA, is well-known to cause clots and CVD events and Peat has written about this ad-nauseam. Even mainstream medicine recognizes the role of estrogen in causing ischemic (clot) events. This is the main reason young women these days have skyrocketing rates of clotting and CVD way before menopause - i.e. due to the estrogen in birth control methods they use. So, these poison shots really "synergize" with the actual infection. The latter triggers the serotonin and angiotensin system (both of which are highly inflammatory) while the mRNA for CYP19A1 (aromatase) in the injection ensures estrogenic overload as well, for a period of several weeks to potentially much longer.
Speaking of much longer, the question is what are the chronic effects from getting injected with the mRNA for a (mutant) aromatase protein... I suspect the estrogenic overload does not decline when the vaccine mRNA is removed/excreted from the organism after a few weeks, as Big Pharma claims. Not sure what exactly is different about this mutant aromatase the vaccine mRNA codes for, but it may be such that it is not responsive to aromatase inhibitor (AI) drugs. That would be really devious, if true, as if the mRNA is incorporated into human DNA (as we now know happens) then the person will be in a life-long estrogenic overload that cannot be addressed with AI drugs, and the only option that remains is using estrogen antagonists. However, the commercial ones like clomiphene, tamoxifen, raloxifen, etc are all actual synthetic estrogens with only partial estrogen blocking effects, so if one were to take there long term, then cancer, CVD, neurological disease, obesity, diabetes, etc are guaranteed just as if they are if nothing is taken to stop the mutant aromatase.
If the mutant aromatase from the vaccine is responsive to AI drugs then using "suicide" AI drugs like exemestane may be a good defense against some of the side effects of the vaccine and it may even be able to prevent the incorporation of that mutant aromatase into human DNA (if exemestane is able to covalently bind to the mRNA for that mutant CYP19A1, the way it does to regular aromatase).
Finally, if this mutant aromatase gets incorporated into the DNA and is not responsive to AI drugs, this is the smoking gun for vaccines causing chronic and heritable infertility. It is well-known even to mainstream medicine that high estrogen causes infertility in both genders. And the really sneaky part about this is that no doctor would suspect the vaccine in regards to the infertility as no doctor would expect a vaccine to be designed to cause chronically elevated estrogen. It would be hard to prove in a court too, unless the mutant aromatase is so different it can be easily shown to be present in a vaxxed person who developed chronic hyperestrogenism that was not there before the shot, or got much worse after.
Man, the more we learn about the vaccines, the more sinister the whole story becomes...

@Regina @Hugh Johnson @tankasnowgod @boris @Pina
I am reminded of the NASA document. page 66 for example. But the whole document needs to be read by anyone who has not seen it.


  • nasa-thefutureof-war.pdf
    4 MB · Views: 24


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thank you for breaking this down. Shocking. I do wonder if it is sneaky or simply plain ignorance among researchers. Your stories of speaking to doctors and writing the authors of many studies come to mind in defense of stubbornness, stupidity, and willful ignorance.

It could have been inserted there for other reasons and simply have infertility and heart attacks as unexpected, but desirable (for the elite) side effects. Since estrogen increases cellular proliferation, it may serve the purpose of increasing the synthesis of the synthetic spike protein mRNA. But there is really no way to know for sure why it was inserted in there...unless criminal trials against Big Pharma commence and some whistleblower switches sides in exchange for immunity. Even then, it does not matter much as the end result of having additional mRNA for (a mutant) aromatase inserted into human beings cannot possibly have good effects on health, and if it ruins the health/fertility/life of most people who got vaxxed whether it was done by ignorance or malice is immaterial. Can't wait for FDA/Pfizer to release the first segment of those 500K pages the judge compelled them to release by end of 2022. If the data is as damning we all suspect, then WW3 is the only way "out" for the elite.


Nov 18, 2019
If the data is as damning we all suspect, then WW3 is the only way "out" for the elite.
Yikes - would surely cover their vaccine crimes. Seriously sending thoughts for this to end soon and fairly peacefully.

I think the first bit was released. ICAN has a page on their website where they are posting the released documents. Someone posted the link on the forum. I’ll look for it.
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