COVID vaccines now causing AIDS(no joke)


Aug 10, 2018
Seems Montagnier passed away yesterday :(





Apr 4, 2021
Mar 10, 2021

Wait what?
He sure did! It is interesting that there is no news on it. I wonder if it was of natural causes or something more nepharious. Wow I just learned of him and posted about him yesterday.


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Mar 10, 2021
“It’s unthinkable to vaccinate during a pandemic. They’re silent. It is the antibodies produced by the virus that enable the infection to become stronger. It is what we call antibody-dependent enhancement, which means antibodies favour a certain infection. It is clear that the new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due to the vaccination,” Luc says in the French interview.


Feb 18, 2016
This is my assumption as well, I am not fully convinced that the treated are experiencing AIDS in the traditional sense, but rather a suppressed immune system as a result of possibly an ingredient inside the gene therapies, there has been a claim that there is another type of mRNA that shuts off the immune system in order to protect the mRNA from being destroyed by the innate immune system.
There is no real evidence that I have yet seen as to the duration of this suppression and if it can be reversed or if the body will be able to recover.
Again this is all hypothetical yet, but the increased levels of non COVID related death, as well as the increased levels of autoimmune like diseases appearing, does raise questions.
Peat said antibodies are created for the mRNA induced spike protein, the body then produces antibodies to fight the newly created antibodies, it sounds like a dangerous feedback loop. If something new enters the system I don't know what will happen exactly but it wont be good is my best guess.


Jul 25, 2013


Jun 19, 2016
This might be a stupid question, but does vaccine induced HIV or AIDS transfer via physical contact? If so, it's incredible risky for unvaxxed to have sex with vaccinated.. think for a moment what this means


Feb 13, 2021
This might be a stupid question, but does vaccine induced HIV or AIDS transfer via physical contact? If so, it's incredible risky for unvaxxed to have sex with vaccinated.. think for a moment what this means
It probably could. I have been abstaining from such practices just in case.

Blue Water

Apr 26, 2020
This is an interesting data set highlighting the gradual worsening of the immune system after covid vaccines, I will paste it all below because this site may get taken down, it’s becoming a good source of information on covid.
We know already about the continued fraudulent use of PCR tests, the vaccinated if immunity continues to decline won’t be able to fight off basic colds soon, a new variant will be blamed and the same PCR standard used.
This may explain why they are desperate for 100% to be vaccinated

The covid cult are becoming more South Park like by the day, they are super passionate about giving themselves AIDS, the MSM media will spin this by saying everyone was having unprotected anal sex at the vaccine centers, its all gay people’s fault again will be the narrative, gays are everywhere at vaccine centers, even in the bushes.


Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid -19 cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-79 year olds have lost 44% of their immune system capability. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 3.8% and 9.1%).

If this continues then 30-59 year olds will have zero Covid/viral defence (and perhaps a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) by Christmas and all double vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost the part of their immune system that tackles Covid-19 by January next year.

By a concerned reader

The 5 Public Health England (PHE) tables below from their excellent Vaccine Surveillance Report of all fully genome sequenced delta cases, separated by 5 weeks, clearly show the progressive damage that the vaccines are doing to the immune system’s response. PHE have done so much great work and the picture is very clear.

Here is the weekly decline in doubly vaccinated immune system performance compared to unvaxxed people. Vaccine efficacy is measured using Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula…
(Unvaxxed case rate – Vaxxed case rate)/the Larger of Unvaxxed or Vaxxed case rate – We are using the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed case numbers to determine vaccine efficiency just as Pfizer itself does.


A Vaccine efficacy of 50% means that doubly vaxxed people are 50% more protected from Covid than unvaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed is half the delta case rate in the unvaxxed.
A Vaccine efficacy of -50% means that unvaxxed people are 50% more protected from Covid than doubly vaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed is double the delta case rate in the unvaxxed.
A Vaccine efficacy of 0% means that doubly vaccinated people are 0% more protected from Covid than unvaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed equals the delta case rate in the unvaxxed. It means the vaccines have lost all their effectiveness.

Everybody over 30 will have lost 100% of their entire immune capability (certainly for Covid and most likely for viruses and certain cancers – following the evidence from Cole Diagnostics in Idaho and Dr Nathan Thompson) within 16 weeks.
Doubly vaccinated 30-59 year olds will have lost it by Christmas. These people will then have no immune defence to Covid at all. The question then becomes how much of the immune system is involved in defending against Covid? The worst case scenario is that they effectively have full blown AIDS and destroy the NHS.
Unless a cure is found quickly they may well die (as occurred at the start of the AIDS epidemic).

These immune system degradations could be caused by ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement – where the vaccine induced antibodies start working in reverse) and be specific to Covid, or could be more general and result in a form of vaccine mediated AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). The fact that the 3rd Jabs worked in Israel (for a short period of time before the 4th jabs were proposed) means that vaccine antibodies do still have a protective effect immediately after vaccination. So that rules out ADE.
The falling efficacy of the vaccines does not asymptotically approach zero (which would mean that vaccines merely lose effectiveness over time). It goes straight through zero and then goes dangerously negative (which means the vaccines become toxic to the immune system). Then it goes more negative in a linear manner week on week. If this continues then the vaccines will completely destroy the part of your immune system which deals with Covid by the end of January.
The vaccine booster shots have to be the same as the vaccines themselves, because it takes forever to do clinical trials and get approval for something different. So if you take a booster shot, these figures show that you are giving yourself an even faster progressive form of AIDS (after an initial few months of effectiveness). The risk benefit analysis for these vaccines has now become a risk detriment analysis for everyone over 30.
Table 2. COVID-19 cases by vaccination status…
Cases reported by specimen date between week 32 and week 35 2021 – https://assets.publishing.service.g...465/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_36.pdf

Cases reported by specimen date between week 33 and week 36 2021 – https://assets.publishing.service.g.../Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_37_v2.pdf

Cases reported by specimen date between week 34 and week 37 2021 – https://assets.publishing.service.g...992/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_38.pdf

Cases reported by specimen date between week 35 and week 38 2021 https://assets.publishing.service.g...238/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_39.pdf

Cases reported by specimen date between week 36 and week 39 2021 https://assets.publishing.service.g...849/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_40.pdf

Cases reported by specimen date between week 37 and week 40 2021 https://assets.publishing.service.g...25358/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-41.pdf

Pfizer originally claimed a 95% efficiency for their vaccine (calculated as in the boost or degradation column above). The figures above indicate that, their figures may well have been correct immediately after vaccination (the younger age groups have had the vaccine for the shortest time). But the figures above also show that the vaccines do NOT merely lose efficiency over time down to zero efficiency. They progressively damage the immune system until a negative efficiency is realised. They presently leave anybody over 30 in a worse position than they were before vaccination For more see here.
Are we sure that covid itself doesn't lead to AIDS? We know Covid has HIV inserts and damages the immune system in the short term, and we have heard some speculation that Covid-19 can be integrated into the host genome just as HIV can. I certainly believe the MRNA tech can create this situation but what about the natural virus. If that's the case many of us are screwed.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Are we sure that covid itself doesn't lead to AIDS? We know Covid has HIV inserts and damages the immune system in the short term, and we have heard some speculation that Covid-19 can be integrated into the host genome just as HIV can. I certainly believe the MRNA tech can create this situation but what about the natural virus. If that's the case many of us are screwed.

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