Why Focus On Nano In Food But Not In Skies?


Jul 13, 2014
Geoengineering needs to exit the "conspiracy" and become much more mainstream. It's so obvious. A true telling of the times when people are fact checked for what they observe with their own eyes.

I feel the difference mentally, emotionally and nasally when they are spraying before I actually see the trails.

I know they are spraying because of the way I feel rather than the other way around.
Any more resources and stories people have would be appreciated.
We avoid nano scale things, the dangers of which are pointed out by Rays previous article "Particles in Context" , but this is a whole new level of forced "medical" intervention.

From: geoengineeringwatch.org

Did you also watch Alex Jones show last night then.

This interview was very interesting....

Oh sorry, @Regina already posted




View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/nzxA6CloTQA/

May 17th, 2017.
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Jan 9, 2019


View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/nzxA6CloTQA/

May 17th, 2017.

Yes nice collection. Corbett report is always on point.




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David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Jan 9, 2019
Posted by @Hugh Johnson

A real f'd up read and a verification of "suspicions" . Parliamentary question | 'Chemtrail' method of military geoengineering for changing the climate. Environmental and health risks and commercial reasons for participating in climate policies | E-007937/2015 | European Parliament

Personal anecdote. I traveled to Spain in 2018 and become the most sick I have ever been except it was only lung related. I felt as if my lungs were about to be hacked out of my throat and at the wall, that's how hard I would cough. Severe congestion and monster phlegm. No other symptoms, lasted weeks.


Jul 25, 2022
I'm leaning more towards the nano particles being sprayed so that they once they get absorbed into us at a certain threshold, we will likely be much more susceptible to cell injury and deaths via radiation at certain frequencies over our cell networks, or other means of radiating.




Last edited by a moderator:
Sep 15, 2021
Excerpted discussion of UV-blocking aerosols and some other related topics:


In the December 6, 2001 issue of Columbus Alive, award-winning Ohio reporter Bob
Fitrakis, JD, revealed that according to two Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory scientists, two separate projects in electromagnetic weather modification
technology were being conducted at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, one involving
artificial Al2O3 cloud cover creation to lessen the effects of global warming, the
other with barium stearate for over-the-horizon (OTH) military communications, 3D
mapping, and radar.[81]

In his 2013 article “Wireless, Chemtrails, and You,” author William Thomas[82]
recounts the early work of independent scientist Clifford Carnicom in northern New
Mexico and wildlife biologist Francis Mangels, Ph.D., in northern California.
Beginning in 1999, Carnicom was documenting high levels of reactive barium salts
from aerosol grids over Santa Fe. By 2001, barium levels had nearly doubled in
California, despite the fact that industrial barium pollution had all but vanished.
With trees and fish dying, Mangels blamed aluminum oxide for soil pH measuring
10X its normal alkalinity. In 2002, an Edmonton, Alberta, Canada landscaper was
seeing severe nutrient deficiencies (chlorosis) in flowers and trees; electrical
conductivity readings for soil should have been no higher than 1 but were showing
4.6 to 7X higher. Snow samples confirmed elevated aluminum and barium. By 2008,
a KSLA-sponsored lab test of Louisiana precipitate found barium to be 6X the toxic
level set by the EPA; in 2010, Arizona air particulates of barium and aluminum
skyrocketed: aluminum was 15.8X the toxic level, barium 5.3X. Carnicom has
confirmed that the barium in our atmosphere is now 8X the level deemed safe to

At the Open Mind Conference in Oslo, Norway on October 27, 2012 and later
updated as “The Antennas Within the Body” for the 8th Environmental Conference
in Nuremberg, Germany, May 30, 2013, German chemist Harald Kautz-Vella
presented his paper “The Chemistry in Contrails: Assessing the Impact of Aerosols
From Jet Fuel Impurities, Additives and Classified Military Operations on Nature”
in which he discusses the alchemy that occurs in the jet combustion engine as well
as a deeper consideration of the biological operations of chemical trails. His
background includes university studies in Geology, Physics, Mathematics, and
Media Science, with a degree specialization in Geoscience. Since 2001, he’s been
studying scalar technologies such as zero-point energy, soft weather modification
(Wilhelm Reich), electro-fertilization in agriculture, and information-medicine/

At the outset, Kautz-Vella stresses that the classified Project Cloverleaf is under
the jurisdiction of intelligence agencies, and that advanced military and intelligence
operations may depend upon some aspects of classical geoengineering but are not
limited to it. Transformation of the lower atmosphere into a controllable, artificially
engineered plasma is intended to serve weather engineering, yes, but also to serve
3D radar monitoring, range enhancement, advanced DEW systems, and SDI Space
Fence objectives of absolute surveillance under artificial intelligence (AI).
Kautz-Vella approaches fuel emissions / spraying from a biological effects
perspective concentrating on the electro-optical toxicity of the particulate plasma
and how it disturbs cell communication and electrical cell potential in plants (and,
by extension, other life forms), leading to biophoton[84] deterioration. He references
artificially produced clouds as “piezoelectric particulate plasma” and divides the
spraying operation that produces them into three categories:

(1) Jet fuel additives (lead, sulfur, halogens);
(2) Conventional weather manipulation with ions like silver iodide or based
on reflective particles like Al2O3; and
(3) High-tech aerosols for military and intelligence purposes.

While researching damage to hay harvests in Norway in 2012, Kautz-Vella
analyzed soil and rain samples. Heavy metals were within the acceptable range of
pollution during the acid rain of the 1970s, so he had to consider what else could
have caused grass to stop growing, trees to drop their bark and die, etc.
He pored over the U.S. Air Force Academy “Chemtrails: Chemistry 131 Manual,
Fall 1990.”
Though classified formulae are not mentioned in the manual, enough is
present to spell out the chemical processes of spray pyrolysis,[85] the thermochemical
decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures (as in aircraft engines)
in the absence of oxygen or halogen (the chemically related fluorine, chlorine,
bromine, iodine, or astatine); and chemi-ionization, the formation of ions through the
reaction of a gas-phase atom or molecule. Add metal salts to the combustion process
—hydrochloric acid (HCl), ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH), and sodium hydroxide
(NaOH); potassium permanganate (KMnO4), aluminum nitrate (Al(NO3)2), barium
nitrate (Ba(NO3)2), copper II nitrate (CU(NO3)2), iron nitrate (Fe(NO3)2), lead
nitrate (Pb(NO3)2), manganese nitrate (Mn(NO3)2), silver nitrate (AgNO3), sodium
carbonate (Na2CO3), sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium iodide (NaI), sodium nitrate
(NaNO3), etc.—and the jet will create amorphous or monocrystalline non-soluble
nanoparticles like, for example, barium-strontium-titanate (BaSrx)TiO3.
This is the chemical process of an artificially nucleated condensation trail. In
2005, a paper recounting spectrometer measurements of negative-ion composition
and density taken from the exhaust of a J85-GE-5H turbojet at ground level
indicated that “ion nucleation is a probable mechanism for volatile aerosol

Introduction. Chemiions produced in jet engine combustion are speculated to play a role in
ion-induced nucleation of aerosols, possibly followed by condensation, which may result in
the formation of contrails, cirrus clouds, and pollutants.[86]

Kautz-Vella realized that recent plant degeneration in Norway was not so much
due to the chemistry of non-soluble particles but to their electrochemical / optical
properties, and that the delivery system seemed to originate from the aerosols in the
jet trails overhead. Two compounds were most prevalent: aluminum oxide (Al2O3)
and barium-strontium-titanate (BaSrx)TiO3.
The 1990 Welsbach patent named Al2O3 as the primary compound in aerosol

A method is disclosed for reducing atmospheric warming due to the greenhouse effect
resulting from a greenhouse gases layer. The method comprises the step of seeding the
greenhouse gas layer with a quantity of tiny particles of materials characterized by
wavelength-dependent emissivity or reflectivity, in that said materials have high
emissivities in the visible and far infrared wavelength regions and low emissivity in the
near infrared wavelength region. Such materials can include the class of materials known
as Welsbach materials. The oxides of metal, e.g., aluminum oxide, are also suitable for the
purpose. The greenhouse gases layer typically extends between about seven and thirteen
kilometers above the earth’s surface. The seeding of the stratosphere occurs within this
layer. The particles suspended in the stratosphere as a result of the seeding provide a
mechanism for converting the blackbody radiation emitted by the earth at near infrared
wavelengths into radiation in the visible and far infrared wavelength so that this heat
energy may be reradiated out into space, thereby reducing the global warming due to the
greenhouse effect.[87]

Kautz-Vella posited that the Al2O3 from military afterburner technology in jets
and rockets attaches to the membranes of trees’ tiny rootlets and blocks nutrient
uptake, causing the roots to die. Aluminum oxide can be created in spray pyrolysis
but only in the beginning phase of the engine firing, as monocrystalline structuring
needs at least 1700°C (3092°F). Thus the lion’s share of Al2O3 in the soil must be
coming from afterburner technology inbuilt into an endless number of military

The second compound of (BaSrx)TiO3 piezoelectric crystals is formed during the
engine combustion process due to the presence of barium, strontium, and titanium
salts in the fuel.

In 1996, scientist Jim Phelps of Oak Ridge National Laboratory invented a
titanium-based (Ti) aerosol “shield” system that formed less toxic fluor-aluminum
compounds, prevented ozone loss, and reduced global warming by seeding
reflective particles that blocked sunlight while allowing infrared (IR) through.
Unfortunately but not surprisingly, the military promptly abused Phelps’ invention
in (BaSrx)TiO3.

Combined with barium (Ba) and strontium (St), Ti piezocrystals photo-ionize to
block sunlight during the day while allowing IR at night. Phelps explained:

The UV sprays use the same techniques to leave a spray of barium and titanium materials
in the air. Plain titanium dioxide is an extremely good UV blocker. This brings on the last
shield system, on the very surface or Earth and on the most vulnerable UV target organ.
The US has arranged for titanium dioxide to be used in things like soap and detergent,
which leaves one covered with a film of this material. One can usually see the paint-like
scum in showers from the sticky titanium dioxide build up, along with calcium. This same
film is all over most persons’ skin and helps shield the skin from UV. The body is very
tolerant of titanium and is not prone to set off the immune system inflammation response.
This is not so true of aluminum and barium compounds. Even LLNL studies turn down
the use of Al in chemspray methods. The combined effects of these compounds with other
pollutants can well cause lasting lung damage.[88]

Phelps’ titanium-based method and recent reports of methane (CH4) being used
to introduce metal salts to the combustion process[89] point to two new methods of
spray pyrolysis: infrasound dispersion of water-soluble salts, and methane-based
additives mixed with the jet fuel. But how much and how many of the metal salts
raining down on us are bio-available, and how many are insoluble? What is obvious
is that bioaccumulation of non-soluble crystals with electrochemical / optical effects
are now in the food chain and synergistically spell disaster.

Barium occurs naturally in barium-rich soil, but the piezoelectric barium
nanocrystals aerially distributed over North America are intended to enhance radar
signals by refraction for military C4 operations. Sadly, the excited piezoelectric
crystals in barium, silver (silver nitrate for cloud seeding), and strontium have been
linked to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) clusters and other transmissible
spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) like fibromyalgia. But this “collateral damage”
does not concern the military, and the medical studies[90] that might issue a wake-up
call to the public are marred by ignorance of the role played by the constant 24/7
aerial delivery system.

The synthesis of (BaSrx)TiO3 and creation of defined nanoparticles (chemiions)
occurs during spray pyrolysis inside the jet engine chamber:

Spray pyrolysis involves passing an aerosol of a precursor solution through a graded
temperature reactor in which the individual droplets are thermally decomposed to form the
oxide particles.[91]

Clouds can then be “switched” on and off by zapping the piezoelectric barium-
strontium-titanate compound and altering its crystal geometry. The free current
then charges the aerosol particle and creates an ion that attracts moisture and forms
a cloud.

Dielectric and piezoelectric barium titanate is excellent for nonlinear optics.
High beam-coupling gain means it can operate at visible and near-infrared
wavelengths, and its pyroelectric and ferroelectric properties make it useful for
thermal camera sensors. In other words, the compound’s optical capabilities are
paramount in the military mind. With photons up-converted and their spin altered,
the “sky theater” above can offer holographic screening as well as plasma cloud
creation. Kautz-Vella explains:

With regards to barium-strontium-titanate used as aerosols in the atmosphere, this effect
could be used to “switch” clouds “on and off” by applying electromagnetic fields such as
those created by HAARP and EISCAT devices or other radar or microwave-radiating
antenna systems. These research and military installations have equipment with sufficient
strength to alter the crystal geometry of the barium-strontium-titanate while in the
atmosphere, which in turn leads to free current that would charge the aerosol particle and
create an ion that will attract vapor and instantly lead to the forming of a droplet in the
then-forming cloud.[92]

Once these non-soluble nanocrystals and their EM properties fall to Earth,
however, they are taken up as a whole by plants whose health and growth then
suffer. In mammals and humans, these same nanocrystals damage the nervous
system and weaken biophotonic activity. Kautz-Vella stresses that because
(BaSrx)TiO3 nanocrystals absorb biophotons, the nanoparticle-plasma mix affects
DNA light communication while serving as a matrix for synthetic biology and self-
assembling nanomachines (like Morgellons). Electro-optical nanocrystals can
produce signals that interfere with DNA, and artificial crystals replace natural ferro
apatite crystals that play a major role in central nervous system (CNS) transmission.
Kautz-Vella warns of the possibility of mind control via in vivo piezocrystals:

If the natural ferro apatite crystal is replaced by artificially made piezoelectrical crystals,
it appears to open the biological system to respond to a greater extent of artificial
electromagnetic signals, both low and high frequency.[93]

Many jet propellants and additives are classified while others are open source.
Classified JP-8, for example, is suspected of containing chemicals such as 1,2-
dibrom ethan (EDB), perfluoroctane sulfon acid (PFOS), perfluoroctane acid
(PFOA),[94] and lead tetraethyl.[95] All contain fluorine, sulfur, and brome and are
regarded as important sources of the aerosols H2SO4, HF, and HBrO3, all of which
build highly toxic persistent contrails. The damaging impact of such additives is far
more than that of sulfur and aluminum oxide reflective particles.

Media exposure of aerotoxic syndrome has drawn attention to the two million
military and civilian personnel per year who are occupationally exposed to chemical
gases coming from the engine chamber.[96] Unfortunately, the blood tests for
aerotoxicity of pilots, cabin crew, and frequent flyers test for organophosphates but
not necessarily for heavy metals in the chemical compounds pyrolized in the 60
billion gallons per year of kerosene-based jet propulsion fuels (JP-8, JP-5, and Jet
A-1). Add to that no knowledge of the classified compounds, pyrolized (heated) jet
oil leaks coming straight out of the engine, and nanoparticles leaking in from
outside the aircraft (chemtrails, Wigner Effect radiation)—all coming through the
bleed air valve.

As for the unclassified chemical gases from the engine chamber and pylon drain
tubes entering the cabin, it is worth quoting at length from a 2003 peer-reviewed

These exposures may occur repeatedly to raw fuel, vapor phase, aerosol phase, or fuel
combustion exhaust by dermal absorption, pulmonary inhalation, or oral ingestion routes.
Additionally, the public may be repeatedly exposed to lower levels of jet fuel vapor/aerosol
or to fuel combustion products through atmospheric contamination, or to raw fuel
constituents by contact with contaminated groundwater or soil. Kerosene-based
hydrocarbon fuels are complex mixtures of up to 260+ aliphatic and aromatic
hydrocarbon compounds. . .including varying concentrations of potential toxicants such as
benzene, n-hexane, toluene, xylenes, trimethylpentane, methoxyethanol, naphthalenes . .

And the list goes on.


Rocket launches release tons of rocket plume burn that then spew over the
countryside, ocean, or populated areas as the rocket arcs skyward. With every
orbital launch (as opposed to suborbital), 20 to 120 tons of nano-aluminum
particulates are dumped with the exhaust plume into the lower and upper
atmospheres. Aluminum delivered by chemical trails and rocket plumes is the
lightest, most excellent conductive metal we have. (Iron and gold oxides are
actually the best but are too heavy and fall too quickly. Aluminum is light as a
feather and stays airborne longer.) The electronics necessary for global weather
engineering will not work without light aluminum particulates.

The aerosol brew laid by jets above the cloud cover heats regions by fomenting
chemical reactions and trapping solar radiation. Previously, it was thought that the
critical cloud fraction (CCF) value was the same everywhere, but the truth is that
regional CCF values differ according to aerosol chemical signatures.[98] In 2004,
NASA’s senior research scientist Patrick Minnis admitted that artificial cirrus clouds
formed by aircraft exhaust increased Earth surface temperatures between 1975 and
1994 (the Venus Effect) and added to the greenhouse gas effect.[99] In Chemtrails,
HAARP, I quoted cloud physicist William R. Cotton’s insight into how jet-created
cloud cover is the opposite of a “global warming” solution:

. . .cirrus clouds contribute to warming of the atmosphere owing to their contribution to
downward transfer of LW [long-wave] radiation. In other words they are a greenhouse
agent. . .It has even been proposed to seed in clear air in the upper troposphere to produce
artificial cirrus which would warm the surface enough to reduce cold-season heating
demands (Detwiler and Cho 1982). So the prospects for seeding cirrus to contribute to
global surface cooling do not seem to be very good.[100]

Metal oxide nanoparticles are the golden key to the military’s C4 objectives.
Nano-crystalline metal oxides act as semiconductors[101] to activate acids and bases
interacting with light, then bind with chemical and biological agents in strange
synergies. With chemical trails feeding radio and microwave frequencies, the
military can tune to a frequency and transport it anywhere they want. They can
build an antenna in the air and develop a system of computer communication with
other systems through the clouds. Metal oxides enhance obscurants made from
carbon nanotubes to help conceal exotic propulsion craft, jet fighters, and
battleships from radar and sharp eyes.

Conductive metal nanoparticles in the atmosphere act as capacitors[102] to store
energy and propagate conductive antenna fields. When metals suspended in the air
are hit with radio frequency (RF), they resonate the length of the wave, then
duplicate it. Fire a laser pulse for one-trillionth of a second and the distance the
laser fires will be the distance of the wavelength you can then tune to. If a 10-meter
wavelength creates a tunnel or waveguide the length of the pulse in the atmosphere,
you can use it to tune a cavity[103] to a specific frequency so tight that it will
resonate harmonically and build from that frequency, duplicating itself over and
over again, resonating that same wave over and over again, ringing like a bell or
guitar string. If there is no resistance, it will go on forever. This is what Tesla meant
by the perpetual existence of free energy.[104]

The argument that aluminum is naturally present in the Earth’s crust and used in
food, water, medicines, vaccines, and cosmetics with no consequences ignores the
multiplying electro-chemical effects of aerosol aluminum oxide’s disruption of
“biological self-ordering, energy transduction, and signaling systems, thus
increasing biosemiotic entropy.”[105] Aluminum forms toxic complexes with fluorine
and interacts negatively with mercury, lead, and glyphosate. Central nervous system
(CNS) disorders point to aluminum poisoning, in part because the biophysics of
water plays such a pivotal role in bio-degeneration. One study used the toxicity of
the water flea (Ceriodaphnia dubia) to determine the impact of aluminum oxide
nanoparticles on fresh water ecosystems.[106]

The average adult human body is 55–65 percent water, with infant bodies at 75–
78 percent until one year old, when it drops to 65 percent.
With nano-aluminum, -barium, and -lithium oxides being spewed from jets,
rockets, and ships in this nano-chemical warfare era, every community should plan
an annual analysis by a trace atmospheric gas analyzer (TAGA) mobile atmospheric
lab once only requested for chemical explosions and train derailment or tanker
spills. Even eco-friendly Portland, Oregon (population 619,360) has found
hexavalent chromium in its air and soil.[107] States like Maryland are passing clean
air acts and going after known nano compounds like sulfur dioxide (SO2) and
nitrogen oxide (NOx). But what of other compounds falling from the sky and
synergistically reacting with everything from industry pollutants to ionized

What is more concerning is how quiet atmospheric chemists are about what
they’re discovering with their advanced aerosol mass spectrometry, particles-into-
liquid samplers, and cloud condensation nuclei counters regarding anthropogenic
and biogenic releases impacting air quality, human and environmental health, and
regional climate. Sulfates spewed by coal-fired power plants and nitrogen oxides
emitted by vehicles mixing with oxygen is one thing, but what happens when they
interact with ubiquitous non-ionized wireless radiation?[108]

Are chronic sub-lethal synergies transforming life as we’ve known it?
Meanwhile, space as a business model is taking off. Private corporations
profiting from Project Cloverleaf “climate change” ventures are launching private
rockets from military and private launch pads. For example, the U.S.-owned Rocket
Lab in Auckland, Australia has its eye on an Australian paddock with an excellent
azimuth and launch trajectory and is planning to create orbital rockets for less than
US$5 million so that smaller companies, research and environmental groups can
launch their own satellites. 3D printers will spit out the engines, and carbon fiber
will make the bodies so lightweight that 1-meter rockets will be able to launch low-
earth orbit satellites with lifespans of five to seven years instead of 10,000 years.
For a mere $20 million, billionaire Elon Musk’s Space X (Space Exploration
Technologies Corporation)
[109] delivered the first space tourist, multimillionaire
Dennis Tito of the nonprofit Inspiration Mars Foundation, to the International Space
Station (ISS)
in 2001. In January 2018, Tito plans to be on the Mission for America
to Mars
, a modified SpaceX Dragon spacecraft to be launched (given that Earth and
Mars are in favorable positions) by a Falcon Heavy rocket. The trip up and back will
take 501 days. No mention of the Van Allen Radiation Belts impasse,[110] nor other

As the joint Russian-European Mars 500 experiment that recently ended proved, we are far
from fully understanding how individuals react to long-term isolation. Also, the impact of
high-energy particles on the brain during long-duration spaceflight are [sic] only just
beginning to come to light. And then there’s the degradation of drugs in long-duration
spaceflight. And muscle atrophy. And bone wastage (you get the point).[111]

Down below, as we ingest and inhale aluminum oxide and other toxic flotsam
and jetsam, rocket deliveries of “dusty plasma” are being laid in near-earth orbit to
construct a Space Fence “ring” around the equator. We will take a closer look at this
in Chapter 6, “The ‘Star Wars’ Space Fence Rises Again.”
[81] Also see Fitrakis’ March 28, 2002 Columbus Alive article, “Into Thin Air: How Kucinich’s
‘chemtrails’ disappeared . . . from right under Congress’ nose!” Fitrakis ran for Franklin County
Prosecutor in November 2016.

[82] Thomas’ 2004 book Chemtrails Confirmed was one of the first go-to books on chemtrails.

[83] This paper can be found at www.aquarius-technologies.de/download/
TheChemistryinContrails.pdf minus several pages added to the version in Dangerous Imagination,
Silent Assimilation by Cara St. Louis and Harald Kautz-Vella, White Lion Press (2014).

[84] Biophotons are DNA send-and-receive single photons responsible for cell communication.

[85] See Hendrik K. Kammler et al., “Flame Pyrolysis of Nanoparticles. WILEY-VCH Chem. Eng.
Technol. 24 (2001) 6; and M. Enhessari et al., “Synthesis and characterization of barium strontium
titanate (BST) micro/nanostructures prepared by improved methods.” Int. Journal Nano. Dim.
2(2):85-103, Autumn 2011.

[86] Thomas M. Miller et al. “Mass distribution and concentrations of negative chemi-ions in the
exhaust of a jet engine; Sulfuric acid concentrations and observation of particle growth.” Air Force
Research Laboratory, 11 January 2005.

[87] “Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming, US 500316 A,” Hughes
Aircraft Company, April 23, 1990.

[88] Jim Phelps, DOEWatch 2003 web page; mirrored at www.chemtrailcentral.com/ubb/Forum1/
HTML/001839.html. See www.doewatch.com/whistleblowing/ for Phelps biographical information
and photos. [Ed. note: The Ozone Hole from pollution and the DOE invented weather control methods to cover up the fluorides risks. UV-b, star wars, weather control, HAARP.]

[89] See YouTube of “New NASA Methane Jet Engine,” www.popscreen.com/v/5WeMj/New-Nasa-

[90] For example, two studies by Mark Purdey: “Elevated silver, barium and strontium in antlers,
vegetation and soils sourced from CWD [chronic waste disease]: Do Ag/Ba/Sr piezoelectric crystals
represent the transmissible pathogenic agent in TSEs?” Medical Hypotheses, 2004:63(2):211–25; and
“Metal microcrystal pollutants: The heat resistant, transmissible nucleating agents that initiate the
pathogenesis of TSEs.” Medical Hypotheses, 2005:65[3]:448–477.

[91] Kautz-Vella and Hauksdottir, “The Chemistry of Contrails.”

[92] Ibid.

[93] Ibid.

[94] See Carsten Lassen, “Survey of PFOS, PFOA and other perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl
substances.” LOUS Review, November 27, 2012.

[95] Oak Ridge whistleblower scientist Jim Phelps adds SF6, an asphyxiant soluble in ethanol and
added to jet fuel because it is pyrophoric. It is particularly hazardous because it replaces oxygen.
YouTube “Jim Phelps Scientist Chemtrails,” September 1, 2012.

[96] “Unfiltered Breathed In: The Truth about Aerotoxic Syndrome,” a 2015 documentary by Tim
van Beveren, www.unfilteredbreathedin.com.

[97] G. Ritchie et al. “Biological and health effects of exposure to kerosene-based jet fuels and
performance additives.” Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, July-August 2003.

[98] “Above-cloud Aerosols Affect Climate, Say Scientists.” The New Indian Express, 2 April 2015.

[99] “Clouds caused by aircraft exhaust may warm the U.S. climate.” NASA news release, April 27,

[100] William R. Cotton, “Weather and Climate Engineering,” lecture at the Perturbed Clouds in the
Climate System forum, the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FAS) in Germany, March 2008.

[101] “A semiconductor is a substance, usually a solid chemical element or compound, that can
conduct electricity under some conditions but not others, making it a good medium for the control of
electrical current. Its conductance varies depending on the current or voltage applied to a control
electrode, or on the intensity of irradiation by infrared (IR), visible light, ultraviolet (UV), or X rays.”
— WhatIs.com

[102] “A capacitor (capacitance) is a passive electronic component that stores energy in the form of
an electrostatic field.” — WhatIs.com

[103] In electronics and radio, microwave cavities consisting of hollow metal boxes are used in
microwave transmitters, receivers and test equipment to control frequency, in place of the tuned
circuits used at lower frequencies. — Wikipedia, “Resonator”

[104] Conversation with Billy Hayes “The HAARP Man.”

[105] Christopher A. Shaw et al. “Aluminum-Induced Entropy in Biological Systems: Implications
for Neurological Disease.” Journal of Toxicology, Vol. 2014, Article ID491316. Is the rise in cancer
connected? “Cancer cases worldwide are predicted to increase by 70 percent over the next two
decades, from 14 million in 2012 to 25 million new cases a year, according to the World Health
Organization.” — The Guardian, February 3, 2014.

[106] Sunandan Pakrashi et al., “Ceriodaphnia dubia as a Potential Bio-Indicator for Assessing Acute
Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticle Toxicity in Fresh Water Environment.” PLOS ONE, September 5, 2013.

[107] Rob Manning, “Portland Air Monitors Find More Toxic Chromium, But Source Unknown.”
Opb.org, April 21, 2016.

[108] Brett Israel, “Man-made pollutants significantly influence how tree emissions form aerosol
particles.” Phys.org, December 30, 2014.

[109] Competition and politics are fierce around Space X. The September 1, 2016 explosion of the
Falcon 9 rocket carrying the Amos 6 satellite appears to have been sabotage, a possibility Western
media have buried. Asian press believes it was an X-37B “UFO.” See the YouTube “Space X UFO
Explosion – Slow Motion!” by Graphics King, September 1, 2016.

[110] See “Orion: Trial By Fire,” www.nasa.gov/press/2014/october/nasa-premieres-trial-by-fire-

[111] Ian O’Neill, “Private Mars Mission in 2018?” NewsDiscovery.com, February 21, 2013.
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