Younging1 - Age Reversal Is Real


Sep 24, 2016

Posted on 15. August 2020 by Vince Giuliano
By Vince Giuliano and Steve Buss

The key elements of a strategy for age reversal are emerging in the recent literature –we call it YOUNGING1. This blog entry describes our understanding of that strategy, its elements, how it works and its results, and cites research evidence for its salient aspects. This is possibly the most important blog entry published over the 12-year history of ANTI-AGINGFIREWALLS. That is because such a strategy – where human physiological age is actually and significantly reversed –once demonstrated will be unique in our history of all humanity. Age reversal has happened in stories and myths, such as the story of Dr. Faustus and vampire myths, and the power of Fountain of Youths, a number of which can be visited in the world today. Vince first visited the Fountain of Youth Archeological park in Saint Augustine Florida when he was only 4, and has since visited others including the Fontana di Trevi in Italy, the Baños de Coamo in Puerto Rico and. Tambomachay in Peru.

But though much sought after, true YOUNGING approaches have never existed as the result of an actual scientific intervention. We seek here to lay out the elements of a science-based age reversal strategy, one that works in small animals which we believe will work in humans as well, and one that is actionable now. We draw those elements from studies by numerous specialized researchers, many of whom are unfamiliar with the work of the others. So, we are seeking to fit together pieces of knowledge from separate sources to constitute a whole new framework. This characterization of YOUNGING is as complete as we can make it now, and we believe it to be compelling. True, major gaps in our knowledge are still to be filled in. We proceed first in this Section I by listing key assertions without digressing into the backup science and literature, and in Section II back up our key points with additional information, research literature sources and citations, and identify some important still-unanswered questions.

  1. YOUNGING is real. It has been demonstrated in small animals and by much research which characterize and validate its details.
  2. The evidence is strong that YOUNGING will work in humans. It has been demonstrated to work in rats(ref). Of course, all statements we make here with respect to human YOUNGING are conjectural until it is actually demonstrated by well designed clinical studies. However, the genetic and epigenetic compositions of humans and rats and associated pathways and process in humans (and in fact of all mammals) are so evolutionarily conserved and nearly identical, that we assign a high degree of certainty to the basic points made here. The research literature citations in Section II associated with each of these points convey why we are so certain.
  3. YOUNGING is the result of an epigenetic program. In this respect it is a program like aging itself, running the aging clock backwards. You can think of it as a program or subroutine that replaces or runs simultaneously with the aging program itself. We have good ideas about the nature of one such program we call YOUNGING1, how to trigger its activation, how it works, how long it runs, and what its biological youth-generating results can be.
  4. YOUNGING1 as described here is a long process lasting years, not a one time event. It is not something that happens right away or overnight. In this respect it is like aging itself, a process that goes on in our biological backgrounds that is not naturally perceptible by us moment-to-moment, or even day-by-day or month-by-month. Rescaling of rat results suggests that YOUNGING1 in humans over 40 may take 10 or more years to fully play out. This means we won’t see convincing clinical results for humans that YOUNGING exists and works until 8 or more years after a valid-scale clinical study is set up. Until then many people may choose to deny its reality, and others like us will have to depend on the indirect but yet-powerful evidence and powerful highly personal experiences.
  5. There are other epigenetic programs that foster YOUNGING besides that described here called YOUNGING1. We mention a few of these here.
  6. YOUNGING1 is a process that can be initiated by disease-free adults, intended to bring them back towards or to an epigenetic aging state of a typical 20 year old. It is known that there is a major shift in epigenetic gene regulation in humans typically centered around age 24, where numerous growth and protective genes are down-regulated and inflammatory and pro-aging genes are upregulated. It is interesting that this timing coincides with the end of the main child-bearing years for humans as we used to be long ago. So the shift from self-protection may have had an evolutionary purpose. The major driver of this shift is relatively sudden methylation and consequent silencing of numerous growth, development and protective genes.
  7. Initiation of adult aging around 24 years of age appears to be an evolutionarily conserved process triggered by histone methylation by the double and triple histone methylases H3K27me2/3. That is, di- and trimethyl-lysine 27 on histone H3. This results in silencing of numerous genes, including many anti-inflammatory and anti-aging genes that are largely active in youth. The results of this methylation is down-regulation or inactivation of protective genes related to this particular histone position. These include genes that encode for protective heat shock proteins. This may be the essence of adult aging as we know it. This evolutionarily-conserved shift has been well-studied in nematodes where it all happens in only 4 hours. This same histone methylation process also happens in plants as they shift from their juvenile to adult phases. The YOUNGING1 process seeks to reverse this genome-wide methylation and restore the protective gene activation patterns of a much younger person, at an extreme for humans. that of a typical 20 year-old.
  8. H3K27me2/3 and its methylation/demethylation roles in growth and development are important and manifested in plants as well as animals. So, these matters appear to be very ancient and core to life cycles of most if not all living things,
  9. YOUNGING1 is a complex process that proceeds in well-defined stages. In outline:
    1. Initiation by introducing exogenous substances and/or processes that promote active genome-wide demethylation of histone proteins H3K27me2/3. I believe this can be accomplished many ways, rapidly or slowly.
    2. Rapid body response by downregulation of inflammatory cytokines IL-6, TNFalpha and IL1alpha. Rapid response, in a few days. This has been observed in rats, we believe as part of YOUNGERING1. A great many or most serious longevity researchers agree with me (Vince) that drastic reduction of systemic inflammation is absolutely necessary for any form of cell or organ-level renewal or regeneration to take place. It is not known however whether bringing systemic inflammation way down to 20 year-old levels and holding it down is sufficient by itself to initiating and maintaining a form of Nor do we know for sure that this process will be free of negative side effects in humans.
    3. Global responses in re-modeling of gene regulation, including upgrading DNA repair and many other “health and longevity” genes like HO1 and NRF2 and downregulating of-inflammatory and aging” genes, like IGF-1 and MTOR. Time frames unknown but probably fairly quickly. These first 3 steps set up and launch the program, but they are not yet the main program itself.
    4. Epigenetic, biological pathway, organ, and systems remodeling, including changes in DNA promoter methylation. Inducing such gradual changes is the main operation of the YOUNGING In human years the process is estimated to go on for 8 or more years.
I expand on these points below.

  1. It is very difficult to know if YOUNGING1 is going on in someone, except after the process has gone on for four or so years. After that time DNA methylation testing should show the individual as significantly younger than expected for his or her age cohort and/or younger than before initiating the YOUNGING1 DNA age testing will not work as a measuring tool before that time lapse because it is predictive of biological age only with a 3 year error spread. One could ask “YOUNGING1 is initiated by H3K27me2/3 de-methylation which happens right away, so why would that change not show up in a DNA methylation test?” The answer is that DNA methylation age tests look at something else. They look at the methylation states of the promoter regions of a hundred or several hundred key genes , whereas H3K27me2/3 applies to only specific histone site (lysine 27 of histone 3). So DNA methylation tests will only show a person as younger after the process has been running for several years. [I (Vince) experienced that back in 2017 when I did DNA aging tests just before and just after infusions of plasma derived from very young blood. Within expected margins of error, the tests, showed no differences in my DNA-predicted age. At the time I thought that result meant the infusions did nothing, because I did not comprehend the long process nature of YOUNGING. Only now in mid- 2020 do I understand that with those infusions a YOUNGING1 process may indeed have been kicked off in me, a process that is still running today and may go on for 8-10 years more. I will soon do another DNA methylation test to check that hypothesis out.]
  2. There are many seemingly practical approaches to demethylating H3K27me2/3 and thus to initiate the YOUNGING. The main substance that specifically demethylates H3K27me2/3 is JMJD3. The Jumonji domain-containing protein D3 (JMJD3), specifically demethylates di- and trimethyl-lysine 27 on histone H3 (H3K27me2/3). So we can ask “what substances can we practically use to activate JMJD3 and what other substances cab be used to demethylate H3K27me2/3? It turns out the list of familiar substances that can do that is quite long, including:
    • Certain familiar herbal substances, including Curcumin, and High AkBA Boswellia
    • DHEA
    • Alpha keto-gluterate
    • Vitamin D
    • and dozens of others to various extents
    • And also processes such as fasting and breathing supplemental oxygen
  3. These approaches may vary in their efficacy, speed of activation initiation , side effects, and safety. We do not know which ones will really work or are best for humans right now. The desired effect is demethylation of H3K27me2/3 and this is likely to be possible via other demethylases besides JMJD3.
  4. One approach to initiating the YOUNGING1 process, used for animal experiments by Harold Katcher and his colleagues used a substance they call Elixer as an activator.
    • Elixer is administered in rats as a series of two IV administrations a week apart. This is all that is required to initiate the YOUNGING of rats by multiple months equivalent to 8-12 years of human life.
    • These experiments are critical elements of the proof of the YOUNGING However the entire YOUNGING1 concept as outlined here is was put together by us, Vince and Steve. Katcher’s recent paper, co-authored by Steve Horvath and many others, covers the results of the YOUNGING of rats, but does not characterize the YOUNGERING-process, or the roles of H3K27me2/3 or JMJD3 as covered here, or how it is initiated. We, Vince and Steve, are responsible for what is in this blog entry and Harold Katcher and his colleagues might take issue with some of the things we say here.
    • Pending issue of a patent, Katcher and his colleagues are keeping the content of Elixer as a trade secret. They have gone so far as to say, however, that it contains only substances that are found in the blood of younger animals
    • Because of the importance of Dr. Katcher’s work and what he and his colleagues have already published, this Anti-agingfirewalls blog is featuring a series of video interviews that we (Vince and Steve) have had with him which we expect to publish very soon. Steve Buss is the Producer of the series and Vince is actively participating as Executive Producer.
  5. A second approach to initiating YOUNGERING, is the infusion of plasma derived from very young blood, picking up from the long-known results of hetrochronic parabiosis experiments. When old and young mice or rats are sewed together so that they share a common bloodstream, the old mice/rats get demonstrably younger and the young mice/rats get demonstrably older. The conclusion is that there must be factors in the blood of young animals that can rejuvenate older animals.). In my case the infused plasma was derived from blood in discarded umbilical cords of newborn human babies. Use of plasma (which is the blood fraction left over when blood cells are removed) instead of whole blood avoids issues of blood type and graft-host rejection.
  6. A third quite different approach to initiating YOUNGING1 than an IV one could be to use enhanced oral delivery approaches for JMJD3 activators or combinations of JMJD3 and other HK27me demethylases. This is a speculation on our part and we have questions on the safety of activating JMJD3 which are discussed later in this blog. These are approaches that are designed to provide significantly enhanced bioavailability than that of normal pill, powder of liquid delivery. In particular, we have been considering liposomal delivery, an approach where active substance ingredients are encapsulated in nano-sized lipid (fat based) particles. The result is greatly enhanced freedom of the carrier particles to travel through the body and get where they are needed. Liposomal delivery technology was pioneered by the pharma industry and a number of liposomal drugs as well as liposomal dietary supplements are now being marketed..
  7. (Vince personal comment) It turns out I have also been pursuing that third approach for a number of years now, without knowing the YOUNGING1 reason for doing so or ever having heard anything about JMJD3 or H3K27me2/3. Specifically, going back 5 years ago I (Vince) developed and started to consume a liposomal preparation of concentrated extracts of curcumin, high-AKBA Boswellia, ashwagandha and and ginger. I did this to control chronic inflammation, because I knew these four herbal ingredients were powerful suppressors of systemic inflammation, and because I knew that bioavailability of these substances was normally very limited. See the blog entries The Making of a Dietary Supplement and INFLAMMATION PART 6:THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE 4 HERB SYNERGY DIETARY SUPPLEMENT. (Disclosure: . Regular readers of this blog know that because this product has worked so well in controlling chronic inflammation for me, and for members if my family and friends, we have created this liposomal concoction as a commercial product, called 4 Herb Synergy. Vince’s family supplement company SYNERGY BIOHERBALS has been marketing that supplement for over a year now.)
What I did not know at the time I wrote these articles is that curcumin and high-AKBA Boswellia are in fact JMJD3 activators and therefore H3K27me2/3 demethylators. I strongly suspect the ginger and ashwagandha exercise similar impact Since I have been taking either the home-made or the commercial 4 Herb Synergy product daily for over 5 years now, and because I also take substantial daily doses of DHEA and Vitamin D, it is likely I have been in fact to some extent activating JMJD3.

  1. (Vince comment continued) I don’t know the extent to which the blood plasma infusions or consuming the liposomal substances, DHEA and other JMJD3 activators has activated YOUNGING1 in my body. I have a number of clues however, which suggest that the answer may well be yes, The first observable effect, drastic reduction in expression of inflammatory cytokines and inflammatory indexes was achieved years ago. And I am free of debilitating age-related disease conditions that haunt people in my age range (now approaching 91) and I seem to be as active and productive as ever. My medical blood tests, vision and other tests seem to show that most systems are stable. Some measures like my lipid scores are greatly improved over what they were years ago. Biomarkers such as resting heart rate and HRV as measured daily by my OURA ring are usually very good to excellent. I can walk 2-3 miles on rough and hilly terrain in the woods by my house without problems. My reading, research and thinking and writing seems as good as ever.- Have I in fact been YOUNGING? I don’t know for sure but will soon be pursuing a new round of DNA methylation testing to help find out.
  2. Breathing oxygen in combination with exercising may promote YOUNGERING1. Oxygen is one of the promoters of JMJD3. Beyond that there is an older but significant body of science behind achieving healthful results via interventions that combine exercise and breathing oxygen. Further, this is a health and possible longevity intervention that can be pursued now by individuals without requiring any medical intervention. Steve Buss has been experiencing the benefits of this intervention for years now. He intends to cover this subject in detail in a follow-up blog entry. That blog entry will cover the science and historical background of the exercise-oxygen approach, recent related research, how the practice works in detail, the equipment required and where to get it, and the benefits of the approach that Steve has personally experienced.
  3. The biggest danger for YOUNGING1 or any other age-reversal approach is the initiation of cancers or acceleration of growth of unknown cancers already in a person. This is because many of the genes upregulated in any cell or organ renewal approach are also the same ones commonly characterized as oncogenic (cancer-creating) genes, such as the Yamanaka stem cell renewal factors, OCT-4,SOX2, KLF4 and C-MYC – or OSKM in short for all of them. Demethylation of H3K27me2/3 in cancer cells is not a good idea because it can lead to cancer proliferation. The advantage of the third dietary supplement approach to JMJD3 activation Vince has been pursuing as outlined above is that each of the 4 herbal ingredients in 4 Herb Synergy is also a inhibitor of cancers, in part because they each powerfully act to inhibit NF-kB, the key protein required to activate systemic inflammation and maintain inflammasomes Cancer processes are inherently inflammatory.
  4. There are other known natural programs that run in the bodies of normal people that can contribute to YOUNGING. For example, senescent cells exude the inflammatory cytokine IL-6. IL-6 exuded by senescent cells is a necessary trigger for nearby normal cells in the same organ to start expressing the OSKM Yamanaka factors so they can epigenetically regress to becoming stem-cell like progenitor cells in the same lineage type, which can the differentiate to replace the senescent cells
  5. The neighboring cells in a single organ may be in quite different epigenetic states than those in neighboring cells. Some may be responding to a normal aging program. Others may be senescent and responding to a program for senescent cells, other cells may be engaged in a YOUNGING We think what happens to the organ depends on the relative balances of cells in these different programmed process, and perhaps on a variety of additional signaling factors as well. Recent animal experience suggests that for normal people and most organ systems, the numbers of cells in YOUNGING decline and the numbers of cells in the senescent state increases as people move beyond middle-age. So organs age and eventually tends towards dysfunctionality or susceptibility to disease. On the other hand a simplistic viewpoint is that if enough of the cells in an organ are engaged in YOUNGERING, the organ itself my YOUNGER. Harold Katcher has made a strong point that the age of a cell depends not on its history but on organ and body environmental factors which drive that age. We think he is right about this.
  6. In addition to the approaches mentioned for initializing YOUNGING1, there are doubtlessly a continuum of others involving different stresses or activator of JMJD3 or other histone demethylases administered via different channels and in different doses. It may take years to sort out which ones are safest and work best. In particular the dosage effects may be highly nonlinear, where too-little could have only negligible effect and too much unsafe.
  7. An entirely different approach to YOUNGING has been demonstrated to work in old mice, which is simply to drain off half the blood plasma and replace it with a solution that contains albumin. A twist on the old and long discredited medical practice of bloodletting. It seems that what helps here is removal of pro-aging factors from the plasma in the bloodstreams of older animals.
  8. What is known about YOUNGING and YOUNGING1 leaves many open questions. For example, as already pointed out, questions include:
    • What is the best way to initiate YOUNGING1?
    • How can I know if YOUNGING1 is going on and the extent to which it is going on without waiting for years to see?
    • Can YOUNGING1 have undesirable side effects irrelevant for rats but important for us humans? (Vince): I am happy to experience considerible epigenetic age regression, and would love to regain some things I had earlier like thick black hair on my head and more acute hearing. But I don’t want to lose any of my memories or give up any of the wisdom I have gained through aging. I don’t want any basic personality changes to occur or any loss of lovingness and affection. I would like some 45 years of epigenetic regression, but don’t want to lose what I have learned about longevity science in just the last dozen years, not to mention last week.
    • Can the YOUNGING1 program run too long or go too far once it is started?. Can it easily be turned off?. (Vince): I don’t care to be a bumbling teenager or adolescent again. I would like some restoration of my sex drive, but I don’t want it running me like it did when I was 22.
    • What about some of the negative consequences associated with JMJD3?. Recent literature suggests that inhibition rather than activation of JMJD3 may be helpful for treating certain conditions such as osteo-arthritis and certain auto-immune conditions. JDJM3 promotes the differentiation of stem cells into various somatic cells. By the same token it tends to slow down or interfere with cell de-diferentiation via the Yamanaka factors, and epigenetic regression of somatic cells into stem cells, an important natural renewal process
  9. YOUNGING approaches will in all likelihood allow many existing humans to live for many more chronological years than 123, the maximum chronological age any human being in history has been known to live. Not by strengthening us somehow so we can bulldoze through that limit, but by allowing us to get nowhere near the internal biological stress conditions that normally stop human life at or before that age.
    • This of course is a conjecture, and a hope many of us have to be one of those humans.
    • This may require triggering multiple bouts of YOUNGING while the chronological years roll on.
    • I conjecture that a few other YOUNGING approaches in addition to YOUNGING1 will be required to get past 123 This is because YOUNGING programs appear to vary in their efficacy according to organs and body systems
    • (Vince): I comment personally that until just now, I could not imagine any way for members of our species to live beyond the 123 chronical years limit. There is a completely documented maximum chronological age for members of every known biological species, ranging from minutes or hours for some insects to thousands of years for certain tree species. I could not imagine that we humans could find an exemption to that rule. Now I can. So I see this possible avenue for breaking through the chronological age limit to be very exciting
  10. A number of other interventions have been showed to extend mammalian lifespans somewhat, but our sense is that they fall short of initiating a full YOUNGING process such as that described here. These include using nicotinamide riboside to upgrade NAD+ expression, pulsed taking of rapamycin, and taking of metformin. Some of these are interesting from the viewpoint of YOUNGING because of their mechanisms of operation. For example, nicotinamide riboside upgrades the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPR), a process we think take place in YOUNGING1


May 4, 2019
Here is his full Regimen (with a list of supplements at the bottom of the page) :


  • 4-Herb Synergy 1 tsp 1 AM, 1 Eve Proprietary liposomal preparation of Curcumin, Boswellia, Ginger and Aswaghanda**
  • Acetyl-l-Carnitine, Alpha-lipoic acid 1 AM, 1 Eve 500 mg Acetyl L-Carnitine HCl, 300 mg Alpha-lipoic acid
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid 300 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Astragalus root 1,500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Aswaghanda extract 300 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve KSM 66, Stand. to 5% Withanolides
  • Bacopa extract 300 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Stand. to 45% Bacosides, with baCognizine
  • Benfotiamine 150 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Benfotiamine (S-benzoylthiamine-O-monophosphate)
  • Bitter Melon Fruit 450 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Boswellia Serrata extract 75 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve 5_LOXIN, Stand to 50% AKBA
  • Calcium-Magnesium-Zink 500 mg 2 AM, 2 Eve 333 mg Calcium (as Cal Carbonate, Cal Asparate and Cal Citrate). 133 mg Magnesium (as Mag Oxide, Mag Asparate and Mag Gluconate, 5 mg Zink (as Zink Oxide, Zink Asparate, and Zink Gluconate)
  • Cat’s Claw 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Copper 3 mg 1 AM As Copper Gluconate
  • DHEA 50 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Dehydroepiandrosterone
  • (Mega) EFAs 1,050 mg 2 BB, 2 AM, 1 Eve Molecularly distilled fish oils, 400 mg EPA, 200 mg DHA
  • Eleuthero Root 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Fisetin Flavinoid 100 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve From Wax Tree Extract, take for 5 consecutive days each month
  • Garcinia Cambogia extract 600 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 50% Hydroxycitric Acid
  • Garlic Ultra 600 mg 1 Eve Stand to 2.5% Allicin
  • Ginger root 550 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Ginger (rhizome)
  • Ginseng Extract 250 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Americn Ginseng Extract (root)
  • Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM 1,000 mg 2 AM, 2 Eve 25 mg Sodium, 55 mg Potasium, 375 mg Glucosamine Sulfate, 300 mg Chrondroitin Sulfate, 250 mg Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
  • Grape Seed & Resveratrol 400 mg 1 BB, 1 AM,1 Eve 225 mg Grape seed extract Stand for 85% polyphenols, 75 mg grape skin extract Stand to 45% proanthocyanidins, 25 mg grape juice extract (whole fruit), 75 mg resveratrol
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract 200 mg 1 BB, 1 AM Stand to 50% chlorogenic acids
  • Green Tea Fat Burner 360mg 1 BB, 2 AM 200 mg GT extract Stand. to 50% EGCG (leaf), 160 mg Caffeine, 160mg other ingredients
  • Horny Goat Weed Extract 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 10% Icarin
  • L-Carnosine 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Probiotic 15-35 100 mg 1 BB, 1 AM,1 Eve 15 Strains, 17.5 billion microorganisms per cap
  • Magnesium Citrate 200 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Melatonin 3 mg 1 Eve Before bed
  • Milk Thistle extract 300 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 80% Silymarin
  • Carotene Complex 1 AM 3,000 mcg Vitamin A (as 100% beta-carotene and mixed carotenoids), 6 mg Food Carotenoid Blend: annatto (seed), carrot extract (root), West Indian lemongrass (aerial), spirulina
  • Nicotinamide Riboside 125 mg 2 BB Tru Niagen
  • Olive Leaf extract 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 15% Eleuropain
  • Pterostilbene 50 mg 1 BB pTeroPure,
  • PQQ 20mg 1 AM, 1 Eve BioPQQ™ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt)
  • Quercetin & Bromelain 406 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve 250 mg Quercetin dehydrate, 156 mg Bromelain
  • Saw Palmetto 540 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Berry
  • Pregnenalone 50mg 1 AM
  • Selenium 200 mcg 1 AM As 1-selenomethionine
  • Stinging Nettle Leaf 480 mg 1 AM
  • Trans Resveratrol 500mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Knotweed Stand to 50% Trans Resveratrol
  • Turmeric extract 580 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Curcumin C3 cmplx, Stand to 95% Curcuminoids, with Piperine
  • Ubiquinol 100 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Quinol
  • Vitamin B-6 100 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve As Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
  • Vitamin B-12 500 mg 1 AM As Methylcobalamin
  • Vitamin B-100 complex 1,000 mg 1 AM 100 mg Thiamin, 100 mg Riboflavin, 100 mg Niacinamide, 100 mg B6, 400 mcg Folic Acid, 100 mcg B12, 1oo mcg Biotin, 100 mg Pantothenic Acid, 100 mg Choline Bitartrate 100 mg Inositol, 100 mg PABA
  • Vitamin C 1,000 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve As Ascorbic Acid
  • Vitamin D-3 5,000 IU 1 BB, 1 Eve 5,000 IU as Cholecalciferol
  • Vitamin E 180 mg 400 IU as Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate
  • Ultra Vit K 2,400 mg 100 mg as Menaquinone-7, 1,300 mg as Menaquinone-4, 1,000 mg as Phytonadione
Holy...:tearsofjoy: And I thought I was taking a lot of supplements


Mar 23, 2016
His supplements have stayed pretty consistent over the years. He has removed: Choline (except for what is in his B Complex) and Piracetam. He removed Niacinamide (except for what is in his B Complex) for a long period and then recently replaced it with NR.


  • 4-Herb Synergy 1 tsp 1 AM, 1 Eve Proprietary liposomal preparation of Curcumin, Boswellia, Ginger and Aswaghanda**
  • Acetyl-l-Carnitine, Alpha-lipoic acid 1 AM, 1 Eve 500 mg Acetyl L-Carnitine HCl, 300 mg Alpha-lipoic acid
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid 300 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Astragalus root 1,500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Aswaghanda extract 300 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve KSM 66, Stand. to 5% Withanolides
  • Bacopa extract 300 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Stand. to 45% Bacosides, with baCognizine
  • Benfotiamine 150 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Benfotiamine (S-benzoylthiamine-O-monophosphate)
  • Bitter Melon Fruit 450 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Boswellia Serrata extract 75 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve 5_LOXIN, Stand to 50% AKBA
  • Calcium-Magnesium-Zink 500 mg 2 AM, 2 Eve 333 mg Calcium (as Cal Carbonate, Cal Asparate and Cal Citrate). 133 mg Magnesium (as Mag Oxide, Mag Asparate and Mag Gluconate, 5 mg Zink (as Zink Oxide, Zink Asparate, and Zink Gluconate)
  • Cat’s Claw 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Copper 3 mg 1 AM As Copper Gluconate
  • DHEA 50 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Dehydroepiandrosterone
  • (Mega) EFAs 1,050 mg 2 BB, 2 AM, 1 Eve Molecularly distilled fish oils, 400 mg EPA, 200 mg DHA
  • Eleuthero Root 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Fisetin Flavinoid 100 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve From Wax Tree Extract, take for 5 consecutive days each month
  • Garcinia Cambogia extract 600 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 50% Hydroxycitric Acid
  • Garlic Ultra 600 mg 1 Eve Stand to 2.5% Allicin
  • Ginger root 550 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Ginger (rhizome)
  • Ginseng Extract 250 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Americn Ginseng Extract (root)
  • Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM 1,000 mg 2 AM, 2 Eve 25 mg Sodium, 55 mg Potasium, 375 mg Glucosamine Sulfate, 300 mg Chrondroitin Sulfate, 250 mg Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
  • Grape Seed & Resveratrol 400 mg 1 BB, 1 AM,1 Eve 225 mg Grape seed extract Stand for 85% polyphenols, 75 mg grape skin extract Stand to 45% proanthocyanidins, 25 mg grape juice extract (whole fruit), 75 mg resveratrol
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract 200 mg 1 BB, 1 AM Stand to 50% chlorogenic acids
  • Green Tea Fat Burner 360mg 1 BB, 2 AM 200 mg GT extract Stand. to 50% EGCG (leaf), 160 mg Caffeine, 160mg other ingredients
  • Horny Goat Weed Extract 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 10% Icarin
  • L-Carnosine 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Probiotic 15-35 100 mg 1 BB, 1 AM,1 Eve 15 Strains, 17.5 billion microorganisms per cap
  • Magnesium Citrate 200 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Melatonin 3 mg 1 Eve Before bed
  • Milk Thistle extract 300 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 80% Silymarin
  • Carotene Complex 1 AM 3,000 mcg Vitamin A (as 100% beta-carotene and mixed carotenoids), 6 mg Food Carotenoid Blend: annatto (seed), carrot extract (root), West Indian lemongrass (aerial), spirulina
  • Nicotinamide Riboside 125 mg 2 BB Tru Niagen
  • Olive Leaf extract 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 15% Eleuropain
  • Pterostilbene 50 mg 1 BB pTeroPure,
  • PQQ 20mg 1 AM, 1 Eve BioPQQ™ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt)
  • Quercetin & Bromelain 406 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve 250 mg Quercetin dehydrate, 156 mg Bromelain
  • Saw Palmetto 540 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Berry
  • Pregnenalone 50mg 1 AM
  • Selenium 200 mcg 1 AM As 1-selenomethionine
  • Stinging Nettle Leaf 480 mg 1 AM
  • Trans Resveratrol 500mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Knotweed Stand to 50% Trans Resveratrol
  • Turmeric extract 580 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Curcumin C3 cmplx, Stand to 95% Curcuminoids, with Piperine
  • Ubiquinol 100 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Quinol
  • Vitamin B-6 100 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve As Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
  • Vitamin B-12 500 mg 1 AM As Methylcobalamin
  • Vitamin B-100 complex 1,000 mg 1 AM 100 mg Thiamin, 100 mg Riboflavin, 100 mg Niacinamide, 100 mg B6, 400 mcg Folic Acid, 100 mcg B12, 1oo mcg Biotin, 100 mg Pantothenic Acid, 100 mg Choline Bitartrate 100 mg Inositol, 100 mg PABA
  • Vitamin C 1,000 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve As Ascorbic Acid
  • Vitamin D-3 5,000 IU 1 BB, 1 Eve 5,000 IU as Cholecalciferol
  • Vitamin E 180 mg 400 IU as Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate
  • Ultra Vit K 2,400 mg 100 mg as Menaquinone-7, 1,300 mg as Menaquinone-4, 1,000 mg as Phytonadione
Holy...:tearsofjoy: And I thought I was taking a lot of supplements
lol wow! :eek:


Nov 29, 2017
How did those centranarians make it to 100 without supps???

I want to live as best as I can for as long as I can, without it becoming OCD about it. We all die one day. Do your best while you are here


Mar 9, 2018
Well, he is 91 and still churning out blog posts, most of which go over my head.
And he doesn't look a day younger than 91 :eek: And he has blackened the left side of his picture to hide some aging lines and jowls.


Apr 30, 2015

I see...


ahh, I get it. this is why all the buzzwords


Apr 30, 2015
  • 4-Herb Synergy 1 tsp 1 AM, 1 Eve Proprietary liposomal preparation of Curcumin, Boswellia, Ginger and Aswaghanda**
  • Acetyl-l-Carnitine, Alpha-lipoic acid 1 AM, 1 Eve 500 mg Acetyl L-Carnitine HCl, 300 mg Alpha-lipoic acid
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid 300 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Astragalus root 1,500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Aswaghanda extract 300 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve KSM 66, Stand. to 5% Withanolides
  • Bacopa extract 300 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Stand. to 45% Bacosides, with baCognizine
  • Benfotiamine 150 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Benfotiamine (S-benzoylthiamine-O-monophosphate)
  • Bitter Melon Fruit 450 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Boswellia Serrata extract 75 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve 5_LOXIN, Stand to 50% AKBA
  • Calcium-Magnesium-Zink 500 mg 2 AM, 2 Eve 333 mg Calcium (as Cal Carbonate, Cal Asparate and Cal Citrate). 133 mg Magnesium (as Mag Oxide, Mag Asparate and Mag Gluconate, 5 mg Zink (as Zink Oxide, Zink Asparate, and Zink Gluconate)
  • Cat’s Claw 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Copper 3 mg 1 AM As Copper Gluconate
  • DHEA 50 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Dehydroepiandrosterone
  • (Mega) EFAs 1,050 mg 2 BB, 2 AM, 1 Eve Molecularly distilled fish oils, 400 mg EPA, 200 mg DHA
  • Eleuthero Root 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Fisetin Flavinoid 100 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve From Wax Tree Extract, take for 5 consecutive days each month
  • Garcinia Cambogia extract 600 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 50% Hydroxycitric Acid
  • Garlic Ultra 600 mg 1 Eve Stand to 2.5% Allicin
  • Ginger root 550 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Ginger (rhizome)
  • Ginseng Extract 250 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Americn Ginseng Extract (root)
  • Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM 1,000 mg 2 AM, 2 Eve 25 mg Sodium, 55 mg Potasium, 375 mg Glucosamine Sulfate, 300 mg Chrondroitin Sulfate, 250 mg Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
  • Grape Seed & Resveratrol 400 mg 1 BB, 1 AM,1 Eve 225 mg Grape seed extract Stand for 85% polyphenols, 75 mg grape skin extract Stand to 45% proanthocyanidins, 25 mg grape juice extract (whole fruit), 75 mg resveratrol
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract 200 mg 1 BB, 1 AM Stand to 50% chlorogenic acids
  • Green Tea Fat Burner 360mg 1 BB, 2 AM 200 mg GT extract Stand. to 50% EGCG (leaf), 160 mg Caffeine, 160mg other ingredients
  • Horny Goat Weed Extract 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 10% Icarin
  • L-Carnosine 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Probiotic 15-35 100 mg 1 BB, 1 AM,1 Eve 15 Strains, 17.5 billion microorganisms per cap
  • Magnesium Citrate 200 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Melatonin 3 mg 1 Eve Before bed
  • Milk Thistle extract 300 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 80% Silymarin
  • Carotene Complex 1 AM 3,000 mcg Vitamin A (as 100% beta-carotene and mixed carotenoids), 6 mg Food Carotenoid Blend: annatto (seed), carrot extract (root), West Indian lemongrass (aerial), spirulina
  • Nicotinamide Riboside 125 mg 2 BB Tru Niagen
  • Olive Leaf extract 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 15% Eleuropain
  • Pterostilbene 50 mg 1 BB pTeroPure,
  • PQQ 20mg 1 AM, 1 Eve BioPQQ™ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt)
  • Quercetin & Bromelain 406 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve 250 mg Quercetin dehydrate, 156 mg Bromelain
  • Saw Palmetto 540 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Berry
  • Pregnenalone 50mg 1 AM
  • Selenium 200 mcg 1 AM As 1-selenomethionine
  • Stinging Nettle Leaf 480 mg 1 AM
  • Trans Resveratrol 500mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Knotweed Stand to 50% Trans Resveratrol
  • Turmeric extract 580 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Curcumin C3 cmplx, Stand to 95% Curcuminoids, with Piperine
  • Ubiquinol 100 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Quinol
  • Vitamin B-6 100 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve As Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
  • Vitamin B-12 500 mg 1 AM As Methylcobalamin
  • Vitamin B-100 complex 1,000 mg 1 AM 100 mg Thiamin, 100 mg Riboflavin, 100 mg Niacinamide, 100 mg B6, 400 mcg Folic Acid, 100 mcg B12, 1oo mcg Biotin, 100 mg Pantothenic Acid, 100 mg Choline Bitartrate 100 mg Inositol, 100 mg PABA
  • Vitamin C 1,000 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve As Ascorbic Acid
  • Vitamin D-3 5,000 IU 1 BB, 1 Eve 5,000 IU as Cholecalciferol
  • Vitamin E 180 mg 400 IU as Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate
  • Ultra Vit K 2,400 mg 100 mg as Menaquinone-7, 1,300 mg as Menaquinone-4, 1,000 mg as Phytonadione
Holy...:tearsofjoy: And I thought I was taking a lot of supplements
Holy crap

Guy probably spends thousands a MONTH. This can't be good for him.


Jan 1, 2020
  • 4-Herb Synergy 1 tsp 1 AM, 1 Eve Proprietary liposomal preparation of Curcumin, Boswellia, Ginger and Aswaghanda**
  • Acetyl-l-Carnitine, Alpha-lipoic acid 1 AM, 1 Eve 500 mg Acetyl L-Carnitine HCl, 300 mg Alpha-lipoic acid
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid 300 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Astragalus root 1,500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Aswaghanda extract 300 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve KSM 66, Stand. to 5% Withanolides
  • Bacopa extract 300 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Stand. to 45% Bacosides, with baCognizine
  • Benfotiamine 150 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Benfotiamine (S-benzoylthiamine-O-monophosphate)
  • Bitter Melon Fruit 450 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Boswellia Serrata extract 75 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve 5_LOXIN, Stand to 50% AKBA
  • Calcium-Magnesium-Zink 500 mg 2 AM, 2 Eve 333 mg Calcium (as Cal Carbonate, Cal Asparate and Cal Citrate). 133 mg Magnesium (as Mag Oxide, Mag Asparate and Mag Gluconate, 5 mg Zink (as Zink Oxide, Zink Asparate, and Zink Gluconate)
  • Cat’s Claw 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Copper 3 mg 1 AM As Copper Gluconate
  • DHEA 50 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Dehydroepiandrosterone
  • (Mega) EFAs 1,050 mg 2 BB, 2 AM, 1 Eve Molecularly distilled fish oils, 400 mg EPA, 200 mg DHA
  • Eleuthero Root 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Fisetin Flavinoid 100 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve From Wax Tree Extract, take for 5 consecutive days each month
  • Garcinia Cambogia extract 600 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 50% Hydroxycitric Acid
  • Garlic Ultra 600 mg 1 Eve Stand to 2.5% Allicin
  • Ginger root 550 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Ginger (rhizome)
  • Ginseng Extract 250 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Americn Ginseng Extract (root)
  • Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM 1,000 mg 2 AM, 2 Eve 25 mg Sodium, 55 mg Potasium, 375 mg Glucosamine Sulfate, 300 mg Chrondroitin Sulfate, 250 mg Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
  • Grape Seed & Resveratrol 400 mg 1 BB, 1 AM,1 Eve 225 mg Grape seed extract Stand for 85% polyphenols, 75 mg grape skin extract Stand to 45% proanthocyanidins, 25 mg grape juice extract (whole fruit), 75 mg resveratrol
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract 200 mg 1 BB, 1 AM Stand to 50% chlorogenic acids
  • Green Tea Fat Burner 360mg 1 BB, 2 AM 200 mg GT extract Stand. to 50% EGCG (leaf), 160 mg Caffeine, 160mg other ingredients
  • Horny Goat Weed Extract 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 10% Icarin
  • L-Carnosine 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Probiotic 15-35 100 mg 1 BB, 1 AM,1 Eve 15 Strains, 17.5 billion microorganisms per cap
  • Magnesium Citrate 200 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve
  • Melatonin 3 mg 1 Eve Before bed
  • Milk Thistle extract 300 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 80% Silymarin
  • Carotene Complex 1 AM 3,000 mcg Vitamin A (as 100% beta-carotene and mixed carotenoids), 6 mg Food Carotenoid Blend: annatto (seed), carrot extract (root), West Indian lemongrass (aerial), spirulina
  • Nicotinamide Riboside 125 mg 2 BB Tru Niagen
  • Olive Leaf extract 500 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Stand to 15% Eleuropain
  • Pterostilbene 50 mg 1 BB pTeroPure,
  • PQQ 20mg 1 AM, 1 Eve BioPQQ™ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt)
  • Quercetin & Bromelain 406 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve 250 mg Quercetin dehydrate, 156 mg Bromelain
  • Saw Palmetto 540 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Berry
  • Pregnenalone 50mg 1 AM
  • Selenium 200 mcg 1 AM As 1-selenomethionine
  • Stinging Nettle Leaf 480 mg 1 AM
  • Trans Resveratrol 500mg 1 AM, 1 Eve Knotweed Stand to 50% Trans Resveratrol
  • Turmeric extract 580 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Curcumin C3 cmplx, Stand to 95% Curcuminoids, with Piperine
  • Ubiquinol 100 mg 1 BB, 1 Eve Quinol
  • Vitamin B-6 100 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve As Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
  • Vitamin B-12 500 mg 1 AM As Methylcobalamin
  • Vitamin B-100 complex 1,000 mg 1 AM 100 mg Thiamin, 100 mg Riboflavin, 100 mg Niacinamide, 100 mg B6, 400 mcg Folic Acid, 100 mcg B12, 1oo mcg Biotin, 100 mg Pantothenic Acid, 100 mg Choline Bitartrate 100 mg Inositol, 100 mg PABA
  • Vitamin C 1,000 mg 1 AM, 1 Eve As Ascorbic Acid
  • Vitamin D-3 5,000 IU 1 BB, 1 Eve 5,000 IU as Cholecalciferol
  • Vitamin E 180 mg 400 IU as Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate
  • Ultra Vit K 2,400 mg 100 mg as Menaquinone-7, 1,300 mg as Menaquinone-4, 1,000 mg as Phytonadione
Holy...:tearsofjoy: And I thought I was taking a lot of supplements

Imagine the contaminants and fillers...


Apr 5, 2016
Yeah I've read him for a few years he has some interesting articles on lipofuscin - but his regimen is insane.

I suspect he would live just as well without most of his supplements.

He has good genes, habits, and interests/purpose.

Some of his best advice:

- Date younger women
- Have good sex
- Good social network
- Don't marry women you fight with
- Don't make people wrong ie people come from different places experientially and intellectually


Mar 29, 2016
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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