The Failed Experiment Of Covid Lockdowns


Feb 18, 2016
You should have just directly answered the question with "there is no easy way to cancel property taxes without selling your property." Which means it's not a direct payment for services, like a power or cable bill is. At best, it's indirect.

And I wasn't asking on behalf of "most" of the European people. Just an individual that wanted to cancel his property taxes (for whatever reason), without selling his property.

For someone who accused me of making "strawman arguments," you have made nothing but strawman arguments to avoid answering the question "How does one go about cancelling their property taxes in Europe?" If I go to the SC Edison website to cancel my power (again, for whatever reason), they don't come back at me with questions like "What, don't you like modern conveniences? Aren't you worried about your food spoiling without an electric refrigerator?"

If he wants to cancel them he can petition the public, his community, he can spend his time canvassing the public. The broader community want them,If it was easy to cancel everything within a community we would have people breeding lions in their backyard on a whim. What don’t you understand here?
Like you say he can also sell his property, problem solved, did you have an epiphany here?

Canceling your electric power is fine but you can’t cancel the electrical grid, the broader community want it, if property taxes pay for things that "encompass" a community of people benefit from like maintenance of pipes etc and you don’t want this why would you move there in the first place? Just find a place uninhabited and live there.
How is a maintained road and sanitation facilities not a service, are you insane?

Your arguments are infantile and delusional, the least of your worries is a property tax or if a government can take your property or not, attachment to property rights is an extreme form of rigidity, you get on average 80 years on the planet and people are pathological about specific pieces of land.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
If he wants to cancel them he can petition the public, his community, he can spend his time canvassing the public. The broader community want them,If it was easy to cancel everything within a community we would have people breeding lions in their backyard on a whim. What don’t you understand here?
Like you say he can also sell his property, problem solved, did you have an epiphany here?

Canceling your electric power is fine but you can’t cancel the electrical grid, the broader community want it, if property taxes pay for things that "encompass" a community of people benefit from like maintenance of pipes etc and you don’t want this why would you move there in the first place? Just find a place uninhabited and live there.
How is a maintained road and sanitation facilities not a service, are you insane?

Your arguments are infantile and delusional, the least of your worries is a property tax or if a government can take your property or not, attachment to property rights is an extreme form of rigidity, you get on average 80 years on the planet and people are pathological about specific pieces of land.

Can we chill please? I find this infantile. Thanks.


Jan 25, 2014
Like you say he can also sell his property, problem solved, did you have an epiphany here?

That's a hell of a way to avoid paying a "service" fee. I'm not required to sell my house if I want to cancel cable or Netflix.

So stop calling taxes a "service." They aren't. They are, according to the dictionary, "a compulsory financial contribution imposed by a government to raise revenue, levied on the income or property of persons or organizations, on the production costs or sales prices of goods and services, etc. a heavy demand on something; straina tax on our resources."

So stop likening it to a service. It's a way to fund government. You clearly enjoy paying taxes, and claim many others do as well, but to those that don't wish to pay, the only answer is "too bad, pay them anyway."

I don't know if anything like the Grace Commission has ever been formed in Europe, but the report the commission issued stated that not one nickel of Income Tax collected in the US went to ANY government program or service that people might think it does. 100% of Income Taxes went to pay interest on the debt.

How is a maintained road and sanitation facilities not a service, are you insane?

Both things like trash collection and sewage can be (and are) billed as utilities in many municipalities. No need for it to be a tax.

Why should property owners be the only ones to pay for roads? Don't non-property owners use them as well? Like Apartment Dwellers and visitors to the area? Are you sure your property taxes go to fund roads? Do you get an itemized statement back from the government about how all your taxes were used?

Your arguments are infantile and delusional, the least of your worries is a property tax or if a government can take your property or not, attachment to property rights is an extreme form of rigidity, you get on average 80 years on the planet and people are pathological about specific pieces of land.

How is asking a question making an argument?
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Feb 18, 2016
That's a hell of a way to avoid paying a "service" fee. I'm not required to sell my house if I want to cancel cable or Netflix.

So stop calling taxes a "service." They aren't. They are, according to the dictionary, "a compulsory financial contribution imposed by a government to raise revenue, levied on the income or property of persons or organizations, on the production costs or sales prices of goods and services, etc. a heavy demand on something; straina tax on our resources."

So stop likening it to a service. It's a way to fund government. You clearly enjoy paying taxes, and claim many others do as well, but to those that don't wish to pay, the only answer is "too bad, pay them anyway."

I don't know if anything like the Grace Commission has ever been formed in Europe, but the report the commission issued stated that not one nickel of Income Tax collected in the US went to ANY government program or service that people might think it does. 100% of Income Taxes went to pay interest on the debt.

How is asking a question making an argument?

What dictionary? Here’s another definition- "a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc".

The government outside of tyranny is made up of members of the public. You conveniently ignore the part that states what taxes are used for, without government in the case of anarchy people will still forms groups and administrative domains to organize to pay for sustaining the services they agree upon, the administrative groups require compensation for their time also.

I don’t agree with excessive taxation or tyranny, I do however enjoy the fact that somebody else is payed for their time to organize a public or private organization to resurface roads and repair pipes etc, I apply my time elsewhere.

Once again ,cancel Netflix or your electrical provider by all means but you have no right to cancel the infrastructure that allows Netflix broadcast or the electrical grid. You can’t cancel the footpaths or roads in your neighborhood because the broader community want to use them.

Where your income tax is going is up to the people, if they are not happy they do something about it hence the grace commission. If the people don’t like the idiocy of a president who needs a 60 car motorcade to drive around his own country then they can change it.

Once again if you want to cancel your tax then canvas the broader community you live in or if you don’t want to pay taxes but the community do ,like I said you can go to an uninhabited place and do as you please, these places exist.

How is asking a question making an argument?


Jan 25, 2014
Once again ,cancel Netflix or your electrical provider by all means but you have no right to cancel the infrastructure that allows Netflix broadcast or the electrical grid. You can’t cancel the footpaths or roads in your neighborhood because the broader community want to use them.

It's like, you ignore the question every time, and pretend that I asked something that I didn't. I even spelled out how it's simply one individual who DOESN'T want to cancel everything, just not pay property taxes himself. If he can't do that without selling his property, then it's a compulsory fee to owning his property.

One person cancelling their Netflix isn't going to shutdown the company.

One person who cancels electric because they got solar panels isn't going to shut down the electric grid.

So how would one person not paying property taxes make roads suddenly not exist? This is nothing about "canvasing the broader community." It's simply one person opting out (or trying to). And the point is, he can't do that. At least, not with the ease that he could cancel his Netflix or Electric bill.


Feb 18, 2016
It's like, you ignore the question every time, and pretend that I asked something that I didn't. I even spelled out how it's simply one individual who DOESN'T want to cancel everything, just not pay property taxes himself. If he can't do that without selling his property, then it's a compulsory fee to owning his property.

One person cancelling their Netflix isn't going to shutdown the company.

One person who cancels electric because they got solar panels isn't going to shut down the electric grid.

So how would one person not paying property taxes make roads suddenly not exist? This is nothing about "canvasing the broader community." It's simply one person opting out (or trying to). And the point is, he can't do that. At least, not with the ease that he could cancel his Netflix or Electric bill.

How many examples do you need to understand, are you serious? You really have no grasp of analogy within a context. Are you a Q follower?

The point is you choose to live in a community, you are still making that choice if you continue living there, I don’t move to certain countries because I don’t agree with their community on many topics. If I’m born there and realize there are things I no longer agree within the community I leave. If I live there and like it but then an even more tyrannical government forms and the community are accepting of it , they follow the new rules and regulations, I leave.

If you don’t want the tax to exist you canvas your community, if the community decide there will be no more property tax you don’t have to pay it, this how community works, your choosing to live in a community means there is give and take. It’s everything about the place you choose to live in, it’s a community, they have a right to a say.
By default then if the tax is canceled you as an individual don’t have to pay it. It’s not about the ease or speed of change, it’s about whether or not an individual has the agency to effect change within a context and the answer is yes.

There are also exemptions granted for folks who can’t pay property tax so again you have the possibility to own your property without paying property tax.


Jun 19, 2017
So stop likening it to a service. It's a way to fund government. You clearly enjoy paying taxes, and claim many others do as well, but to those that don't wish to pay, the only answer is "too bad, pay them anyway."

Yeah, clearly tax is not a service. Taxes are to "rob Peter to pay Paul", since all the collected moneys go into a (pretty much) single spending pot with a shoe box filling up with IOUs near by.
I suppose this is the case to a large extent in Europe too.

As far as I know, in Europe (France), there are many exemptions to paying property taxes. For example, people above certain age do no pay taxes. If one qualifies for one of this myriad exemptions, one owns their house, I suppose... until another one squats the owned house and cannot be thrown out because of another set of exemptions (no evictions in the winter, e.g.). Think socialism !


Aug 17, 2016
I think the intel agencies and the world psychopathic elite will continue to use Bitcoin and other "public" currencies for their deeds, while laws will be passed for the general populace that only the "officially" approved cryptocurrency can be used or otherwise fine/jail/taxing/etc will result. There was an article in the Atlantic not too long ago that Bitcoin may very well be a CIA/MI-6/Mossad creation to allow for "dark" worldwide financial transactions without much risk of discovery or at least with deniability. The regular banking system does not work well for "dark" ops - it can all too easily be audited and traced if there is a concerted effort. Wikileaks, Panama Papers, etc are good examples of that. With Bitcoin, money can be mined by state actors (and probably have been for years) and then it enters circulation without anybody knowing who it belongs to.
Good Corbett talking about need for p2p.
Corbett Report Extras
Even the social distancing is likely more about breaking our abilities to transact, communicate, exchange in ANY way with each other. You can't stand close enough to talk, especially with a mask.


Jan 25, 2014
How many examples do you need to understand, are you serious? You really have no grasp of analogy within a context. Are you a Q follower?

The point is you choose to live in a community, you are still making that choice if you continue living there, I don’t move to certain countries because I don’t agree with their community on many topics. If I’m born there and realize there are things I no longer agree within the community I leave. If I live there and like it but then an even more tyrannical government forms and the community are accepting of it , they follow the new rules and regulations, I leave.

If you don’t want the tax to exist you canvas your community, if the community decide there will be no more property tax you don’t have to pay it, this how community works, your choosing to live in a community means there is give and take. It’s everything about the place you choose to live in, it’s a community, they have a right to a say.
By default then if the tax is canceled you as an individual don’t have to pay it. It’s not about the ease or speed of change, it’s about whether or not an individual has the agency to effect change within a context and the answer is yes.

There are also exemptions granted for folks who can’t pay property tax so again you have the possibility to own your property without paying property tax.

I fully understand what a tax is. I never claimed it was a "service." That was you.

Sure, it may go to fund things that you use, but often times, these are "public services" that anyone can use, regardless of whether they paid the tax, or not, such as a public park. If a homeless person sleeps in the park or on the street, do you think he paid taxes proportional to his use of that park or street?

If a restaurant decided to halve it's portions and double it's prices, it's pretty easy to opt, simply by not going to the restaurant anymore. And you don't have to divest yourself of any asset to do so.

But if your property taxes include water, and your municipality decides to start charging for water as a separate utility while simultaneously doubling property taxes, there is no easy way to opt out of the new tax.

That's been my entire point. You never receive "benefits" in proportion to any sort of tax paid. And people who don't pay the tax at all can frequently enjoy some of the same "benefits," especially in the case of roads, parks and sidewalks.


Jan 25, 2014
Are you a Q follower?

Q follower? What do you mean?

Are you referring to the anonymous posts on 4Chan/8Chan/8Kun that have suggested that powerful politicians and heads of companies (like Bill Gates) are involved in nefarious actions like pedophilia as shown by their relationships with individuals who ran an underage sex network (like Jeffrey Epstein)?

Who would believe something like that?


Feb 18, 2016
I fully understand what a tax is. I never claimed it was a "service." That was you.

Sure, it may go to fund things that you use, but often times, these are "public services" that anyone can use, regardless of whether they paid the tax, or not, such as a public park. If a homeless person sleeps in the park or on the street, do you think he paid taxes proportional to his use of that park or street?

If a restaurant decided to halve it's portions and double it's prices, it's pretty easy to opt, simply by not going to the restaurant anymore. And you don't have to divest yourself of any asset to do so.

But if your property taxes include water, and your municipality decides to start charging for water as a separate utility while simultaneously doubling property taxes, there is no easy way to opt out of the new tax.

That's been my entire point. You never receive "benefits" in proportion to any sort of tax paid. And people who don't pay the tax at all can frequently enjoy some of the same "benefits," especially in the case of roads, parks and sidewalks.

Your question is answered, the means for you as an individual to effect change or cancel is there, the time and speed to effect change is a different matter.

I understand the issues around accountancy within big government, I understand that taxes can be excessive in some cases, people can feel aggrieved they haven’t received the benefits, in many European countries people feel they do benefit, they don’t agree with everything and generally protest what they don’t like.

There are countries in Europe that charged for water through general taxation and then tried what you mention an additional water tax, people got out on the streets in their thousands and that was the end of a separate water tax.

Macron in France tried to increase the price of fuel and he started the yellow vest protest, this started with an online petition by 2 people, in the end he had to give concessions and they are still not happy.

I don’t see how an individual operates outside a community, individual originally meant undivided, reality is an undivided whole, if you live in the woods you are are surrounded by organisms participating in the creation of the food you forage or farm, you have choice but it’s influenced by the broader context/environment/community and you can influence that environment accordingly, it takes time and energy.


Jun 11, 2018
If you are talking about about various forms of "freedom," and "decentralization," those are the exact sort of issues that the Constitution and Bill of Rights were addressing. Have you ever read those two documents? You really should. They completely deal with separation of powers, natural rights, and protections from a highly centralized government.

Every historical event I mentioned was an attack on freedoms and decentralization.

The Organic Act of 1871 was a way to set up a sort of national government that can operate in the US without the restrictions of the Constitution.

Downes Vs. Bidwell was a sanction of the Supreme Court for that operation (look up Justice Harlan's dissent).

The Federal Reserve Act created a CENTRAL bank. It also created a new central taxing authority, the IRS.

The New Deal was a way to further strip people of their rights and freedoms, getting them to accept "benefits and privileges" instead. It also turned Americans into an "Enemy" through expansion of powers of the Trading With The Enemy Act.

There are many other things you can add to that list, including the Patriot Act and the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

Freedoms and Decentralization have been under attack in the united states of America for well over a century. Trump is the first President in 30 years to attack those ideas directly (and does so every time he holds a rally or gives a speech), and at least slow down the march toward World Communism (by pulling out of the Paris Accord and TPP, ending US funds to the WHO, and constructing a border wall, and not starting any new wars). At least he might not be controlled by the NWO, as compared to the Bushes, Clintons, Obama, Biden, Kerry, Romney, McCain and Gore, who 100% are, and prove it in both their statements and actions. Even if there is only a 10% chance Trump isn't controlled, 10% is much better odds than zero.

I don´t disagree with the importance of historical factors. They just weren´t a part of my argument.

Even if there is only a 10% chance Trump isn't controlled, 10% is much better odds than zero.

Up until recently I was thinking the same way about Trump. Now that his ties with jewish maffia and Israel are evident, I no longer think of him as a solution. That being said, I think Biden is not a human and Kamala Harris is a Roy Cohn´s level monstrous deviant.


Jun 11, 2018
Here's a video that may clarify why the news media/globalist nut cases might be back pedaling. I think the dam is breaking and they know they can't keep the charade going for much longer. David Martin also explains in this video why the "cases" are so high but the deaths are so low.

and also this one:
EXCLUSIVE: Covid Vaccine Patent Warned of Deliberate Coronavirus Release

Also, there is an excellent documentary movie with David Martin available here: London Real - Transform Yourself.
You have to sign in by providing your email address, but there's no fee. The video is Plandemic Indoctrination, it's at the top of the list for now.

Also this interview of David Martin on DAVID E. MARTIN - Exposing Moderna; the Star of Plandemic: Indoctornation Reveals the Truth - Digital Freedom Platform (you may need to sign in again?)

This "pandemic" was planned for many years. It was documented in the patents. This means that the evidence is solid and provable in a court of law. David Martin has been following the documentation for a very long time.

That is great material. If one goes through what Martin is saying thoroughly, that is goes through the patents and the law, the plandemic picture gets much much clearer. Those are the very important questions Martin asked: Why do government agencies have coronavirus patents? How is it legal? Why the government agencies do chimeric research? This is supposed to be illegal.

Still Martin is a little underappreciated, but he has figured much of this coronavirus conspiracy out. The film Plandemic II has a website Plandemic. There is a Rabbit Hole with loads of material that the filmmaker Mikky Willis used. Information about the coronavirus patents is included:

Sync | Secure cloud storage that protects your privacy
US7279327B2 - Methods for producing recombinant coronavirus - Google Patents
US7220852B1 - Coronavirus isolated from humans - Google Patents
US7776521B1 - Coronavirus isolated from humans - Google Patents
US20060240530A1 - Methods and compositions for infectious cDNA of SARS coronavirus - Google Patents
US Patent Application for Methods and compositions for infectious cDNA of SARS coronavirus Patent Application (Application #20060240530 issued October 26, 2006) - Justia Patents Search
US Patent for Coronavirus-like particles comprising functionally deleted genomes Patent (Patent # 7,556,957 issued July 7, 2009) - Justia Patents Search
Sync | Secure cloud storage that protects your privacy
Sync | Secure cloud storage that protects your privacy
Biological Weapons and International Law
Sync | Secure cloud storage that protects your privacy


Feb 18, 2016
That is great material. If one goes through what Martin is saying thoroughly, that is goes through the patents and the law, the plandemic picture gets much much clearer. Those are the very important questions Martin asked: Why do government agencies have coronavirus patents? How is it legal? Why the government agencies do chimeric research? This is supposed to be illegal.

Still Martin is a little underappreciated, but he has figured much of this coronavirus conspiracy out. The film Plandemic II has a website Plandemic. There is a Rabbit Hole with loads of material that the filmmaker Mikky Willis used. Information about the coronavirus patents is included:

Sync | Secure cloud storage that protects your privacy
US7279327B2 - Methods for producing recombinant coronavirus - Google Patents
US7220852B1 - Coronavirus isolated from humans - Google Patents
US7776521B1 - Coronavirus isolated from humans - Google Patents
US20060240530A1 - Methods and compositions for infectious cDNA of SARS coronavirus - Google Patents
US Patent Application for Methods and compositions for infectious cDNA of SARS coronavirus Patent Application (Application #20060240530 issued October 26, 2006) - Justia Patents Search
US Patent for Coronavirus-like particles comprising functionally deleted genomes Patent (Patent # 7,556,957 issued July 7, 2009) - Justia Patents Search
Sync | Secure cloud storage that protects your privacy
Sync | Secure cloud storage that protects your privacy
Biological Weapons and International Law
Sync | Secure cloud storage that protects your privacy
Sync | Secure cloud storage that protects your privacy
Serological Evidence of Bat SARS-Related Coronavirus Infection in Humans, China

I seen a lot of this research at the start, I posted some other interesting studies that highlighted mice being CRISPR modified to carry the human protein for a coronavirus that will cause infection in the mouse model, in some cases it caused cerebral atrophy.
I’ve always been more concerned with biological weapons than nuclear.


Jan 25, 2014
I’ve always been more concerned with biological weapons than nuclear.

Why? Biological Weapons have never been demonstrated to have much of an effect anywhere, unless you are somehow forcibly injected, or very close to the original source.

You need several tons of an aerosolized spray to cover a city the size of San Francisco effectively, and it still doesn't have much of an effect.

I think people have this idea that few milligrams or grams of a virus could escape from a lab, and sweep through an entire country or the planet, and decimate the population. But truthfully, these sorts of releases happen all the time from research labs (whether they have contracts with the military or not), and it's usually only a few people that get sick and die, usually lab workers themselves, or people in nearby businesses. Often, these research labs are right by hospitals.

If you live in a major city, you've probably lived through several "bioweapons outbreaks" and not even noticed. Firstly, because the lab itself will try and coverup the outbreak as part of damage control. And second, because in many such outbreaks, no one even noticed there was an outbreak.

Just because labs are doing research doesn't mean they are doing successful research.

It would be much more effective to do a chemical attack of some sort and then blame it on a bioweapon. Or better yet........ just release a story about virus. Look at all the destruction that has come from news of a pandemic, with no evidence whatsoever that a "novel coronavirus" exists.
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Aug 6, 2017
Well, clearly there is a faction aiming for that, and using the whole COVID thing to advance that agenda. It's been a long term agenda that's had quite a few successes. Just look at the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the BIS, the United Nations, the corporate structure of the US, and so forth.

But it's not a forgone conclusion. There appears to be some forces using this to fight against this sort of top down, totalitarian rule.

Whatever's going on at the top, there are still things you can do for yourself.

The political battle over a COVD vaccine: your health is of no concern « Jon Rappoport's Blog

"Despite what I’m writing in this article, Doom is not foretold, except for those who want it. The future is not written. Voices, especially when they reach a large number, are heard."

"Rebellion is in order. Complete resistance to this future.

What does that mean? It means many things.

Support of sheriffs and other law-enforcement personnel who know the score and refuse to go along with lockdowns and other fascist measures.

Rallies, protests.

Finding a way to go back to work. To re-open businesses. To forge new businesses. To engage in trade and barter. To bust the lockdown bubbles.

Spreading information by any means possible. Information about what’s actually going on. About the scientific fakery.

It means lawsuits against lockdowns and mandated vaccines all around the world.

It means, for some people, giving up their no-hope attitude.

For some people, it means stopping flailing around and pretending they have no idea what to do.

It means putting freedom over and above control.

It means individuals imagining and then implementing strategies they’ve never thought of before.

It means exposing disguises posing as solutions which are really elements of tyranny.

protesting is useless, even desirable by those in power as it creates chaos and division they get to control.

The ONLY thing any individual can do is stop supporting the system, but 99% are not ready to give up on their benefits by stopping the sponsoring of the system through taxes.


Jan 25, 2014
protesting is useless, even desirable by those in power as it creates chaos and division they get to control.

The ONLY thing any individual can do is stop supporting the system, but 99% are not ready to give up on their benefits by stopping the sponsoring of the system through taxes.

You seem to have confused "protesting" with rioting. I don't think real protests are useless, but not sure how effective they are, either. I don't think a true protest creates chaos, although if done right, it can make certain people in power uncomfortable.

I tend to agree more strongly with your second statement. That is absolutely the most powerful thing one can do (don't know if it's the only thing, though).

Personally, I'm studying the Secured Party/Creditor process. Are you taking any steps in this regard?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

At some point, this is going to lead to civil war. Majority of people have still not felt the full economic disaster of the lockdowns. Those will start manifesting this fall/winter and early next year when all the failed business will file their tax returns the govt will have no money to balance the budgets and all social programs will get cut drastically. When people start dying in droves from overdoses/alcohol or start hanging themselves or setting themselves on fire in front of govt buildings then the public will finally "get it" and the mass violence will start. All this talk about UBI is pipe dreams. It is nothing new and has been partially in place for decades. It's called welfare and unless there is viable economic activity to finance it, the whole thing collapses as foreign countries will refuse to finance a failed state with no hope of paying its debts. At that point the money printing will also become useless as fiat currencies have only as much value as the creditors of the country assign it.


Jul 29, 2015
It's called welfare and unless there is viable economic activity to finance it, the whole thing collapses as foreign countries will refuse to finance a failed state with no hope of paying its debts. At that point the money printing will also become useless as fiat currencies have only as much value as the creditors of the country assign it.
I agree with everything you have said here, but I think this part is less applicable to the US. Our economic model as managed and planned by the Fed (and Wall Street, by proxy) is insane but even "insiders" like Jerome Powell understand the necessity and the ability of the US to print more in order to stave off the effects of the lockdowns. Congress is possibly more blatantly feckless and corrupt than the Fed, and they're refusing to take action and put money in the hands of the people. Whether this balancing act of printing more money and preventing inflation long term while maintaining USD as the world's reserve currency will work is a question of financial engineering and a separate discussion, but I think the government (at least in the US) COULD help tremendously if they wanted to. It's mostly a question of redistribution, and American politicians are ideologically opposed to that.
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