New Thinking On Covid Lockdowns: They’re Overly Blunt And Costly


Aug 11, 2020
When the muslim BS worn off, they needed something new. They learn with every fake "pandemic" and false flag. See the swine flu. Next one will be more deathly, better planned and more strict with intense lockdowns etc.

The Covid show is not over yet. Merkel told the Germans they should prepare for a nightmarish Winter

Parody from the Simpsons was interesting


Oct 1, 2019
Britian is already counting with the worst.

'Water rationing and food shortages' if second wave clashes with no-deal Brexit | Metro News
The Government is preparing for power outages, economic chaos and public unrest if a second wave of coronavirus coincides with a disorderly no-deal Brexit, according to leaked emergency plans. A classified Powerpoint presentation delivered to ministers warns of food and fuel shortages around Christmas if lorries get stuck at Dover, while 1,500 soldiers are already on standby – ready to hit the streets to help police deal with potential disorder. The document put together by the Cabinet Office’s EU Transition Task Force also warns of price hikes, power outages, water rationing and animal disease tearing through the countryside due to a shortage of medicines. Military airdrops may be needed to supply food and medicine the Channel Islands...
A fresh surge of coronavirus hospital admissions could mean the two-metre social distancing rule could be reintroduced, while lockdown measures could carry on ‘well into 2021’, according to the leaked document. It warns that 5% of local authorities in England are ‘already at high risk of financial failure following Covid-19’, meaning some could go bust unless they are bailed out or taken over by Whitehall. Town halls could face even more of a struggle as inflation drives up the cost of crucial social care services, at a time when ministers have been warned to expect another 24 months of coronavirus cases in care homes. The Cabinet Office told The Sun its contingency plans include an extra £3billion for the NHS and an extra £600million for social care for the winter.
They said testing capacity will be expanded to 300,000 per day
[now that will surely created a "second" wave]

Emergency plans drawn up for perfect storm of No Deal Brexit & Covid second wave
The Sun has seen the doomsday classified document designed to kickstart ministers into a major planning operation to see off disaster. It reveals:
  • One in 20 Town Halls could go bust in a second Covid wave, sparking social care chaos.
  • The economic impact of the virus and Brexit could cause public disorder, shortages and price hikes.
  • Troops may have to be drafted on to the streets to help the police in the worst-case scenario — 1,500 are already on stand by.
  • Social distancing measures and masks will have to continue until 2021 regardless.
  • Supplies of food and fuel are all under threat this Christmas if Dover becomes blocked.


Oct 11, 2016
I don't understand the utility of sharing know liars publications (WSJ) when they happen to be slightly less wrong this time... Just reinforces their false authority.


I don't see how these fools can continue the guise of convid and lockdowns when the CDC themselves have admitted to bloated numbers just this past week. THAT should be a huge headline and should really turn everybody's thinking around who are subscribing to this farce and the authoritarian guidelines.


Jun 26, 2017
Britian is already counting with the worst.

'Water rationing and food shortages' if second wave clashes with no-deal Brexit | Metro News
The Government is preparing for power outages, economic chaos and public unrest if a second wave of coronavirus coincides with a disorderly no-deal Brexit, according to leaked emergency plans. A classified Powerpoint presentation delivered to ministers warns of food and fuel shortages around Christmas if lorries get stuck at Dover, while 1,500 soldiers are already on standby – ready to hit the streets to help police deal with potential disorder. The document put together by the Cabinet Office’s EU Transition Task Force also warns of price hikes, power outages, water rationing and animal disease tearing through the countryside due to a shortage of medicines. Military airdrops may be needed to supply food and medicine the Channel Islands...
A fresh surge of coronavirus hospital admissions could mean the two-metre social distancing rule could be reintroduced, while lockdown measures could carry on ‘well into 2021’, according to the leaked document. It warns that 5% of local authorities in England are ‘already at high risk of financial failure following Covid-19’, meaning some could go bust unless they are bailed out or taken over by Whitehall. Town halls could face even more of a struggle as inflation drives up the cost of crucial social care services, at a time when ministers have been warned to expect another 24 months of coronavirus cases in care homes. The Cabinet Office told The Sun its contingency plans include an extra £3billion for the NHS and an extra £600million for social care for the winter.
They said testing capacity will be expanded to 300,000 per day
[now that will surely created a "second" wave]

Emergency plans drawn up for perfect storm of No Deal Brexit & Covid second wave
The Sun has seen the doomsday classified document designed to kickstart ministers into a major planning operation to see off disaster. It reveals:
  • One in 20 Town Halls could go bust in a second Covid wave, sparking social care chaos.
  • The economic impact of the virus and Brexit could cause public disorder, shortages and price hikes.
  • Troops may have to be drafted on to the streets to help the police in the worst-case scenario — 1,500 are already on stand by.
  • Social distancing measures and masks will have to continue until 2021 regardless.
  • Supplies of food and fuel are all under threat this Christmas if Dover becomes blocked.
Don't you love it when the government "leaks" a "classified" doom document designed to stir up any fear that was dissipating...right into the MSM?


Don't you love it when the government "leaks" a "classified" doom document designed to stir up any fear that was dissipating...right into the MSM?
Haha yea pretty comical. Everything is classified and tightly closed lid, until oops they want the lid to come off.


Jun 26, 2017
Haha yea pretty comical. Everything is classified and tightly closed lid, until oops they want the lid to come off.
Yes - I think they have a backroom of powerpoint/msword sensationalists that put these official-sounding things together just for public consumption...and in this case, to also stomp on Brexit!


Mar 26, 2014
This former doctor is one of a kind of Briton rapidly becoming an endangered species.

(He calls the response a hoax, not the virus itself. )



Aug 11, 2020
Really too much. Our society has become shameful. Democracy at its worst...

Lobbyism rules the world. In Germany they want to forbid supplements and Vitamins soon as much as I know. So you only should take pharma pills instead of filling up the deficiencies you have and heal.


Nov 18, 2019
Lobbyism rules the world. In Germany they want to forbid supplements and Vitamins soon as much as I know. So you only should take pharma pills instead of filling up the deficiencies you have and heal. horrible! Surely that won’t pass. Fingers crossed.


Oct 1, 2019
@Giraffe :rolling

Wenn man dann noch von Spahn als Kanzlerkanditaten hört, da kann einem ja nur anders werden.
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