COVID 19 Lockdown And Testing Had No Effect On Death Rate



Feb 18, 2016
Here are some numbers for the US from an analysis in Coronavirus Update XXIII: Yes, More Testing Leads to More “New” “Cases” , which took CDC as source.


"Since the CDC is always behind in reporting these, the last three weeks (from the first source) have been marked with dots. These numbers will almost surely rise, as will, to a much lesser degree, the numbers up until about 8 weeks ago (usually, the bulk of the adjusting lag is in over the last two weeks)."

I don’t know much about the guy doing this video but it’s also very interesting -

I would also like to see how many people were intubated ,with regard to the nursing home deaths it would very helpful to know how many had "do not resuscitate" notices on their charts.


Jun 19, 2017
I don’t know much about the guy doing this video but it’s also very interesting -

I would also like to see how many people were intubated ,with regard to the nursing home deaths it would very helpful to know how many had "do not resuscitate" notices on their charts.

This might be due to a "death reporting postponement".

Ray Peat from the ORN interview on June 15 2020:
"RP: Um. Not really. These figures suggest that it's a fairly typical year for mortality. A few people have been watching a very odd thing in the CDC figures: Starting last Fall we were noticing a very unhistorical decline in the total national mortality, a dip, people just weren't dying of anything as as often as they should old age or accidents or whatever normally kill people. There was a great drop in mortality week after week, and 15% in many weeks through the winter. And suddenly in the first week of April the people who had been missing from the national mortality, suddenly there was this spike in excess mortality if you somehow had a block to between the reporting of the deaths starting last Fall and the recording of them in the CDC, and then suddenly broke the barrier to recording these deaths that could account for this huge spike in excess mortality because there had been a buildup of deficient mortality for weeks."

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
Where are you sourcing the Europe death rate from?
EuroMOMO, which is where I pulled the chart from below.

Double the excess Deaths? Ridiculous. The CDC says that about 1.4 million people in the US have died in 2020, which is about 103% of the expected rate.
It's up to 108% for the USA, and that number should climb as there's a pretty significant lag for the past 6-8 weeks. I'm pretty sure it was well under 100% even during the peak of the epidemic prior to the numbers catching up. There's also the 140k pneumonia deaths when a typical year only has 50k flu/pneumonia deaths combined. But the nearly double excess death rate was referring to Europe, which is at 200k excess deaths. 2018 is the only other year that had over 100k excess deaths. Black Death? No. But every time you call it an average year you're being dishonest.

Europe Excess Deaths.png


Jan 25, 2014
This might be due to a "death reporting postponement".

Ray Peat from the ORN interview on June 15 2020:
"RP: Um. Not really. These figures suggest that it's a fairly typical year for mortality. A few people have been watching a very odd thing in the CDC figures: Starting last Fall we were noticing a very unhistorical decline in the total national mortality, a dip, people just weren't dying of anything as as often as they should old age or accidents or whatever normally kill people. There was a great drop in mortality week after week, and 15% in many weeks through the winter. And suddenly in the first week of April the people who had been missing from the national mortality, suddenly there was this spike in excess mortality if you somehow had a block to between the reporting of the deaths starting last Fall and the recording of them in the CDC, and then suddenly broke the barrier to recording these deaths that could account for this huge spike in excess mortality because there had been a buildup of deficient mortality for weeks."

DG Rancourt published a paper that made a similar claim. His paper states that the excess flu deaths were pretty much in line with what would be expected, but that government intervention actually created the "COVID spike" that occurred very late in the flu season-

(PDF) All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response

Peat and Rancourt both have different explanations for this weird spike, but they both might be valid. The CDC very well might have been saving up some deaths to report during the "spike," and they may also have encouraged policies to increase total number of deaths at the same period.


Feb 18, 2016
EuroMOMO, which is where I pulled the chart from below.

It's up to 108% for the USA, and that number should climb as there's a pretty significant lag for the past 6-8 weeks. I'm pretty sure it was well under 100% even during the peak of the epidemic prior to the numbers catching up. There's also the 140k pneumonia deaths when a typical year only has 50k flu/pneumonia deaths combined. But the nearly double excess death rate was referring to Europe, which is at 200k excess deaths. 2018 is the only other year that had over 100k excess deaths. Black Death? No. But every time you call it an average year you're being dishonest.

View attachment 18767

Have you found out if this estimated yearly death number is accurate? I’m looking for this because deaths have been underestimated in some countries on a yearly basis prior to covid 19 , I would like to know if these graphs use actual previous season deaths rather than estimated.

It’s better to take comparisons from the pooled number of deaths ,it goes back to 2015 in some cases ,it shows prior flu seasons and we see in 2017 for Europe we have over 70,000 deaths with normal death reports, no lens of hysteria with WHO enforced dodgy death certificates put on 2017,nor do we have mass intubation of people in these times , Europe currently has 90,000 deaths from covid ,many will revise this number downward because of dodgy death cert reporting. I seen a Spain’s puff piece about them underreporting their deaths, Spain have a high an unusual spike compared to other countries and going by the patterns we see unfolding around death cert reporting in Italy and other countries I’m sure Spain will be shown to have issues here , hence the puff piece.
Keep in mind the inaccuracy of PCR testing on top of all this.
The flu season in the 50’s and 60’s have a higher average number of deaths per 100,000 people than covid 19, we adjust for population increases over time.

There is nothing normal about the mass intubating of people, Italy alone has over 5000 people who didn’t make it out of intubation, there is nothing normal about using WHO guidelines for death certification when it’s clearly corrupt by its instructions.

I’ve being using euromomo for a while and find it vague , I thought it would improve over time but they are not adding to it, in some countries the number needs to be revised downward, Ireland for example revised its number down 51% , the reason being the deaths were not from covid 19, the UK is currently revising its numbers downward because those who died of any cause up to 3 months after a positive covid test via PCR are still put down as a covid death, some of these people had little to no symptoms when initially diagnosed with covid.

With the ongoing revisions it becomes clear covid will be shown to be comparable to other flu seasons that were above estimated average deaths, no amount of semantics or selective data will change this, it crucial IMO to find out what the "estimate death" number is based on as I mentioned.

The bottom line is the action taken by governments is not merited. Sweden is doing just fine now with no lockdown or mask wearing.
This guy has put together some reasonable charts, he even models the worst case scenario for end of year deaths as unlikely as it is, with this in mind it still doesn’t merit shutdowns, the reality , deaths will be lower than many previous years.
SWEDEN COVID-19 status July 27th
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
From that Sweden Covid-19 status July 27th;
I’d suggest media outlets such as New York Times, USAToday and others, as well as WHO to pay us a visit to see the “disaster” live… I’m sure you’d get surprised…

With state of MSM the above will 'never' happen :eek:


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
...they are touting the outright lie that the financial system was just dandy until covid came along

It has always been, and always will be, all about the money. It is simply stunning how easily people can be fooled and have their attention shifted away from the real issue - the dire straits of the financial industry and the world economy as a whole. There was never ANY recovery since 2008, only inflation of assets due to money printing. So, it looks like the banks were about to collapse (again) as early as September 2019, due to the exact same scheme as 2008. However, this time nobody even bats an eyelash at these financial crimes against humanity because..."but, but, but it's the virus, man!!!".

The Crisis in Financial Markets Began Before COVID-19
The Looming Bank Collapse
Something Weird Is Happening on Wall Street, and Not Just the Stock Sell-Off

What's the disinformation plan for the next financial crisis - Martian invasion?? I am only half joking, because I saw that the Pentagon is getting ready to declassify their UFO files and rumors have already been (conveniently) "seeded" by the press that the military folks will say they have found alien ships.
With Pentagon UFO unit in the spotlight, report mentions 'off-world vehicles not made on this earth'
"...The unit, which is now part of the Office of Naval Intelligence, has spent over a decade discussing mysterious events in classified briefings, according to the news outlet. A government contractor told the Times that he gave a classified briefing to the Department of Defense in March, describing retrievals fromoff-world vehicles not made on this Earth."


Aug 17, 2016
It has always been, and always will be, all about the money. It is simply stunning how easily people can be fooled and have their attention shifted away from the real issue - the dire straits of the financial industry and the world economy as a whole. There was never ANY recovery since 2008, only inflation of assets due to money printing. So, it looks like the banks were about to collapse (again) as early as September 2019, due to the exact same scheme as 2008. However, this time nobody even bats an eyelash at these financial crimes against humanity because..."but, but, but it's the virus, man!!!".

The Crisis in Financial Markets Began Before COVID-19
The Looming Bank Collapse
Something Weird Is Happening on Wall Street, and Not Just the Stock Sell-Off

What's the disinformation plan for the next financial crisis - Martian invasion?? I am only half joking, because I saw that the Pentagon is getting ready to declassify their UFO files and rumors have already been (conveniently) "seeded" by the press that the military folks will say they have found alien ships.
With Pentagon UFO unit in the spotlight, report mentions 'off-world vehicles not made on this earth'
"...The unit, which is now part of the Office of Naval Intelligence, has spent over a decade discussing mysterious events in classified briefings, according to the news outlet. A government contractor told the Times that he gave a classified briefing to the Department of Defense in March, describing retrievals fromoff-world vehicles not made on this Earth."
If people can't see these school plays by now, they are already egregore cyborgs:
Episode 301 – How to Fake an Alien Invasion : The Corbett Report


Feb 18, 2016
It has always been, and always will be, all about the money. It is simply stunning how easily people can be fooled and have their attention shifted away from the real issue - the dire straits of the financial industry and the world economy as a whole. There was never ANY recovery since 2008, only inflation of assets due to money printing. So, it looks like the banks were about to collapse (again) as early as September 2019, due to the exact same scheme as 2008. However, this time nobody even bats an eyelash at these financial crimes against humanity because..."but, but, but it's the virus, man!!!".

The Crisis in Financial Markets Began Before COVID-19
The Looming Bank Collapse
Something Weird Is Happening on Wall Street, and Not Just the Stock Sell-Off

What's the disinformation plan for the next financial crisis - Martian invasion?? I am only half joking, because I saw that the Pentagon is getting ready to declassify their UFO files and rumors have already been (conveniently) "seeded" by the press that the military folks will say they have found alien ships.
With Pentagon UFO unit in the spotlight, report mentions 'off-world vehicles not made on this earth'
"...The unit, which is now part of the Office of Naval Intelligence, has spent over a decade discussing mysterious events in classified briefings, according to the news outlet. A government contractor told the Times that he gave a classified briefing to the Department of Defense in March, describing retrievals fromoff-world vehicles not made on this Earth."

The UFO hysteria is just the metaphor human minds are looking for right now after the covid trauma, it’s like a form of jungian social engineering.

What I have been getting at all along is how they are manipulating statistics with regard to covid19, they are using selective medians and ignoring population increases over time. You can’t reach people who don’t get this in relation to stats, I always like to see raw data for those reasons.

It’s clear the "elite" types were aware of how they could manipulate this data to create a crisis, they know how flu seasons fluctuate, what better way to take the narrative off the failing financial system and the Jeffrey Epstein saga.
I’m even starting to question the Epstein narrative now, I believe he was doing what is alleged but how come it comes out now? He was at this for years.
Its potentially being used to justify a global traceable crypto currency to the public, expose trillions in money laundering, money made by trafficking children ,weapons and drugs, what could solve this problem? Traceable money, the terrorist narrative isn’t enough to sway the public so child sex trafficking will be used, the banks are also evil but the central banks are not because they weren’t involved in child sex trafficking so the crypto currency comes directly from them. Your Covid19 vaccine can also be on the blockchain!
The answer to this will be clearer when we see who is exposed in the Epstein scandal, will gates and the clintons for example be exposed or just the trumps,Dershowitz and Russians, throw a few bones but not the carcass.

I just found this blog where the questions I had are highlighted some bit ,I’m not in the profession of statistical analysis but I knew something was off , I couldn’t find the language to describe it simply but this individual does just that-
Rick Hayward: Winter/Spring Mortality 1993 – 2020 in Relation to Covid-19 - Hector Drummond Magazine


Jan 25, 2014
It has always been, and always will be, all about the money. It is simply stunning how easily people can be fooled and have their attention shifted away from the real issue - the dire straits of the financial industry and the world economy as a whole. There was never ANY recovery since 2008, only inflation of assets due to money printing. So, it looks like the banks were about to collapse (again) as early as September 2019, due to the exact same scheme as 2008. However, this time nobody even bats an eyelash at these financial crimes against humanity because..."but, but, but it's the virus, man!!!".

The Crisis in Financial Markets Began Before COVID-19
The Looming Bank Collapse
Something Weird Is Happening on Wall Street, and Not Just the Stock Sell-Off

What's the disinformation plan for the next financial crisis - Martian invasion?? I am only half joking, because I saw that the Pentagon is getting ready to declassify their UFO files and rumors have already been (conveniently) "seeded" by the press that the military folks will say they have found alien ships.
With Pentagon UFO unit in the spotlight, report mentions 'off-world vehicles not made on this earth'
"...The unit, which is now part of the Office of Naval Intelligence, has spent over a decade discussing mysterious events in classified briefings, according to the news outlet. A government contractor told the Times that he gave a classified briefing to the Department of Defense in March, describing retrievals fromoff-world vehicles not made on this Earth."

Oh yeah. The thing is, the World Economy has so many issues. I've been listening to various people talk about various sectors, and no matter how you slice it....... it's a disaster.

Patrick Bryne gave a great speech at CATO a few years ago, the main point being, if you buy or sell stocks in the stock market, it's never settled. And, in fact, you never really own them, nor does anyone else....

32nd Annual Monetary Conference: Keynote

And, apparently, it's not just stocks. One of the lawyers in this video makes a stunning claim...... that basically, unless you owned a property (residential or commercial) prior to the 80s, and had it fully paid off...... that NO ONE knows who actually owns it!

At this point, it just depends how far back you want to trace problems...... to the 80s, with mortgage backed securities? To 1971, when Nixon completely removed any sort of Gold Standard? To 1933, when FDR basically got rid of all money (meaning gold and silver)? To 1913 and the start of the Federal Reserve? A few centuries back? Longer?

Real world trade (like goods on boats being imported and exported, not financial markets) seized up mid February, and the stock market went down late February. It's crazy the rate stock markets recovered (and in some cases making new highs) despite 50 Million or so new people on unemployment. It's totally disconnected from reality at this point, and the fact that there isn't an investigation from entities like the SEC or Senate Banking Committee, nor so much as a peep about this problem in the MSM, pretty much tells you the problem is too big to discuss or acknowledge.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
rate stock markets recovered (and in some cases making new highs) despite 50 Million or so new people on unemployment. It's totally disconnected from reality at this point

This corroborates Ray's statement that a large number of the "peons" are truly useless to the "modern" economy, hence their unemployment does not really affect the stock market. There are several threads about this on the Hacker News website, and people there are already calling it out for what it is - making people obsolete. So, the only outcome for the obsolete is either direct neglect and/or mass murder (as it is probably happening in China every day) or some form of state enslavement through UBI tied to requirements for vaccination, eating specific foods, getting specific medical procedures, etc in order to continue receiving income. Of course, all those interventions are designed as a form of "planned obsolescence" for humans by rapidly accelerating health deterioration. I always thought it is funny that the general population accepts the idea that corporations would naturally strive to implement such planned obsolescence for products but become almost violent at the suggestion that the same would be done for people too. I mean, to corporations, products and people are not very different. Both are assets with costs and potential to generate profit. When a product is "obsolete" it gets dropped. Why would a corporation ever care about an "obsolete" person?? The entire medical industry is a giant testament that the exact opposite is probably true - i.e. humans/patients are "monetized" and then dumped. Unless we somehow go back to labor-intensive production, I really do not see what those millions of obsolete people all over the world would do, except be gently (or not) nudged towards dying by the powers that be.
As far as the ownership issue - I think it is fair to say that nobody really owns anything. Even if you had a house before the 1980s and paid it off in full, there is still this thing called eminent domain, or foreclosure for not paying property taxes, not complying with your neighborhood association of homeowners requirements, etc. All in all, the game has always been - keep paying us for as long as you are alive as it is a condition for keeping (with severe restrictions even if you pay) the "assets" you think you "own". Some would say, the only thing you own is your body but even that ownership is getting eroded every day. From Craig Venter patenting our own genes, to being forced to undergo various medical procedures as a condition for employment, food, housing, UBI, etc the war for dispossession of the masses is in full swing.
Not sure if you have looked into this but if you buy common stock in Google, Amazon, etc on the open market that stock is entirely imaginary in value. The nominal value of those shares are usually set at around $0,001 so if the corporations is not paying dividends then you are basically speculating with a worthless piece of paper hoping others will buy it and push the price higher. There is no underlying value of the stock you own priced at say $1,000 beyound the $0,001 nominal value. If the company pays dividends then it is slightly better, but most companies at this point do not. So, this Ponzi scheme only works if the prices keep rising. Now, there is a simple explanation as to why the Fed will keep printing money and maintain asset prices at ANY cost...Imagine what would happen if say 70% of the US population that owns stocks as part of retirement accounts and such realizes they have truly NOTHING!
The Ponzi Factor – The Simple Truth About Investment Profits
"...Tan Liu, author of the recent book The Ponzi Factor: The Simple Truth About Investment Profits, explains how many of today's perpetually dividend-less companies traded on the public market are operating as ponzi schemes by definition. As a result, a substantial amount of the market capitalization of our stock market is actually "phantom wealth" that doesn't truly exist. When one person buys low and sells high, another is also buying high and needs to sell for even higher. And a system where current investors' profits are dependent on cash from new investors is by definition how a Ponzi scheme works."

The Stock Market Is a Ponzi Scheme
"...There are basically two types of stocks: shares that pay dividends (cash) to you on a regular basis, and stocks that don’t pay you anything. Stocks that don’t pay you any dividends will only make you money if their price rises. This category of stocks is where the problem starts, according to Tan. In an Australian interview, he compares the creation of stocks to money printing. He calls the stock market Ponzi Scheme “stock printing.” The strategy of printing money is currently being used by many countries to fight the global recession, including the US. It’s not called money printing when you see it, though. Money printing has many names: stimulus checks, bailouts, the Federal Reserve buying corporate bonds/stocks. Money printing is creating money out of thin air. It devalues the money that you have in your savings account, making it worth less and acting like a hidden tax you didn’t know you were paying. Stock printing is the creation of more stocks out of thin air by a company. Many of the stocks going crazy right now — Facebook, Amazon, Google — don’t pay you any money for owning them. They create more and more stocks which is fine, assuming that the stock market doesn’t suffer a sudden cardiac arrest. When stocks start going down or have a prolonged downturn like they did in Japan for the last 30 years, then things get real. And that’s when you may wish that you challenged your beliefs about money and investing earlier."

"...Tan says that if you own a stock like Tesla you have no ownership in the company. If their stock price goes from $1000 to $800, Tesla doesn’t step in and make up the difference. He uses Google as an example and says “they don’t pay dividends, there are no voting rights, and the par value of Google is only $0.001. So, if you own a share of Google, you won’t receive any money from the business, you can’t vote, and Google is only obligated to pay you $0.001 for that $1200 share.” Owners of a business get a share of the profits. If you’re not getting paid to be an owner in a company, then what do you really own? Tan says, nothing."
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2016
This corroborates Ray's statement that a large number of the "peons" are truly useless to the "modern" economy, hence their unemployment does not really affect the stock market. There are several threads about this on the Hacker News website, and people there are already calling it out for what it is - making people obsolete. So, the only outcome for the obsolete is either direct neglect and/or mass murder (as it is probably happening in China every day) or some form of state enslavement through UBI tied to requirements for vaccination, eating specific foods, getting specific medical procedures, etc in order to continue receiving income. Of course, all those interventions are designed as a form of "planned obsolescence" for humans by rapidly accelerating health deterioration. I always thought it is funny that the general population accepts the idea that corporations would naturally strive to implement such planned obsolescence for products but become almost violent at the suggestion that the same would be done for people too. I mean, to corporations, products and people are not very different. Both are assets with costs and potential to generate profit. When a product is "obsolete" it gets dropped. Why would a corporation ever care about an "obsolete" person?? The entire medical industry is a giant testament that the exact opposite is probably true - i.e. humans/patients are "monetized" and then dumped. Unless we somehow go back to labor-intensive production, I really do not see what those millions of obsolete people all over the world would do, except be gently (or not) nudged towards dying by the powers that be.
And they will be stripped of any usable parts for re-furbishing other humans and/or hybrids.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
And they will be stripped of any usable parts for re-furbishing other humans and/or hybrids.

The fact that we are seeing a massive push for adopting "organ donor" status by default resonates with what you said. If you read Reddit you must have seen both the ads Reddit pushes on the front page as well as the 3-4 front page "news" weekly arguing how not becoming an organ donor by default is a vile, inhuman behavior. Not even the recent disclosure that apparently Ghislaine Maxwell was a moderator of the worldnews subreddit is enough to stir people to question the narrative. I guess it would take an Epstein resurrection and installment as Reddit CEO to generate...a brief period of confused mumbling and then go back to business as usual.
Did Ghislaine Maxwell secretly run one of the most powerful Reddit accounts in history? | Daily Mail Online
Did Ghislaine Maxwell run one of the biggest Reddit accounts? – Film Daily



Aug 17, 2016
The fact that we are seeing a massive push for adopting "organ donor" status by default resonates with what you said. If you read Reddit you must have seen both the ads Reddit pushes on the front page as well as the 3-4 front page "news" weekly arguing how not becoming an organ donor by default is a vile, inhuman behavior. Not even the recent disclosure that apparently Ghislaine Maxwell was a moderator of the worldnews subreddit is enough to stir people to question the narrative. I guess it would take an Epstein resurrection and installment as Reddit CEO to generate...a brief period of confused mumbling and then go back to business as usual.
Did Ghislaine Maxwell secretly run one of the most powerful Reddit accounts in history? | Daily Mail Online
Did Ghislaine Maxwell run one of the biggest Reddit accounts? – Film Daily

I admit that I have not checked out reddit at all. (my heads been in the toilet with this deep dive).

But sounds about right. I think there are little plants in most the neighborhood NextDoor apps. Fomenting goon squads to find how more about people who disagree with the authorities. "Can anybody find out where this person lives?" "This is really dangerous information." "We need to know if they are in our neighborhood or are they encouraging dangerous behaviour and conspiracy theories from somewhere else; even a foreign spy trying to make us sicker." "Think about it people. These people do not deserve privacy or their dangerous opinions. We're all in this together." Simultaneously, the same user is hardcore shilling for blood drives with the same type of language. "It's hard to believe we live among people so selfish to not donate blood when it is so desperately needed." "If you've recovered, you have no excuse. Period."



Feb 18, 2016
The fact that we are seeing a massive push for adopting "organ donor" status by default resonates with what you said. If you read Reddit you must have seen both the ads Reddit pushes on the front page as well as the 3-4 front page "news" weekly arguing how not becoming an organ donor by default is a vile, inhuman behavior. Not even the recent disclosure that apparently Ghislaine Maxwell was a moderator of the worldnews subreddit is enough to stir people to question the narrative. I guess it would take an Epstein resurrection and installment as Reddit CEO to generate...a brief period of confused mumbling and then go back to business as usual.
Did Ghislaine Maxwell secretly run one of the most powerful Reddit accounts in history? | Daily Mail Online
Did Ghislaine Maxwell run one of the biggest Reddit accounts? – Film Daily


It’s interesting but why would she be advocating for legalizing child pornography and arguing for lowering the age of consent, her whole business is based on blackmail material for those very acts, the material wouldn’t be as valuable if it was legal, I would like to know when this user started advocating for those things ,was it recently in their posting history or since the start.
If it was around the time of Epstein’s first conviction in the USA we see shilling for the lowering of consent then it’s telling.

Another salient aspect which is ignored by the media and reddit is this user receiving thousands of karma points advocating for all those deplorable acts against children, you would think this would be flagged.


Feb 18, 2016
Another article on the myth of lockdowns stopping a pandemic-
The Myth That Lockdowns Stop Pandemics | RealClearPolitics

We are still wearing masks and doing lockdowns and their is no "Consensus" science behind it. It’s a cult.

"From the beginning of time, humans have used mythology to make sense of a chaotic natural world. Sir G.L. Gomme dubbed myths “the science of a pre-scientific age.” Folklore provided pre-scientific people a comforting sense of control over nature. To address dry spells, they deployed rain dances. Sunless stretches hindering crops prompted offerings to Helios. Then, our ancestors sat back and waited. The rains always came. The sun always reappeared, validating their “wisdom,” the illusion of control reinforced.

Thanks to science, we know this was pure superstition. Though the same outcomes would have occurred had the tribe taken no action, the tribe leader would still have received credit or blame from his constituents. Similarly, today’s politicians race to take credit -- or place blame -- for COVID-19 “results.” Do politicians really control these outcomes, or are they simply exploiting our ingrained tendencies?

When China first deployed lockdown in January to “defeat COVID-19,” The Washington Post approvingly quoted a Georgetown University professor as saying, “The truth is those kinds of lockdowns are very rare and never effective…”

In March, Imperial College London's dire projections influenced the White House, but a careful reading of the advice contained in the Imperial College report reveals that its authors knew lockdown alone could not eliminate any infections, only delay them: “The more successful a strategy is at temporary suppression,” it stated, “the larger the later epidemic is predicted to be in the absence of vaccination, due to lesser build-up of herd immunity.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention pandemic planning documents state non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing are ineffective once a disease infects 1% of a region's population. Literature on this subject is unanimous worldwide. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control"

"There are no historical observations or scientific studies that support the confinement by quarantine of groups of possibly infected people for extended periods in order to slow the spread. It is hard to imagine that measures like those within the category of social distancing would not have some positive impact by reducing transmission of a human respiratory infection . . . However, the evidence base supporting each individual measure is often weak.”

Decades of evidence corroborates this. In 1969, a group of men overwintering in Antarctica experienced a spontaneous respiratory virus outbreak during their 17th week of isolation. Similarly, COVID-19 appeared on an Argentinian naval ship on the 35th day of its voyage, following a 14-day isolation of captain and crew"

"Publicly available data shows no causal relationship between government orders and COVID-19 mortality outcomes. Sweden's all-cause, per-capita mortality for 2020 is approximately 290 per million above the prior five-year average, while lockdown-loving New Jersey's is almost 1,900 per million above the prior five-year average, and Michigan's is over 700 per million. (In case you suspect Sweden “naturally” locked down on its own, mobility data reveals it didn’t.) The mainstream media does not report this. Instead, its energetic smearing of Sweden, coupled with its pseudo-scientific insistence that lockdowns do anything more than delay the inevitable, helps politicians exploit the human tendency to mythologize.

We are faced with a virus with a 997-out-of-1,000 survival rate. We have vanquished fiercer adversaries. We can rid ourselves of this plague less painfully by remembering one simple truth: neither we, nor our politicians, have control over death’
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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