Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths in UK


Feb 8, 2017
I need to understand the numbers from Quebec.

They are saying 50% of population in hospital sick from COVID are unvaxxed.

Quebec has well over 80% of population double vaxxed.

Is this true? How do we look into it?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
How is this not heading into the courts? Where are all the attorneys?

Civil immunity, which all pharma companies have been granted in regards to their vaccines. So, the only option that remains is criminal prosecution from the govt (for which there is no immunity) but as you see yourself, the govt is not really interested in prosecuting Big Pharma, and considering a private person/entity cannot usually bring criminal charges against another private person/entity directly, there is not much that can be done through the court system. The only hope for legal showdown is if the vaxxed start dropping like flies or develop (V)AIDS en-masse to the point where it becomes impossible to ignore. Even then, my guess is that we will have WW3 before a major pharma company (and/or a corrupt govt official involved in this) gets held accountable for this genocide. You don't think the Ukraine invasion was rather convenient, happening exactly when the COVID-19 narrative could no longer be maintained and most countries dropped restrictions (almost simultaneously)?
Anyways, let's see what happens in the next 2-3 weeks, but if the vaxxed do indeed turn out to be royally screwed, we may see the West vs. Russia/China final showdown. Considering the global magnitude of the immediate damage the vaccines cause (as well as the new studies showing rapid vaxx mRNA incorporation into human genome - i.e. transgenerational effects), there is no coming back from this in a peaceful way. There is not enough money in the world to compensate the 2-3 billion people injected with this poison, and if a criminal trial does happen it means the end of Big Pharma as an industry and probably the collapse/imprisonment of most govts who participated in this.
Neither one of these is likely to happen...so the only remaining option for the elite is...(world) war. Multiple court cases against various govts (EU members, Canada, NZ, Scandinavian countries, etc) already got verdicts that the govt can do pretty much whatever it wants during a pandemic, even if it means murdering innocent civilians. I mean, courts have already upheld/blessed the "minor" fact that informed consent for most/all medical procedures was removed during the pandemic, and the legalization of euthanasia for people suffering even from just COVID-19, at the (often) sole discretion of their doctor. That should tell you enough about whether courts will ever deliver justice, let alone on an issue that has the potential to destroy most societies who participated in this abomination, if the true story is exposed in a court.
But, one can always hope that the law of unforeseen circumstances strikes again and somehow this whole mess can be exposed and prosecuted.
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If 9 out of 10 people in UK are vaccinated, it just makes sense to me that 9 out of 10 people dying are vaccinated. Its practically a 1 to 1 statistic.
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Sep 21, 2014
What the above graph indicates just confirms what the trials have shown. That there is no protection and basically no difference between experimental group and control group. It's absolute vs. relative risk (reduction).

It's correct that it's correlation and not causation, but it's also not as easy as "It's just statistics plain and simple". If ~90% of the population is given a drug that is supposed to help against disease X, one would expect way less than ~90% to die of that disease X in the hospital. Otherwise it would be useless. So while a simple graph like that doesn't prove that the vaccines are dangerous and kill people, it at least indicates that they are useless at best.

The problem is that a comparison is no longer possible. Normally, experimental group and control group should differ significantly only in one variable (drug yes or no). But this is no longer the case and this reality can no longer be established. Comparisons between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated are more or less meaningless. They can be an indicator. But to study the risk (or non-risk) of vaccinations, mass autopsies would have to be performed on those vaccinated who die after vaccination. But this is not the case. Autopsies do not take place at all or only on a very limited scale.

In addition, it is known that in many (all?) countries the data from the hospitals have been manipulated, in some cases massively. For example, vaccinated persons were still considered unvaccinated in the first weeks after vaccination, so that the case could occur that the side effects of a vaccinated person were included in the statistics as a covid case of an unvaccinated person. If you take this into account that's at least a hint that the vaccines are worse than just useless. So what can be shown with data like this? It's just completely f***ed up. "Science" is dead.


Oct 19, 2019
If 9 out of 10 people in UK are vaccinated, it just makes sense to me that 9 out of 10 people dying are vaccinated. Its practically a 1 to 1 statistic.
Only about 57% are triple jabbed in the UK. 73% with two.


Nov 18, 2019
Civil immunity, which all pharma companies have been granted in regards to their vaccines. So, the only option that remains is criminal prosecution from the govt (for which there is no immunity) but as you see yourself, the govt is not really interested in prosecuting Big Pharma, and considering a private person/entity cannot usually bring criminal charges against another private person/entity directly, there is not much that can be done through the court system. The only hope for legal showdown is if the vaxxed start dropping like flies or develop (V)AIDS en-masse to the point where it becomes impossible to ignore. Even then, my guess is that we will have WW3 before a major pharma company (and/or a corrupt govt official involved in this) gets held accountable for this genocide. You don't think the Ukraine invasion was rather convenient, happening exactly when the COVID-19 narrative could no longer be maintained and most countries dropped restrictions (almost simultaneously)?
Anyways, let's see what happens in the next 2-3 weeks, but if the vaxxed do indeed turn out to be royally screwed, we may see the West vs. Russia/China final showdown. Considering the global magnitude of the immediate damage the vaccines cause (as well as the new studies showing rapid vaxx mRNA incorporation into human genome - i.e. transgenerational effects), there is no coming back from this in a peaceful way. There is not enough money in the world to compensate the 2-3 billion people injected with this poison, and if a criminal trial does happen it means the end of Big Pharma as an industry and probably the collapse/imprisonment of most govts who participated in this.
Neither one of these is likely to happen...so the only remaining option for the elite is...(world) war. Multiple court cases against various govts (EU members, Canada, NZ, Scandinavian countries, etc) already got verdicts that the govt can do pretty much whatever it wants during a pandemic, even if it means murdering innocent civilians. I mean, courts have already upheld/blessed the "minor" fact that informed consent for most/all medical procedures was removed during the pandemic, and the legalization of euthanasia for people suffering even from just COVID-19, at the (often) sole discretion of their doctor. That should tell you enough about whether courts will ever deliver justice, let alone on an issue that has the potential to destroy most societies who participated in this abomination, if the true story is exposed in a court.
But, one can always hope that the law of unforeseen circumstances strikes again and somehow this whole mess can be exposed and prosecuted.
Yeah you pretty much summed up in detail the unfortunately bleak situation. My hope this will happen:

“But, one can always hope that the law of unforeseen circumstances strikes again and somehow this whole mess can be exposed and prosecuted.”

I actually think it will all be exposed - I just don’t know the timeline. It might only take one or two of the high profile criminals to face consequences: like Gates (India perhaps?) or Fauci (even Dr. Oz proclaims to be going after him. Rand Paul says he will do it if re-elected). Once that happens, the truth will not only spread fast but be almost impossible to suppress.


Feb 18, 2016
Civil immunity, which all pharma companies have been granted in regards to their vaccines. So, the only option that remains is criminal prosecution from the govt (for which there is no immunity) but as you see yourself, the govt is not really interested in prosecuting Big Pharma, and considering a private person/entity cannot usually bring criminal charges against another private person/entity directly, there is not much that can be done through the court system. The only hope for legal showdown is if the vaxxed start dropping like flies or develop (V)AIDS en-masse to the point where it becomes impossible to ignore. Even then, my guess is that we will have WW3 before a major pharma company (and/or a corrupt govt official involved in this) gets held accountable for this genocide. You don't think the Ukraine invasion was rather convenient, happening exactly when the COVID-19 narrative could no longer be maintained and most countries dropped restrictions (almost simultaneously)?
Anyways, let's see what happens in the next 2-3 weeks, but if the vaxxed do indeed turn out to be royally screwed, we may see the West vs. Russia/China final showdown. Considering the global magnitude of the immediate damage the vaccines cause (as well as the new studies showing rapid vaxx mRNA incorporation into human genome - i.e. transgenerational effects), there is no coming back from this in a peaceful way. There is not enough money in the world to compensate the 2-3 billion people injected with this poison, and if a criminal trial does happen it means the end of Big Pharma as an industry and probably the collapse/imprisonment of most govts who participated in this.
Neither one of these is likely to happen...so the only remaining option for the elite is...(world) war. Multiple court cases against various govts (EU members, Canada, NZ, Scandinavian countries, etc) already got verdicts that the govt can do pretty much whatever it wants during a pandemic, even if it means murdering innocent civilians. I mean, courts have already upheld/blessed the "minor" fact that informed consent for most/all medical procedures was removed during the pandemic, and the legalization of euthanasia for people suffering even from just COVID-19, at the (often) sole discretion of their doctor. That should tell you enough about whether courts will ever deliver justice, let alone on an issue that has the potential to destroy most societies who participated in this abomination, if the true story is exposed in a court.
But, one can always hope that the law of unforeseen circumstances strikes again and somehow this whole mess can be exposed and prosecuted.
What Haidut says here, its not alarmist, the ruling class are unhinged and heavily medicated, many of the old guard are coming to the end of their lives also, the neocons et al, they are so narcissistic they see all life as their own therefore if their lives are ending soon all other peoples must be too, its like a mentally ill mother who kills her child because she doesn't want them to live in such a bad world, its extreme psychotic narcissistic behaviour.

The only thing that seems to matter anymore is what information is amplified the loudest, they can cover up a large amount of vaxx deaths by not amplifying however they can't cover up the information within reality when people go outside and hear 4 people from their workplace die along with family members etc
The corona committee could also be some kind of hedge against this mass realisation within public consciousness, if it happens the committee will be the mainstreams got to people, gatekeeping essentially, see the vanity fair journalist Vicky Ward as an example of ruling class gatekeeping around the Epstein narrative.


Nov 18, 2019
What Haidut says here, its not alarmist, the ruling class are unhinged and heavily medicated, many of the old guard are coming to the end of their lives also, the neocons et al, they are so narcissistic they see all life as their own therefore if their lives are ending soon all other peoples must be too, its like a mentally ill mother who kills her child because she doesn't want them to live in such a bad world, its extreme psychotic narcissistic behaviour.

The only thing that seems to matter anymore is what information is amplified the loudest, they can cover up a large amount of vaxx deaths by not amplifying however they can't cover up the information within reality when people go outside and hear 4 people from their workplace die along with family members etc
The corona committee could also be some kind of hedge against this mass realisation within public consciousness, if it happens the committee will be the mainstreams got to people, gatekeeping essentially, see the vanity fair journalist Vicky Ward as an example of ruling class gatekeeping around the Epstein narrative.
Very interesting. Thanks for your thoughts. Also totally forgot about the heavy meds. A gatekeeping role for the committee makes the most sense and helps explain all the pieces that don’t add up in my mind.
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