USA Today Calling Or Forced Vaccinations


Jan 25, 2014
I've gotten so many vaccines growing up, will one more really hurt...? Or is this some special vaccine that's going to do a different level of harm.

As it stands currently, any "vaccine" you are talking about hasn't even been approved, is being rushed through safety trials, and would likely involve total immunity for any sort of manufacturer or drug company.

Regardless of any potential "new tech" in the vaccine, and the safety of current ones, this one has a bunch of concerning safety issues from the get go.

Not to mention, it's for a "virus" which has never even been proven to exist.


Oct 13, 2014
Everyone concerned about and not wanting to get vaxxed may well get a lawsuit insurance if you don’t have one already.

There are many good legal reasons and arguments not to get hurt by fast-tracked, unsafe vaccine technologies of unclear efficiency. The courts can’t ignore that at least for some time until everything got corrupted

Meaning if you suffer damages from vaccines or it will cover if you sue for being fired for refusing a vaccine as requirement of employment?


Jul 8, 2020
I don't think many countries will force citizens to get vaccines, there is a huge potential for lawsuits and claims, PR damage, issues with human rights and future elections to think about etc.

Instead I think a form of "manufactured consent" is going to happen. Chomsky wrote a book about this in the 80s, not related to vaccines though. I think the media can make people want the vaccines and make others demonize those that don't want it, with no government influence. UK government and media has already done a similar thing with lockdown, insinuating that anybody that breaks a lockdown is "killing grannies." What an incredible piece of propaganda, who wants the death of a granny on their conscience? A similar thing will emerge "get a vaccine or kill your granny" and the citizens will probably police it amongst themselves (work colleagues demonising those that havent been vaccinated, for fear they are "infected")

Looking at the language of politicians already makes me thing I am correct "everyone will want a vaccine" is the current path they are going down.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
There is something you can do if they ever try to gain entrance into your home or take you away to get he vaccine. It won't stop them forbidding services though. In Commonwealth countries including the USA and Canada, you can put yourself outside their treasonable law by taking an oath of allegiance to article 61 of Magna Carta.

I have written to my GP to ask for exemption on health grounds. Extreme sensitivities to adjuvants one tested ie formaldehyde.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Oct 22, 2019
So we can’t be exempt due to personal objections/preference because this breaks the “social contract”?

Who actually believes the social contract still exists? It’s been broken, stomped on and thrown in the dumpster; it’s only ever dragged out to be used as a cudgel to get people to comply with some new directive.


Feb 18, 2016
So we can’t be exempt due to personal objections/preference because this breaks the “social contract”?

Who actually believes the social contract still exists? It’s been broken, stomped on and thrown in the dumpster; it’s only ever dragged out to be used as a cudgel to get people to comply with some new directive.

Apparently bailing out banks and big corporate groups with tax payer money doesn’t break the social contract but your bodily rights can be breached by vaccine hysterical men like bill gates who are involved with a child sex trafficker, with that in mind I agree with your observation.


Oct 21, 2013
The mRNA vaccine is a new thing. They inject you with the RNA that holds the information for your body to make the toxic coronavirus spike protein itself. According to them it's safe because RNA can't be incorporated into our DNA.

RP: "The problem is that our bodies can copy foreign RNA and DNA and incorporate the copies into our chromosomes. If they are genes for viral proteins, it’s possible that during a future stress, those foreign genes could be expressed throughout our body, creating overwhelming amounts of those toxic proteins. The copies could be inserted into sperm cells and eggs as well as body cells, forming part of future generations. No sane person would consider doing it, if they understood how our cells respond to alien nucleic acids."

For them it's a win-win. Those RNA vaccines are cheap as hell to manufacture because they don't need to go through the hassle of producing the viral components in bioreactors. You become the bioreactor for them.

His latest newsletter said this: "The present testing of a vaccine containing the RNA that specifies the most destructive spike protein of the corona virus, the part the inactivates our protective ACE2 enzyme, is being done in a culture that avoids consideration of the meaning of our massive endogenous system of RNA-responsive reverse transcriptases and retroelements. the consequences of incorporating the spike protein o the virus into our genetic repertoire are hard to imagine. "


Mar 15, 2014
"There's no possible way the characteristics of the brain could be related to the way it performs." We agree on that.
Well, I think you may need to brush up on your sarcasm detection skills.

As for the thymus question, what are we to learn there from that information? Suppose it's true that Mongolian and Asian women have a better thymus function in their adult life, so what?
So then a sane world would attempt to do more cross-racial studies with respect to T-cell responses, B-cell responses, dietary factors, genes, etc, so that we could learn what drives it, how to emulate it, and what drives the response when its absent. But instead there is no mention of this in the literature anywhere--if it weren't true they could prove that easily by comparing a few Asian vs. Caucasoid cadavers--but nobody has done that.

Montagu, the guy you seem fond of quoting here, viewed race as a sociological construct, by the way. So I can't relate to the fascination you seem to have with race.
You are doing that thing where people from one political side assume that a random individual is saying certain things, despite never having said them.
For example, many white conservatives get heated when someone talks about racial inequality and double standards--even if they're not placing any blame.
Many liberals do the same when it comes to biological racial difference--even if they're not talking about "superiority".

I never said that I didn't view race as a sociological construct. The way that most of the western world views race is an utmost fantasy based on worthless eurocentric babble, which is of course sociologically rooted. American Natives are "Indians", people from the Caucasus are no longer Caucasian, Northwest Asia is deemed its own separate continent, etc.

That said, there are clear genetic differences between groups, they are easily observable and do not need to be tested, and virtually 100% of people know their rough genetic origin. They are useful in documenting certain traits for this reason. For example, Mongoloids have thymal persistence. Lactase persistence is variable, but only occurs in people with Middle Eastern admixture. Light colored eyes are limited to people with European admixture. Cystic fibrosis mostly occurs in Caucasoids.

These "racial" groups are imperfect and are themselves mixed many times over in the last few millennia, but they still have correlational value. As well as diagnostic medical value for diagnosing people within those racial groups.

And it's not science, it's pseudoscience (The Bell Curve in particular is a good example of eugenics
I don't care about the bell curve, IQ is a nebulous and imperfect test designed to measure the equally nebulous, polygenic, and environmentally affectable trait of intelligence. It's abundantly obvious that the obsession with IQ is due to anti-Black racism. Even if those IQ figures are legitimate, their popularity is due to racism. Not to mention that white IQ is artificially inflated due to higher living standards, (while 3rd world IQs are artificially depressed)

Yes, gene expression is fluid, and there are a bunch of behaviors we still don't understand about the DNA. Still, we can sequence it and find stark on/off-type switches for certain traits. If it was all due to environment, then why aren't people's gene sequences changing within their own lifetime?


Mar 3, 2013
Well, I think you may need to brush up on your sarcasm detection skills.

So then a sane world would attempt to do more cross-racial studies with respect to T-cell responses, B-cell responses, dietary factors, genes, etc, so that we could learn what drives it, how to emulate it, and what drives the response when its absent. But instead there is no mention of this in the literature anywhere--if it weren't true they could prove that easily by comparing a few Asian vs. Caucasoid cadavers--but nobody has done that.

You are doing that thing where people from one political side assume that a random individual is saying certain things, despite never having said them.
For example, many white conservatives get heated when someone talks about racial inequality and double standards--even if they're not placing any blame.
Many liberals do the same when it comes to biological racial difference--even if they're not talking about "superiority".

I never said that I didn't view race as a sociological construct. The way that most of the western world views race is an utmost fantasy based on worthless eurocentric babble, which is of course sociologically rooted. American Natives are "Indians", people from the Caucasus are no longer Caucasian, Northwest Asia is deemed its own separate continent, etc.

That said, there are clear genetic differences between groups, they are easily observable and do not need to be tested, and virtually 100% of people know their rough genetic origin. They are useful in documenting certain traits for this reason. For example, Mongoloids have thymal persistence. Lactase persistence is variable, but only occurs in people with Middle Eastern admixture. Light colored eyes are limited to people with European admixture. Cystic fibrosis mostly occurs in Caucasoids.

These "racial" groups are imperfect and are themselves mixed many times over in the last few millennia, but they still have correlational value. As well as diagnostic medical value for diagnosing people within those racial groups.

I don't care about the bell curve, IQ is a nebulous and imperfect test designed to measure the equally nebulous, polygenic, and environmentally affectable trait of intelligence. It's abundantly obvious that the obsession with IQ is due to anti-Black racism. Even if those IQ figures are legitimate, their popularity is due to racism. Not to mention that white IQ is artificially inflated due to higher living standards, (while 3rd world IQs are artificially depressed)

Yes, gene expression is fluid, and there are a bunch of behaviors we still don't understand about the DNA. Still, we can sequence it and find stark on/off-type switches for certain traits. If it was all due to environment, then why aren't people's gene sequences changing within their own lifetime?

Thank you for clarifying. I misjudged your position, my mistake.
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Nov 28, 2014
they believe they can influence the younger generations because the adults are a lost cause, every 20 years you see the effect of the propaganda on kids as they reach adulthood.
Yes, I think they will be doubling down on the schools. So I'm a little surprised at the resistance to opening the schools and the loss of control. I guess they figure it's a small sacrifice in order to maintain the panic narrative. These folks are in it for the long con. Interestingly though, in my state, Catholic schools have chosen to open fully and enrollments are sky rocketing since many public schools are still on the fence, or doing online or hybrid learning. Also, I saw a poll where 40 percent of parents said they were considering home schooling even after lockdown. Unfortunately, the movement away from public education is probably short-lived.


Mar 15, 2014
RP: "The problem is that our bodies can copy foreign RNA and DNA and incorporate the copies into our chromosomes. If they are genes for viral proteins, it’s possible that during a future stress, those foreign genes could be expressed throughout our body, creating overwhelming amounts of those toxic proteins. The copies could be inserted into sperm cells and eggs as well as body cells, forming part of future generations. No sane person would consider doing it, if they understood how our cells respond to alien nucleic acids."
This makes sense to me, but how does this jive with the "just a flu, open up now" crowd?

If an mRNA vaccine is potentially life-ending due to these effects, isn't the virus pretty bad also? Since the virus itself would be inserting the same RNA, albeit in smaller quantities since it is limited by the immune system.

Thank you for clarifying. I misjudged your position, my mistake.
No problem, thank you for admitting it.


Oct 1, 2019
This makes sense to me, but how does this jive with the "just a flu, open up now" crowd?

1. Coronaviruses have always been around.

2. There is no scientific basis to lock up perfectly healthy people, force them to wear masks, and destroy the economy.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
1. Coronaviruses have always been around.

2. There is no scientific basis to lock up perfectly healthy people, force them to wear masks, and destroy the economy.

@boris Yet Politicians are now pointing fingers at the Scientists saying = He/They made me do it!, honest. What a kakistocracy!!


Feb 18, 2016
Yes, I think they will be doubling down on the schools. So I'm a little surprised at the resistance to opening the schools and the loss of control. I guess they figure it's a small sacrifice in order to maintain the panic narrative. These folks are in it for the long con. Interestingly though, in my state, Catholic schools have chosen to open fully and enrollments are sky rocketing since many public schools are still on the fence, or doing online or hybrid learning. Also, I saw a poll where 40 percent of parents said they were considering home schooling even after lockdown. Unfortunately, the movement away from public education is probably short-lived.

Yes, they seem to have an obsession with influencing the mind of kids, they are bringing transgender education into the nyc curriculum I hear, even if your not religious it’s probably a safer if you can’t homeschool at this point, they can exempt themselves from this child sex obsession our financial 1% have, you can be sure the elites kids don’t get schooled this way.

The uk has now told doctors they must inform parents of transgender kids that hormone blockers are not reversible as many "experts" were claiming, at least we have evidence of those who were pumping this narrative, it’s seems some reason is returning, grown adults with no experience in endocrinology claiming this was good for teens and when countered with evidence they wanted to cancel the science, high estrogen and serotonin is creating depravity.


Feb 18, 2016
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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