Super-immunity to COVID or super propaganda


Feb 18, 2016
Experts from the Rockefeller university say you can be super immune to covid if you take a vaccine, it’s basically infantile propaganda for a society that is full of infantile adults, the superhero movie lovers. If you get a booster the article suggests you could get a superhuman response!
14 patients is all the experts at fascist university needed to pump this headline globally.
It’s also a cover for an over active immune system which is a side of effect of the monkey poo vaccine. You don’t have multiple sclerosis after the vaccine, it’s super immunity from now on.

So why are the fascists pumping this angle, well a rise in people testing for natural immunity and bringing it to court, the fascists now claim a super immunity can only arise if you already were infected with covid in 2020 and then immunized with mRNA vaccines this year.
Notice the use of language here, they use immunized instead of vaccine, the fascists just like the financial fascists need to change language once it’s process/meaning is figured out by the general public, it’s also stimulates the covid cult to have new cult like information to feed their new found meanings of covid death worship, it’s basically the same psyop tactic as Qanon.

"Ive had hybrid exposure dude therefore I’m super immune". "my body isn’t messed up, it’s my super human immune system".

This article has been in pretty much every news outlet on the planet with similar language, fascism.

People who have had a "hybrid" exposure to the virus. Specifically, they were infected with the coronavirus in 2020 and then immunized with mRNA vaccines this year. "Those people have amazing responses to the vaccine," says virologist Theodora Hatziioannou at Rockefeller University, who also helped lead several of the studies. "I think they are in the best position to fight the virus. The antibodies in these people's blood can even neutralize SARS-CoV-1, the first coronavirus, which emerged 20 years ago. That virus is very, very different from SARS-CoV-2."

These findings show how powerful the mRNA vaccines can be in people with prior exposure to SARS-CoV-2, she says. "There's a lot of research now focused on finding a pan-coronavirus vaccine that would protect against all future variants. Our findings tell you that we already have it.

"But there's a catch, right?" she adds: You first need to be sick with COVID-19. "After natural infections, the antibodies seem to evolve and become not only more potent but also broader. They become more resistant to mutations within the [virus]."

Hatziioannou and colleagues don't know if everyone who has had COVID-19 and then an mRNA vaccine will have such a remarkable immune response. "We've only studied the phenomena with a few patients because it's extremely laborious and difficult research to do," she says.

But she suspects it's quite common. "With every single one of the patients we studied, we saw the same thing." The study reports data on 14 patients.

Now, of course, there are so many remaining questions. For example, what if you catch COVID-19 after you're vaccinated? Or can a person who hasn't been infected with the coronavirus mount a "superhuman" response if the person receives a third dose of a vaccine as a booster?

Based on all these findings, it looks like the immune system is eventually going to have the edge over this virus," says Bieniasz, of Rockefeller University. "And if we're lucky, SARS-CoV-2 will eventually fall into that category of viruses that gives us only a mild cold."

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
"And if we're lucky, SARS-CoV-2 will eventually fall into that category of viruses that gives us only a mild cold."

Umm, except to victims of their own bad health and the horrendously corrupt/inept medical system, and to those with the comorbidity called old age, that's what it's always been.
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Feb 18, 2016
Umm, except to victims of their own bad health and the horrendously corrupt/inept medical system, and to those with the comorbidity called old age, that's what it's always been.
Yep along with intubation, the ruling class have shown their faces with this saga, once the mass stockholm syndrome and dissonance wears of society an underlying hatred and disgust of the ruling class and media will bubble up, it’s already there but this pushed it to edge.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020

She mentions intubated covid patients are sedated so heavily because they don't synchronize with the vent because it's in the wrong mode. Most hospital doctors only know how to follow protocols, and can't think outside of the box because they are either inept or fearful of going against the grain. Normal hospital vent protocol is AC/VC which uses PEEP. Here's a doctor that thought outside of the box and experimented with a vent mode (APRV) that allows patients to spontaneously breathe and doesn't use PEEP. And well lookie there, clearer chest x-ray (CXR) with much less ground glass opacities (sign of inflammation/damage) in just 3 hours.

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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
She mentions intubated covid patients are sedated so heavily because they don't synchronize with the vent because it's in the wrong mode. Most hospital doctors only know how to follow protocols, and can't think outside of the box because they are either inept or fearful of going against the grain. Normal hospital vent protocol is AC/VC which uses PEEP. Here's a doctor that thought outside of the box and experimented with a vent mode (APRV) that allows patients to spontaneously breathe and doesn't use PEEP. And well lookie there, clear chest x-ray (CXR) with no ground glass opacities (sign of inflammation/damage) in just 3 hours.


Another one...



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
She mentions intubated covid patients are sedated so heavily because they don't synchronize with the vent because it's in the wrong mode. Most hospital doctors only know how to follow protocols, and can't think outside of the box because they are either inept or fearful of going against the grain. Normal hospital vent protocol is AC/VC which uses PEEP. Here's a doctor that thought outside of the box and experimented with a vent mode (APRV) that allows patients to spontaneously breathe and doesn't use PEEP. And well lookie there, clearer chest x-ray (CXR) with much less ground glass opacities (sign of inflammation/damage) in just 3 hours.


Medical genocide. It is no coincidence that 99.999% of the people who died "from" COVID-19, died in a hospital, under the "care" of those freaks. Not many cases out there of people with COVID-19 who died as an outpatient. That should tell people all they need to know about this virus and "pandemic".


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Experts from the Rockefeller university say you can be super immune to covid if you take a vaccine, it’s basically infantile propaganda for a society that is full of infantile adults, the superhero movie lovers. If you get a booster the article suggests you could get a superhuman response!
14 patients is all the experts at fascist university needed to pump this headline globally.
It’s also a cover for an over active immune system which is a side of effect of the monkey poo vaccine. You don’t have multiple sclerosis after the vaccine, it’s super immunity from now on.

So why are the fascists pumping this angle, well a rise in people testing for natural immunity and bringing it to court, the fascists now claim a super immunity can only arise if you already were infected with covid in 2020 and then immunized with mRNA vaccines this year.
Notice the use of language here, they use immunized instead of vaccine, the fascists just like the financial fascists need to change language once it’s process/meaning is figured out by the general public, it’s also stimulates the covid cult to have new cult like information to feed their new found meanings of covid death worship, it’s basically the same psyop tactic as Qanon.

"Ive had hybrid exposure dude therefore I’m super immune". "my body isn’t messed up, it’s my super human immune system".

This article has been in pretty much every news outlet on the planet with similar language, fascism.

People who have had a "hybrid" exposure to the virus. Specifically, they were infected with the coronavirus in 2020 and then immunized with mRNA vaccines this year. "Those people have amazing responses to the vaccine," says virologist Theodora Hatziioannou at Rockefeller University, who also helped lead several of the studies. "I think they are in the best position to fight the virus. The antibodies in these people's blood can even neutralize SARS-CoV-1, the first coronavirus, which emerged 20 years ago. That virus is very, very different from SARS-CoV-2."

These findings show how powerful the mRNA vaccines can be in people with prior exposure to SARS-CoV-2, she says. "There's a lot of research now focused on finding a pan-coronavirus vaccine that would protect against all future variants. Our findings tell you that we already have it.

"But there's a catch, right?" she adds: You first need to be sick with COVID-19. "After natural infections, the antibodies seem to evolve and become not only more potent but also broader. They become more resistant to mutations within the [virus]."

Hatziioannou and colleagues don't know if everyone who has had COVID-19 and then an mRNA vaccine will have such a remarkable immune response. "We've only studied the phenomena with a few patients because it's extremely laborious and difficult research to do," she says.

But she suspects it's quite common. "With every single one of the patients we studied, we saw the same thing." The study reports data on 14 patients.

Now, of course, there are so many remaining questions. For example, what if you catch COVID-19 after you're vaccinated? Or can a person who hasn't been infected with the coronavirus mount a "superhuman" response if the person receives a third dose of a vaccine as a booster?

Based on all these findings, it looks like the immune system is eventually going to have the edge over this virus," says Bieniasz, of Rockefeller University. "And if we're lucky, SARS-CoV-2 will eventually fall into that category of viruses that gives us only a mild cold."

A virus so deadly, you need a super-suspicious test to know if you have it.
A vaccine so safe, you need to be bribed and/or forced to take it.
Yes, I am breaking out in red spots, have fever, blurred vision, clots, and myocarditis...but that means the vaccine is working!

That last one up there is basically what the article is legitimizing with the "research" coming out of this "university".
I am not sure the people who have deluded themselves to such a degree (and it seems it is at least 50% of the populace) can ever rejoin reality...They are too far gone in relying on manufactured narratives just to get through the day. Once that "meaning" collapses, we'll probably see a massive surge in suicides...and those will again be blamed on COVID-19.


Feb 18, 2016
A virus so deadly, you need a super-suspicious test to know if you have it.
A vaccine so safe, you need to be bribed and/or forced to take it.
Yes, I am breaking out in red spots, have fever, blurred vision, clots, and myocarditis...but that means the vaccine is working!

That last one up there is basically what the article is legitimizing with the "research" coming out of this "university".
I am not sure the people who have deluded themselves to such a degree (and it seems it is at least 50% of the populace) can ever rejoin reality...They are too far gone in relying on manufactured narratives just to get through the day. Once that "meaning" collapses, we'll probably see a massive surge in suicides...and those will again be blamed on COVID-19.
By all accounts Biden’s mandate means they could loose 65% of federal staff who have no intention of being vaccinated.
It’s like they are intentionally trying to cause secession.

It’s definitely a case of Stockholm syndrome and cognitive dissonance for most of those supportive of vaccines, there is also a suppressed self loathing in those who take it, the vaccine is a form of pain to enter the pop cult, the popular cult is all about amplification, it creates the illusion of resources/power and safety.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Who instructs them to do this? Obviously it cam from high up, it sounds like they know what to do at ground level, they are behaving like good Doctors and nurses and using intuition.
Did the WHO send out instructions?

Instructs them to do what?

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
This is propaganda to me. I have natural immunity which was just enough immunity to get the job done (fight the covid flu) so that I could survive. Adding a covid jab would give me (at least temporarily) a hyperimmune response and introduce unkown stuff into my body.

Natural immunity is a good thing. More immunity than natural immunity is not necessarily better immunity. Labeling hyperimmunity as super immunity is designed to lure more people into the jab centers.


Nov 18, 2019
This is propaganda to me. I have natural immunity which was just enough immunity to get the job done (fight the covid flu) so that I could survive. Adding a covid jab would give me (at least temporarily) a hyperimmune response and introduce unkown stuff into my body.

Natural immunity is a good thing. More immunity than natural immunity is not necessarily better immunity. Labeling hyperimmunity as super immunity is designed to lure more people into the jab centers.
+1 I keep posting this link....

15 studies show that natural immunity from prior infection is more robust (by far) than what those "vaccines" confer - [email protected] - List archives -

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Here is what we are up against. Cognitive dissonance avoidance so severe that COVID-obsessed liberal Michael Moore blithely reverses himself within the space of a paragraph: doesn't trust most govt or pharma but we need drugs!

"I just tested negative, finally, for Covid! I am no longer contagious! And I feel at least 80% better (still a bit exhausted). I never had to spend a night in the hospital. I didn’t die. Why is that? Because, as I told you in my podcast this week, I believe in science and medicine and people I trust who have devoted their lives to keeping the rest of us alive. And that belief I’m sure has helped me once again. It’s because I was fully vaccinated and always masked around others, because I socially distanced and washed my hands a half-dozen times a day, I didn’t get Covid in its earlier, more deadly strains. I followed the science and the doctors’ orders and knowing this whole time that I and 90% of us would eventually get Covid, I held it at bay until its fifth variant was too weak to kill me. The vaccine shots I knew were never supposed to prevent me from getting Covid — they were there to help assist an immune system that would eventually have to fight this virus and get me well within a few days or weeks.

And that’s what it did. Over 100 million Americans have lived to tell the story I just told.

And sadly, a million+ didn’t make it. Many had existing conditions that perhaps doomed them. But thousands upon thousands are dead because they didn’t trust science or the government or the pharmaceutical companies. I do not trust most parts of the government and none of the profit-hungry pharmaceutical corporations. (emphasis his)

But I don’t believe in throwing out the baby with the stinky bath water. There are so many good things government does for us and can do for us. And we need drugs! In the past 100 years our life expectancy has nearly doubled — thanks to medicine (until the Trump years when we dropped from 78.8 years to 76.1 years old)...

Science — and my belief in it — saved me from Covid. It’s over. I’m alive! "

Yeah, it's The Science, baby, that's where it's at.
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