USA Today Calling Or Forced Vaccinations


Feb 18, 2016
This article is outright propaganda , the lies and framing about Sweden are Nazi like.
This lot are seriously delusional and a real threat to the public all over the world.
The newspaper claims its patriotic to get vaccinated and force people to do so, this is similar to the narrative the paedophile Alan Dershowitz was pumping recently , the same paper talking about patriotism is encouraging kneeling for a national anthem and burning American flags in the street.

Remember when they were claiming herd immunity was a myth? It’s now ok again to mention when a vaccine is involved.
And just as we thought they will withdraw social payments, insurance ,the coming UBC etc if you don’t get on board with their covert brand of fascism.

We are no longer using science here in relation to covid, it’s beyond treason what they are pulling ,it’s pure unashamed medicinal fascism, psychopaths.

Compulsory vaccination for everyone is the only way to defeat COVID-19

"To win the war against the novel coronavirus that has now killed over 158,000 people in this country, the only answer is compulsory vaccination — for all of us.

And while the measures that will be necessary to defeat the coronavirus will seem draconian, even anti-American to some, we believe that there is no alternative. Simply put, getting vaccinated is going to be our patriotic duty.

The reason: When an effective vaccine is available for COVID-19, it will only defeat the pandemic if it is widely used, creating “herd immunity.” It is important to note that, during an epidemic, there is no threshold above which the protection conferred by “herd immunity” cannot be improved. Thus, the more people who are immunized, the lower the risk for all of us, including those who are not vaccinated.

Severe penalties for non-compliance
Nor is there an alternative to vaccine-induced herd immunity in a pandemic. Relying on enough people becoming infected and then immune is dangerous, as exemplified by the Swedish experience where the COVID-19 mortality rate exceeds that of its more cautious neighbors. Broad induction of immunity in the population by immunization will be necessary to end this pandemic. In simple terms, a refusal to be vaccinated threatens the lives of others.

So here's what America must do when a vaccine is ready:

► Make vaccinations free and easily accessible.

► Exempt only those with medical contraindications to immunization. It is likely that more than one vaccine platform will prove effective (as was the case for polio vaccines) and, as a result, medical conditions that prohibit all COVID-19 vaccines will be rare.

► Do not honor religious objections. The major religions do not officially oppose vaccinations.

► Do not allow objections for personal preference, which violate the social contract.

How can government and society assure compliance with protective vaccines? Vaccine refusers could lose tax credits or be denied non-essential government benefits. Health insurers could levy higher premiums for those who by refusing immunization place themselves and others at risk, as is the case for smokers".


Nov 9, 2017
I'm glad "they" know what is best for us. I'm now going to eat my blue pills for lunch. Yeesh!


Feb 18, 2016
Don’t forget it requires "everyone" to be vaccinated even though herd immunity can be reached in much lower amounts, further more if your vaccinated you shouldn’t have to worry about getting the virus from those "infected" , infected according to a PCR test which is notoriously inaccurate.

The insider trading on this vaccine coming will be off the charts.


Feb 18, 2016
I'm glad "they" know what is best for us. I'm now going to eat my blue pills for lunch. Yeesh!

They are so generous and caring the vaccine is "free", does that mean taxpayers in another country will pay for it?


Nov 9, 2017
They are so generous and caring the vaccine is "free", does that mean taxpayers in another country will pay for it?
Very compassionate people. They even would love to pay us to live for "free" out of the generosity of their hearts.
Aug 14, 2015
Notes on Herd Immunity from Andrew Wakefield

Herd Immunity is a term that is bandied around in defense of mass and mandatory vaccination. What is it and why is it important?

Let’s set out a working definition of what Herd Immunity is at a functional level in the population: Herd Immunity is the presence of adequate immunity within a population against a specific infection that operates to protect those at high risk of serious infection and consequently, reduce morbidity and mortality from that infection.

Now let’s separate out Herd Immunity, comparing what it meant in the pre-vaccine era compared with what it means in the vaccine era, using specific infections as examples.

Measles: Herd Immunity in the pre-vaccine era
  • When measles first enters a population that has not been exposed to measles before, Herd Immunity is zero and there is, initially, a very high morbidity (illness) and mortality.
  • This occurs in large part as a consequence of high dose exposure.
  • High dose exposure occurs because, in the absence of viral immunity, viral replication is unimpeded in the multiple susceptible human reservoirs in which it thrives. High doses of measles virus are transmitted from one person to the next. Added to this, socioeconomic circumstances contribute to high dose exposure. This includes high population density (easy transmission) and poor antiviral defenses (e.g. low vitamins A, D, and C). An example is the ravage of measles in Confederate soldiers amassed in barracks and hospitals in the American Civil War.
  • Over time, as measles becomes endemic (constantly circulating) in a population with typical 2-yearly epidemics, Herd Immunity increases rapidly. Natural exposure leads to long term immunity. Immunity limits viral transmission and opportunities for viral replication. Concomitantly, developed countries have experienced an improvement in nutritional status and consequently antiviral immunity. Dose of exposure falls and a dramatic reduction in morbidity and mortality is observed.
  • As a consequence of natural Herd Immunity, in the developed world measles mortality had fallen by 99.6% before measles vaccines were introduced. A fall in morbidity will have paralleled the fall in mortality (mortality is the extreme of morbidity).
Let us look at an example of how natural Herd Immunity operated to provide age-appropriate immunity.

  • Infants less than one year of age have a limited ability to generate adequate immunity and are susceptible to serious measles infection.
  • In the pre-vaccine era mothers conferred good passive immunity on their infants by transplacental and breast milk transfer.
  • This passive immunity protected infants through a period of vulnerability until they were better able to cope with measles through the generation of their own active immunity.
The vaccine era
Measles vaccine has destroyed natural Herd Immunity and replaced it with a temporary and inadequate quasi Herd Immunity that necessitates a dependence on vaccination along with an increased risk of severe adverse outcomes. Here are some examples of how natural Herd Immunity has been destroyed.

  • The increasing Herd Immunity associated with natural measles and the accompanying decrease in morbidity and mortality, has been interrupted by vaccination. This makes it difficult to predict how vaccinated populations might respond to, say, a new strain of measles virus that has escaped the ‘protection’ conferred by measles vaccine (escape mutant). Because that population is not immune to the escape mutant we risk high morbidity and mortality from measles once again.
  • Vaccinated mothers do not confer adequate passive immunity upon their infants (< 1 year of age). Infants are unable to generate an adequate immune response to measles vaccine and in the absence of passive maternal immunity, are unprotected during the first year, putting them at risk of serious measles infection.
  • Unlike natural measles, measles vaccine does not provide lasting immunity and a substantial proportion of measles cases are reported in those who have been vaccinated against measles.
  • Boosting of immunity using repeated doses of measles vaccine is not sustained and falls off rapidly. The only answer to this diminishing return that is offered by the regulators and manufacturers is to give more and more vaccines. The vaccine is highly profitable in terms of volume of sales, precisely because it is inadequately effective.
Mumps and Herd Immunity
Mumps is acknowledged to be a trivial disease in children; many do not even know they have had mumps the symptoms are so mild. Mumps is not a trivial disease in post-pubertal males where it can cause testicular inflammation and sterility.

Mumps vaccine does not work. Protection is way below the 96% claimed by Merck and mumps epidemics are occurring worldwide in highly vaccinated populations. Merck is accused of fraudulently misrepresenting the efficacy of their mumps vaccine in order to protect their US monopoly on the MMR vaccine. I would suggest that everyone who has suffered mumps and particularly its complications despite mumps vaccination, has a valid legal claim against Merck.

Mumps vaccine failure is associated with inadequate immunity following vaccination (primary failure) and rapidly waning immunity after vaccination (secondary failure). These factors mean that populations are at greater risk as they grow older. Since severe side effects are more common in mature males, mumps vaccine has made mumps a more dangerous disease.

Natural Herd Immunity, that is, lifelong immunity following exposure of children to mumps in the pre-vaccine era, has been destroyed by mumps vaccination.

Chickenpox and Herd Immunity
The chickenpox virus (varicella zoster) causes a mild self-limiting disease in healthy children. The virus frequently establishes latent infection in the cell bodies of sensory nerve roots where it has the potential to episodically reactivate and cause shingles, a very painful and debilitating condition. Shingles can cause blindness. Historically, shingles was an uncommon disease occurring in, for example, people with immune deficiency due to cancer or immunosuppressive drug therapy.

Reactivation of zoster is inhibited by an adequate level of immunity to this virus which, in turn, is maintained by boosting of immunity in parents and grandparents by re-exposure via children with chickenpox. Natural epidemics of chickenpox maintained Herd Immunity by ‘wild-type boosting’ (referring to the natural virus) of adults which prevented shingles in otherwise healthy individuals. This is no longer the case.

Widespread chickenpox vaccination has removed natural Herd Immunity by preventing epidemics, eliminating ‘wild-type’ boosting, and allowing immunity to fall in individuals to the point where shingles is now much more common, occurring in young, apparently healthy people. Vaccination has created a new epidemic to which Merck’s response is, ‘we’ve created a market; now let’s make a vaccine to prevent shingles.’

-Andrew Wakefield


Jan 9, 2019
I'm rather irritated that this opinion piece got so much attention. Seems another opportunity to polarize and turn people against one another. I obviously whole heartedly disagree with the article, but losing the middle ground in not good and that's exactly what the powers that be are trying to do. Get ready for some kind of war, with firm lines drawn, where unfortunately we will lose or highly dull the moderate people like Ray, who recognize the potential for safe vaccines, but also realizes how deep the corruption and harm is.

Considering and providing the proper environment for an organism to thrive in, I don't think we need any vaccines.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Of course the 'Elephant' in the room is who propagated the initial death figures of 500'000 (UK) and 2.2 Million (USA) and are these so called 'experts' going to be answerable for the thousands of indirect deaths the lockdown has/is causing? yeah I think I know that 'nobody' is going to be the fall guy, the whole shoddy business that is the 'plandemic' is a disgrace, and a stain on us all :mad::eek:


May 11, 2020
Notes on Herd Immunity from Andrew Wakefield

Herd Immunity is a term that is bandied around in defense of mass and mandatory vaccination. What is it and why is it important?

Let’s set out a working definition of what Herd Immunity is at a functional level in the population: Herd Immunity is the presence of adequate immunity within a population against a specific infection that operates to protect those at high risk of serious infection and consequently, reduce morbidity and mortality from that infection.

Now let’s separate out Herd Immunity, comparing what it meant in the pre-vaccine era compared with what it means in the vaccine era, using specific infections as examples.

Measles: Herd Immunity in the pre-vaccine era
  • When measles first enters a population that has not been exposed to measles before, Herd Immunity is zero and there is, initially, a very high morbidity (illness) and mortality.
  • This occurs in large part as a consequence of high dose exposure.
  • High dose exposure occurs because, in the absence of viral immunity, viral replication is unimpeded in the multiple susceptible human reservoirs in which it thrives. High doses of measles virus are transmitted from one person to the next. Added to this, socioeconomic circumstances contribute to high dose exposure. This includes high population density (easy transmission) and poor antiviral defenses (e.g. low vitamins A, D, and C). An example is the ravage of measles in Confederate soldiers amassed in barracks and hospitals in the American Civil War.
  • Over time, as measles becomes endemic (constantly circulating) in a population with typical 2-yearly epidemics, Herd Immunity increases rapidly. Natural exposure leads to long term immunity. Immunity limits viral transmission and opportunities for viral replication. Concomitantly, developed countries have experienced an improvement in nutritional status and consequently antiviral immunity. Dose of exposure falls and a dramatic reduction in morbidity and mortality is observed.
  • As a consequence of natural Herd Immunity, in the developed world measles mortality had fallen by 99.6% before measles vaccines were introduced. A fall in morbidity will have paralleled the fall in mortality (mortality is the extreme of morbidity).
Let us look at an example of how natural Herd Immunity operated to provide age-appropriate immunity.

  • Infants less than one year of age have a limited ability to generate adequate immunity and are susceptible to serious measles infection.
  • In the pre-vaccine era mothers conferred good passive immunity on their infants by transplacental and breast milk transfer.
  • This passive immunity protected infants through a period of vulnerability until they were better able to cope with measles through the generation of their own active immunity.
The vaccine era
Measles vaccine has destroyed natural Herd Immunity and replaced it with a temporary and inadequate quasi Herd Immunity that necessitates a dependence on vaccination along with an increased risk of severe adverse outcomes. Here are some examples of how natural Herd Immunity has been destroyed.

  • The increasing Herd Immunity associated with natural measles and the accompanying decrease in morbidity and mortality, has been interrupted by vaccination. This makes it difficult to predict how vaccinated populations might respond to, say, a new strain of measles virus that has escaped the ‘protection’ conferred by measles vaccine (escape mutant). Because that population is not immune to the escape mutant we risk high morbidity and mortality from measles once again.
  • Vaccinated mothers do not confer adequate passive immunity upon their infants (< 1 year of age). Infants are unable to generate an adequate immune response to measles vaccine and in the absence of passive maternal immunity, are unprotected during the first year, putting them at risk of serious measles infection.
  • Unlike natural measles, measles vaccine does not provide lasting immunity and a substantial proportion of measles cases are reported in those who have been vaccinated against measles.
  • Boosting of immunity using repeated doses of measles vaccine is not sustained and falls off rapidly. The only answer to this diminishing return that is offered by the regulators and manufacturers is to give more and more vaccines. The vaccine is highly profitable in terms of volume of sales, precisely because it is inadequately effective.
Mumps and Herd Immunity
Mumps is acknowledged to be a trivial disease in children; many do not even know they have had mumps the symptoms are so mild. Mumps is not a trivial disease in post-pubertal males where it can cause testicular inflammation and sterility.

Mumps vaccine does not work. Protection is way below the 96% claimed by Merck and mumps epidemics are occurring worldwide in highly vaccinated populations. Merck is accused of fraudulently misrepresenting the efficacy of their mumps vaccine in order to protect their US monopoly on the MMR vaccine. I would suggest that everyone who has suffered mumps and particularly its complications despite mumps vaccination, has a valid legal claim against Merck.

Mumps vaccine failure is associated with inadequate immunity following vaccination (primary failure) and rapidly waning immunity after vaccination (secondary failure). These factors mean that populations are at greater risk as they grow older. Since severe side effects are more common in mature males, mumps vaccine has made mumps a more dangerous disease.

Natural Herd Immunity, that is, lifelong immunity following exposure of children to mumps in the pre-vaccine era, has been destroyed by mumps vaccination.

Chickenpox and Herd Immunity
The chickenpox virus (varicella zoster) causes a mild self-limiting disease in healthy children. The virus frequently establishes latent infection in the cell bodies of sensory nerve roots where it has the potential to episodically reactivate and cause shingles, a very painful and debilitating condition. Shingles can cause blindness. Historically, shingles was an uncommon disease occurring in, for example, people with immune deficiency due to cancer or immunosuppressive drug therapy.

Reactivation of zoster is inhibited by an adequate level of immunity to this virus which, in turn, is maintained by boosting of immunity in parents and grandparents by re-exposure via children with chickenpox. Natural epidemics of chickenpox maintained Herd Immunity by ‘wild-type boosting’ (referring to the natural virus) of adults which prevented shingles in otherwise healthy individuals. This is no longer the case.

Widespread chickenpox vaccination has removed natural Herd Immunity by preventing epidemics, eliminating ‘wild-type’ boosting, and allowing immunity to fall in individuals to the point where shingles is now much more common, occurring in young, apparently healthy people. Vaccination has created a new epidemic to which Merck’s response is, ‘we’ve created a market; now let’s make a vaccine to prevent shingles.’

-Andrew Wakefield

Please post a link to this. Thanks.


May 11, 2020
People are so weird about vaccines. Do vaccines work? Quite often, yes. Do they work every time? No. Do they often have severe side effects? Absolutely. Have these side effects been avoidable but not actually avoided? Absolutely. Has the WHO been caught committing crimes against humanity via vaccines? Yes, no matter what the idiots at Politifact or Snopes say. The idea of vaccines is a no-brainer, a slam dunk, an easy win for humanity. The EXECUTION of vaccines has often been a total nightmare. Aluminum, mercury and other preservatives they use in them are 100% proven to cause neurological and immunological damage. The strains they put in the vaccines often work to create immunity. Anybody picking sides here, like in politics, is ignoring the nuance and embarrassing themselves. Both sides are right. Both sides are wrong. People are ignoring the context here on both sides. As with politics, if you pick a side then you are automatically wrong to some degree.
Aug 14, 2015

I just Googled natural herd immunity Andrew Wakefield,
I think these are the notes from the vaxxed movie.


Mar 15, 2014
The vaccines are bull**** because millions of adults can't even mount an antibody response due to thymal atrophy. Most non-Asians undergo thymal atrophy in adulthood.

My suspicion is that one of the reasons for the so-called "long hauler" COVID syndrome is that many people have a heightened innate immune response. It's been ascertained that the best recoveries come from people who shed large amounts of the virus. In people with a high innate response, it makes sense that the viral numbers would go down (but not zero) early on, which might leave the adaptive system almost nothing to use with regards to antibodies...

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
The vaccines are bull**** because millions of adults can't even mount an antibody response due to thymal atrophy. Most non-Asians undergo thymal atrophy in adulthood.

My suspicion is that one of the reasons for the so-called "long hauler" COVID syndrome is that many people have a heightened innate immune response. It's been ascertained that the best recoveries come from people who shed large amounts of the virus. In people with a high innate response, it makes sense that the viral numbers would go down (but not zero) early on, which might leave the adaptive system almost nothing to use with regards to antibodies...
what protects an asian person from having their thymus atrophy in adulthood?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I found an online church where you can get a religious exemption certificate by making a $1-75 donation. It doesn’t sound likely to work but I might try it anyway. I personally don’t want to go down without a fight.
Congregation of Universal Wisdom - Sacrilege
Edit-Those were 2003 prices so it may be higher now.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I don’t watch tv but it is on at work in the break room. I have been seeing way more ads running for the meningitis b vaccine for teens and as well as the shingles vaccine. Also noticing subliminal messages like on this high way billboard.

As with everything else the big boys are using race to manipulate the discourse. An African American coworker referred to people who don’t wear masks as being privileged white people.

GlaxoSmithKline TV Commercial, 'Meningitis B'

Funny that none of the commercials show people wearing masks. It’s like the media wants to simultaneously ignore reality (lockdown, forced vaccination, life being completely different for most people) while at the same time only reporting on the corona virus and masks and vaccines.


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