COVID 19 Lockdown And Testing Had No Effect On Death Rate

Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Here in the UK the '2nd wave' hype is ramping up, I wouldn't be surprised by the end of this week or early next week the UK will go into a national lockdown. when neither the infection or death rate actually warrant it, wish I knew what was really going on with this Covid thing/hysteria :(
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Here in the UK the '2nd wave' hype is ramping up, I wouldn't be surprised by the end of this week or early next week the UK will go into a national lockdown. when neither the infection or death rate actually warrant it, wish I knew what was really going on with this Covid thing/hysteria :(
Okay then, we are to stay under restrictions for another SIX MONTHS! WTF.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Okay then, we are to stay under restrictions for another SIX MONTHS! WTF.

Psychological studies done on very large groups (entire societies) show that within a year of implementing "life changing events" people get used to them and accept them as the "new normal". So, after 6 months it will be basically a year since this charade started. People will have changed their lives so much around accommodating the restrictions imposed in regards to COVID-19 that they may start resisting going back to normal as any change requires effort and the resistance is usually commensurate with the efforts that went into implementing the measures as well as the efforts for implementing the new measures. People are just terrified that they may have went through hell for nothing, so they will fight to keep the "new normal" in place.
It is scary how quickly people can accept even horrible things as their new reality and then resist going back to their normal lives. It is a type of Stockholm syndrome.
Stockholm syndrome - Wikipedia
"...Stockholm syndrome is a "contested illness" due to doubt about the legitimacy of the condition.[2] It has also come to describe the reactions of some abuse victims beyond the context of kidnappings or hostage-taking. Actions and attitudes similar to those suffering from Stockholm syndrome have also been found in victims of sexual abuse, human trafficking, terror, and political and religious oppression.[2]"
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Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Psychological studies done on very large groups show that within a year of implementing "life changing events" people get used to them and accept them as the "new normal". So, after 6 months it will be basically a year since this charade started. People will have changed their lives so much around accommodating the restrictions imposed in regards to COVID-19 that they may start resisting going back to normal as any change requires effort and the resistance is usually commensurate with the efforts that went into implementing the measures as well as the efforts for implementing the new measures. People are just terrified that they may have went through hell for nothing, so they will fight to keep the "new normal" in place.
It is scary how quickly people can accept even horrible things as their new reality and then resist going back to their normal lives. It is a type of Stockholm syndrome.



Sep 9, 2019
Okay then, we are to stay under restrictions for another SIX MONTHS! WTF.
Mad eh.

I've seen a small uptick in people willing to put ego to one side and admit they were had. And a larger uptick in people resisting extension of restrictions within the existing (false) narrative. Promising but short of what's needed.

Also seen a public freakout around mask wearing. An elderly looking person berating younger for not wearing a mask to cover their nose. Not worth stepping in to, some people are irredeemable.

I rode a certain mass transit system all over a certain city today for work, maskless and unchallenged the whole time. A handful of people of the same mind.


Feb 18, 2016
Here in the UK the '2nd wave' hype is ramping up, I wouldn't be surprised by the end of this week or early next week the UK will go into a national lockdown. when neither the infection or death rate actually warrant it, wish I knew what was really going on with this Covid thing/hysteria :(

The emergency legislation for covid19 runs until September 30th I believe, they are trying to extend this hence the fraudulent numbers they have been pumping regarding Spain and France the last week, you need hysteria to justify the extension.
Governments all over the EU were in cahoots with this propaganda the last 3 weeks.

There is a lot of bright people turning against the narrative in the UK at this point, this doesn’t bode well for the establishment, all they have is the likes of Professor pants down Neil Ferguson who is being rolled out again to preach more doomsday numbers.

The positive is many are asking what is going on and generally starting to suspect governments are up to something, outside those with a financial interest pumping a covid19 doomsday are people who have limited intelligence, they typify the defeated personas with unmet life expectations who love a doomsday narrative to justify their own perceived failings in life, this type of persona is primed for cult like beliefs.

The only choice now is for the ruling class to stifle criticism as their contradictions are brought to light ,Peat said this in a recent newsletter, this will be people with vast experience in their fields, this should be enough for the general population to snap out of the covid hypnosis.
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