The Earth May Be Creating New Matter, Which Breaks The Standard Model


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
In one of his interviews, Peat postulated the ides of so-called "continuous creation" occurring everywhere in the Universe and the "cosmic" rays representing this newly created matter accounting rather easily for the Universal Background Radiation hailed as indisputable proof of the Big Bang.
Storms Trigger Nuclear Reactions, Produce "cosmic" And Gamma Rays
"...N.A. Kozyrev, an astrophysicist, looked at the issue historically, and concluded that the 19th century people who promulgated the first and second laws were just mathematizing their fairly fundamentalist Christian beliefs, building on the preceding Deists, who saw the world as a big clock set in motion in The Beginning by the Big Watchmaker. Realizing that there was, and is, simply no evidence for the way they formulated the laws, asserting that time could just as well run in either direction. Kozyrev worked out the implications of considering that time works the way it seems to, moving only in one direction. With that assumption, the passage of time introduces negative entropy constantly into the system. Kozyrev’s calculation from that assumption showed that any mass, existing through time, converts negentropy into energy, and it works out to predict that the amount of energy coming out of the sun and stars is consistent with the observed energy, but is derived from the asymmetry of time, rather than from nuclear reactions. He then scaled the figures to the planets, and predicted the amount of heat coming from Jupiter and Saturn; his figures were confirmed decades later when the space probes made measurements at close range. The internal heat of the earth was on the same scale, so he estimated the amount of heat that should be produced by the mass of the moon, and predicted that there would be volcanic activity there. Since he was an astronomer, he aimed a telescope at the dark side of the moon, with infrared sensitive film, and showed periodic hot eruptions. A little earlier, Fred Soddy (famous for work in nuclear fission and isotopes) proposed continuing creation, and suggested that cosmic rays are newly formed atoms, and if this creation is happening everywhere, there should be a certain amount of “background” microwave radiation coming from all directions. Years later when radiation of that sort was detected, the Deisitic Fundamentalists proclaimed that they had discovered evidence of The Big Bang at the Time of Creation, and ignored Soddy’s prediction."

This view is supported by the main article in the thread above, which shows that thunderstorms can create "cosmic" rays. Now these new studied below found that "cosmic" rays are emanating from the Earth's South Pole, which breaks the Standard Model of physics, which has ruled science for the last 50 years. Unfortunately, none of the proposed explanations include the one of large, electrically charged bodies (like Earth, or a thunderstorm) being able to create new matter. Instead, we are being fed the usual bizarre explanatory concoction of particles like "sterile neutrinos", "atypical dark matter", "stau sleptons", and so on. The poetical creations of physicists these days begin to rival Shakespeare's :):


[1603.05218] Characteristics of Four Upward-pointing Cosmic-ray-like Events Observed with ANITA
[1803.05088] Observation of an Unusual Upward-going Cosmic-ray-like Event in the Third Flight of ANITA

Bizarre Particles Keep Flying out of Antarctica's Ice, and They Might Shatter Modern Physics

"...There’s something mysterious coming up from the frozen ground in Antarctica, and it could break physics as we know it. Physicists don’t know what it is exactly. But they do know it’s some sort of cosmic ray—a high-energy particle that’s blasted its way through space, into the Earth, and back out again. But the particles physicists know about—the collection of particles that make up what scientists call the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics—shouldn’t be able to do that. Sure, there are low-energy neutrinos that can pierce through miles upon miles of rock unaffected. But high-energy neutrinos, as well as other high-energy particles, have “large cross-sections.” That means that they’ll almost always crash into something soon after zipping into the Earth and never make it out the other side. And yet, since March 2016, researchers have been puzzling over two events in Antarctica where cosmic rays did burst out from the Earth, and were detected by NASA’s Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA)—a balloon-borne antenna drifting over the southern continent."

"...ANITA is designed to hunt cosmic rays from outer space, so the high-energy neutrino community was buzzing with excitement when the instrument detected particles that seemed to be blasting up from Earth instead of zooming down from space. Because cosmic rays shouldn’t do that, scientists began to wonder whether these mysterious beams are made of particles never seen before. Since then, physicists have proposed all sorts of explanations for these “upward going” cosmic rays, from sterile neutrinos (neutrinos that rarely ever bang into matter) to “atypical dark matter distributions inside the Earth,” referencing the mysterious form of matter that doesn’t interact with light [The 18 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics] All the explanations were intriguing, and suggested that ANITA might have detected a particle not accounted for in the Standard Model. But none of the explanations demonstrated conclusively that something more ordinary couldn’t have caused the signal at ANITA. A new paper uploaded today (Sept. 26) to the preprint server arXiv changes that. In it, a team of astrophysicists from Penn State University showed that there have been more upward-going high-energy particles than those detected during the two ANITA events. Three times, they wrote, IceCube (another, larger neutrino observatory in Antarctica) detected similar particles, though no one had yet connected those events to the mystery at ANITA. And, combining the IceCube and ANITA data sets, the Penn State researchers calculated that, whatever particle is bursting up from the Earth, it has much less than a 1-in-3.5 million chance of being part of the Standard Model. (In technical, statistical terms, their results had confidences of 5.8 and 7.0 sigma, depending on which of their calculations you’re looking at.)"


Sep 29, 2017
Cool, thanks for sharing!


Sep 15, 2017
So to summarize this to some extent, its an affirmation of Ray’s hypothesis yet on a much larger scale (the hypothesis being energy and structure are interdependent at every level), including an aspect of anti-entropy? Basically the universe is constantly streaming energy into structure and then utilizing that structure to harness more energy/ create more energy, a vortex of continuous creation (there may be destruction along the way to allow for more creation)?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
So to summarize this to some extent, its an affirmation of Ray’s hypothesis yet on a much larger scale (the hypothesis being energy and structure are interdependent at every level), including an aspect of anti-entropy? Basically the universe is constantly streaming energy into structure and then utilizing that structure to harness more energy/ create more energy, a vortex of continuous creation (there may be destruction along the way to allow for more creation)?

I could not have put this better myself :):
More specifically, it invalidates the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. If the 2 most fundamental laws of physics are wrong then most of theoretical physicists are simply wasting taxpayers' money with their electron smashing toys.


Sep 15, 2017
It seems our collective conciousness solution strategy towards every issue, whether it be health, physics, finance etc. is to constantly correct the symptom of the issue with a series of bandaids rather than stitch the wound. By the time all these “industries” realize that they’ve been conjuring illusions and unicorns with rabbit holes of rationalizations and mental masturbation we’re already hemorrhaging. The “how” of the thought process seems just as important if not more than the “what”, yet we seem to be ego invested only in the sophisticated “what”. How do you think we can change how we think as a collective?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It seems our collective conciousness solution strategy towards every issue, whether it be health, physics, finance etc. is to constantly correct the symptom of the issue with a series of bandaids rather than stitch the wound. By the time all these “industries” realize that they’ve been conjuring illusions and unicorns with rabbit holes of rationalizations and mental masturbation we’re already hemorrhaging. The “how” of the thought process seems just as important if not more than the “what”, yet we seem to be ego invested only in the sophisticated “what”. How do you think we can change how we think as a collective?

Many of the failures are by design - i.e. specifically avoid solving any real problems if it results in the disappearance or shrinking of a market. I think people are starting to realize that some things cannot be run as an industry simply due to the overwhelming incentive for corruption and establishment of complete control over our lives. I don't know that enough people sense what exactly is wrong but I think a majority of people sense that something is seriously wrong with the direction the world has been following for 80+ years. As Peat said in one interview - IF the world does not sink into disease and tyranny eventually the number of people consciously refusing to participate in meaningless activities and dangerous industries will reach a tipping point and the house of cards will collapse. But it is a big IF since the current corrupt system depends for its survival on mass ignorance and will stop at nothing to maintain it. I think the next financial crisis in the US and thus the rest of the world will show which direction the world will go towards. Since almost nothing was fixed following the 2009 crash, this time the crisis will probably be much bigger. The social unrest that follows the next crash will either force the current system to undergo major changes or even collapse, or result in establishing a fascist worldwide political system that makes no secret of its desire for mindless slaves. Whether people will revolt against the latter option or simply roll over and take it is very much up in the air IMHO. But I am seeing some good signs that at least the cat is out of the bag. As Edward Snowden said recently - "People are still powerless, but at least they now know very well that they do have an enemy and who that enemy is".


Feb 13, 2016
It seems our collective conciousness solution strategy towards every issue, whether it be health, physics, finance etc. is to constantly correct the symptom of the issue with a series of bandaids rather than stitch the wound. By the time all these “industries” realize that they’ve been conjuring illusions and unicorns with rabbit holes of rationalizations and mental masturbation we’re already hemorrhaging. The “how” of the thought process seems just as important if not more than the “what”, yet we seem to be ego invested only in the sophisticated “what”. How do you think we can change how we think as a collective?

Most of this thread is way over my head, but about your point about the fact that our thought process needs to change, I remember reading a book (The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World) talking about how focusing too much on the "what" is a symptom of left-brain, analytical/linear/sequential, language-oriented thinking, whereas focusing on the "how" is a feature of creative, holistic, experiential right-brain thinking. The Western world is a left-brained society.


Aug 17, 2016
It seems our collective conciousness solution strategy towards every issue, whether it be health, physics, finance etc. is to constantly correct the symptom of the issue with a series of bandaids rather than stitch the wound. By the time all these “industries” realize that they’ve been conjuring illusions and unicorns with rabbit holes of rationalizations and mental masturbation we’re already hemorrhaging. The “how” of the thought process seems just as important if not more than the “what”, yet we seem to be ego invested only in the sophisticated “what”. How do you think we can change how we think as a collective?
a friend on a FB forum just posted a relevant RP missive. Wherein "cause I said so!" no longer suffices.


  • Ray_assertiveness.jpg
    197.7 KB · Views: 128


Mar 2, 2016
So imagine a system that evolves temporally, meaning in the context of intervals of time, at a constant rate with no change in the ratios of quantities. If we extend this quality spatially, in the context of intervals of geometric displacement, we have a flat field. This flat field is symmetric about every measurable quantity, and is an abstract description of the speed of light, which is better defined as a limit on the rate of temporal evolution or maximum rate of entropy in a system.

The word entropy is built from the words en-tropos, essentially meaning to turn inward. It is the tendency of the reality generating engine of the cosmos to tend towards a flat field. In a sense, difference creates a potential towards symmetry. So the speed of light is the limit that rational reality is able to move closer towards a flat field with respect to intervals of time. Consider the phrase extropy, to turn outward. Is it different from the concept of negative entropy?

Any object of this system that evolves at a rate different than that of the flat field is said to have curvature. Curvature is the difference that creates potential and is the fundamental generator of mass, gravity, magnetism, and light. So an object that has mass generates curvature in the field, which creates a potential and gravity. Why doesn't the object flatten and disintegrate into the field? Something is holding it together, and it certainly isn't entropy. This persistence of existence in the field is energy ala E=MC^2, and on a large scale this persistence as time evolves is creating a sort of negative entropy, generating more complex modes of curvature and adding potential to the system. This is a flagrant violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics and you can bet I have filed a petition with the US District Attorney's office to bring charges against reality.


Jul 8, 2018
I have a question.

Earth has 3 lines of defense against galatic radiation:

1. The solar shield [which has weakened enough to cause alarm at NASA]

2. Earth's magnetic shield

3. Our atmosphere

My question is what happens to cosmic rays that are generated within our defenses?

Do they pass thru those shields or are they deflected back towards Earth?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I have a question.

Earth has 3 lines of defense against galatic radiation:

1. The solar shield [which has weakened enough to cause alarm at NASA]

2. Earth's magnetic shield

3. Our atmosphere

My question is what happens to cosmic rays that are generated within our defenses?

Do they pass thru those shields or are they deflected back towards Earth?

I don't think this has been looked at much, but I suspect most of the ones created by Earth are deflected and release their energy within the biosphere.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
I could not have put this better myself :):
More specifically, it invalidates the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. If the 2 most fundamental laws of physics are wrong then most of theoretical physicists are simply wasting taxpayers' money with their electron smashing toys.
That stuff was developed for steam engines anyway. I have never understood why we should assume it functions on a quantum level.

I wanted to ask you if you still think Electric Universe is a good model, since this observation seems compatible with it.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
That stuff was developed for steam engines anyway. I have never understood why we should assume it functions on a quantum level.

I wanted to ask you if you still think Electric Universe is a good model, since this observation seems compatible with it.

I think EUT is a good model but is probably incomplete at this point. I also like Milo Wolff's theory of Wave Structure of Matter, portions of which (electrons as standing waves) have been confirmed in recent experiments. Given that in Milo's theory there is only electron and positron as "particles" that make up everything else, it is consistent with the EUT and explains gravity quite well. Milo has said repeatedly that his model is an extension of what Tesla was working on as an alternative to Einstein's theories (which he thought were complete junk) just before he died.
Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) - Articles - The Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) and the Origin of the Natural Laws
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
lol If the sun is creating new matter, we can test this by experiment of making a little flora environment in a sealed glass jar with dirt-water system, and weigh it with set intervals. And see if it get heavier over time. lol. Roger Spurr done this. Dunno about the progress of it tho.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Many of the failures are by design - i.e. specifically avoid solving any real problems if it results in the disappearance or shrinking of a market. I think people are starting to realize that some things cannot be run as an industry simply due to the overwhelming incentive for corruption and establishment of complete control over our lives. I don't know that enough people sense what exactly is wrong but I think a majority of people sense that something is seriously wrong with the direction the world has been following for 80+ years. As Peat said in one interview - IF the world does not sink into disease and tyranny eventually the number of people consciously refusing to participate in meaningless activities and dangerous industries will reach a tipping point and the house of cards will collapse. But it is a big IF since the current corrupt system depends for its survival on mass ignorance and will stop at nothing to maintain it. I think the next financial crisis in the US and thus the rest of the world will show which direction the world will go towards. Since almost nothing was fixed following the 2009 crash, this time the crisis will probably be much bigger. The social unrest that follows the next crash will either force the current system to undergo major changes or even collapse, or result in establishing a fascist worldwide political system that makes no secret of its desire for mindless slaves. Whether people will revolt against the latter option or simply roll over and take it is very much up in the air IMHO. But I am seeing some good signs that at least the cat is out of the bag. As Edward Snowden said recently - "People are still powerless, but at least they now know very well that they do have an enemy and who that enemy is".
I believe in all sorts of weird woo woo, and the people in the spiritual field seem to be often saying the Earth is being spritually being divided in two. Those who have awoken go into "higher vibration" while those wanting to stay down will do so, and polarization between the two is growing. It looks like what you are describing. You can listen to the doctors and professors and other power hungry tyrants, and you suffering will increase. Or you can listen to people like Peat and Andrew Fletcher and even the things considered incurable like MS can dissappear.


Aug 21, 2016
Sydney, Australia
Many of the failures are by design - i.e. specifically avoid solving any real problems if it results in the disappearance or shrinking of a market. I think people are starting to realize that some things cannot be run as an industry simply due to the overwhelming incentive for corruption and establishment of complete control over our lives. I don't know that enough people sense what exactly is wrong but I think a majority of people sense that something is seriously wrong with the direction the world has been following for 80+ years. As Peat said in one interview - IF the world does not sink into disease and tyranny eventually the number of people consciously refusing to participate in meaningless activities and dangerous industries will reach a tipping point and the house of cards will collapse. But it is a big IF since the current corrupt system depends for its survival on mass ignorance and will stop at nothing to maintain it. I think the next financial crisis in the US and thus the rest of the world will show which direction the world will go towards. Since almost nothing was fixed following the 2009 crash, this time the crisis will probably be much bigger. The social unrest that follows the next crash will either force the current system to undergo major changes or even collapse, or result in establishing a fascist worldwide political system that makes no secret of its desire for mindless slaves. Whether people will revolt against the latter option or simply roll over and take it is very much up in the air IMHO. But I am seeing some good signs that at least the cat is out of the bag. As Edward Snowden said recently - "People are still powerless, but at least they now know very well that they do have an enemy and who that enemy is".

They dont Haidut, people are being goaded into a misguided ethnic conflict in the US, while the rich and corporations still get tax cuts leading to record buybacks and wage growth is yet to be seen

The enemy is still throwing up smokescreens, but I mean rich people do what rich people do wherever they are.

Its really up to us to design a better system of checks and balances, correct failures of design as you call it


Jan 25, 2014
This study ties in nicely with the expanding earth theory. Has anyone seen this model before?

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