The Sun May Be A Significant Source Of Gamma-ray Radiation


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I like this study because, in the words of one of the authors, it reveals how little we know about the closest star to our planet. The current dogma is that gamma rays can only come from outside the Solar system, and are usually the result of supernova explosion somewhere in our (or outside of) galaxy. These highly energetic particles then travel to Earth and if the outburst is of sufficient intensity they can trigger mass extinction events such as the die out of the dinosaurs. Well, the study below seems to be detecting gamma rays coming from the Sun. This is similar to the articles I posted on the so-called "cosmic rays" actually being of terrestrial origin, created by thunderstorms or even the Earth itself.
Storms Trigger Nuclear Reactions, Produce "cosmic" And Gamma Rays
The Earth May Be Creating New Matter, Which Breaks The Standard Model
Unfortunately, instead of taking the evidence at face value, the authors immediately go on the defensive and state that the Sun cannot be producing most of these gamma rays and is instead just "deflecting" them towards Earth. All sorts of paradoxes prop up as the data does not agree with that dogma, but the scientists keep banging their heads and insist on defending the paradox instead of stating the obvious - i.e. the idea of "continuous creation" of matter that the Electric Universe Theory (EUT) folks and Peat have been speaking about seems to be gaining more and more traction. And that means, Big Bang, expanding Universe, dark matter, dark energy, etc have to all go the way of the Dodo.


The Sun Is Stranger Than Astrophysicists Imagined

“…A decade’s worth of telescope observations of the sun have revealed a startling mystery: Gamma rays, the highest frequency waves of light, radiate from our nearest star seven times more abundantly than expected. Stranger still, despite this extreme excess of gamma rays overall, a narrow bandwidth of frequencies is curiously absent. The surplus light, the gap in the spectrum, and other surprises about the solar gamma-ray signal potentially point to unknown features of the sun’s magnetic field, or more exotic physics. “It’s amazing that we were so spectacularly wrong about something we should understand really well: the sun,” said Brian Fields, a particle astrophysicist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The unexpected signal has emerged in data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, a NASA observatory that scans the sky from its outpost in low-Earth orbit. As more Fermi data have accrued, revealing the spectrum of gamma rays coming from the sun in ever-greater detail, the puzzles have only proliferated. “We just kept finding surprising things,” said Annika Peter of Ohio State University, a co-author of a recent white paper summarizing several years of findings about the solar gamma-ray signal. “It’s definitely the most surprising thing I’ve ever worked on.”

“…Not only is the gamma-ray signal far stronger than a decades-old theory predicts; it also extends to much higher frequencies than predicted, and it inexplicably varies across the face of the sun and throughout the 11-year solar cycle. Then there’s the gap, which researchers call a “dip” — a lack of gamma rays with frequencies around 10 trillion trillion hertz. “The dip just defies all logic,” said Tim Linden, a particle astrophysicist at Ohio State who helped analyze the signal.

“…Physicists do not think the sun emits any gamma rays from within. (Nuclear fusions in its core do produce them, but they scatter and downgrade to lower-energy light before leaving the sun.) However, in 1991, the physicists David Seckel, Todor Stanev and Thomas Gaisser of the University of Delaware hypothesized that the sun would nonetheless glow in gamma rays, because of cosmic rays that zip in from outer space and plunge toward it. Occasionally, the Delaware trio argued, a sunward-plunging cosmic ray will get “mirrored,” or turned around at the last second by the sun’s loopy, twisty magnetic field. “Remember the Road Runner cartoon?” said John Beacom, a professor at Ohio State and one of the leaders of the analysis of the signal. “Imagine the proton runs straight toward that sphere, and at the last second it changes its direction and comes back at you.” But on its way out, the cosmic ray collides with gas in the solar atmosphere and fizzles in a flurry of gamma radiation.”


Jan 15, 2016
Are gamma rays good, then? Being high frequency waves. So there really is no substitute (vitamin D, red light) for sunlight

It seems like they're bad:

"But the generality, no matter what the organ, there are basic defense reactions that will occur not only to endotoxin but to any radical threat to the survival of the cell, x and gamma-rays, will produce essentially the same kind of change in brain cells or bowel cells that endotoxin does. So, if you're overexposed to x-rays for example, you'll get constipated. In the same way, the overexposure to endotoxin will cause constipation."-Endotoxin, Free Radicals And Inflammation- KMUD, July, 2009

"The principle is that low energy radiation is more easily absorbed by tissue, gamma rays will penetrate through a meter or more of concrete, which means their passing through your body relatively little of their energy is absorbed by the tissues. So the extremely low energy of ultraviolet, for example, 100% of it stops in the first few millimetres of your skin so you get a very intense sunburn. The higher the energy is, the less tissue damage there is, for the given the amount of radiation, because it passes through without doing anything. The radiation you get in an aeroplane, it's similar to living at a higher altitude; this is high-energy cosmic radiation primarily.

KG: Isn’t that a gamma ray?

RP: It releases gamma rays which are much less harmful than low energy x-‐rays, much less of it is absorbed. With cosmic rays, it almost all passes through your body harmlessly, it’s going at such a high velocity that it leaves a stream of minor ionization but it seldom produces carcinogenesis. And studies looking at the cancer incidences in the United States or even within a state like Texas where there’s is a variation of stable population at different altitudes, they see that there’s a negative correlation between cancer and altitude that corresponds to the fact that at high altitude you get a lot of cosmic rays, but they are high-‐energy and pass through you. At low altitude, those same rays have passed through a thicker layer of atmosphere running into more oxygen and nitrogen atoms causing collisions that release radioactive particles. So you’re actually getting more radiation from cosmic rays at sea level than at high altitude. But the industry which has known that and that the actual incidence of cancer increases at a lower altitude, the industry has been lying about that for 50 years."
-It's Rainmaking Time - Energy Protective Materials (June 14)

--But There's Hope--

"RP: Warburg was just using tissues isolated from animals; but Russians where the ones that used whole animals. They would give them a killing dose of gamma-rays; and if they very quickly (within an hour) flooded them with red light, it inactivated the effects of the radiation. So it wasn't the radiation itself [causing the damage]; it was the cascade of chemical events that could be interrupted by the red light. And when you get sunburned, part of that cascade of events is the production of carbon monoxide.
-Carbon Monoxide, Kmud, 2013


Nov 29, 2017
I've read/heard/conspired/thought that the center of the earth could be like a second sun. Just me though....


Jan 15, 2016
I've read/heard/conspired/thought that the center of the earth could be like a second sun. Just me though....
yeah in Generative Energy Ray posted about how the Earth is constantly expanding and everything

The idea of an expanding earth makes the intuition more
immediate and concrete. S. W. Carey has surveyed the physical
processes that might account for the geological facts
which point toward expansion (indicating growth that is probably
increasing exponentially, with a present annual increase
of about 3 square kilometers of surface area), and he has
proposed his own variant of physical theory to clarify his
But beyond the geological or cosmological issues, the expanding
earth is a rich metaphor. The nature of star-energy,
and the origin of life can't be such remote or abstract issues if
we begin to sense the earth swelling, under and around us."
Peat, Ray. "Generative Energy". Pages 147-148.

The existence of various chemical substances in interstellar
space, or the presence of "biological" molecules in petroleum,
or of subatomic particles in cosmic rays or radioactive minerals,
can be understood in terms of various rules of stability.
Plant material and human substance might best be understood
in terms of such rules of stability. That would put all substances
on the same "ontological level, " though the more
complex substances would have more specialized requirements
for existence.
The "requirements for existence, " seen in this way, form a
direct link between practical matters, such as health and human
potentiality, and seemingly remote matters, such as
To discover such "rules of stability" for complex structures
requires that we imaginatively extend the rules or laws that we
now recognize. Such an imaginative extention, in searching
for adequate hypotheses, can be seen as an expansion of physics,
or as a "reducing up" of physics to biology."
-page 49.


Nov 29, 2017
earth expansion also would explain why dinosaurs were so large when the earth was alot smaller.....Higher CO2 or sumting lik dat


Jan 15, 2016
earth expansion also would explain why dinosaurs were so large when the earth was alot smaller.....Higher CO2 or sumting lik dat

yeah they had large bodies but a much lower cephalization ratio


So there would have been more CO2 and a smaller earth. I think Peat said he expected brain volume to increase with rising carbon dioxide
Last edited:


Nov 29, 2017
A little off topic and apologies but.... do you think some sort of human (potentially giant) lived at the same time as the dinosaurs? Crypto history


Oct 11, 2016
The Babushkas of Chernobyl didn't seem to have a problem with gamma radiation...
Dec 25, 2014
Hello haidut. Perhaps the sun has just recently started emmiting gamma rays as it heads into the grand solar minimum and falls asleep for a long time. If gamma rays are responsible for mass extinction events then that makes sense. The end is coming.

more likely the sun is re-emmiting something it is receiving from elsewhere.

I've read/heard/conspired/thought that the center of the earth could be like a second sun. Just me though....

The sun is made out of molten iron. As is our core. What you see on the sun is just a thin plasma sheath. It's really just small iron ball like so


The evidence is overhwelming. read more here. The surface of the Sun:  The sun has a rigid iron surface located under the photosphere that is revealed by satellite imagery.  The solar surface sits beneath the sun's visible photosphere and is electrically active.

Our earth is externally powered. The polar lights are energy going into the inner sun through the two poles.

as tesla said

"When the great fully recognized, that this planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball and that by this fact many possibilities, each baffling imagination and of incalculable consequence, are rendered absolutely sure of accomplishment..."

also from tesla:

In the latter part of the same month I noticed several times that my instruments were affected stronger by discharges taking place at great distances than by those near by. This puzzled me very much. What was the cause? A number of observations proved that it could not be due to the differences in the intensity of the individual discharges, and I readily ascertained that the phenomenon was not the result of a varying relation between the periods of my receiving circuits and those of the terrestrial disturbances.

It was on the third of July—the date I shall never forget—when I obtained the first decisive experimental evidence of a truth of overwhelming importance for the advancement of humanity. A dense mass of strongly charged clouds gathered in the west and towards the evening a violent storm broke loose which, after spending much of its fury in the mountains, was driven away with great velocity over the plains. Heavy and long persisting arcs formed almost in regular time intervals. My observations were now greatly facilitated and rendered more accurate by the experiences already gained. I was able to handle my instruments quickly and I was prepared. The recording apparatus being properly adjusted, its indications became fainter and fainter with the increasing distance of the storm, until they ceased altogether. I was watching in eager expectation. Surely enough, in a little while the indications again began, grew stronger and stronger and, after passing through a maximum, gradually decreased and ceased once more. Many times, in regularly recurring intervals, the same actions were repeated until the storm which, as evident from simple computations, was moving with nearly constant speed, had retreated to a distance of about three hundred kilometers. Nor did these strange actions stop then, but continued to manifest themselves with undiminished force. Subsequently, similar observations were also made by my assistant, Mr. Fritz Lowenstein, and shortly afterward several admirable opportunities presented themselves which brought out, still more forcibly, and unmistakably, the true nature of the wonderful phenomenon. No doubt, whatever remained: I was observing stationary waves.

As the source of disturbances moved away the receiving circuit came successively upon their nodes and loops. Impossible as it seemed, this planet, despite its vast extent, behaved like a conductor of limited dimensions.

stationary waves just like the sun


which means the sun is a conductor of limited dimension.


Jan 31, 2017
Fellas I have been spending time outdoors when my parents have WiFi on.sometimes it’s hot out here in Atlanta.Is Uv and infared light good or bad for mitochondrial health when temps are in the 80s?

Some days I notice am immune reaction other days I am fine


Thanks fellas


Jan 15, 2016
Electromagnetic Spectrum:

When you're in the sun you're getting both the tissue exciting blue-UV and the beneficial red-infrared

"HD: Let's talk about the conversion of cholesterol-like molecules by action of sunlight on the skin. [convertion in liver and kidney, washing directly after sunbathing not good]

I read only 20 minutes is necessary to reach peak amounts of the pro-hormones, so the body actually stopped producing more after about 20 minutes.

RP: I think that's only when you are in the middle of the day at a moderate latitude. The UVB is so low most of the year in the high latitudes that it takes a long time to get enough, but like from 11 or 10 to 2 in summer in high latitudes it only takes 15 to 20 minutes to get enough.

HD: There is a decrease of UVB exposure with angle of the sun?

RP: Yah.

HD: If you are in San Francisco or that kind of latitude, then from September through to April/May you probably need to be out in the sun for an hour rather than 20 minutes?

RP: Yah, and the natural color of your skin makes a tremendous difference, and age makes a difference. There is apparently less cholesterol metabolism and such in an old person. And just the degree of pigmentation influences the amount of reaction you will have to the ultraviolet. So that in Mexico for example even in women who are outside all day, if they have dark skin and they are only exposing their face and hands, they tend to be deficient in vitamin D, even at high altitude and brilliant sunlight."
-Vitamin D - KMUD, 2016-11-18


Jan 31, 2017
Interesting find meatbag

If the WiFi is running all day in the house outside of my control

and I live 1km from atl international airport no car

Still beneficial to be outside the house during the day?


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I like this study because, in the words of one of the authors, it reveals how little we know about the closest star to our planet. The current dogma is that gamma rays can only come from outside the Solar system, and are usually the result of supernova explosion somewhere in our (or outside of) galaxy. These highly energetic particles then travel to Earth and if the outburst is of sufficient intensity they can trigger mass extinction events such as the die out of the dinosaurs. Well, the study below seems to be detecting gamma rays coming from the Sun. This is similar to the articles I posted on the so-called "cosmic rays" actually being of terrestrial origin, created by thunderstorms or even the Earth itself.
Storms Trigger Nuclear Reactions, Produce "cosmic" And Gamma Rays
The Earth May Be Creating New Matter, Which Breaks The Standard Model
Unfortunately, instead of taking the evidence at face value, the authors immediately go on the defensive and state that the Sun cannot be producing most of these gamma rays and is instead just "deflecting" them towards Earth. All sorts of paradoxes prop up as the data does not agree with that dogma, but the scientists keep banging their heads and insist on defending the paradox instead of stating the obvious - i.e. the idea of "continuous creation" of matter that the Electric Universe Theory (EUT) folks and Peat have been speaking about seems to be gaining more and more traction. And that means, Big Bang, expanding Universe, dark matter, dark energy, etc have to all go the way of the Dodo.


The Sun Is Stranger Than Astrophysicists Imagined

“…A decade’s worth of telescope observations of the sun have revealed a startling mystery: Gamma rays, the highest frequency waves of light, radiate from our nearest star seven times more abundantly than expected. Stranger still, despite this extreme excess of gamma rays overall, a narrow bandwidth of frequencies is curiously absent. The surplus light, the gap in the spectrum, and other surprises about the solar gamma-ray signal potentially point to unknown features of the sun’s magnetic field, or more exotic physics. “It’s amazing that we were so spectacularly wrong about something we should understand really well: the sun,” said Brian Fields, a particle astrophysicist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The unexpected signal has emerged in data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, a NASA observatory that scans the sky from its outpost in low-Earth orbit. As more Fermi data have accrued, revealing the spectrum of gamma rays coming from the sun in ever-greater detail, the puzzles have only proliferated. “We just kept finding surprising things,” said Annika Peter of Ohio State University, a co-author of a recent white paper summarizing several years of findings about the solar gamma-ray signal. “It’s definitely the most surprising thing I’ve ever worked on.”

“…Not only is the gamma-ray signal far stronger than a decades-old theory predicts; it also extends to much higher frequencies than predicted, and it inexplicably varies across the face of the sun and throughout the 11-year solar cycle. Then there’s the gap, which researchers call a “dip” — a lack of gamma rays with frequencies around 10 trillion trillion hertz. “The dip just defies all logic,” said Tim Linden, a particle astrophysicist at Ohio State who helped analyze the signal.

“…Physicists do not think the sun emits any gamma rays from within. (Nuclear fusions in its core do produce them, but they scatter and downgrade to lower-energy light before leaving the sun.) However, in 1991, the physicists David Seckel, Todor Stanev and Thomas Gaisser of the University of Delaware hypothesized that the sun would nonetheless glow in gamma rays, because of cosmic rays that zip in from outer space and plunge toward it. Occasionally, the Delaware trio argued, a sunward-plunging cosmic ray will get “mirrored,” or turned around at the last second by the sun’s loopy, twisty magnetic field. “Remember the Road Runner cartoon?” said John Beacom, a professor at Ohio State and one of the leaders of the analysis of the signal. “Imagine the proton runs straight toward that sphere, and at the last second it changes its direction and comes back at you.” But on its way out, the cosmic ray collides with gas in the solar atmosphere and fizzles in a flurry of gamma radiation.”

If dark matter and dark energy do not exist, what of this recent development? The first black hole image: what can we really see?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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