Changes In Earth's Magnetic Field May Predict Quakes Up To 48h In Advance


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
One more study corroborating the idea that changes in the Sun and Earth's magnetic fields may be the master controller not only of the weather but of natural disasters like quakes. The study below found that changes in the geomagnetic field consistently predicted seismic activity up to 48 hours before the actual quake occurred. The scientists are excited to develop this as an early-warning system but I think they miss the bigger point. Namely, the likely link between the recent drastic changes in the Sun's and Earth's magnetic fields (and poles in Earth's case) and the increased seismic activity we have been seeing.
Forum user @pimpnamedraypeat has been predicting increased seismic activity due to changes in those magnetic fields and called it the "Earth's cleansing mechanism". It looks like he may have a point...
The study is also causing a huge "controversy" on Reddit, which is surprising considering the lack of interest on that website towards EMF phenomena as explanations of climate changes and other terrestrial events.

ANGEO - Latitudinal variation rate of geomagnetic cutoff rigidity in the active Chilean convergent margin
Chilean physicists found a direct relation between earthquakes and the earth magnetic field. The study used more than 50 years of hard data and could be used in a near future to predict earthquakes with up to 48 hours in advance. : science

"...Then, we extended this analysis to other relevant subduction seismic events, like Sumatra in 2004 and Tohoku in 2011, using data from the Guam station. Similar records and the main frequencies before each event were found. Thus, these results seem to show that magnetic anomalies recorded on different timescales, as VRc (decades) and Bz (days), may correlate with some geological events, as the lithosphere–atmosphere–ionosphere coupling (LAIC)."


Aug 17, 2016
One more study corroborating the idea that changes in the Sun and Earth's magnetic fields may be the master controller not only of the weather but of natural disasters like quakes. The study below found that changes in the geomagnetic field consistently predicted seismic activity up to 48 hours before the actual quake occurred. The scientists are excited to develop this as an early-warning system but I think they miss the bigger point. Namely, the likely link between the recent drastic changes in the Sun's and Earth's magnetic fields (and poles in Earth's case) and the increased seismic activity we have been seeing.
Forum user @pimpnamedraypeat has been predicting increased seismic activity due to changes in those magnetic fields and called it the "Earth's cleansing mechanism". It looks like he may have a point...
The study is also causing a huge "controversy" on Reddit, which is surprising considering the lack of interest on that website towards EMF phenomena as explanations of climate changes and other terrestrial events.

ANGEO - Latitudinal variation rate of geomagnetic cutoff rigidity in the active Chilean convergent margin
Chilean physicists found a direct relation between earthquakes and the earth magnetic field. The study used more than 50 years of hard data and could be used in a near future to predict earthquakes with up to 48 hours in advance. : science

"...Then, we extended this analysis to other relevant subduction seismic events, like Sumatra in 2004 and Tohoku in 2011, using data from the Guam station. Similar records and the main frequencies before each event were found. Thus, these results seem to show that magnetic anomalies recorded on different timescales, as VRc (decades) and Bz (days), may correlate with some geological events, as the lithosphere–atmosphere–ionosphere coupling (LAIC)."
Anecdotally, Florida had a rare little earthquake a few days ago:
Rare 2.6 earthquake shakes part of Florida
Dec 25, 2014
Oh yes also increased volcanic activity. Reminder that most volcanos are under water and it’s the volcanos in Antarctica that are causing the ice melt not any global warming. Under water volcanos activity lead to hydrogen sulfide offgassing which leads to mass extinction events like we’re currently seeing. The earth has always been the biggest killer and it can do more in one day than hundreds of years of war and pollution and overfishing and hunting and waste dumping and logging etc. All it will take is one super volcano or mega quake to change everything. I love you all. Be safe.


Aug 17, 2016
Oh yes also increased volcanic activity. Reminder that most volcanos are under water and it’s the volcanos in Antarctica that are causing the ice melt not any global warming. Under water volcanos activity lead to hydrogen sulfide offgassing which leads to mass extinction events like we’re currently seeing. The earth has always been the biggest killer and it can do more in one day than hundreds of years of war and pollution and overfishing and hunting and waste dumping and logging etc. All it will take is one super volcano or mega quake to change everything. I love you all. Be safe.
Thank you Sir.


Jun 16, 2015
I just recently bought a book called Upheaval!: Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will Soon Strike the United States by John Casey. It basically talks about how volcanic activity and earthquakes of around 7+ on the Richter scale are highly correlated to sunspot activity. Less sunspots -> more volcanic and (large) earthquake activity. We are headed into a solar grand minimum (minimum meaning minimum of sunspots). If the past is any guidance, then it means we are headed into another mini ice age like the Maunder minimum or Dalton minimum. Besides earthquakes and volcanoes, it also means that the earth is going to get a lot colder and the previous named 'deep' minimums saw the abandonment of Viking colonies in Greenland and the northern Atlantic area. It also means more crop failures and less food harvested in the North. He's saying that by around 2022 things are about to get real. The grand minima also correspond to a reduction in the solar irradiance at the boundary of the earth's atmosphere, driving things colder on earth. He mentions several models that predict earth's temperature accurately based on this irradiance that match ice core samples, and don't use CO2 at all as a predictor, putting the (seemingly obvious) lie to global warming / 'anthropomorphic climate change'.

This sort of dovetails with the work by Henrick Svensmark showing that cloud cover is related to sunspots. Sunspots emit large amounts of positive charge, which increases the solar wind (charged particles / flowing current), which increases the earth's magnetic field - helping to deflect charged cosmic rays which seed clouds. So high sunspot counts implies less cosmic rays reaching the atmosphere, reducing cloud creation, so keeping things warmer at earth's surface, while reduced sunspots increases cosmic rays reaching the atmosphere, meaning more clouds. Pretty fascinating stuff! And hope I'm out of the earthquake zone!
Dec 25, 2014
@Regina youre welcome. Be safe.
@DrJ there's a million ways to die in the coming decades
Hydrogen sulfide offgassing
Interplanetary electric discharges (often confused for meteor strikes)
actual meteor strikes
crustal displacements (anyone remember pangea?)
Crustal shifts (Antarctica was in the tropical zone on the equator not too long ago..and it's heading back)
Coronal mass ejections

But most likely it will be starvation cancer or the plague which falls out of the sky. So stock up, keep your metabolism and immunity high, and make peace with god
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