
  1. P

    Iain McGilchrist: 'The Matter with Things'

    I recently encountered the work of Iain McGilchrist on brain research and it's implications for society and am finding many remarkable similarities to Ray's approach to and philosophy of science . There are differences too, but much of his material has made me wonder if Ray was reading Iain's...
  2. haidut

    Adopting Aristotle's Views Resolves The "paradoxes" In Quantum Mechanics And Consciousness

    As it seems, the old Greek philosopher was right all along. Unfortunately, at some point in 1600 Western science abandoned its Aristotelian approach to reality and instead adopted the mechanistic, reductionist Cartesian view based on the ideas of René Descartes, whose own work he famously summed...
  3. haidut

    A Piece Of Plastic Can Learn Through Training, Just Like Animals

    The house of cards that is modern "science" continues to crumble, albeit slowly. Several years ago I made a post on the ability of an "inanimate" piece of matter (dough) to learn simple behaviors through repetitive training, akin to the widely publicized "Pavlov dog". The dough study references...
  4. haidut

    A Fundamental Tenet In Quantum Physics May Be Nothing But A Scam

    I have always suspected most of "advanced" quantum physics as being little more than a mathematical smokescreen. The overly complex mathematics and the fact that many of the theory's propositions are so bizarre have resulted in quantum physics becoming an esoteric discipline, in which only the...
  5. haidut

    The Sun May Be A Significant Source Of Gamma-ray Radiation

    I like this study because, in the words of one of the authors, it reveals how little we know about the closest star to our planet. The current dogma is that gamma rays can only come from outside the Solar system, and are usually the result of supernova explosion somewhere in our (or outside of)...
  6. haidut

    Is Matter Conscious?

    I stumbled upon this article just 2 weeks after I posted a very similar one on the topic of Universal consciousness. It seems that mainstream science is becoming aware of the dead-end approach it has been pursuing in many disciplines (especially physics and biology) and is looking for a way out...
  7. haidut

    Is The Universe A Conscious Mind?

    We have discussed several times in the past the nature of consciousness and the role matter plays in that phenomenon. The topic is something that has been fascinating scientists and philosophers for millenia bt unfortunately, over the last 100 years a very crude, mechanistic and frankly false...
  8. haidut

    Possible Confirmation Of The Electric Universe Theory (EUT) In The Lab

    This study is not exactly the kind of confirmation sufficient for EUT to get mainstream acceptance, however I thought the coincidence in its findings is rather unusual...and thus not a coincidence at all. Carl Jung said long time ago that there are no coincidences and similar patterns we see in...
  9. haidut

    A Piece Of Dough Can Learn Just Like Animals And Humans

    Remarkable study, showing that there may not be that much difference between what is in our heads and that cold rock lying by the road. The learning occurred through change of structure within the matter and required proper timing - i.e. both of these phenomena are required for learning in...
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